May, 2005 vol. IV, no. 5 5th Annual Classic Go-Kart Challenge Which club took home the trophy? See page 3 Marque Clubs of the Upper Midwest British Iron Society of (www.mini-sota.com) MAY, 2005 Greater Fargo (701-293- VOLUME IV, ISSUE 5 MINI-sota Motoring Society 6882) ([email protected]) PUBLISHER Citroën Car Club of Minne- Minnesota Morgans Vintage Enterprises sota (www.citroenmn.com) ([email protected]) EDITOR Glacier Lakes Quatro Club Minnesota SAAB Club Andy Lindberg (www.glacierlakesqclub.org) (www.mnsaabclub.org) Minnesota Triumphs SENIOR COPY EDITOR Jaguar Club of Minnesota (www.mntriumphs.org) Linda Larson (www.jaguarminnesota.org) Lotus Eaters (TYPE45@aol. Nordstern Porsche Club (www. CONTRIBUTORS com) nordstern.org) Bob Groman Lotus Owners of the North - North Star BMW Car Club SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION LOON ([email protected]) (www.northstarbmw.org) To subscribe, send e-mail address to Pagoda Club of Minnesota andylindberg@ earthlink.net with the Mercedes Benz Club of secret message, “Subscribe me to America, Twin Cities (651-452-2807) the monthly.” Section (www.mbca-tc.org) The Regulars Twin Cities Vintage Scooter Club SUBSCRIPTION RATES Metropolitans from Minne- U.S. One Year: free; Two Years: free; (www.minnescoota.com) One year foreign: free; Overseas: sota (www.metropolitansfrom free. Subject to change with or minnesota.com) Stella del Nord Alfa Romeo without notice. Owners Club (esolstad@ Minnesota Austin-Healey pressenter.com) ADDRESS CHANGES Club (www.mnhealey.com) To insure no issues are missed, send Twin Cities VW Club e-mail message to Minnesota Ferrari Club (www.twincitiesvwclub.com) ([email protected]) [email protected] Vintage Sports Car Racing COPYRIGHT 2005 by IMM. All rights Minnesota MG Group (www.vscr.org) reserved. Published monthly by (www.mmgg.org) Vintage Enterprises, 923 St. Clair Volvo Sports America Minne- Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105. IMM is Minnesota MG T Register sota Chapter (David Olson, published as an information source (www.mnmgtr.com) [email protected]) only; the publisher does not endorse the products or services advertised Mini-Sota Minis, Pizza Z Owners Club of Minnesota - herein. The source of information is Eating, and Psychiatric ZOOM (www.zownersofmn. noted or inferred if possible; the Self-Help Assn org) publisher is not liable for the accu- racy of the information. Reproduction of the contents of this publication for Clubs listed in bold are members of the InterMarque Council. We commercial purposes without paying would like this to be as complete a listing as possible. Send info/ me is strictly prohibited. I am not a rumors/whatever on clubs not listed to [email protected]. lawyer and do not play one on TV. Thanks in advance. There is no charge for the listing. EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS IMM on the Web: The Minnesota Triumphs Sports Car Club has posted are always welcome. Send the InterMarque Monthly on its website. Brent Kiser, web mechanic, tries to words and/or photos to the get new editions up as quickly as possible. For your IMM fix, click to e-mail address above. www.mntriumphs.org. InterMarque Monthly, May, 2005, page 2 Go-KartGo-KartGo-Kart ChallengeChallengeChallenge March 19 On March 19, about 30 gung-ho racers and a few gung-whoa wannabees gathered at Pro Kart Indoors in Maple Grove for the annual Go Kart Challenge. Minne- sota Jaguars hosted the event and invited other “vintage” car clubs to compete. Last year the team prize went to the BMW club. Who took it this year? Read on and find out. Jeff Ophoven, owner of Pro-Kart In- doors, held up the caution flag and told the racers what they had bet- ter do if they see it: “Slow Down. There’s a prob- lem on the track and the course workers do not want to get run over.” Jeff also showed the kartists the “move over and let somebody pass flag.” He said it’s no big deal. Not everyone believed him. Looking on is Dave Meek, who did a heck of a job putting this event together. To the left two unidentified rac- ers battle it out on their last ses- sion on the track. One tip from Jeff was to lean to the outside of the curve while you are cor- nering. This is the opposite of what your inner ear tells you to do, but it puts more weight on the outside tires and they are less likely to hop and skip. The racers testified that it worked. InterMarque Monthly, May, 2005, page 3 Right: Lotus devotee Tim Engel shows racers the best “line” for fastest speed. Below: Racers line up for their next outing. Always watch out for people who bring their own helmets. It’s like going to the pool hall and