presents The WoodShed CWT This Week: 2^ST “BACK IN THE DAY” ^U Excerpted from the book The Code of Funk by David Garibaldi 7n9Vk^Y<Vg^WVaY^ LP Corp. arz, hw om Sc T y © 2006 Hudson Music LLC Photo b International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Garibaldi_bk_proof7.indd 1 5/9/06 8:40:20 AM Excerpted from the Hudson Music book “The Code of Funk”, by David Garibaldi. © 2006 Hudson Music LLC. International copyright secured. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced in any manner or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Visit HUDSONMUSIC.COM for educational resources, videos and more! photo by Tom Schwartz, LP Corp. photo by Andrew Lepley • 80-page Book 124-page Book • • Minus-Drums Audio CD 88-Track • Play-Along Audio • Two DVD-ROMs with CD in MP3 format digital looping, tempo and mixing features. Master drummer David Garibaldi explains The play-along companion to Tommy Igoe’s his legendary approach to drumming in this popular “Groove Essentials” DVD this book/ book/3-disc (CD and two DVD-ROMs) multi-pack. CD package is an encyclopedia of grooves Read David’s transcriptions and performance from around the globe, featuring charts, notes on 8 great tracks from Tower Of Power’s variations and play-along tracks. These beats latest album. Then, using the special DVD-ROM will challenge and inspire players of all features and standard computer software, you skill levels— allowing you to perfect can loop the tracks, slow them down, and your time-keeping and coordination sit in with the legendary band. while enhancing your versatility and musicality. “David Garibaldi is one of the greatest drummers that I have ever Also Available: “Groove Essentials” combo-pack, had the pleasure of listening to including book, CD, poster and full-length DVD and “Code Of Funk” is one of the with 47 grooves— over 3 1/2 hours of performance best books that I have checked out and instruction. in a long while!” —Dennis Chambers Hudson Multi-Media is available at your favorite drumshop or go online at hudsonmusic.com for information and free downloads. Techniques and Tips Development of the Two Sound Levels with the Hands he HH, SD and BD are the three basic drum set components used in the funk drumming style. Understanding how these voices interact is an important key to Tbuilding a powerful vocabulary. This graph illustrates the dynamic distances among these three voices. fff f Snare Drum Accent/Rim shot Bass Drum Accent HH Accent/Shoulder of Stick mf Hi Hat Accent HH Non-accent p SD Ghost Note/Tap ppp Graph by Roland Henkel. These levels are always controlled by the overall dynamic level of the music being played. In aSAMPLEnormal playing situation, the rimshot may or may not be forte (f). This is determined by the situation. The graph illustrates the differences in the two levels and is not meant to be interpreteHUDSONMUSIC.COMd literally. Most recordings will reflect what is seen in this graph. Excerpted from the Hudson Music book “The Code of Funk”, by David Garibaldi. 8 © 2006 Hudson Music LLC. International copyright secured. All Rights Reserved. 9 May not be reproduced in any manner or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Visit HUDSONMUSIC.COM for educational resources, videos and more! Garibaldi_bk_proof7.indd 8 5/9/06 8:40:27 AM Practice and Performance Tips • Two sound levels should be used in all exercises, grooves, and fills. Accented notes = mf/f (8" – 12") Non-accented notes (ghosted) = p/ppp (1/2") • The rim shot is an important part of the funk sound. The stick strikes the rim and center of the drumhead simultaneously. Striking the center of the drumhead produces the biggest sound. Additional rim shot sounds can be produced by using other areas of the drum. • The dynamic contrast in these two sounds should be that of a whisper to a shout. • The LF/HH should be played with the heel up, as this produces a shorter and much more defined “chick” sound than with the heel down on the footboard. • To build endurance and “groovability”, you should strive to be able to play each pattern, sustaining intensity for five minutes without stopping. • In the initial stages of development, practice the patterns slowly. This technique allows you to watch each note as it goes by and then make any adjustments neces- sary for accurate execution. SAMPLE HUDSONMUSIC.COM Photo by DeborahWhite 8 Excerpted from the Hudson Music book “The Code of Funk”, by David Garibaldi. 