October 30, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2157 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REMEMBERING ROBERT SIMS own home, grabbed a fire extinguisher, asked lic law that made the breast cancer fundraising his mother to call 911, and ran into his neigh- stamp official. HON. JOHN S. TANNER bor’s home to help put out the blaze. Mr. Speaker, as Members of Congress, let’s do our part to protect our constituents, pro- OF TENNESSEE The fire, which started in the home’s kitch- en, would have almost certainly quickly spread mote breast cancer research and education, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES throughout the entire structure had it not been and reauthorize the Breast Cancer Stamp pro- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 for Austin’s swift intervention. Austin was able gram. Mr. TANNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in to help contain the fire to the kitchen saving f the home from burning entirely. The owner, honor of an American veteran, a tireless public HONORING FRANK BIERWILER OF Janeen Hall, has called Austin a hero and servant, an outstanding citizen and a dear SPRING HILL, FL friend, Mr. Robert Bell Sims. Bob will be laid credits him with saving her home. to rest next month at Arlington National Ceme- According to friends and family, Austin has tery. remained very humble about his bravery. HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE During Bob’s long and distinguished career Though many have marveled at the fact that OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the United States Navy, he served as a he had the composure to act so heroically, he communications officer under two Secretaries says he just did the right thing. Wednesday, October 29, 2003 of the Navy, then as the Deputy Chief of Infor- We all know that Austin’s actions truly are Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. mation for the Department of the Navy. He worthy of praise and so Mr. Speaker I ask you Speaker, I rise today to honor a great public also served on the National Security Council and my colleagues to join with me in honoring servant, a charitable giver, and a selfless hero and the National Defense University. Austin Toxen today. He truly is a brave young in my Fifth Congressional District, Mr. Frank Bob retired from the Navy in 1984 at the man and a fine example of courage and self- Bierwiler. rank of Captain but did not end his service to lessness. Frank Bierwiler first served his community in our nation’s defense. He served in the White f New York for many years as a State Police House as Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Officer. Then, after a multiple sclerosis diag- Affairs and was later nominated and confirmed OCTOBER AS NATIONAL BREAST nosis in 1974 forced him to retire from the to the post of Assistant Secretary of Defense CANCER AWARENESS MONTH force, Frank Bierwiler pledged to do something for Public Affairs. good with his life. In 1987, Bob turned to his background in HON. DOUG OSE It was a few years later, Mr. Speaker, that magazine and newspaper publishing, when he OF CALIFORNIA he moved to Florida and started Daystar Hope began fourteen years of service at the Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Center, an organization giving food, clothing, tional Geographic Society. For thirty years, he and assistance with bills to central Floridians Wednesday, October 29, 2003 was the owner and publisher of The Crockett in need. Times. The work of his family and staff at the Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor For nearly 20 years, the center has served newspaper has long been important to Bob’s October as National Breast Cancer Awareness as an example of the power and impact of be- hometown of Alamo, Tennessee, and indeed Month. Cancer is a growing and tragic epi- nevolence and kindness. Its doors have wel- to all of us in Crockett County. demic that has undoubtedly touched loved comed thousands of Floridians in need and Bob is survived by his wife, Patricia, four ones, affecting mothers, sisters, daughters, as Mr. Bierwiler’s perseverance and generosity children and seven grandchildren. My wife, well as friends. The campaign emphasizes the have for so long ensured that those doors stay Betty Ann, and I have long cherished our importance of early detection of the disease open. friendship with Bob and Pat Sims and are through mammograms, clinical breast exam- Unfortunately, after 20 years of helping so greatly saddened by Bob’s passing. He will be ination, as well as breast self-examination. many, the Daystar Hope Center is closing. missed. We know, however, that the legacy he During 2003, over 211,000 new cases of While it is unfortunate that the center is leaves behind will never be forgotten. breast cancer are expected to occur among ceasing operations, many other charitable or- Mr. Speaker, please join with me in hon- women in the United States and breast cancer ganizations, came into existence