New London Horse Show Series Held at: Coyote Crossing Cattle Company, LLC. 4178 Headens Bridge Rd, Bedford, VA 24523 Date Judge Date Judge May 5 th Lauren Maddox August 1 1th Dora W ynne August 12th May 6 th Lauren Maddox Dora Wynne You must show in bo th shows to qualify for the Series High Point Awards $10 day of show $9 pre entry fees unless otherwise noted SHOW LIST FOR MAY 5 th A N D A UGU ST 1 2 th SH O W@ 9 a m 1.am Model Hunter Horse* 35. Hunter pleasure, Ages 1 3-17, W/T/C* 2. Model English* 36. Open hun ter equitati on on t he fl at, Ag es 13-1 7, W/T/C* 3. Model Miniature Hors e* 37. Hunter pleasure, Ages 18 & o ver, W /T* 4. Coached Showmanship* 38. Hunter pleasure, Ages 18 & over, W/T/C* 5. Youth Showma nship , A ge s 12 & under* 39. Open hun ter equitati on on t he fl at, Ag es 18 & over,W/T /C * 6. Youth Showma nship Ages 13-17* 40. Open hunter GAYP 7. Adult Showmanship Ages 18 & Over* 41. English equitation W/T (open)* 8. Showmanship Miniature Horse* 42. English equitation W/T/C (open)* 9. Minia ture horse s over fences* 10 . Miniature hor se costume * 11 . Open Cos tum e Class* TRA IL CLASSES:(Running 11 -12:30) 12 . Coached Any Discipline, Walk only 43. Miniature horse In Han d trail* 13 . Coached Go A s You Ple ase E quitation* 44. Trail C lass* 14. Coached Tra il* 45. In Hand trail* 15 . Coached Potato Race* 1 6 . English pleasure W/T * 17 . Beginner hunter rider W/T * 18. Beginner hun ter ride r W/ T/C * 19. Beginner hun ter ride r W/T / C 18 in c h cro s s rails* 2 0 . English pleasure W /T /C* 2 1 . Interm ediat e hu n te r ride r 2 foot fences*(Course A) 2 2. Interm ediate hunt er rider 2 foot fe nces*(Course B) 2 3. Int ermed iate hunter rider W/T /C* 24. Hunte r Hack W/ T/C (2) 2 foot fences* 2 5. Gaited horse/pony GAYP 26. Gaited horse/po ny Equitation W/PG 2 . 7 $15 Entry Fee: Hunter Pleasure W/T/C (payout:$50 ,$25,$15,$10) 28. English pleasure GAYP * 2 9. Walk ing h orse flatsh od * 3 0. Countr y pleasure rack ing* 3 1 . Hun ter plea sure , Ages 12 & u nde r, W/ T* 32. Hunter pleasure, Ages 12 & under, W/T/C* 33. Open hunter equitation on the flat Ages 12 & under W/T/C* DIVISIONS 34. Hunter pl easure, Ages 13-17,W/T* Hunter 12 & under-1,5,11,16,17,1 8,19,20,21,22,23,24,27,28,31,32,33,40,44,45 13 -1 7-1,6,11,16,17 ,18,19,20,21,22,2 3,24,27,28,34,35,36,40,44,4 5 Limited stalls available by reservation and pre payment $25 per day. (Stall 18 & over-1,7,11,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,27,28,37,38,39,40,44,45 Co ac hed-4,11,12,13,14,15 must be cleaned before leaving show grounds). Email NewLondonHorseShow Miniature-3,8,9,10,43 @gmail.com to reserve. *BRHF Sanctioned Gaited-1,2,11,25,26,28,29,30,44,45 *Brooks Arrington Course Designer YOU MUST SHOW IN AT LEAST ONE OF THE H IGH LI GHTED CL ASSE S TO BE ELIGIBLE F OR HIGH POINT A WARDS! ALL HORSES & PONIES ENTERING THE GROUNDS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A CURRENT NEGATIVE COGGINS CERTIFICATION (EIA) ISSUED WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS OFF SHOW DATE. A copy of the current coggins must accompany entry form. Announcements made day of the show take precedence over any printed material SHOW LIST FOR MAY 6 th AN D AUGUS T 1 1th @9am 46 . Mode l Western Horse* 71. Ranch riding, Youth* 47 . Ranch Hors e Confirmation 72. Ranch riding Adult* 48 . Youth Showm ansh ip A g es 12 & under* 73. Ranch horse pleasure GAYP 49 . Youth Showm ansh ip Ages 13-17* 74. Western riding, Youth 50 . Adu lt Showm ansh ip A ge s 18 & over* 75. Western riding, Adult 51 . Open Costum e Class* 76. $15 Entry Fee: open ranch horse riding pleasure (Payout $50,$25,$15,$10) 52 . Youth Weste rn pl easur e, Age s 12 & under, W/J* 77. Ranch reining* 53 . Youth Weste rn pl easur e, Age s 12 & under, W/J/L* TRA IL CLASS ES TO BE RUN FROM 11-12:30 54 . Stockseat equ itation, Age s 12 & unde r W/J* 78. In Han d trail* 55. O pen rider/Ju nior horse w ester n pleasure W/J* 79. Trail Cl ass* 56. O pen r ide r/Junior h orse we ste rn plea sure W/J/L* 80. Ranch boxing Y o u t h 57. Open rider/Junior horse western pleasure GAYP* 81. Ranch