Index A Andaman Giant, 132, 134, 141, 160, 161, 181, Abnormalities of coconut, 67, 91 182 Acapulco, 171 Andaman Giant Tall (AGT), 85–87, 140 Accelerated phenol metabolism, 534 Andaman Ordinary (ADOT), 61, 82, 85, 134, Accessions, 54, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 160, 161, 176, 179, 182, 506 114–117, 119, 129, 132, 146, 147, 172, Ankylopteryx octopunctata candida, 579 177, 179, 180, 193, 203–208, 211, 212, Annual average price, 41 462, 477 Annual Productivity Index (API), 459 Accredited nurseries, 126 Annual removal of nutrients, 348 Aceria guerreronis, 140, 178–181, 207, Antagonistic microorganisms, 605 582–588 Anthurium spp., 604 Activated carbon (AC), 22, 30, 31, 37–39, 41, Anti-buckling device, 636, 637 48, 669, 685, 710, 712, 744–746, Anti-feedant assay, 172 803–805, 813 Aonidiella orientalis, 601 Adaptation strategy, 754, 796 Apanteles taragamae, 579 Additive genes, 131 APCC countries, 22–26, 31–36, 40, 819 Agricultural systems, 290, 780 Aphelenchus cocophilus, 606 Agroforestry, 274–277, 784, 791, 794 Aphelinid parasitoids, 597, 601 Ahasverus advena, 614 Aphids, 601 Aleurocanthus arecae, 596 Apocarpic ovary, 98 Aleurodicus dispersus, 596, 597 Araecerus fasciculatus, 614 Alien Invasive Species (AIS), 608 Architectural diversity, 166 Alleles, 172, 173, 201, 204–206, 208, 212 Area under coconut cultivation, 22, 23, 26, Allele variability, 172 730, 809 Allogamous plants, 135 Areca catechu, 499, 559 Allometric equations, 791 Arecaceae, 1, 7, 57, 58, 192, 207, 607 Alternate bearing, 120, 134 Arecanut whitefly, 596 Amblyseius largoensis, 586 Arsikere Tall, 180 Amino acid sequences, 166 Artificial screening technique, 163 Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Artocarpus fraxinifolius, 499 (AFLP), 165, 201, 203, 204, 208 Asecodes hisparum, 610 Amplified sequences, 166 Ash weevil, 182, 602 Ananta Ganga, 125 Asian grey weevil, 602 Anatomical examination, 58 Aspergillus flavus, 580, 587, 670, 698 Andaman Dwarf, 98, 160, 179, 180 Aspergillus niger, 503, 587, 670, 698 © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 821 K. U. K. Nampoothiri et al. (eds.), The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera L.) - Research and Development Perspectives, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2754-4 822 Index Aspergillus oryzae, 698 Blast disease of coconut, 530 Aspidiotus destructor, 601, 612 Borassus flabellifer, 559, 575, 583, 684 Aspidiotus rigidus, 608, 609, 612 Bordeaux mixture, 419, 495, 499, 503, 505, Atmospheric evaporative demand, 461 507 Attractants, 565, 571, 580 Bordeaux paste, 494 Autotrophic phase, 446 Boron, 378–382, 384, 387, 389, 413, Auxin transport proteins, 214 414, 422, 716 Awka wilt, 147, 171, 521, 523, 524 Boron deficiency, 92, 244, 343, 379–382, 387, Ayiramkachi, 65, 179, 182 412–414 Azadirachta indica, 562 Botryodiplodia theobromae, 176, 670, 698 Bottled coconut water, 680 B Bougainville Tall, 169 Bacillus laterosporus, 570 Brachymeria nosatoi, 578, 581 Bacillus sp., 275, 570, 587, 697 Bracon brevicornis, 578–581 Bacillus sphaericus, 570 Brazilian Green Dwarf (BGD), 136, 148 Bacillus thuringiensis, 570, 580 Brazil-Praia do Forte Tall, 177 Baculo virus, 564 Breeding for resistance, 162, 178, 495, 536, Balanced nutrition, 397, 