PHILOLOGIA 4/2018 EDITORIAL OFFICE: 31st Horea Street, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania, Phone: +40 264 405300 REFEREES: Prof. dr. Ramona BORDEI BOCA, Université de Bourgogne, France Prof. dr. Sharon MILLAR, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Prof. dr. Gilles BARDY, Aix‐Marseille Université, France Prof. dr. Rudolph WINDISCH, Universität Rostock, Deutschland Prof. dr. Louis BEGIONI, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italia EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF: Prof. dr. Corin BRAGA, Babeș‐Bolyai University, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania SECRETARY OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD: Conf. dr. Ștefan GENCĂRĂU, Babeș‐Bolyai University, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania MEMBERS: Prof. dr. Rodica LASCU POP, Babeș‐Bolyai University, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania Prof. dr. Prof. dr. Jean Michel GOUVARD, Université de Bordeaux 3, France Prof. dr. Sanda TOMESCU BACIU, Babeș‐Bolyai University, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania Prof. dr. Sophie SAFFI, Aix‐Marseille Université, France TRANSLATORS: Annamaria STAN, Babeș‐Bolyai University, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania Ioana NAN, Babeș‐Bolyai University, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania Beginning with 1/2017, Studia UBB Philologia has been selected for coverage in Clarivate Analytics products and services. Studia UBB Philologia will be indexed and abstracted in Emerging Sources Citation Index. YEAR Volume 63 (LXIII) 2018 MONTH DECEMBER ISSUE 4 PUBLISHED ONLINE: 2018‐12‐17 PUBLISHED PRINT: 2018‐12‐17 ISSUE DOI:10.24193/subbphilo.2018.4 S T U D I A UNIVERSITATIS BABEŞ‐BOLYAI PHILOLOGIA 4 Desktop Editing Office: 51st B.P. Hasdeu, Cluj‐Napoca, Romania, Phone + 40 264‐40.53.52 SUMAR ‐ SOMMAIRE ‐ CONTENTS – INHALT Issue Coordinators: Sanda BERCE and Rareș MOLDOVAN SANDA BERCE, RAREȘ MOLDOVAN, Foreword ................................................................................ 7 TWENTY YEARS OF IRISH STUDIES IN CLUJ CARMEN‐VERONICA BORBELY, Introduction ................................................................................... 9 DECLAN KIBERD, Honey, He Shrunk the Kids: Swift and Irish Writing * Dragă, a micșorat copiii: Swift și literatura irlandeză ............................................................................. 17 DIARMUID Ó GIOLLÁIN, Irish Overdetermination: Strategies for Entering and Leaving the Gaeltacht * Supra‐determinare irlandeză: strategii pentru intrarea și ieșirea din Gaeltacht ........................................................................................................................................... 27 NICHOLAS ALLEN, Kevin Barry’s Atlantic Drift * Deriva atlantică a lui Kevin Barry ............... 43 VIRGIL STANCIU, Reviewing Family History: Recent Irish Fiction and the Avatars of Memory * Revizuind istoria de familie: ficțiunea irlandeză recentă și avatarurile memoriei ................................................................................................................................................... 49 SANDA BERCE, Emerging Stories: The (Auto)biographical Game * Istorii emergente: jocul (auto)biografic .......................................................................................................................................... 63 RAREȘ MOLDOVAN, Check Impulse: Traversing Hades * Verifică impulsul: traversând Hades ......................................................................................................................................................................... 81 ADRIAN RADU, When Storytelling Becomes Heritage * Când arta povestirii devine patrimoniu .............................................................................................................................................. 93 CARMEN‐VERONICA BORBELY, On “Making Oddkin” in Sara Baume’s “Spill Simmer Falter Wither” * “Înrudiri bizare” în romanul “Spill Simmer Falter Wither” de Sara Baume ..................................................................................................................................................... 109 ELENA PĂCURAR, Feasting on the Text: the “Ulysses” Centenary in Romanian Periodicals * Ospățul textual: centenarul James Joyce în publicistica românească ......... 119 PETRONIA POPA‐PETRAR, “There Was a Black Gap Where the DE Had Been”: Dispossessing Discourse in Aidan Higgins’ ”Balcony of Europe” * „În locul lui DE era o gaură neagră:” deposedarea discursului în “Balconul Europei” de Aidan Higgins .................................................................................................................................................... 129 ANA‐KARINA SCHNEIDER, Coffee, Truffles and Other Delights in Anne Enright’s “The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch” * Cafea, trufe și alte delicii în “Plăcerea Elizei Lynch” de Anne Enright ............................................................................................................................................................ 