8718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. SEPTEJ\IBER 19, from the files of the House1 without leaving copies, papers in the case We, therefore, think there is no merit in the proposition, and that of J. W. Chickering. it ought to be inde1initely postponed. LEA-VE OF ABSENCE. The renort was agreed to, and the joint resolution indefinitely post­ poned. 1\Ir. Fmm,. by unanimous consent, obtained indefinite leave of ab­ Mr. P ALUER, from the Committee on Commerce, reported an sence, on account of important business. amendment intended to be proposed to the ~eneral deficiency appro­ 'Ihe hour of 5 o'clock having arrived, the House, in accordance with priation bill; whi<'h was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. its standing order, adjourned. Mr. WILSON, of Maryland, from the Committee on Claims,. to whom were referred the following bills, reported them severally without PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED. amendment, and submitted renorts thereon: · UndEJr the rnle private bills of the following titles were introduced A bill (H. R. 341) for the relief of John Farley; and and referred· as indicated below: A bill (S. 729) for the relief of J. A. Henry and others. By Mr. BLAND (by request): A bill (H. R. 11456) to pay Philip Mr. CHANDLER, fn>m the Select Committee on fud~an Traders, to Henke.Lfor property unlawfully confucateci and destroyed-to the Com­ whom was referred the bill (S. 3522) regulating th~ purchase of timber mittee on War Claims. from. Indians, reported it with an amendment.. l:y Air. BUTLEH.: A bill (H. R. .11457) for the relief of Mrs. Mary Gentry-to the Committee on War Claims. CHINESE Il\DIIGRATION. lJy .M:r. McCREARY: A bill (H. R. 11458) for the relief of S. P. ·~fr. EDMUNDS. I am instructed by the Committee on Foreign Martiu-to the Committee on War Claims. Relations to report an order, for which I ask immediate considera.tion. By Mr. SHERMAN: A bill (H. R. 11459) granting a pension to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It will b& read by the Secretary. Erasmus W. Jones-to tho Committee on Invalid Pensions. The Chief Clerk read as follows: Ordered, That the President of the Senate bo directed to withhold the trans­ • PETITIONS, ETC. mission to the House of Rep1'e entati ves of the net (House billll336) en titl.ed "An act to prohibit the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States'~ until the Tlie following petitions and papers were laid on. the Clerk's desk, further direction of the Senate. under the rule, and referred as follows: :.. Mr. TELLER. I object to the present considerat-ion of that order. By 1\Ir. FORD: Petition of W. H. Hoffman and others, citizens of The PRESIDENT pro temp01·e. It will lie over under the rules. Michi~an, for legislation to prohibit the shipmentofliquorsto heathen Mr. STEWART. I should like to' have the resolution aguin read. nations-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It will be again read. By Mr. LODGE: Petitions of Abby Morton Dias and 119 others, citi­ The Chief Clerk read the order. zen of the United States; ofT. W. Caldwell and 35 others, citizens of Mr. VEST. I should like to make an inquiry. What would be-the Bourbon County, Kansas; of CJam Patterson and 33 others, citizens of effect of non-action on the part of the Senate as to that resolution? Crawford County, Kansas, and of 1tfary Chace Tolman and 16 others, cit­ Will the Chin~e re triction bill remain here until the resolution is izens of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, to remunerate Anna Ella taken up and acted upon, o.r will the· officers- of the Senate in the dis­ Carroll for services during the late war-to the Committee on War charge of their routine. duties be compelled or required to take the. bill Claims. to the other Honse ? . B r Mr. PUGSLEY: Petition of J. P. Mathews, for the passage of a We have had a little experience on that subject lately, not directly spet~al pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. in the line of action between the two Houses, but with the commis­ By Mr. RICHARDSON: Petition of Robert F. Bell, of Davidson sioners of the District of Columbia. Wllilst a resolution was pending County, Tennessee, for reference of his claim to the Court of Claims­ here forbidding them to put up certain_ overhead electric wires, they to the Committee on War Claims. proceeded to put them up without any regard to our resolution or with­ By Mr. WHITTHORNE: Petition_ of Ann M. C. McNicholas, of out any regard to our non-action, if I may so express it. Dickson County, Tennessee, for reference. of her claim to the Court of I should like to know what the officers of this body will do if the Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. resolntion lies here for one day or five days? In other words, does the offering of the