University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-22-1992 Central Florida Future, Vol. 25 No. 18, October 22, 1992 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 25 No. 18, October 22, 1992" (1992). Central Florida Future. 1162. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1162 • • entr a uture Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Vol. 25, No. 18 THURSDAY October 22, 1992 16 Pages • Student dies at campus dance by Deborah Noble At about 10:30p.m., she said Romero left to pick up some STAFF REPORTER dinner . • University of Central Romero returned shortly, Florida student Marcial and then they began to dance. Romero, 40, died Sunday She said they danced quite • evening at an International heavily for some time. Students dance at the Wild Benali said that Romero ap- Pizza. peared happy and did not ap- • According to UCF Police pear to be in pain. She also Sgt. Sandra McClendon, statedthatduringtheevening Romero died of natural causesi she watch Romero mix a drink • pending autopsy reports. · that consisted of cola, vodka Houda Benali, a friend of andsomeotherunknownbrand Romero's, stated in the official of alcohol. • report that Romero and two At around 12:15 a.m., friends arrived at about 9:30 Romero left to use the restroom p.m. Sunday to take her to the and then moments later, Benali dance. Visiting author Joseph Heller signs one of his-novels for Schuyler Osborne, a • WILD PIZZA continued page 5 student from VCC attending Monday's lecture. <em cush1ng1FuruRE> Lynx Info , • Heller makes 3rd time a c ................ universities to offer a program in t was pemaps telling that he by Biii Cushing creative writing, he began t.each­ listed humor first in the list since • EDITOR AND CHIEF ing atPennsylvania State College it is Heller's use of humor that It was billed as the third of the before moving into a job as an gives him his distinction. annual UCF Distinguished Writ­ advertising copy writer. His novel "Good as Gold" gave • ers Series but for close to 600 Interjecting a barrage of one­ him a chance to dissect life in students, staffmembers and area liners Heller spent the majority of Washington D.C., a place where residents in attendance for Mon­ the time reading from a~ succes­ "experience doesn't col.int and day night's lecture by Joseph sion of his books - "Catch 22," knowledge is not important." Heller, one might have thought it "GoodasGold,""GodKnows,""No That book closely parallels was the Comedy ?Ame. Laughing Matter," and ''Picture his own life and depicts the prob­ "When Joseph Heller wrote This" - and chronologically fol­ lems a Jewish writer encoun­ Lynx links UniveISity and 'Catch22,'theworldwasasimpler lowed his own work as an analogy ters after-being challenged to place,"UCFProvostRichardAstro to his own growth as both a writer write a novel about the Jewish Oviedo half hour said in his introductory remarks, and a person. experience. every "But he saw something in the hu­ "Catch 22," Heller's most sig­ "I never thought of myself as by Lisa Springer working for quite some time man spirit which has oometo over­ nificant novel, was originally Jewish," Heller admitted. "Until I and the residents of Oviedo CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE whelm us." titled "Catch 18." His publisher, got in the Anny and found myself are pleased with the new addi­ 'The evening is already a large Simon & Schuster, decided surrounded by people who were Lynx started a new route tion," Cooper said. success," Heller announced before against that name since Leon not Jewish." Sunday with service from UCF "We are excited and pleased beginning his talk, noting how he Uris' novel "Mila 18" was sched­ Even when dealing with theo­ to Oviedo. to link Oviedo to the rest of our was encouraged to see that those uled for release around the same logical topics, such as what is de­ "This service will provide system," said Lynx Executive in the crowd had opted to attend a time. picted in "God.Knows,"Hellersaid an additional 15,000 residents Director Paul P. Skoutelas. lecture rather than stay at home "'Catcli1 22' was never a best­ his interest in religion was purely in the Oviedo and Seminole This Saturday, the public watching television. selling book in hard cover," he for the sake of the book. Although County transportation," said will be able to ride the Oviedo Heller spoke on thetopicof"My said At the time of that project, he he has written plays and several Deborah Cooper, representa0 route free. Life as Joseph Heller," a state of wasinvolvedin writing ads so that critical essays, Heller admits to tive of Lynx (formerly Tri- Currently, Lynx is working existence which "began 32 years the stimulus behind the novel was preferring