because of oring the long service, dedication and friend- remains as the leading cause of cancer death the success of the Daystar Hope Center. ship of Bob Sims. in women in the United States. Alarmingly, Frank’s leadership fostered these other organi- zations and he always worked well with them. f every 2 hours, on average, a California woman dies of breast cancer. I want to take this opportunity today to first HONORING AUSTIN TOXEN I am honored to promote breast cancer commend Frank Bierwiler for his work in my awareness and research by urging my col- district and to, second, draw attention to the HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE leagues to reauthorize the Breast Cancer Re- extraordinary things that can happen when one determined, individual pledges himself to OF FLORIDA search program for 2 more years. Millions of greatness. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people have purchased the Breast Cancer Re- search stamp, a program that was first intro- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and all of my col- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 duced in July 1998, generating over $34.5 mil- leagues in this body to join me in honoring Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. lion for research and development. Frank Bierwiler and offering our sincere admi- Speaker, I rise today to honor a young hero in The Breast Cancer Research stamp is es- ration for his work, life, and accomplishments. my Fifth Congressional District of Florida. pecially important to me because my con- f Throughout our current situation in Iraq and stituent, Dr. Ernie Bodai of Carmichael, CA, HONORING THE BRAVE FIRE- our continued War on Terror we have had oc- was the leading force behind the program. FIGHTERS OF CALIFORNIA AND casion to honor many heroes. Today I want to After 14 visits to Washington within 2 years, THE 3RD CONGRESSIONAL DIS- take the time to honor a very special young as well as spending $100,000 of his personal TRICT man who, just like our troops overseas, acted savings, he succeeded, creating a leading for bravely and selflessly to protect the safety of Breast Cancer fundraising. Dr. Bodai is the HON. DOUG OSE another person. pioneer of the Breast Cancer stamp, Chief of OF CALIFORNIA This summer while playing outside with General Surgery for Kaiser Permanente, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends, Austin Toxen, a fifth-grader at Forest CEO of CureBreastCancer, Inc. Ridge Elementary School in Citrus County, no- Driving through Sacramento, he can be eas- Wednesday, October 29, 2003 ticed smoke coming from his neighbor’s home. ily detected by his car, which is adorned by its Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- Acting quickly and keenly, Austin ran into his license plate—PL 105–41—the title of the pub- press my deep sympathy to the victims of the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 04:12 Oct 31, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29OC8.001 E30PT1 E2158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 30, 2003 fires that have been plaguing southern Cali- RECOGNIZING THE 20TH ANNIVER- about the environment and the value of trees fornia this past week and even now continue SARY OF PHELPS HOSPICE for many years. to rage. I would also like to recognize the At a ceremony in city hall this week as part emergency assistance that has been mobi- HON. NITA M. LOWEY of Brooksville’s Founders’ Week Celebration, lized to help the counties of Ventura, Los An- OF NEW YORK Mrs. Ghiotto was honored with a plaque, re- ception, and many kind words. This weekend geles, San Diego, and San Bernardino. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scope of the devastation this disaster has de- she will be the Grand Marshal of the livered is vast. It has viciously taken at least Wednesday, October 29, 2003 Brooksville Founder’s Day Parade. 14 lives, destroyed over 1,500 homes, and Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to While this most recent honor is certainly a burned over 500,000 acres of land. In addi- recognize the achievements of Phelps Hos- laudable one, it is not the first such accolade tion, over 50,000 people have been evacuated pice and to congratulate it on its 20th anniver- Mrs. Ghiotto has received. Over the years, from their homes. sary. Since 1983, Phelps Hospice has pro- she has been named the Hernando County Chamber of Commerce’s ‘‘Citizen of the I would like to take this opportunity to recog- vided end of life care and comfort throughout Year,’’ AWBA’s ‘‘Business Associate of the nize and thank the men and women from my Westchester County, NY, helping to relieve Year,’’ and the Lions Club’s ‘‘Outstanding Cit- district who, where capable, have dedicated the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain of izen.’’ She even has awards named after their time to helping combat the fires in south- more than 2,000 patients and their loved ones.
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