boxing Adult 58. Youth Western pleasure, Ages 13-17, W/J* 82. Ranch roping Youth 59. Youth Western pleasure, Ages 13-17, W/J/L* 83. Ranch roping Adult 60. Stockseat equitation, Ages 13-17 W/J/L* 84. Ranch cutting Youth 61. Open ride r/Senior h orse wester n pleasure W/J* 85. Ranch cutting Adult 62. Open rid er/ Senior hors e weste rn pleasure W/J/L* DIVISIONS 63. Open ride r/ Senior ho rse w estern pleasure GAYP* 12 & under-46,48,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,61,62,63,65,78,79 64. Powd e r Pony memorial c lass W/J May 4th show only (perpetual trophy) riders 18 & under 13 -1 7-46,49 ,51,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65,78,79 65. $15 E n try Fe e: Open wes tern ple asure W/J/L (Payout $50,$25,$15,$10) Adult- 46,50,51,55,56,57,61,62,63,65,66,67,68,78,79 66. Adult W este rn pleasure, Ages 18 & over, W/J* Ranch Youth-47,48,49,51,71,73,74,76,77,78,79,80,82, 84 67. Adult W este rn ple asure, Age s 18 & ove r, W/ J/L* Ranch Adult- 47,50, 51,72,73,75,76,77,78,79,81,83,85 68. Stoc kseat equi tation , Ages 18 & over,W /J/L* 69. Beginner western rider W/ J* Y OU M UST SH OW IN AT LEAST ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTED 70. Begin ner western rider W/ J/L * CLASSES IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR HIGH POINT AW ARDS! THERE IS A $25 CATTLE FEE FOR CLASSES 80-85 New London Horse Show Series Rules and Regulations 1. New London Horse Show, Coyote Crossing Cattle Company. LLC., Bedford Co. 4-H , RJ Pleasure horses LLC., show sponsors, employees, volunteers and other staff members affiliated with the New London Horse Show will not be held accountable for any loss or damage to animals, spectators, or personal property. 2. The show committee reserves the right to cancel, combine, or divide any class(es) that it feels necessary. 3. Show personnel have the right to excuse any person or horse that is endangering spectators or show exhibitors. 4. JUDGES’ DECISION IS FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!! 5. All headgear must be in good operating condition and must be ASTM approved for equine activities. 6. Exhibitors must sign a waiver at time of entry. 7. Anyone on national suspension may not transport horses to this show and may only participate as a spectator. 8. Ribbons for 1st through 6th for each class. 9. High-Points are 6-5-4-3-2-1 for same horse/rider combination. 10. A 2 minute gate call and a 4 minute tack change will be enforced. 11. You must be entered in the class prior to the gate call for that class. 12. NO alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed on premises. 13. You do not have to be a member of BRHF to enter a class. 14. *Blue Ridge Horse Force Sanctioned classes. 15. Stallions are allowed with stipulations. SHOW MANAGEMENT MUST BE MADE AWARE OF ANY STALLIONS ATTENDING THIS SHOW PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. No youth may show or handle a stallion while on the grounds. Any stallion that shows ill behavior or dangerous behavior will beasked to vacate the premises immediately. There are no exceptions. 16. (June show) The Powder Memorial Pony Pleasure class is open only to riders 17 &under. This is a perpetual trophy that must be returned the following year. (It has to won three years in a row same rider/pony combo before it will be retired) The class is judged on the most suitable pony to its rider. This pony will display characteristics that show its devotion to its rider through its manners and responsiveness to cues. 17. The New London Horse Show , Coyote Crossing Cattle Company, LLC.and its sponsors shall in no way, jointly or individually be liable or responsible for a loss, accident, damage or loss of life that may occur to any exhibitor, owner, trainer, groom, stable, horse corporation, partnership, individual or spectator, sustained while at the show and shall hold the show harmless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from such loss and/or accidents. Entry onto the property will constitute acceptance of this policy.
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