Cambridge University Press 0521772486 - The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, Volume IV Edited by Steven T. Katz Index More information INDEX 2 Baruch Abba bar Manayumi (Abba bar Martha) attitudes to the failure of the First Jewish (sage) 642 Revolt 31, 32 Abbahu, R. on the destruction of the Jerusalem on anti-Semitism in street theater in Temple 204 Caesaria 724 on Jewish uprisings 93 knowledge of Scripture 842 messianism 1061 on the neglect of the study of not christianized 249 Scripture 911 3 Baruch 59 on ridicule of Sabbath observance 147 Christian interpolations 249 on the sacrificization of prayer 585 4 Baruch, Christian interpolations 249 and the Tosefta 316 1 Clement, views on Judaism 253 on women’s education 917 2 Clement 65 Abramsky, R. Yeh.ezkel, commentary on the views on Judaism 252 Tosefta 333 4 Ezra Abudarham, David, on resurrection 963 anti-Judaism 264 academies 821 attitudes to the failure of the First Jewish Athens academy, closure by Justinian I the Revolt 31 Great 1047 Christian interpolations 249 and the creation of biographical on the destruction of the Jerusalem legends 727 Temple 204 cultural role 721, 722 on Jewish uprisings 93 curricula 912–13 messianism 1061 infestation by demons 733 Nahardea academy, foundation 19 Aaron, association with R. Ishmael b. Elisha, in Sura academy, foundation 19 Heikhalot literature 763 acceptance, concept 880, 888 Abaye acquital (kapparah ) 941 on conflict between midrash halachah Acts of Cyprian , The 73 and the legal demands of Acts of John 249 Scripture 359 Acts of Marian and James, The 73 on demonology 703, 731, 732, 733 Acts of Montanus and Lucius, The 73 mother Acts of Paul 251 aphorisms attributed to 704 Acts of Pilate 248 as informant about folk tales 724 Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs, The 73 on property rights 862 Adam, and Eve, marriage 619 Abba Arika, Rav 19, 88, 319, 738 Adan-Bayewitz, A. 40 on the addition to the kingship motif to Adan-Bayewitz, David 538 the blessing formulary of the Adar, second Adar 558 Shema 601 Adiabene, Diaspora, second to third on controversies between the schools of centuries 83, 85 Shammai and Hillel 889 Adoniram (Solomonic commander), funeral on education of children 913 inscription (Murviedro, Suran academy 19, 822, 826, 827, 829 Spain) 508 1077 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772486 - The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, Volume IV Edited by Steven T. Katz Index More information 1078 INDEX Adra (Spain), Jewish colony 509 Ah.a Midifti, Rav, and property rights 863, 864, adversus Iudaeos 14 865–7 (Tertullian) as evidence of Jewish presence in Akabiya, R., banning of 272 Carthage 72 Akedah scene on Jewish proselytes to Christianity 980 Bet Alpha synagogue 547 Adversus Judaeos (Cyprian?), as evidence of Jewish Dura Europos 529 presence in Carthage 73 Akiva, R. 855 Aelia Capitolina acclaim of Bar Kochba as messiah 35, 109, 186, decline as a result of the Bar Kochba Revolt 37 235, 729, 1064 foundation 138 associations with Heikhalot literature 749, 759 and the causes of the Bar Kochba Revolt 34, attribution with references to God as Father 106, 107 and King 584 See also Jerusalem biographical legends about 726 Aesop, influence upon rabbinic fables 736–7, on conflict between midrash halachah and the 738, 739, 740 legal demands of Scripture 359 Africa, Roman army’s presence (first century) 28 death 124 afterlife and the sovereignization of the liturgy beliefs, among the Diaspora in Rome 497, 601, 602 500–2, 507 exegetical school 339 lack of references to on funerary monuments for fables 739, 740 the Diaspora in Rome 497 on Gentiles studying Torah 918 Against the Judaizers ( John Chrysostom), on the on humanity’s majesty 927 public nature of religious practice 986 on humanity’s subservience to God 925 aggadah 318 on Israel’s elect status through the action of components 681–4 God’s love 971 development 679–81 learning 912, 920 as sources for PT 670 Merhavah mysticism 715 See also midrashim on merit 930 aggadic midrashim 11, 369 and the relationship between law and scriptural and the midrash halachah 338 authority 340 in the Talmuds 841 role in Heikhalot literature 763 Agnetos hegemon, on the relationship between oral on scriptural exegesis and the Law 351 and written Torah 907 sees the Torah as directed at the Jews agoranomoi 46, 802 alone 904 Agrat bat Mah.lath (she-demon) 732 on seforim ha-chizonim 277 agriculture and the Shiur Qoma 783 Babylonian Jewish involvement 809 Torah the means through which the world was crop yields, in Palestine, second and third created 921 centuries 39–40, 42 on Torah study 909 crop-bearing capacity, first-century and the Tosefta 316 Palestine 23 and the transmission of the Mishnah 215 displacement of tenant farmers in Cyrenaica, travels, as evidence of the authority of the after the First Jewish Revolt 56–7 Yavneh academy 269 effects of Second Jewish Revolt 60 Akkadian 457 in Cyrenaica 63 influence on Babylonian Aramaic 473 intensive farming policies pursued by