GENERAL AGREEMENT ACCORD GENERAL SUR RESTRICTED ON TARIFFS AND LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ^{^1973 TRADE ET LE COMMERCE Limited Distribution 1973 CONSULTATION UNDER ARTICLE XVIII;12(b) WITH TURKEY Basic Document for the Consultation Addendum Annex I - Liberation Lists - List No. 1 1973 (unofficial translation) CONSULTATION DE 1973 AU TITRE DE L'ARTICLE XVIII;12 b) TURQUIE Document de travail pour la consultatjon Addendum . Annexe I - Listes de libération - Liste 1* 1973 (traduction non officielle) \ English only/anglais seulement • BOP/129/Add.l Page 2 ANNEX I YEAR 1973 LIBERATION LIST LIST NO: I Customs tariff Nomenclature Remarks and statis. No. 05.02.10 Pigs' hogs' and boars' bristles 20 Other hairs-and. hair wastes •'---' - 05.04-.21 Dry rennets - for production of rennin 05.U.10 Cantharides 21 Bile (dried or other) 29 Others 12.01.22 Palmist nuts 12.03.10 Sugar beet seeds 13.02.12 Shellac (Gumlack) 13 Gum Arabic 13.03.30 Agar agar U.01.20 Raffia U.02.10 Couch grass .M.P3.,10 Tampico .fibres, only .. _ ......:...: _'—:~ 15.04.10 Cod-liver oil and other fish oils used in medicine 15.07.31 Chinese tallow only, of unvolatile inedible vegetable oils for industrial use 15.07.39 Aspidinol wax only 15.10.10 Vitamin F only 15.10.30 Industrial fatty alcohols 15.11.10 Nitrogen Glycerol only 15.14-.00 Spermaceti 15.15.10 Special grade purified beeswax 15.16 Vegetable waxes (whether or not artificially coloured) 21.06.10 Brewer's yeast (bakers' yeasts excl.) 20 Other live active and natural yeasts (bakers' yeasts excl.) . 30 Inactive natural yeasts (bakers' yeasts excl.) 4-0 Prepared artificial yeasts (bakers' yeasts excl.) 25.01.10 Pure sodium chloride 25.04.00 Natural graphite 25.06.10 Quartz 20 Quartzite 25.10 . Natural calcium phosphates and natural alumino- calcium phosphates apatite and phosphate chalks BOP/129/Add.l Page; 3 .. .. ...., • ». Customs tariff Nomenclature Remarks and statis. No. 25.12.20 Kieselguhr 30 Diatomacious earth 90 Others 25.23.19 Other cements (slag and trace cements excl.) 25.26 Mica (splittings inchided) and mica waste 25.28.10 Natural cryolite 20 Natural chiolite 25.31.10 Feldspar 20 Fluorspar (Fluorine, fluorite) 90 Others 25.32.20 Vermiculite 30 Zirconium silicate, only 26.01.82 Zirconium ore (for ceramic industries) 27.10.50 Machine lubricants (grease excluded) 27.10.50 Liquid paraffin only 27.13.10 Paraffin wax 20 Ozokerite 30 Lignite wax 90 Others 27.16.90 Others 28.01.10 Fluorine 30 Bromine 41 Iodine 42 Resublimed Iodine 28.03.10 Vegetable blacks 22 Acetylene black 23 Soot black 29 Others 28.04.10 Hydrogen 21 Rare gases (inert gases) 22 Phosphorus 24. Nitrogen 29 Other metalloids 28.05.21 Sodium 22 Potassium 23 Lithium 24. Caesium and Rubidium 31 Calcium 32 Strontium 33 Barium ' • 4-0 Rare earth metals 90 Others BOP/129/Add.l Page 4 Customs tariff Nomenclature Remarks and statis. No. 28.