www.StrategicStudies.org. www.DFAonline.net The Triumph of The Triumph Belief 8, 2018 8, 8, 2018 8, Sovereignty is not just a legal framework. It is deeply rooted in society. Or it fails. His Majesty King Tupoa VI, of Tonga, at his coronation, July 4, 2015 A new wave of nationalism is sweeping the world, but do we understand it, and where it’s going? The 20th Century brought the global supply chain architecture into sharp relief, culminating with the Internet era. It brought not just the framework of globalization, but urbanization. With these came the belief system of globalism: the philosophy which seemed to spell the end of the Westphalian nation-state structure, nationalism, and borders. But this “globalism” movement, largely linking urban societies around the world, also generated the pendulum response — as it threatened the identity security of many peoples and even civilizations — of reviving the importance of nationalism, and the need to re-assert sovereignty. Many large groupings of people have expressed disillusionment and distrust in modern governance, and many have felt robbed by the manipulation of modern forms of ballot-box democracy. The search for answers, then, goes to the past as well as in understanding the promises of the future. Thousands of national and sub-national historical hierarchies retain their vibrancy and importance to social cohesion, as the reassertion of the importance of sovereignty, Westphalian or otherwise. The Center for the Study of Monarchy, Traditional Governance, and Sovereignty, at The International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), was created in 2016 to study the sweeping, historical forces which define human societal and civilizational organization. It was named “The Zahedi Center” in honor of former Iranian Foreign Minister and Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi and his late father, former Iranian Prime Minister Fazlollah Zahedi, and Amb. Zahedi has joined with His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie as patrons of the Center. Already the Center has developed a strong core of on-line resources for academic and policy researchers at: http://strategicstudies.org/Monarchy%20Center/Monarchy.htm Please consider using, joining, and supporting the Center as an Associate, a Member, or even more. It’s not just about the past. It’s about the future. And how societies are looking at the structures they already have. The Center for the Study of Monarchy, Traditional Governance, and Sovereignty The Zahedi Center At The International Strategic Studies Association PO Box 320608, Alexandria, Virginia 22320, United States of America. Telephone +1 (703) 548-1070. Facsimile +1 (703) 684-7476. Email: [email protected]. wwwStrategicStudies.org Defense Foreign Affairs StrategicP olicy The Jour nal of the In ter na tional Stra te gic Stud ies As so ci a tion www.StrategicStudies.org. www.DFAonline.net Special Studies of the Ira nian Rev o lu tion - 16en clair The in ter na tional 4 sea lanes⁄africa ary Guard Corps, to Nigeria’s Buhari jour nal of national be come in creas ingly cen - Government Red Sea Rising tral to the trans for mation Implodes man age ment The Red Sea is emerg ing of Iran’s po lit i cal lead er - Nige ria’s in ter nal se cu rity as a key global stra te gic ship over the coming year sit u a tion was, by mid-Au - dy namic thanks to a rev o- or two. Founded in 1972 lu tion be gun in Ethi o pia. gust 2018, at a tipping ________________ 12 middle east point, with Pres. Buhari found ing ed i tors The trans for ma tion Can Wishing Make Greg ory R. Cop ley moves back to a 3,000- un able to con trol cor rup - It So? tion, law en force ment, or Dr Stefan T. Possony year-old pattern, and is 1915-1995 His tor i cal fa tal ism, wa ter the war against insurgents. far from done. The rap- ______________ idly-evolv ing events and and food short ages, and Turkey’s Crisis May ed i tor-in-chief chang ing stra te gic bal ance jihadism con spire to set Be Terminal Greg ory R. Cop ley cen ter around the new the stage for a ma jor con - An kara seems to be lieve [email protected] The Cover Ethi o pian Gov ern ment of flict es ca la tion based on that the US will stop short as so ci ate ed i tor-in-chief Prime Min is ter Abiy “Greater Syria”. It is al- of forc ing Tur key out of Dr Stefan T. Possony, 1972-1995 The Tri umph of Be lief is a theme Ahmed Ali, 41, who came ready under way. A myr iad NATO, destroy ing its cur - se nior ed