and Mishnaic Hebrew 389, 392 Zoroastrians, effects on Jewish Akko, destruction mentioned during the Jewish population growth 807 revolt under Gallus (351/2 CE) 411 livestock farming, in Palestine, second and Akmonia, Jewish citizenship 81 third centuries 38 Alaric II (Visigothic king), anti-Jewish in Palestine, second and third centuries 38 policies 512 women’s work in 636 Albania, Diaspora 503 Agrippa II (king of Abilene) 46 Albeck, C. 327, 334 Ah.a ben Jacob, R., and the conquest of Albeck, Hanokh, and the dating of the midrash demons 733 halachah 337 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772486 - The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, Volume IV Edited by Steven T. Katz Index More information INDEX 1079 Alexander, Julius (Roman general in Trajan’s sacrificization 579 Parthian campaign) 86 second blessing, on resurrection 959–65 Alexander, Tiberius Julius (Philo of Alexandria’s and tefillah 576 nephew; Jewish apostate) 160, 198 use of the Birkat ha-Minim 281, 282, 284 Alexandria Ammianus Marcellinus, on the unruly nature anti-Judaism within under Cyril of of the Jews 48 Alexandria 1004 Amoraim 19, 319, 821 burial sites 522 on the celebration of Purim 568 destruction, during Jewish uprisings, in definition of categories of work forbidden on Trajan’s reign 97, 98 the Sabbath 560 Diaspora emigrate to Milan 503 on the eating of meals 562 Jewish community, third century 66 and the foundation of the Babylonian Jewish emigration to Italy 503 academies 830–3, 834–6, 837 Jewish pogrom (414/15 CE) 68 generations, their numbers as an indication Jewry law in 141 of the completion of PT 666 Second Jewish Revolt 59, 62 language, influence on Mishnaic Hebrew 380–1 Aleynu prayer, on the hope of the universal literature 369, 370 acceptance of God’s sovereignty 970 and the Talmuds 556 Alfasi, Isaac 332 Babylonian Talmud 840 Allegorists 261 Palestinian Talmud 216, 670, 672 allegory use of Aramaic 469–82 Augustine of Hippo’s arguments against its use works, editorial work 384 in the teaching of Scripture 1016 Amram ben R. Simeon bar Abba, R., on the Origen’s use, and its incipient anti-Judaism destruction of Jerusalem as the effect 1014 of sin 937 use in the interpretation of Jewish amulets Scriptures 980–2 and magic 708–11 used as counter to millenarianism 1009 wearing by women 642–3 Alon, Gedaliah 5, 207, 267, 291 anachoresis 808 am ha-aretz, uncleanness, and women’s work in Andreas (leader of Jewish uprising in Libya) 94 the home 633 androcentrism 956 Amalekites 10 anecdotes 746 relationship with Israel and with God 648, angels 649–50, 651 angel of death, existence before creation 935 Ambrose of Milan, St. heavenly liturgy attempts to alleviate anti-Judaism as described in Merkavah literature 771 ineffective 505 in Heikhalot literature 764, 765, 766, 768 clash with Theodosius I over Callinicum 153, in Heikhalot literature 715, 716, 717, 749, 753 1036, 1043 identification of Metatron 760 sermons relating to the Jews 505 prayer practice 594 use of the concept of ‘‘Jew’’ 984 standing posture when praying 591, 592 Amidah 560, 580–6, 695 aniconism 175–6 inclusion of references to God’s acting ‘‘for His animal tales, and fables 735–7, 738, 739–40 Name’s sake’’ 930 animals, selection for sacrifice, in the light of Kedushah, in the Eighteen Benedictions 767 midrash halachah and scriptural kingship motif within 601 exegesis 352–5, 360 lay practice in leadership 598 anonymous material, within PT 671 New Year Amidah, and God’s sovereignty 604 anthropology 14 practice 589–98 humanity’s majesty 927–8, 932 preceded by the act of washing, in analogy with humanity’s subservience to God 925–7 the priests washing in the Temple 575 Antichrist, Judaistic characteristics 1008 priestly benediction 599 anti-Judaism as a reflection of demographic decline in Christian anti-Judaism 14, 977 Palestine 405 Gentile Christianity 978–84 as sacrifice questioned 587 and regionalism 244–6 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772486 - The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, Volume IV Edited by Steven T. Katz Index More information 1080 INDEX anti-Judaism (cont.) Apollonios (Greek strategos), leads Greek attacks and millenarianism 1008 on Jews at Apollinopolis-Heptakomia, in North Africa, existence questioned 2 during Jewish uprisings in Egypt, origins and growth 988–98 during Trajan’s reign 96 in Spain, third to seventh centuries 510–16 apostates, Jewish status, even though banned within the Christian New Testament 977 from the synagogue 273 See also Christianity, anti-Judaism ApostolicConstitutions , on Christian attendance at anti-Semitism 244 synagogues 1005 in street theater 724 Appian, on Jewish uprisings in Egypt, during Antiochus III, settlement of Jews in Asia Trajan’s reign 95, 97 Minor 76 Apuleius, on resurrection 962 Antiochus IV Epiphanes, anti-Jewish policies 137 Apulia, Jews not exempted from serving on city Antitheses (Marcion) 979 councils 505 Antoninus Pius (Roman emperor) Aqiba, R.
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