Ô6.1Ô Hydrochloric acid, of codex purity or purer 20 Chlorosulphonic or chlorosulphuric acid 28.10.10 Phosphorus pentexide (phosphoric anhydride) 20 Phosphoric acids 28.11.10 Arsenic trioxide 20 Arsenic pentoxide 30 Arsenic acid 28.12.10 Boric anhydride (those in confirmity with Turkish codices only) 20 Boric acid (those in confirmity with Turkish codices only) 28.13.10 Hydrofluoric acid 20 Perchloric acid 40 Silicic anhydride (Silicon dioxide) 90 Others (excluding carbon dioxide and liquid carbon dioxide) 28.14.10 Phosphorus compounds 90 Others 28.15.10 Phosphorus sulphur 90 Others 28.17.21 Potassium hydroxide 28.18.11 Magnesium oxide 12 Magnesium peroxide 13 Magnesium hydroxide 21 Barium oxide > 22 Barium hydroxide 23 Barium peroxide 31 Strontium oxide 32 Strontium hydroxide 33 Strontium peroxide 28.19.10 Zinc oxide 20 Zinc peroxide 28.20.10 Aluminum oxide 20 Aluminum hydroxide 30 Artificial corundum 28.21.20 Chromic anhydride (chromium trioxide) 28.24. Cobalt oxides and cobalt hydroxides (hydrates) 28.25) T 32.07) Titanium dioxide (min. 94% i°2) 28.26 Tin oxides? stannous oxide and stannic oxide (stannic anhydride) BOP/129/Md.l Page 5 ... ..,..,..„.., —..^.-...-..„ _ , -• - —• • ••> • • «• •>— >- • ustoms tarif,. Nomenclature Remarks and statis. No. 28,2a.10 Copper oxide 20 Nickel oxide > 30 Molybdenum oxide 40 Zirconium oxide 50 Mercury oxiae 60 Cadmium oxide 70 Vanadium oxide 90 Others 28.29.10 Ammonium 20 Potassium 31 Sodium 39 Others 28.30.11 Tin chloride and oxychlorides 12 Mercury chlorides and oxychlorides 21 Calcium chloride 22 Zinc chloride 23 - Manganous chloride 29 Others a Barium chloride and c xychlorides 42 Magnesium chloride 43 Antimony, ferric chlorides, ammonium ferrous chloride 49 Others 28.31.20 Sodium chlorites .. .. : 90 Others 28.23.10 Ammonium pcrchlor£.te -•'... ' i 21 Sodium chlorate 22 Potassium chlorate . .. • 29 Others 28.33.10 Bromides 20 Others . 28.34.10 Sodium 20 Mercury, lithium, barium, magnesium, manganese, iron, &inc, cobalt 30 Potassium iodld3 (for Red Crescent) 40 Others 28.35-10 Antimony sulphide and calcium sulphide 30 Potassium sulphide and stannium sulphide 42 Iron sulphide 49 Others • 28.36.10 Sodium hydrosulphide (Blankit) 20 Sodium sTilphosilicates 90 Others 28.37.20 Others sulphites and hyposulphides BOP/129/Add.l Page 6 j ... ,T Nomenclature Remarks and statis. No, . 28.38.31 Sodium sulphate (codex quality or purer) only- 32 Magnesium sulphate 33 Lead sulphate 34 Zinc sulphate 39 Others 40 Aluminium sulphate 51 Cadmium sulphate 59 Others 60 Non-basic mercury sulphate, mercury persulphate, cadmium persulphate, potassium persulphate 73 Nickel sulphate 79 Others 81 Potassium-alumino sulphate 83 Chrome alum 84 Ferric alum 89 Others 28.39.10 Barium 21 Ammonium nitrite 22 Potassium 23 Calcium 24 Lead 30 Copper, magnesium, lithium 41. Basic bismuth nitrate 49 Others 51 Sodium nitrite 52 Sodium nitrate 61 Cobalt nitrate 69 Others 28.40.11 Sodium phosphates 12 Calcium phosphates 19 Others 20 Potassium 30 Ammonium phosphate 41 Iron phosphate 49 Others 28.41.10 Mercury 21 Sodium arsehite 29 Others 31 Lead and Copper .39 Others BOP/129/Add.l Page 7 Customs tariff and statis. No, Nomenclature Remarks 28.42.11 Sodium bicarbonate 12 Sodium percarbonate 15 Potassium carbonate (potasa) 19 Others (Dihydroxy aluminium sodium carbonate "D.A.S.C.1* excl.) 21 Barium carbonate 22 Magnesium carbonate 29 Others 31 Copper 32 Lithium 33 Basic-bismuth carbonate 39 Others 41 Ammonium bicarbonate 4-9 Others (calcium carbonate excl.) 28.4-3.10 Pure mercury 1 21 Sodium complex cyanide 22 Sodium cyanide 29 Others 31 Potassium cyanide 32 Ammonium cyanide 39 Ammonium and potassium complex cyanide 4-0 Others • .