the novel form. • County Transit). on routes serving Kissimmee ago, with the publication of'Catch not one of eronomics. "I like novel writing because The route through Oviedo, and Ocseola County. The com­ 22'." Although he began writing "I had nothing to do with the fmisolated. rm alone,"he said "I Link 4 7, runs Monday through pany has also improved Link at the age of 13, Heller informed movie ["Catch 22"]," he told the like the solitary aspects of novel • Saturday starting at 5:17 am. 41, the route running along the audience that he quickly audience. "But I liked it anyway." writing." and continues throughout the S.R. 436 from Wekiva Square «found a vast difference between It was a similar situation for He said he gets dozens ofideas day. The route from the univer­ to the Orlando International being a writer and being a suc­ "Something Happened," a novel between books and while some sity to Oviedo and back takes Airport. This route will now cessful writer." he started while on the staff of lead somewhere, others will not. • about an hour, Cooper said. operate every 30 minutes Mon~ Heller said that, in spite of ini­ McCalls magazine. He said that "Before I begin writing a novel, "The route had been in the day through Saturday. tial success, he was spared a the impetus behind that book I know the end," he said, explain­ swelledheadbythefactthatsome was to avoid repeating what ing that, at times, he has the last of his contemporaries included he had done in "Catch 22." paragraph written years before writers such as Truman Capote, He told the audience that the work it.self is oompleted. He Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal. everything was different be­ was also willing to discuss his AfterattendingNewYorkUni­ tween the two book in terms of v~ty, one of the first American humor, situation and syntax. BELLER continued page 5 CLASSIFIEDS page # 8 . .......... ....__ ~~ - .. _, - • 2 The Central Florida Future 0 October 22, 1992 • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • .. October 22, 1992 • The Central Florida Future 3 _UCF student assaults police officer during party by Deborah Noble does wish to prosecute. sending his car into a skid and creating smoke from the Ray said that Lunford also tried to escape repeatedly tires. The police report states that Ramirez swayed, his CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE and at one point screamed that someone at the party had eyes were glassy and his breath smelled of alcohol UCF student Corey Lunford was arrested Saturday a gun. However, Ray said, he had tried this before at At the testing facility, Ramireiblood alcohol content was night ata CaribbeanStudentAssociation danceatthe Wild another party to ttry to escape. .128 and .131 The l~ intoxication level is .1. • Pizza and charged with resisting arrest and battery on a Accordingto Ray, Lunford said atone time, "I Christopher Betz, 18, was arrested for police officer. ain't going anywhere with you. .. " driving under the influence aft.er drifting in his OfficerCarmenRaysaidinareportthatLunfordshoved At a previous party, Williams said there was lanes. Thepoliceofficerreported thatBet.z swayed herbackwardsintoawoodenrail,injuringherback,andhit a nother fight started by Lunford and that he- ' and had glassy eyes, his breath smelled of alco­ her in the face after Ray tried to arrest him for the battery constantly causes problems and should be disci­ hol, and he had slurred speech. Betz's blood of James Williams. plined. alcohol content was later tested to be .146 and Williams said the fight began because Lunford was ''He's real trouble," Williams said. .154. angry that Williams had broken up a previous fight at a In other polire news: Chad Hoover, 20, was arrested after a police officer partyearlierin the month. Williams saidhedidnotactually Three more UCF students were arrested for driving witnessed him staggering to his car. After getting into his see Lunford hit Ray because he had been pulled away from under the influence. car and leaving the parking lot, the police officer stopped the incident "Butifhe did hither,"Williams said, "then he's Francisco Ramirez, 25, was arrested after a police officer him because he was weaving. showing no respect for the law." sawhimweavinginandoutoftherightandleftlanesalong The police offi.cerreported that Hoover was swaying and Williamssaidhesustainedaswollenlipasaresultofthe Gemini Boulevfild.Aft.er passing the officer, Rainirez rail a leaned against the vehicle for support. Hoover's blood fight but does not wish to prosecute. However, Ray said she stop sign and then suddenly stopped after passing it, alcohol content measured .186 and .184.
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