N DOCUMENT RESUME ED 124 369 'RC 009 272 AUTHOR Kendrick, Elise F., Ed,; And Others TITLE _1915Annual Report 6f the Appalachian Regional Commission.' INSTITUTION Appalachian Begional'Commission, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 31 Dec 75 NOTE 13tp.; Color-coded maps on pp. 15,.18-19, 30, and 47 may-not reproduce clearly EDRS PRICE MF -$0.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Annual Reports; Child Development; Community De'velopment; *Developmental Programs; *Economic Developmat: Education; Employment Trend's; Energy; Health; Housing; Income; Migration; Natural *Resources; Planning; *population Trends; Public. Facilities; *Rural Areas; Fables (Data); Transportation IDENTIFIERS , *Appalachia; *Appalachian Regional Commission 'ABSTRACT The Appalachian Regional Commission,'created,via.the Regional Development Act of 1965, documents a decade ofcontributions to Appalachian socioeconomic development in this 1975 annual report. Topics(covered in this report.include: the tenyears of foundation building; the Region before 1965; the Region and the Appalachian, Regional CommisSion; population, employment; and income;' finances; transportation'; energy, enVironmentv and natural resources; health. and child development; education; community development andhousing; supplemental grants; research and planning. Cited as some of the Region's more noteworthy accomplishments.during thepast dedade.are: (1) a shift from outmigration-toin-migration with an average annual in- migration of close to 60,006people during the past 5 years; (2) a '41% decline in poverty level incomes between 1960 and 1970; (3) a gain of more than one million jobs between 1965 and 1973;(4) a rise in per capita income (from 78% of`the national average in 1965 to 81% in,1973) ; (5)a 10% increase in the. number of adultswho, had finished high school (1960-70);(6) an increase in the average number of physicians per 100,000 residents (92 physicians per 100,000 in1963 and 100 physicians per 100,000 in. '1971). The appendicesdescribe projects for 1976 and name the local developmentdistricts. (JC) *********************0c************************************************* * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informalunpublished * * materials not avai able from other sources. ERICmakes everyseffort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginal * reproducibility are often encountered and thisaffects the ,quality * of'the microfiche and hardcopyreProductions ERIC makes available *, * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS).EDRS.is not * responsible for the quality of theoriginal document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS ate the best that can be madefrom the original. *******************************************,*************************** DOCUMENT RESUME' ED 124 369 'RC 009 272 AUTH.DR Kendrick; Elise F., Ed,; And. Others . TITLE _1975Annual Report Of tbe Appalachian Regional Commission. ''' . INSTITUTION Appalachian Regional'Commission, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 31 Dec 75 . NOTE /31p.; color-coded maps on pp. 15,.18 -19, 30, and 47 may not reproduce clearly EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Annual Reports; Child. Development; Community De'velopment; *Developmental Programs; *Economic Developmagt; Edudation; Employment Trend's; Energy; Health; Housing; Income; Migration; Natural . Resources; Planning; *population Trends; Public *Facilities; *Rural Areas; Cables (Data); Transportation IDENTIFIERS *Appalachia; *Appalachian Regional Commission "ABSTRACT The Appalachian Regional Commission;' created via.thb Regional Development Act of 1965, dodumants a decade ofcontributions to Appalachian socioeconomic development in this 1975 annualreport. Topicsrcovered.in this report.include: the ten years offoundation building; the Region before 1965; the Region and the Appalachian, Regional CommisSion; population, employment; and income;.finances; transportation energy, enVironmentv and natural resources; health and child development; education; community development andhousing; supplemental grants; research and planning. Cited as some of the Region's more noteworthy accomplishments.during the past decade-are: (1) a shift from outmigrationtoin-migratiori with an average annual in-migration of close to 60,000. people during the past 5 years;(2) a '41% decline in poverty level incomes between 1960 and 1970; (3) a gain of more.than one million jobs between 1965 and 1973; (4) a rise in per capita income (from 78% ofthe national average-in 1965 to81% in,1973).; (5) a 10% increase in the. numberof, adults who, had finished high school (1960-70);(6) an increase in the average number of physicians per 100,000 residents (92 physicians per100,000 in 1963 and 100 physicians per 100,000 in-1971). The appendicesdescribe projects for 1976 and name thelocal development districts. (Jc) Ct **********#***.