General Type Studio Mier Aa Aa Aa Aa Designed by Stéphane Elbaz, Since the early 19th century and the appearance of latin sans serifs, structure Released in 2018. and proportion were explored and combined in many ways before being solidified into canon. The immediate and lasting success of Helvetica¹ and Univers² — two visions of the Moderns’ alphabet — established the contours of what have since been called Neo-grotesques. Alphabets such as Recta³ or Neuzeit-S ⁴ could then be perceived as reactions to this success while still being genuine attempts to combine a modern grotesque and a geometric roman. This represents the starting point of the Mier project. Its shape, structure, and contrast relate equally to both geometric and grotesque canons. A few key glyphs vary (J, M, a, j, t, u, 6, 9, &), forming Mier A and Mier B, in order to highlight this duality. 1. Max Miedinger, Eduard Hoffmann, 3. Alessandro Butti, Aldo Novarese, Haas Type Foundry, Switzerland, Nebiolo, Italy, 1958 1957 4. Arthur Ritzel, Linotype, Germany, 2. Adrian Frutiger, Deberny & Peignot, 1959 France, 1957 Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 2 ● Styles overview Mier A Hair Mier B Hair Mier A Hair Italic Mier B Hair Italic Mier A Thin Mier B Thin Mier A Thin Italic Mier B Thin Italic Mier A Light Mier B Light Mier A Light Italic Mier B Light Italic Mier A Regular Mier B Regular Mier A Italic Mier B Italic Mier A Book Mier B Book Mier A Book Italic Mier B Book Italic Mier A Demi Mier B Demi Mier A Demi Italic Mier B Demi Italic Mier A Bold Mier B Bold Mier A Bold Italic Mier B Bold Italic Mier A ExtraBold Mier B ExtraBold Mier A ExtraBold Italic Mier B ExtraBold Italic Mier A Heavy Mier B Heavy Mier A Heavy Italic Mier B Heavy Italic Mier A Black Mier B Black Mier A Black Italic Mier B Black Italic General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 3 ● Mier A Character set Uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Small capitals abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Standard punctuation &?!¿¡.,:;•'"“”‘’‚„…_|¦§¶†‡* ‹«»›·-–—()[]{}@ Uppercase punctuation ¿¡����������� Stylistic alternates JMjmajtu&69 Proportional lining figures (default) #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Proportional old style figures #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Tabular lining figures #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Tabular old style figures #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Numerator / Denominator 0123456789/0123456789 Prebuilt fractions ½¼¾ Superscript / Inferior ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹+−=⁽⁾₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉+−=₍₎ Superior alphabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 4 ● Mier A Character set Math and miscellaneous symbols ∆Ω∂∫∑∏πμ¤−+×÷=≠±√^<>≤≥~≈�¬∞ℓ°№℮ Accents `�´�ˆ�ˇ��˜�¨�¯�˘�˚�˝�˙�¸˛� Accentuated letters ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĒĔĖĘlĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎĨ ÏĪĬİĮIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒŔŘŖSSŚŜŠŞȘŤ ŢŦÙÚÛŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻŊÐÞÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄ GĜĞĠĢIJĴKĶQRŔŘŖ àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđèéêěëēĕėę ĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįiijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņòóôõöōŏőøǿœŕřŗśŝšşșss ťţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžżŋðþ àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċ çďđèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņòóôõöōŏőøǿœŕřŗś ŝšşșßťţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžżŋðþ Shapes ▣◉□○◆■●▶◀▲▼▷◁△▽ Arrows →←↑↓↖↗↙↘ General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 5 ● Mier A OpenType Features OpenType font format is the current standard for desktop fonts. This format permits to embed a large number of charac- ters and multiple options to access and permute them in a text editor. These features are supported by most common web browsers using ‘font-feature-settings’ with the OpenType labels (‘case’, ’liga’, ’onum’, ’salt’, etc.). Feature Non-active Active All capitals ([email protected]) �NAME�EMAIL.COM� 'case' Small capitals ([email protected]) ([email protected]) 'smcp' Tabular lining figures #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 'tnum', 'lnum' Tabular old style figures #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 'tnum', 'onum' Fractions 1/2 + 35/168 1/2 + 35/168 'frac' (also 'numr'/'dnom') Slashed zero 2018 2018 'zero' Arrows (Stylistic Set 01) -> <- |^ |v /^ \v → ← ↑ ↓ ↗ ↘ 'ss01' Ordinals 1o 2a No 1o 2a № 'ordn' Superscript / Superior (x219 + y524) ÷ z(6+3) ≥ a (x²¹⁹ + y⁵²⁴) ÷ z⁽⁶+³⁾ ≥ a 'sups' 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1re 2e 3e 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1re 2e 3e Scientific inferior C2H4O C₂H₄O 'sinf' Ligature The Office The Office 'liga' Stylistic alternates or title alternates Jack j. Mitch & Stuart 1906 Jack j. Mitch & Stuart 1906 'salt' or 'titl' (also accessible through individual Stylistic Sets: ss02 - ss08) General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 6 ● Mier B Character set Uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Small capitals abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Standard punctuation &?!