403, 419 544 Bali Tall, 65, 145, 175, 197, 495 Breeding strategy, 127, 128, 149 Bandicota bengalensis, 592 Briquetting, 709 Bandicota indica, 592 Brontispa longissima, 608–611 Basal stem rot (BSR), 175, 183, 474, 491, Brontispa wallacea, 611 497–500 Bronze leaf wilt, 412, 521, 523 Base exchange capacity, 370 Buchananiella sodalis, 579 B-deficiency symptoms, 414 Bud rot, 174, 175, 183, 379, 412, 413, Bearing habit, 135 490–496, 512, 530, 567, 728 Beauveria bassiana, 571 Burrowing nematodes, 140, 182, 602–604 Benawali Yellow Round, 134 Bergineus maindroni, 600 Bessa remota, 579 C Biennial bearing, 135 Cadang-cadang disease, 511 Biennial rhythm, 171 Calathea spp., 604 Big verrucosis, 177 Calcium deficiency in coconut, 366 Biochemical response to drought stress, 464 Calleida splendidula, 579 Biodiversity, 89, 103, 267, 268, 285, 291, 296, Calapagonium muconoides, 245, 246, 608, 796 287, 732 Bio-fuel, 49, 53 Cambodia Tall (CBT), 168, 169 Bioinformatics, 166 Cameroon Red Dwarf (CRD), 66, 146, 147, Biological agents, 608 168, 177, 195, 208, 495, 588 Biological control, 178, 290, 496, 503, 562, Campsomeriella collaris collaris, 591 577–579, 581, 586 Cape St. Paul Wilt, 173–174, 525 Bio-lubricants, 49, 53 Carbon farming, 796 Biosecurity risks, 609, 611, 612 Carbonic anhydrase activity, 471 Biotechnology, 86, 142, 144, 191–217 Carbon sequestration, 49, 272, 780–797 Biotic agents, 159, 417 CARI-C2 (Surya), 118 Biotic stresses, 214, 466, 469–474 Carpophilus dimidiatus, 615 Biodiversity International, 86, 89, 115, 193 Caryota urens, 571, 684 Bipolaris incurvata, 176, 492 Cassia javanica, 499 Black palm weevil, 606 Cassia siamea, 499 Black pepper, 270, 272, 274–276, 278–281, Cassytha filiformis, 473, 535 286–288, 295, 496, 603, 604, 607, 608, Cl deficiency symptoms, 374, 375 728, 732 Central hypothesis, 787 Index 823 Cerataphis brasiliensis, 601 Coconut cheese, 29, 658 Ceratocystis paradoxa, 175, 501 Coconut chips dryer, 648 Ceroplastes floridensis, 601 Coconut cream, 36, 37, 636, 653–658, 660, Chalcididae, 578 661, 674, 729, 745, 748 Chalcocelis albiguttatus, 595 Coconut dehusking machine, 641–643 Chandra Laksha, 125, 728 Coconut diagnostic leaf, 388, 389, 410 Chandra Sankara, 125, 728 Coconut disease, 509 Cheiracanthium melanostoma, 579 Coconut eriophyid mite, 180, 582–588, 728 Chelisoches morio, 563, 571 Coconut fibre, 30, 247, 585, 677, 699, 704, Chemo-taxonomical markers, 172 746, 767 Chionaspis sp., 601 Coconut foliar decay (CFD), 148, 491, Chlorine nutrition in coconut, 345 509, 510 Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter, Coconut foliar decay virus (CFDV), 491, 509, 141, 462 510 Chowghat Green Dwarf (CGD), 65, 81, 82, Coconut genetic resources, 54, 86–88, 90, 168, 84, 88, 95, 124, 139, 159, 162–166, 173, 192, 193, 201 176, 181, 183, 211, 213, 472, 588, 613 Coconut Genetic Resources Database Chowghat Orange Dwarf (COD), 61, 66, 81, (CGRD), 54, 86, 89 82, 118, 124, 125, 127, 136, 140, 141, Coconut Genetic Resources Network 159, 161–165, 175, 176, 179–182, 197, (COGENT), 53, 54, 86–89, 103, 115, 203, 210, 244, 255, 295, 353, 392, 403, 117, 119, 124, 725 420, 447, 449, 459, 461, 462, 464, 465, Coconut grating machines, 648, 728 468, 500, 502, 588, 727 Coconut harvester, 638–640 Chromolaena odorata, 