*******0c************************************#************ Documents acquired by ERIC include many informalunpublished * * materials not avai able from other sources.ERIC.make0-everyeffort * "M. * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encounteredand this affects the,guAity * * of'the microfiche and.hardcopyrekoductions ERIC makeS available *) * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS)...EDRS.is not * responsiblefor the quality of theoriginal document.'Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS-ate the best that can .be.madefrom.ihe original. *************************#*********#***#***/*************************** 1975REGIONAL ANNUALTHE APPALACHIAN COMMISSION REPORT OF T b c. TI.11111. - :^. " ;- . e THE APPALACHIAN1000WASHINGTON. CONNECDecEmber REGIONAL FICL-1' 31, D.C. 1975AVENUE 20233 COMMISSION THE APPALACHIAN1666WASHING:FON. DecemberCC/NNE:GM:UT REGIONAL 31. D.C. 1975 ..VENUE 20235 COMMISSION The WhitePresident House FederalGovernor.Appalachian Cochairman Members Regional of of the CommissionI.:NELL'1)11 EICE DIRE( 01 I ok DearWashington,activitiessePursuant respectfully Mr. tocarriedPresident: Sectiko.304 D.C. submit °LI/ under to of you, the this Appalachianfor Act transmittal ditring Regional.Fiscal to the Year Congress, Development 1975. a report Act oof 965, Gentlemen:Pur.s.uantRegionalI respectfullyAppalachian Commissionto Section submit Regional 304 to -carriedeach ofCommission the of Appalachian youout aunder repOrt this Regional on Act the-activities during Develop Fiscal of ment.Act the Year Appalachian 1975. of 1965, thirteenThe report states otfilines- that: make the work up Gie of the Appalachian Appalachian Region. Regional Commission. with the stantialThis report achievements marks the havecompletion been made of the in first elevating decade the of economicthe Commission. viability Sub- and DORALDRespectfully;!i74eCochairman W. yours, 41.-aewitWHITEHEAD ahuman sustained andof.life naturalproductive in Appalachia!The resources and good so that life.Regiim it may" is onow ffer poised its people to capitalize hill opportonitv on its rich for JULIANStatesGovernor Cochairman IV. of CKentucky KROLL. ExecutiveHARRYRespectfully TETER, Director yours, JR. 1975REGIONAL ANNUALTHE APPALACHIAN COMMISSION REPORT OF JudithEliseEditorial F. F. Kendrick, Maher, Staff associate editor editor JudithTheGraphics Art K. Production 13allangee, Companywaiter 1666 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20235 N APPALACHIANFEDERAL COCHAIRMAN REGIONALJune 30, 1975STATES'a. COMMISSION COCHAIRMAN* ALTERNATECOCHAIRMANDonald \V. 'Whitehead FEDERAL. REPRESENTATIVESTATES'Governor REGIONALJulian M. Carroll. GOVERNORSOrville 11, LerchREPRESENTATIVEASSISTANT.Richard, AND M. STATE Hausler STATES' REPRESENTATIVES REGIONALJohn D.Whisman ALABAMA MARYLAND OP, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA JamesGEORGIAR.Gove,rnorGovernor C. "Red" T. McIntyre, George Bamberg C.Rushee Jr.Wallace WilliamGovernorMISSISSIPPI A.M. Marvin Pate Headrick,. MandelL. Waller EdwinGoveri*rPaulGovernorOHIO Baldridge Deckard JamesJame3,A.''\ E. \ Holshouser, Rhodes JamesToniTENNESSEEGovernorGovel-nor Benson M. JamesWhitmire,Ray Blanton B..Edwards Jr. ' DeeGovernorKENTUCKY Ashley. Julian AkerS M. Cari-oll LeonardGovernorNEW YORK E. Hugh Schwartz- L. Carey A.GovernorPENNSYLVANIA Edward Milton Simon J: Shipp . GovernorWESTLynnGovernorVIRGINIA H. VIRGINIA,. Cur MillsArch E.A. Godwin.Moore, - Jr. DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTORDIRECTOR.a FrancisHarry Teter, E. Moi-avitz Jr. Richard D. Fruit) *George C, Wallace. GovernorGENERAL of Alabama. COUNSEL' served as StatesRobert Cochairman .McCloskey from July I untila December 31, 1974. Table of. Contents 2.1. TheA Decade Region7beforeRegion of and Foundation the 1965. Appalachian Building Regional Commission D. FinancesPopulation, Employment and Income 2411 7.6.TransporlationEnergy; EnVironment and. Natural ResourCes 3728 8.9..EducationHealth and Child Development :s t 444148 11.10.SupplementalCommunity Development grants and Hotising 5355 Appendix12.Research AB (Fiscal(Local and PlahningDevelopmentYear 1976 Projects) Districts) 11959 Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number:4-61155 Cove- photograph 1?v'Kennoth Murray TogionalIn mark March .ACommission this Special of Milestone,. 1975, completed the ReporttheAppalachian itsCommission's first decade. Re- . "-AnnualCommissionThe report Report activities includes for 197,5 durkng its has usual been the reviewexpanded.past fiscal of -.actually:comefaritationyear the (as 'statutes). unique required inAppalachiah But byten theit yearsand alsoZakes Commission's experiment What stock distvice author-of how has 44111111111110r1P, remains to be covered. 44}tx,*Nis Mn. 41)MIRi
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