playing with the guy with his own cue. Don’t bet money on the outcome. Note video cam! After participants adjourned to the Black Bear Saloon, Dave Meek announced the winners: Third place club: Lotus Second place club: Ferrari #1 First place club: Jaguar 2005 Fastest time of day: Jer- emy Engel (by a couple thou- sandths of a second over Matthias Orfield) Best crash: Steve Rixen Lunatic: Tom Hazen Safest: Denny Hansen Best tee-shirt slogan seen at the event: “You mess with me, you’re messing with the whole trailer park.” InterMarque Monthly, May, 2005, page 4 OUT & ABOUT Minnesota Racetracks, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corpora- management negligence on a massive scale, Past, Present & Future? tion. SAIC has joint ventures to build VWs doomed the business. As this newsletter and GM cars but nothing to call its own. goes to press, the Blair (Labour) Admin- The grand old man of Minnesota sports It was looking for an acquisition and had istration is offering various plans to save car tracks, Brainerd International Raceway been in talks with MG Rover MG Rover. One or more of these may (aka Donnybrooke) is still alive. Despite for many succeed but the chances do not look good. what you may have read here and else- months Vintage Sports Car Racers where, it has not yet been sold. A sale may before it (or may not) be imminent and the new was al- Hold Swap Meet owner (if there is one) may (or may not) lowed to On April 9, Quality Coaches hosted a want to convert the track into condos and do finan- swap meet for VSCR, this area’s premier a golf course. Hope that clears things up. cial due MG TF (perhaps only) vintage racing organiza- Meanwhile, a new track is in the works. It diligence. tion. (For info on VSCR, see their web will be called Pine Run Motor Sports and The report from Ernst & site, www.vscr.org.) be located near Pine City (exit 169 on I-35 Young said that MG Rover would run out In addition to bargain priced racing good- between the Cities and Duluth). Exact lo- of cash within weeks so SAIC walked away. ies, the show also featured two attractions cation would be in Pokegama Township Even a £100 million loan from the Brit- planned for the May 22 Inter-Marque on what is now the Harley Sod Farm, one ish government did not sway them. Spring Kick Off. First, Kevin Clemens was mile north of the metropolis of Henriette. At last count, MG Rover was building thir- there with his book, Motor Oil for a Car Guy’s Developer of the new track is Jed Copham teen different products. They ranged in Soul. Clemens, who lives in the Cities races and JD Investments. Copham has hired price from the £6495 City Rover to the an MGTD and a 1985 VW Golf. The Golf Scott Quick, formerly of BIR, to manage £65,750 MG XPower SV. Of most inter- the facility. The main difference between est to Americans, although not sold here, it and BIR is that Pine Run is designed is the MG TF, a two door roadster with with shorter straightaways so that it can a distinguished name and so-so build be used by street cars in addition to all- quality.. out race vehicles. All MG Rovers were built in the anti- Meanwhile, a group called Concerned Citi- quated Longbridge plant rather than the zens Against Pine Run Racetrack (CRAPR) somewhat more modern Cowley facility is organizing to fight the facility. For more that BMW uses to build the MINI. From info on the proposed track, see reports, it appears that this, along with pinerunracing.com. MG Rover Closes Shop After a deal fell through with a potential Chinese partner, sup- pliers pulled the plug on MG Rover. They were understand- ably worried about not being was there on a trailer as Kevin was paid by a company whose shaky leaving for Blackhawk immedi- financial situation was slowly be- ately following the VSCR get-to- coming apparent to outsiders. gether. MG Rover is the last British- Second, Rob Edwards was there owned volume car maker and the with a slot car track he is promot- successor to British Motor Com- ing. Slot cars are having a real re- pany, British Leyland, and their surgence and the set Rob has is many predecessors. very nice. For those of you who The Chinese deal was to be with don’t know Rob, he is the area’s InterMarque Monthly, May, 2005, page 5 Bob Cox attracted a crowd at the VSCR swap meet with Three.” his Vintage “RSK.” An actual Porsche RSK would cost By one report, the DMC-12 was in- something in six or seven figures. This very nicely done tended to be “safe, ethical, and sleek,” replicar goes for around $30,000 with a but DeLorean was also quoted as say- 120 bhp VW engine.
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