562 Coconut haustorium, 768 Chrysochalcisea indica, 594 Coconut honey, 29, 658, 659, 672, 674, 681, Chrysomphalus aonidium, 601 818 Classification of varieties, 172 Coconut hybrids, 123–125, 128–130, 144, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), 49 162, 175–177, 179, 180, 195, 206, 217, Clerodendron infortunatum, 562, 565 249, 276, 346, 362, 468, 495, 731 Climate-change adaptation, 784, 788–796 Coconut industry, 22, 26, 28, 51–53, 55, 137, Climate-change mitigation, 780, 784, 788–796 509, 524, 530, 536, 679, 717, 725, 740, Climate-resilient genotypes, 795 744, 747, 770, 805–807, 819 Climate-smart agriculture (CSA), 780, 790, Coconut inflorescence, 95, 199, 452, 769, 770, 794, 795 805, 818 Climatic events, 780 Coconut jam, 27, 657, 659, 660 Clonal exploitation, 146 Coconut kernel, 35, 46, 454, 455, 644–648, Clonal propagation, 172 652, 653, 656, 670, 679, 690, 693, 697, Clones, 166, 208, 210, 211, 273, 477 698, 739, 758, 760, 766–768 Cluster analysis, 131 Coconut kernel protein (CKP), 767 C-mitosis, 83 Coconut leaf beetle (CLB), 608, 609 Coccidohstrix insolita, 599 Coconut leaf pruning (CLP), 260, 261 Coccus hesperidum, 601 Coconut leaf wilt, 139, 142, 143, 523, Cochin China, 82, 134, 160, 161, 175, 541–545 179–181 Coconut milk, 654 Cochliobolus lunatus, 698 Coconut milk expeller, 649 Coconut-based ecosystems, 780 Coconut milk extractors, 648, 649 Coconut-based farming system (CBFS), Coconut oil, 2, 26, 455, 594, 636, 726, 758, 53, 264–287, 289, 733, 735, 738, 796, 803 817, 819 Coconut oil and heart disease, 760, 761 Coconut biodiesel initiatives, 796 Coconut oil price, 39, 40, 817 Coconut black headed caterpillar, 574, Coconut-producing countries, 5, 24, 26, 37, 576–579, 581, 582 39, 40, 53, 139, 262, 506, 664, 689, Coconut cake, 26, 29, 670, 671, 745, 768 691, 725, 743, 809 824 Index Coconut products, 22, 30, 31, 39–41, 44, Complex hybrid, 129, 146 51–53, 282, 647, 715 Composite variety, 144 Coconut pulveriser, 648 Composition of canned coconut milk Coconut sap, 47, 686, 687, 769 products, 655 Coconut shell, 29, 31, 37, 49, 59, 644, 646, Composition of coconut flour, 662, 663 650, 692, 695, 710–715, 745, 807 Composition of coconut oil, 667, Coconut shell charcoal, 37, 38, 48, 711–713, 758, 759 812 Composition of tender coconut water, 674, Coconut shell removing machine, 646 678, 764 Coconut skim milk and its products, 658 Composition of toddy, 685, 686 Coconut slicing machine, 647, 648 Conservation agriculture, 297, 784, 795 Coconut splitting device, 644, 728 Conthyla rotunda, 595 Coconut sugar, vii, 47, 137, 636, 728, 746, Conventional breeding, 142 758, 770 Copper, 343, 379, 383, 389, 405, 495, 496, Coconut syrup, 657 505, 507, 716, 766 Coconut tapping, 683, 685 Copper fungicides, 495, 505, 507 Coconut testa removing machine, 647 Copper sulphate, 384, 500, 716 Coconut toddy, vii, 27, 29, 47, 559, 571, Copra moisture meter, 645, 646, 733 683–685, 687, 769 Coreid bug, 184, 594, 728 Coconut triangle region, 29 Coronary artery disease (CAD), 760 Coconut varieties, 62–64, 89, 90, 96, Coronary heart disease (CHD), 760 114, 116, 118, 123, 127, C3 plants, 460, 791 130, 139, 149, 166, 171, C4 plants, 449, 791 173, 174, 177, 179–181, Crinitococcus
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