9 © 2006 Hudson Music LLC. International copyright secured. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced in any manner or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Visit HUDSONMUSIC.COM for educational resources, videos and more! Garibaldi_bk_proof7.indd 9 5/9/06 8:40:27 AM David Garibaldi’s Drum Set - Tower of Power Yamaha Recording Custom Drums • Sabian Cymbals • Latin Percussion Remo Drumheads • Audix Microphones • Vic Firth Drumsticks • The Buttkicker • Finale Notation Key Bell Crash HH 1 or 2 Ride Cym. Ride Cym. Cowbell T 1 T 2 Snare Drum HH 1 or 2 Z z t 1 x T 3 œ œ œ œ x Bassœ Drum x / Toms HH w/ LF . = Metronome marking L = Left q R = Right = Open Hi-Hat = Alternate note or accent Stickings SAMPLEF = Foot + = Closed Hi-Hat o >( ) = Accents B = Both (* Unless otherwise noted) v HUDSONMUSIC.COM Accents will appear above or below a note Excerpted from the Hudson Music book “The Code of Funk”, by David Garibaldi. © 2006 Hudson Music LLC. International copyright secured. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced in any manner or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Visit HUDSONMUSIC.COM for educational resources, videos and more! 10 11 Garibaldi_bk_proof7.indd 11 5/9/06 8:40:29 AM Back in the Day Skip Mesquite, Steve Mesquite This composition revolves around two basic grooves: Ex. 1-The verses: Verses Verses >x x >x x >x x >x x x œ œx x œ x œx x œx œx œ 4 . œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . / 4 . œ œ œ > . > > > Ex. 2-The choruses: Verses Verses > > > > Choruses x xo +x x x x x x >x œ œxo +>x œ x > >œx x >>œx œx œ 4 . œx œœ œx œ œx œ x œ x œ x œx œ œxœ œœ . / 4 . œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ > œ œ œ . / 4 . œ> œ > > œ > œ > > . > > > > > > > > With the exception of the twists and turns of the arrangement, I stayed with these basic parts throughout the song—a very simple approach with very little improvisation until the choruses Choruses at the end. > o + > > Choruses x x x x x x x x > >o +œ o > >œ+ > > > > >fi > o + >œ > œ > œ There4xis an. œexnxsemxble fixguœxre atxmeaxsure 81, wœx hicZh is anœx eixghth nxxote oxn thxe “anxd” oxxf bexat 4.xBeg.in- ning/ w4ith .œmeasureœœ 89, œthisœ figure oc>œ cuœrs eœverœy fourœ measureœs and isœ int>eœrpreted œthreœe wœaœys:œ. / 4œ . œ>œ œ >œ œ > >œ œ œ> œ >œ œ . / > r l r l r > > Ex. 3-P>reced>e>d, or set> up>, by >a fill: > > > > > > > o + > > > > > > fi > o + > > x ox x+ x x Z fi x oxo x+ x x x x x >x œ ox œ+x œx œ >x >>œ >œ >œ>>œ >Zvœ >x>œ xo œx+ x >x> x >œx> œx œ œx œ œx œx œx œ œx œ xœ œ x œ œZœ x œ œx œx œx œx x œx œx œ / œ >œ œ œ œ r l œ r œ l r œ œ œ >œ >œ œ œ >œ >œ >œ œ> œ œ >œ >œœ >œœ œ>œ / > r l r r l l r l l f r >b l >> >> >> > > > >r l >r l l >f >>b l >> > >> >> > Ex. 4-A>s part> of the groove (w>ith tw>o variatio>ns): Variation 1: > > > > o + > > > v > o + > > >x oox +x+ x >>x >> x >>x vovZ ‡ o >x o ox +x+ x >>x x >>x x >x œ SAMPLExx xœx xœx œ >xx >œ xx œ >xœx vx Zœ œ x x œx x xœx xx >xx xx >xœx xœx œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ / œ œ> œ œ r œl r œ l œ l f œ >bœ l œ œ> œ> œ œ / œ> œ>œ œœ> œ>œ œ>œ œ >œ œ>œ œœ> / >> r l r l l f >>b l >> >> > >> HUDSONMUSIC.COM>> >> >> >> >> >> > o + > > > vo ‡ o o + > > x ox x+ x x x x xo ‡xo ox x+ x x x x x >x œ x œx œx œ >x >œ x œ >œx œvx œ x œ x œx x >x x >œx œx œ / œExcœerptœ edœ fromœ œtheœ Hudsonœ œ œ Musicœ œ bookœ œ “The Cœodeœ ofœ Funk”œ , bœy Davidœ Garibaldi.œ œ 14 ©œ 2006œ Hudson> Musicœ LLC.œ Internationalœ > copyrightœ secured.> œ Allœ Rights> Reserved. 15 May not be/ >reproduc> >ed in any manner> > or by >any> means without> >the >prior> permis>sion of the publisher. > Visit> HUDSONMUSIC.C> > OM for> educational resourc> es>, videos> and more! Garibaldi_bk_proof7.indd 14 5/9/06 8:40:36 AM Verses >x x >x x >x x >x x 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ / 4 .
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