i tor car ried through some of the analy sis of grass roots her i tage Yossef Bodansky, in this edi tion, start ing with the to office on April 2, 2018. rency, and pushing it into But much now depends grievances is coming to the an al li ance with Rus sia Wash ing ton DC report on page two. The cover shows con trib ut ing ed i tors the Spir i tual Patri arch of the now- on the polit i cal — and sur face. Sig nif icantly, in all and the PRC. But is its re uni fied Ethi o pian Or tho dox the coun tries of the region, Purvis Hussain, Islamabad phys i cal — sur vival of the con fi dence jus ti fied? Sanjiv Prakash, New Delhi Church, Abune Merkorios, who Prime Min is ter. more seg ments of the 20 cur rent es ti mate Da vid Murphy, Wash ing ton, DC returned to Addis Ababa on August 9 eurasia grass roots pop u lace are 1, 2018, from decades of ex ile, with US Faces Exclusion stra te gic weap ons ed i tor par tic i pat ing in the on go- Harvey J. McGeorge, 1949-2009 the new Ethio pian Prime Min is ter. Persian Cæsar? ing protest and ri ots than from the Korean, Prime Minis ter Abiy has gal va nized Watch for Maj.-Gen. Silk Road Dynamic indo-pa cific much of the Horn of Africa with a at the height of the orig i - An drew Pickford be lief in its his tor i cal des tiny, trans- Qasem Soleimani, Com - nal in ti fa das of 2011-12. mander of the Qods Force pen ta gon cor re spon dent form ing stra te gic re al ity on the Fred er ick Barnes 1922-2011 ground in this key re gion, as the south-east eu rope re port on page four shows. Beliefs, cor re spon dent too, are driv ing much of the strate gic mo men tum in the Arab Middle Val en tine Spyroglou East, as the re port on page 12 shows. Thessaloniki — Pho to graph of Abune Merkorios bal kans cor re spon dent by Tay lor Reed Branson. Dr Darko Trifunoviæ, Bel grade www.TaylorReedBranson.com s.e. asia cor re spon dent Kerry B. Collison 2 Ja karta & Mel bourne Early Warning space cor re spon dent Dr Joan Vernikos u The Tri umph of Belief ___________________ 3 Subscription Information pub lisher Strategic Trajectories Pamela von Gruber, Subscription enquiries and payments should be addressed (and checks made payable) to: gcse, gcel, golr, rml, mpr u Aus tra lia Drifts The International Strategic Studies Association Hyp not i cally To ward a PO Box 320608, Alexandria, Virginia 22320, USA. [email protected] Power Change Telephone +1-(703) 548-1070. E-mail: [email protected]. ___________________ ad ver tis ing u The US Back in Space: It’s Websites: www.StrategicStudies.org, www.DFAonline.net, and www.GISresearch.com. 320608 Hap pen ing, But With out PO Box Rates Al ex an dria, Vir ginia 22320, USA Real Stra te gic De bate 1-703-548-1070 US$159 per year; US$289 for two years; US$399 for three years. Student rate: US$80 per year. Tele phone + 17 Fac sim ile +1-703-684-7476 Power Tables Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook: CD and Online mar ket [email protected] 18 The new 23rd Edition CD-ROM is available for US$469 (air despatch incl.). The online version at www.DFAonline.net, updated daily, is available from $850 a year. Transitions redit ards ccepted 19 C C A American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. Arms Transfers Copyright © 2018 by the International Strategic Studies Association. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. The policy of the publications is one of complete non-alignment with any nation, cause or industrialist. This edi tion went to press on issn: 0277-4933 August 21, 2018. Volume xlvi, Number 8, 2018 8, 2018 defense & foreign affairs strategic policy 1. Early Warn ing By Gregory R. Copley The Triumph of Belief ä Some 100-mil lion Ethio pi ans have, since April 2018, be gun city élites for the scien tific pro cess or enlight en ment. to move their coun try in a new strate gic di rec tion; But un der ly ing each of the factors just mentioned is that each is ä Egyp tians, Aus tri ans, Hun gar i ans, Ital ians, Per sians, and be ing driven substantially by psy cho log i cal (be lief) fac tors, rather Spanish Catalans, not to men tion Kurds: each have be gun than by empir ical ev idence. This applies equally to the ur ban, glob al - to po lar ize around a re vived sense of iden tity in the past ist, mod ernists of the ma jor econo mies, as well as to the re gional, na - year or two, as they at tempt to en sure their sur vival; tion al ist, tra di tion al ist groups.
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