resolution. suspend the action_ of the officers of the Senate in transmitting the action of the Senate upon the bill to the o~her House? SENATE. Mr. TELLER. If I may sn.y a. word an this remarkable resolution, WEDNESDAY, September 19, 1888. it seems to me that if the Senate should pass it it would be a very singular thing to request the President of the Senate to withhold a bill. Prayer by tlie Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e. The Senator misapprehends the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. tenor of the resolution. It will be again read for the. information of PETITIONS AND 1\IEMORllLS. the Senate. Mr. TELLER. I tried to listen to it, but! could not tell just what Ur. PASCO presented the petition of Mrs. Mary E. Boyd, of Palatka, Fb., widow of Robert T. Boyd, praying for the payment of a claim it meant. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Senators willre~umetheir sea.t..s:10d a(\"ainst tha UnitedSta.tes in behalf of the successors in interest of the refrain from audible conversation. '.rhe re. olution will be again read. 1:te fum of Boyd & Monroe, and the heir& of the partners of that firm, The Chief Clerk read the resolution. on account of the seizure of the schooner Richard Law; which was re­ The PRESIDENT pro telrtJWre. Objection having been made, the ferred to the Committee on Claims. resolution lies over under the rules. Mr. FAULKNER presented the petition of Jonathan W. Thatcher, Mr. TELLER. I will say that I object to that. I did not under­ ofEerkeley County, West Virginia, praying Congress to refer his claim stand on the first reading exactly what the import was; but as it is to to the Coud ofC1aimsforadjndication; whichwas referred to the Com­ delay the hill in reaching the President, I object. mittee on Claims. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. KEXTUCKY RIVER DRIDGES. Mr. BLAIR, from the Committee on Pensions, towbom was referred 1\Ir. VEST. I am instructed by the Committee on Commerce to re­ the bill (H. R. 968) granting a pension to H. S. Sayre, reported it with­ port with amendments the bill (S. 3471) to authorize the constrnction out amendment, and submitted arreport thereon. of bridges across the Kentucky River and its tributaries by the Louis­ 1\Ir. EDMUNDS. I am instracted by the Committee on Foreign Re­ ville Southern Railroad Company. The Senator from Kentucky [1\:fr. lations to which was referred the joint resolution (S. R. 71) providing BLAC:K:BURN], who introduced the bill, was c..1.lled home lastnigbtand for the' ascertainment and report by the Secretary of State of the claim compelled to leave the city. He requested me to ask the Senn.te to con­ of the legal representatives of Walter H. Stevens, deceased, to report sider the bill and pass it, as the company who are building their road the same adversely, with a. recommendation that it be indefinitely post­ had built it up to the vicinity of the Kentucky River and are anxious poned. We have not drawn up n. written report, but r can state the for the passage of the bill through both Houses, so as not to be delayed grounds upon which the committee proceeded in two minutes. in the work. It is just an ordinary bridge bill, and I ask the consid­ In the first place, the claim, if it ever had any existence, arose be­ eration of it now by the Senate. · fore the time of the l\fexican Claims Commission, and it should have Mr. SHERMAN. I should like to have the bill read. been presented to that commission, it being a claim against theRe­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be read at length for pub1ic of Mexico. There is no ground to impute to the authorities of information if there be no objection. · the United States any failure of their duty in respect of the presenta­ The Chief Clerk read the bill, and, by unanimous consent, the Senate, tion of the claim or the non-presentation of it to that commission. as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded-to its consideration. In the second place, the committee are satisfied that the claim never The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. The amendmcntsreportedfrom the had any rightful foundation in the beginning, it being, as we believe, Committee on Commerce will be stated in their order. a fraudulent transfer by a French quartermaster, just as the French The first amendment was, in section 3, line 9, before the word were being expelled from Vera Cruz in Mexico, to the original claim­ " built, n to insert " commenced or; " so as to read ~ ant, of a quantity of coal that was French public property, and was .A:nd until the said plan and loeation of the bridge are approved by the Seer~ immediately seized by the Republic of Mexico, as it ought to have tary o!Warthe bridge shall not be commenced or built.
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