DEALS OF THE $DAY$ PG. 3 SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2020 DEALS OF THE A TALE OF TWO CITIES Early$DAY$ As Lynn deliberates, Revere acts in ght against coronavirus votingPG. 3 By Gayla Cawley eral new initiatives his of ce announced three times the state average,” said Ar- ITEM STAFF on Thursday. rigo. “We’ve got to try something new to Those initiatives include the formation get people’s attention. This week, we are Lynn and Revere have quickly earned of COVID-19 enforcement team, which ramping up education and enforcement DEALS the unfortunate distinction of leading the begins will issue nes and citations to individ- efforts.” state’s latest coronavirus surge. In Lynn, Mayor Thomas M. McGee said OF THE But while the two cities are experienc- uals and businesses that do not comply with the state’s limit on large gatherings. the city has been focused on its expanded $ $ ing a similar spike, marked by rising case testing and contact tracing efforts to de- DAY numbers and a high-positive-test rate, In addition, Revere parks and recreation- todayPG. 3 al sites that have been non-compliant termine what has been causing the spike, their efforts to contain the virus have but is still deliberating as to whether to with mask and group size requirements By Elyse Carmosino, been noticeably different. implement further restrictions. will be closed, according to Arrigo’s of ce. Thor Jourgensen, In Revere, Mayor Brian M. Arrigo has “(We’re) working on a strategy of where opted to take more of an aggressive ap- “We’re in our fourth consecutive week and Anne Marie Tobin proach to slow the spread by means of sev- with a positive test rate that’s more than COVID-19, A5 ITEMDEALS STAFF Thanks to the DEALSCOVID-19 pandem- ic and a new votingOF law TH enactedE by DAVID M. SHRIBMAN Gov. Charlie Baker in July, Massa- chusetts voters $have more$ options NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE DAY to cast their votes thanPG. ever3 before, starting Saturday with early voting in the Sept. 1 primary. In Lynn, early voters have several A reality options, said City Clerk Janet Rowe. “(People) want to be safe and that’s ne,” Rowe said.DEALS “We’re offering show to three ways to vote. You can either get it by mail, youOF can TH comeE into City Hall the week before, or you can come to your polling$DA placeY Sept.$ 1. end all Residents can castPG votes. 3 at City Hall on Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Polls will remain open through Aug. 28 during usual City reality Hall hours. “We’ve always had early voting for the regular election, but we’ve nev- shows er had it for a primary before, and we’ve never done weekends,” Rowe As they prepare for a Trump said. “The state has really asked us party convention, the Repub- to do Saturday and Sunday because licans — the party of good they think a lot of people work and manners and good breeding, ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK can’t get out, so it’s just another op- small-town hardware store tion for them to be able to come in Paul “Baz” Bazylinski, owner of The Record Exchange in Salem, stands behind a operators and hard-working here and vote.” farmers — are about to re- plastic shield at the counter of the shop. Rowe said City Hall is also current- nominate Donald J. Trump ly experiencing an in ux of mail-in for president amid one haunt- voting and that her of ce has al- ing but hard truth: They have Waxing nostalgic in Salem ready sent out more than 8,800 vote- seldom faced a passage quite by-mail requests as of Friday. like the one of this era. “I think because of the pandemic, For years, the party was a lot of people are afraid,” she said. like a fraternal lodge, pass- about The Record Exchange The last day to request a mail-in ing its presidential nom- ballot is August 26. Votes can also be ination to the Next Guy, By Bill Brotherton lenge,” said Bazylinski. “The Record Exchange mailed back or dropped off inside a which is why Vice President ITEM FEATURES EDITOR community is a family. Our customers are our City Hall ballot box located next to Richard M. Nixon was the friends.They are loyal and kept the store alive the building. SALEM — It’s 10 a.m. on Thursday when (during the pandemic), buying gift cards and party’s 1960 nominee, why Paul “Baz” Bazylinski parks his car in front of “Our Public Health Director, Mi- former Gov. Ronald Reagan phoning and texting words of encouragement.” chelle Desmarais, has been with us The Record Exchange on Washington Street Hundreds of “love notes” from customers have of California (the unsuccess- and rushes toward the front door. He’s lugging every step of the way, guiding us and been posted on the store’s Facebook page and advising us,” said Rowe. “We have all ful candidate in 1976) was a stack of vinyl albums. Nothing new there. many have stopped by to say ‘hi’ and hug from kinds of guidelines from the state. its 1980 nominee, why Vice Baz has worked at this heavenly hangout for outside while Baz worked inside. They’ve mailed us PPE (personal President George H.W. Bush music lovers since 1984 and has run the busi- “This has always been a place where friends protective equipment) for all of our was its 1988 nominee, and ness since the death of founder Skip Kolhonen get together and records and CDs can nd a poll workers. We’re going to have why Senate Majority Leader in December 2017. It’s an hour-plus drive from good home,” said Baz. plexiglass shields right on the table. Robert J. Dole of Kansas (dis- his home in South Berwick, Maine, but there’s appointed candidate in 1980 It’s been a long strange trip for Baz since the All workers are going to have gloves no place he’d rather be. and runner-up in 1988) won coronavirus virus arrived in the spring. and masks and hand sanitizer.” The Record Exchange, one of America’s old- the 1996 nomination — and Baz voluntarily closed the store on March The city plans to bring in clean- est record stores (it opened in 1974), has sur- why Bush’s oldest son, Gov. 16, one week before Gov. Charlie Baker an- ing companies to help sanitize each vived the pandemic and, thanks to its incredi- George W. Bush of Texas, was nounced his four-phase reopening plan. The polling location, and workers will be bly loyal customers, is open for business again, nominated four years later. three-month closure allowed him to sort standing by to wipe down surfaces just in time for August 29’s nationwide Record On and on it went: The un- through inventory; he re-organized the jazz every three hours. Store Day celebration. successful 2000 challenger “It’s been busy, very busy. And it’s been a chal- Sen. John McCain of Arizona RECORDS, A2 VOTING, A2 followed the younger Bush as the GOP nominee in 2008 and then former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts Bruins score with (the runner-up to McCain four years earlier) was nomi- nated in 2012. Lynn eld’s Filipe Then a reality TV star — a blustery gure more ty- By Mike Alongi a two-year entry level con- coon (see F. Scott Fitzgerald) ITEM SPORTS EDITOR tract with his hometown than businessman (see Jos. Boston Bruins. A. Bank), an investor in real LYNNFIELD — It’s estate, resorts and casinos “I’m really excited, this nearly every kid’s dream has been a dream of mine — knocked on the Republi- to sign a professional con- can door. for a long time,” said Filipe. tract with the team they “I just wanted to have the Actually, Trump kicked in grew up idolizing. For Lyn- that door, offered withering best opportunity to make n eld’s Matt Filipe, that commentary on his more ex- an NHL roster, and the dream became a reality perienced 2016 competitors, and stormed to the Republi- Matt Filipe signed a two-year contract with the Boston Bruins. this week when he signed FILIPE, A3 can nomination in a raucous Cleveland convention where some of his rivals wondered Opinion out loud whether they could Summer program Facing COVID-19 support him. testing realities. A4 They all ended up doing so, with some of the targets provides Access LOOK of his most withering insults Author continues to — Sens. Lindsey Graham of in Peabody tell the story of South Carolina, Marco Rubio America, this time through hurricanes. A8 of Florida and Ted Cruz of By Anne Marie Tobin Texas — eventually nestling ITEM STAFF close to him. He no longer was Sports the Republican outsider. The PEABODY — Since it was founded in 2011, Pea- Catholic Central old insiders were the outsid- body Youth TV (PYTV) has taught well over 200 League sets up ers now. Trump was — he is students between the ages of 9 and 14 how to cre- structure for fall — today’s Republican Party. ate unique and creative media, introducing them season. B1 That is not in question to writing, directing, lming, editing, photography, • at the upcoming Charlotte and more. ITEM PHOTO | OLIVIA FALCIGNO proceedings. But what will Now in its 10th year, that all came to a screech- Bishop Fenwick linger in the air is whether ing halt this spring when the pandemic hit.
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