^ 28.45.10 Sodium metasilicate only 20 Potassium silicates 31 Zirconium silicates 39 Other silicates 28.4-6.20 Ammonium borates, perborates 30 Other borates and perborates 28.4-7.10 Vanadates,ammonium molybdate 20 Barium aluminate, cobalt aluminate '<'•"• 31 Potassium permanganate 39 Other permanganates only 28.48.10 Salts of selenium acids 90 Others 28.4-9 Argyrol and•protargol (codex quality only) 28.50.10 Radium, thorium and their isotopes, synthetic radio-elements (radio-iodine, radio-phosphorus, radio-carbon, radio cobalt, etc) 21 Uranium isotopes 29 Others 28.51 Chemical element isotopes other than those covered under heading 28.50$ organic and inorganic compounds of same whether or not in certain chemical compositions B0P/l29/Add.l Page 8 Customs tariff Nomenclature Remarks and statis. No. 28.52.10 Salts, organic and inorganic compounds of thorium 21 Uranium salts 29 Others 28.54.10 Perhydrol (min. 30$ oxygen content) 28.55.10 Copper phosphides 20 Pure zinc phosphide 31 Iron phosphide 32 Impure zinc phosphide 40 Other phosphides 28.57.00 Hydrides, nitrides, azotides, silicides and borides 28.58.10 Mercury-chloro-amidine 20 Copper-tin amalgamate 90 Others (distilled water excl.) 29.01.10 Diphenyl, diphenyl methane 20 Terpens 41 Styrene 43 Benzol 44 Toluol 45 Anthracene 49 Others (technical hexan and hepthanes excl.) 29.02.30 Trichlorethylene 40 Carbon tetrachloride , 60 Perchloroethylene 70 Chloroform 80 Chloro-fluoromethanes 90 Others (paradichlorobenzene and retail products thereof excl.) 29.03 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated dérivâtes of hydrocarbons (Alkylaryl sulphonate dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid, alkylaryl sulphonic acid and their salts with organic or inorganic bases excl.) 29.04.10 Penta erythritol 22 Butyl alcohol 23 Propyl and isopropyl alcohols 24 Cetyl and stearil alcohols 25 Sorbitol, marmite 26 Propylene glycol 27 Chloral hydrate, chlorobutanol 28 Ethylene glycol 31 Amyl alcohol 39 Others r BOP/129/Add.l Page 9 Customs tariff Nomenclature • Remarks and stâtiS'i No. 29.05.11 Benzylic alcohol and phenyl-ethylic alcohol 12 Cinnamic (cinnamyl) alcohol 13 Other alcohols H Derivatives 31 Menthol ,, 32 Terpines; terpine-hydrates 33 Terpinol 3U Other alcohols U0 Derivatives 29.06.11 Phenol :i|;!; 12 Thymol 13 Hydraquinone H Cresol 15 Alpha and beta-naphthol 16 Pyrocatechnine 17 Resorcin; hexyl resorcin, heptyl resorcin 18 Fluoreglucine, salicylic alcohol 21 Pyrogallol 29 Others 29.07.11 Parachloro-meta-cresol, mono and trinitro phenols, bismouth tribromo phenol 12 Chloro phenols : ' 13 Naphtho-sulphonic acids U Dinitro phenol 15 Nitrosonaphthols 16 Nitrosophenols 19 Others 29.08.11 Phenyl-ether 12 Anethole, eugenol, isoleugenolj anisic alcohol 20 Dinitro-butyl-meta cresil-methyl-ether (musk. ambrette) 31 , Ethyl ether (technical grade ethylether excl.) 32 Potassium sulfo-guiaiacolate 33 Eucalyptol, guiaiacol, glycerile-guiaiacol 3A Sthyl and methyl ethers of beta naphthol (Nerolin) 35 Dioxane (diethylene dioxide) 36 Alcohol and ether peroxides 39 Others 29.09.10 Ethylene
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