¿¡.,:;•'"“”‘’‚„…_|¦§¶†‡* ‹«»›·-–—()[]{}@ Uppercase punctuation ¿¡����������� Stylistic alternates JMjmajtu&69 Proportional lining figures (default) #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Proportional old style figures #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Tabular lining figures #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Tabular old style figures #€$¢£ƒ¥00123456789 Numerator / Denominator 0123456789/0123456789 Prebuilt fractions ½¼¾ Superscript / Inferior ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹+−=⁽⁾₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉+−=₍₎ Superior alphabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 7 ● Mier B Character set Math and miscellaneous symbols ∆Ω∂∫∑∏πμ¤−+×÷=≠±√^<>≤≥~≈�¬∞ℓ°№℮ Accents `�´�ˆ�ˇ��˜�¨�¯�˘�˚�˝�˙�¸˛� Accentuated letters ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÈÉÊĚËĒĔĖĘlĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎĨÏ ĪĬİĮIJĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒŔŘŖSSŚŜŠŞȘŤŢ ŦÙÚÛŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻŊÐÞÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄ GĜĞĠĢIJĴKĶQRŔŘŖ àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđèéêěëēĕėę ĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįiijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņòóôõöōŏőøǿœŕřŗśŝšşșssť ţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžżŋðþ àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçď đèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņòóôõöōŏőøǿœŕřŗśŝšş șßťţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžżŋðþ Shapes ▣◉□○◆■●▶◀▲▼▷◁△▽ Arrows →←↑↓↖↗↙↘ General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 8 ● Mier B OpenType features OpenType font format is the current standard for desktop fonts. This format permits to embed a large number of charac- ters and multiple options to access and permute them in a text editor. These features are supported by most common web browsers using ‘font-feature-settings’ with the OpenType labels (‘case’, ’liga’, ’onum’, ’salt’, etc.). Feature Non-active Active All capitals ([email protected]) �NAME�EMAIL.COM� 'case' Small capitals ([email protected]) ([email protected]) 'smcp' Tabular lining figures #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 'tnum', 'lnum' Tabular old style figures #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 #€$¢£ƒ¥0123456789 'tnum', 'onum' Fractions 1/2 + 35/168 1/2 + 35/168 'frac' (also 'numr'/'dnom') Slashed zero 2018 2018 'zero' Arrows (Stylistic Set 01) -> <- |^ |v /^ \v → ← ↑ ↓ ↗ ↘ 'ss01' Ordinals 1o 2a No 1o 2a № 'ordn' Superscript / Superior (x219 + y524) ÷ z(6+3) ≥ a (x²¹⁹ + y⁵²⁴) ÷ z⁽⁶+³⁾ ≥ a 'sups' 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1re 2e 3e 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1re 2e 3e Scientific inferior C2H4O C₂H₄O 'sinf' Ligature The Office The Office 'liga' Stylistic alternates or title alternates Jack j. Mitch & Stuart 1906 Jack j. Mitch & Stuart 1906 'salt' or 'titl' (also accessible through individual Stylistic Sets: ss02 - ss08) General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 9 ● Mier A Demi M General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 10 ● Mier A - Hair 60 pt In 1977, Esteban signed French new wave band Marie et les Garçons, and asked John Cale - who had been intro- 30 pt Cale produced the single “Re Bop” in New York, and when he decided to start a re- cord label with Jane Friedman he asked Esteban to assist. Cale later introduced Es- teban to Zilkha, and they first established 16 pt Cale later introduced Esteban to Zilkha, and they first established SPY Records to release singles produced by Cale, including records by Harry Toledo, the Nec- essaries, Lester Bangs, Model Citizens and Bob Neuwirth. Zilkha and Esteban then left to set up their own label, ZE Records, a name taken from the initials of their surnames, to record the new music emerging in New York and elsewhere 12 pt 9 pt Much of the music produced by the company later Within a short time, ZE Records became one of the more hip labels of its time, signing up such new talent as James White and the Blacks, became categorised as either “Mutant Disco” – a title Was (Not Was), Kid Creole and the Coconuts, Lydia Lunch, Lizzy used for one of ZE’s early compilation albums - or Mercier Descloux, Cristina, The Waitresses, Bill Laswell’s Material and “No Wave”. Chris Blackwell - a friend of Esteban’s Richard Strange, together with more established performers including John Cale and Suicide. Many of its releases were first played at the then-girlfriend, fashion editor Anna Wintour - gave Paradise Garage club in New York, starting point of Garage music. ¶ ZE worldwide exposure through the label’s licence ZE developed an independent and surrealist aesthetic identity. It was General Type Studio Informational purposes only. ©2018, generaltypestudio.com Mier 11 ● Mier A - Hair Italic 60 pt Celluloid began by releasing American no-wave and French avant-garde pop by artists such as Métal Urbain (who 30 pt (who were signed to London’s Rough Trade Records in the UK), Mathematiques Mod- ernes, James Chance and Alan Vega. It also licensed tracks from other artists and labels, releasing tracks by Soft Cell, The Names, 16 pt Cabaret Voltaire and Tuxedomoon among others. In the early eighties, Cellu- loid had a business relationship with Michael Zilkha and Michael Esteban’s Ze Records; artists including Was (Not Was), Alan Vega, Suicide and Lydia Lunch
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