and Hopes — Pages 2, 4 A 5 The Catholic THE NEWSPAPER OF THE ROCHESTER DIOCESE . Journal 78th Year > ROCHESTER, N.Y., FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1967 Price 15 cents -Cktholic-studente^t-Ithaca^ol^^ also pioneers in a project of generosity. They give away ten per cent of their Sunday collection. They Give Their Tithe to Others Vo Van Tien — an eight- an understanding of Christ's year-old lad with his two searching question, 'who are my JKmLteeih-4iiissiiig-===_waa^ mother and my brothers?'" RJshOD Shceil Bkhop-Shooa ifr surrounded by faculty and students^ of the State University atjjenescp. "introduced" to Catholic High above Cayuga's tradi­ *~ "' foTTowing~liis lalft tliere recently""during¥n ^•ecumenical weekend." the prelate gave students at Ithaca College tional waters, older and larger his enthusiastic endorsement to a plan to build an interfaith religious center there, Cornell University also has a At Geneseo this past Sunday. vigorous Catholic student com­ With him in photo is Father Thomas Statt, Newman chaplain at the college. munity which went tithing He's their boy in Saigon. shortly after Ithaca College stu­ dents began the practice. Fa­ They "adopted" him ther Tormey said they began through the international there in Advent of 1965 and in Nation's Bishops Meet in Chicago relief agency known as Fos- this present school year have -terParentsHPlaJh^ : .given appmximately--$1000—to Bishop "Sheen was in Chi­ The special meeting will havc- reply to Cardinal Ottaviani's ecumenical practices which now needy causes. cago this week for an un- an Impact at th6 national and query of last year of possible vary considerably from tliocose The Ithaca College students He said no pulpit appeal has. worldwide level. _ _ ... dangers to the faith gaining to dloccsg^ovgn parish lo garish. will contribute $15 monthly for _pEecjedented=«»eeting of 4he- e^rFirrade^—s'oMy ll!rougn"~tfre~ Their agenda tnrlniW nlee. -ttiiruiicy throughout the worftl: -3?he44!—Chieago-d«c4slor*s-nia-y— his support in war-ravaged" -weekly—prirrteaMrtrrletirr~wh cnfs-eathoUc bishops. Vietnam. The youngster's father tion of three U.S. bishops to at­ Other Synod related topics in­ also result In revised diocesan the tithe recipient is described. tend the September Synod of clude their collective thoughts boundaries In some areas, easier has tuberculosis; the mother Father Tormey said he's con­ has also the care of four young­ , It was their first meeting Bishops In Rome — Archbishop on the revision of canon law, transfer of priests from one dlo- vinced the practice has strength­ John Dearden of Dotroit who the rites for thq sacraments and er children besides Vo Van ened in the -students "a Chris- within six- months of a pre- Tien. heads the ATriorlcan blsnops cc^ seminary educatlort. - needs more equitably, andjxtgi tian awareness of other, mem­ vious rneetiag-and-the- Jfest urdmatmg^ -agency is mrtoma- BTDIO ways vt tnxtacitnf pflosts^ They are also expected to This reaching ou$ in mercy to bers of the universal family time they met other than at ticaly scheduled to attend. brothers, nuns and lay people of God." . forge guidelines to assure great­ in diocesan administration. the needy around the world Baltimore or Washington. They are also expected to er uniformity In liturgical and is typical of at least three New­ Beneficiaries of the Cornell Archbishop Joseph T. Mc- man Clubs at colleges In the tithe have included a Negro Guoken of San Francisco, mod­ Rochester Diocese. parish in Arizona, an Indian iini|l|!]l|!l!|!lt|!|i|llll!ll|!li|l|l «IIIUillll|l!|»|lV fiitiirii'rotriiini'iiriwiiiirnM.tii'rii erator of the National Council Newman chaplains Father mission in the Sierra Madre of Catholic Wen, said he. jvgl!ld_ Richard Tormey-at Cornell -Uni­ . MQiintains_Ln—Mexico, - a -pa-r-ish - ^propose that a pro tem National versity and Father William Graf in Peru where a Cornell gradu­ Council of the Laity bo estab­ ate is a Peace Corps worker, a lished to develop "a new na­ at Ithaca College introduced "a tional pattern of coordination^ reverse tithe" system two years Pureto Rican parish in New Vatican Urged Send Diplomat To Israel York City and the "Tiger Club" representation and dialogue for ago—they give away ten per London — (RNS) — The Noah Barou. eminent Jewish Hollis recalled that the Vati­ the lay aposlolate." cent of the collection each for youngsters in a Santo Do­ can's attitude resulted from the mingo parish. Vatican's refusal to recognize sociologist and political leader. week. Father John Hedges at Israel was termed "unfortunate" refusal to internationalize the University of Rochester has "To this day," he said, "the Father Hedges said arrange­ at a lecture here by Christo­ Jerusalem, now divided be­ a similar arrangement in oper­ Vatican does not recognize the tween