139 EUGEN RADU WOHL, Samuel Beckett and Monologue Drama: Performing the Self * Samuel Beckett și monologul teatral: Performarea sinelui ...................................................... 151 ALEXANDRU OLTEAN‐CÎMPEAN, A Vision of a Vision * Viziunea din “A Vision” ........... 163 DIANA MELNIC, Shifting Perspectives: Leopold Bloom, Hospitality, and the other in James Joyce’s “Ulysses” * Schimb de Perspectivă: Despre Leopold Bloom, Ospitalitate și Alteritate în “Ulise” ............................................................................................................ 177 VLAD MELNIC, James Joyce’s “Ulysses”: Reading the Self in the Body * “Ulise” de James Joyce: Regăsirea Sinelui în Trup ........................................................................................................... 191 DIANA COSMINA DUPU, Posthuman Elements in Samuel Beckett’s “Krapp’s Last Tape” * Elemente postumane în piesa “Ultima Bandă a lui Krapp” de Samuel Beckett 207 BOOK REVIEWS Studi irlandesi. A Journal of irish Studies, General Editor Fiorenzo Fantaccini, Journal Manager Arianna Antonielli, Firenze University Press 2017, 421 p. (DIANA COSMINA DUPU) ............................................................................................................... 219 Randall Stevenson, Reading The Times: Temporality and History in Twentieth‐Century Fiction, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018, 262 p. (DIANA MELNIC) ....... 221 Declan Kiberd, After Ireland: Writing the Nation from Beckett to Present, Harvard University Press, 2018, 540 p. (VLAD MELNIC) .................................................................. 225 Diarmuid O Giolláin, Irish Ethnologies, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2017, 238 p. (ALEXANDRA POP) ................................................................................................ 229 Diarmuid Ó Giolláin, Locating Irish Folklore: Tradition, Modernity, Identity, Cork: Cork University Press, 2000, 256 p. (ALEXANDRA POP) ................................................. 231 Declan Kiberd and P. J. Matthews (Eds.), Handbook of the Irish Revival. An Anthology of Irish Cultural and Political Writings 1891‐1922, Dublin: Abbey Theatre Press, 2015, 505 p. (BLANCA BORBELY) ........................................................................................................... 233 Translation and Cultural Mediation. Inside and Outside Perspectives on Romanian Language, Culture and Literature, Eds. Roxana Ciolăneanu & Paul Nanu, University of Turku, 2018, 271 p. (BRÎNDUȘA GRIGORIU) ................................................................... 235 Leon Battista ALBERTI, Propos de table‐Intercenales. Édition critique par Roberto Cardini, Traduction de Claude Laurens, Introduction et commentaire de Roberto Cardini traduits par Frank La Brasca. Vol. I e II. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2018, 530 p. + 520 p. (THÉA PICQUET) .......................................................................................................... 241 STUDIA UBB PHILOLOGIA, LXIII, 4, 2018, p. 7 - 8 (RECOMMENDED CITATION) FOREWORD For nearly two decades, the wormhole connecting a small room in the attic of the Faculty of Letters in Cluj to “Ireland” has remained open. At the far end, an “Ireland” that is as real as it is “invented” year after year radiates itself hither, materially and ideally, to be painstakingly reconstructed, perused, and discussed. Over twenty years hundreds of students and dozens of professors have contributed to this unlikely entanglement that synchronises – relatively – the ends of our continent, the terms of our cultures across space and through a finely calibrated historical lens. Carmen Borbely’s Introduction does a brilliant job of retelling the history of this unlikely venture, which many may have deemed quixotic. Kindled by the abiding passion of one person – professor John Fairlegh – for the cultures of Romania and Ireland, helped along by the efforts of professors in Ireland and Cluj, the M. A. in Irish studies continues to this day to bring together young postgraduates around the table in the small room, and to open to them the cultural horizon of Ireland. This volume is an homage to the scholarship that has been fostered in the area of Irish studies at Babeș-Bolyai University, and a snapshot of the work being undertaken by professors, alumni, and students. However partial, it manages to convey the varied research interests and perspectives, orbiting around several centres of gravity that bend discourses this way and that, with the huge Irish- European supernovae of Joyce and Beckett figuring prominently, of course. Still, from Irish myths to contemporary authors, the range of the collection captures something of the amplitude of preoccupations that have
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