Israel and Arab Jordan, ation there. ments are currently being made pher Mollis, chairman of a na­ state of Israel. That Is, I think, Renewal, Not for Catholic students at the but snid the Pope and the V© Van Tien of Saigon can tional commission recently ap­ unfortunate and should be Church wore not concerned with Father Graf said, "Our tithe, University of Rochester also to pointed _by John Cardinal Hee-„ remedied. smile now. Students at Ithaca "adopt" a war-orphan. ContribuL-.. hostilities to the..Jewish -state Revolution smalLthough it.is—usually five - College have" "adopted" lunr nan of Westminster to imple, ~" "WHatcver" \ve~rnay think of as such. or six dollars—reminds^ the stu­ ""{Tons have been made to similar tbrrottgh an agency which will beneficiaries as those indicated ment the Vatican II declaration pajriteular actions in the past, Vatican City — (RNS) — A dents of the Christian obligatjon on the Jews. •, tttere is never much to be gain­ Calling for a growth of cour­ group of French chojr members to be involved, to be deeply see to it that he gets food, from Cornell and the Ithaca tesy and charity betwocn Chris­ College tithe program. ed from refusal to recognize a hoard Pope Paul VI call here and genuinely concerned for clothing and schooling on a Hbllis gave the 11th of a state that in fact exists. The tians and Jews, he also said, "If for "a wise balance between others." regular basis. Newman Clubs at other col­ series of lectures organized by Church gained little from its re­ little flickers of the old the ancient and the modern" In leges in the diocesan area are the British section of the World fusal for half a century to anti-Semitism do still sometimes Church music. Father Tormey explained who Jewish Congress to eorflrnemor- recognise the state of united splutter up in this and that cor­ gets the tithe. "Recipients of also generous in support of The pontiff stressed that It the mentally retarded. A note "outside" causes but their lim­ ate the work of the late Dr. Italy." ner of the world ... we can,- the tithe are selected at ran­ I hope, confidently believe that was not the intention of Vati­ of thanks in reply from Sister ited numbers also limit the 1 dom, with an attempt to vary they are but the last embers of can II to deprive the Cliurch the domestic and foreign and, Seraphinc, he said, made a extent to which they can com- -ancient Jxeasures—of-sa— deep impression on the eurtege- mit themselves to a consistent 1 a dying fire—ane-in—any-ev frequently, to choose a Protes­ Jews can certainly rail on Cath­ cred music but "to maintain tant or non-denominational ben­ students. "These children are tithing arrangement. Faith Survival 'Miraculous olics to lend their full assist­ them and to adapt them to mod­ eficiary. Many of the sugges­ at the heart of the universe. Vatican City — (RNS) - It said that young people in ance in stamping them out." ern conditions." tions come from the students," You are at the head of the One fact seems to emerge— young Catholics, like old Cath­ Vatican Radio, broadcasting a Russia "have begun to form he said. universe," the nun wrote. commentary on "the religious clandestine religious groups, "As we have said in the "These exceptional children . olics, are generous — to their situation in the Soviet Union," Hollis is a prominent Cntho- past," hw emphasized, "the Church and to their fellow man. meeting secretly in private -tic—writer-ami politician. Ttitr The Ithaca College tithe has will teach our civilization that observed that religion in Rus­ houses, reading the Bible in "ounril must not be considered also crossed denominational is so technology-minded that it In a day when headlines often sia "has managed to survive small groups or listening to re­ archdiocesan commission which as a sort of a revolution which lines to include the Salvation is forgetting the aspect of love." prompt a pessimistic outlook miraculously despite everything ligious records. he heads as chairman meets sweeps away Ideas and prcc Army's Christmas -fund, the for the future^, it's stories like that the persecutors can do." periodically, not with any exe­ edenis to makn room for nl'Wl , Cancer, Heart and Easter Seal To date the Ithaca College this one wjjich indicate the opti­ "They have the same pure cutive powers to set rules or things which arc unthinkable ^-campaigns and the Ithaca Unit­ tithing total comes to just about mists* arie/^perhaps correct after "This is perhaps one of the faith and attitude as that when terms of reference, but as a and foolhardy. No! The Council ed Fund. $300, Father Graf stated. "It is all. most interesting phenomena of the church was in the cata­ kind of advisory body for Car­ was not a revolution; It Is a a small attempt to acknowledge —Father Henry A.
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