The National Council of Methodist Youth A Christian fellowship correlating and giving national expression to the program of participating youth groups in the Methodist Church. 740 Rush Street EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS HERMAN WILL, JR. , PRES. 4855 N. LOWELL AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. THOMAS R. PENDELL JOHN M. SWOMLEY, JR. , V-PRE l^ June 27 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 2929 BROADWAY NEW YORK, NEW YORK BEULA BRIGHAM , SECY. 2407 SOUTH 19 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA LESLIE J. Ross TREAS. TO ALL PERSONS COMECTED WITH TEE LEADERSHIP OF 'THE BATTLEGROUND, INDIANA JAMES L. FARMER, JR. IQUo FATIOFAL COHERENCE OF METHODIST YOUTH DEVOTIONAL LIFE 1027 EUCLID ST. , N.W. WASHINGTON, D. C. GRACE DEMETRIADES WORLD FRIENDSHIP 7IOO SELLERS AVE. UPPER DARBY, PA, My dear Friend: FRANKLIN H. LITTELL SOCIAL ACTION CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Plans for the 4 th Biennial National Conference of Method­ WOODWARD AND ADAMS DETROIT, MICHIGAN ist Youth are now nearly complete. As we look forward to this LAWRENCE EISENBERG RECREATION gathering in this critical summer, we all realize its paramount UNIV. OF CHATTANOOGA CHATTANOOGA, TENN. significance. We appreciate the part that you are having with us in making it the meaningful experience it is going to he. MEMBERS AT LARGE MILO D. HIMES, JR. 125 N. DUBUQUE Conference program. We are enclosing a copy of the main IOWA CITY, IOWA features of the conference program, the schedule of the con­ NEIL SWANSON MT. VERNON, IOWA ference, the list of commissions and their leadership, the rules MARY MOORE of procedure, and a transportation "bulletin. Make careful note 43 EAST 1ST ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. of your responsibilities and just how they fit into the total HAF3R1ET LEWIS LITTELL, PAST PRES conference program. 76 WEST A^AMS DETROIT, MICHIGAN ADULT MEMBERS Time. The Conference will operate on Central Daylight Saving Time. EDWARD D. STAPLES HIELD. BOL-LINGER MRS. ALBERT E. BEEBE MISS HELEN L. JOHNSON Arrival. Leaders arriving by train or "bus in Warsaw, Ind­ iana, should notify us as to the time so that someone may meet ADVISORY MEMBERS them and "bring them to the conference grounds. HARRY W. MCPHERSON NATHANIEL F. FORSYTH WADE C. BARCLAY * Registration. There will be a special desk for leaders at W. E. J. GRATZ registration headquarters and it will not be necessary to go HARRY C. WILSON TlT MRS. W. H. C. GOODE through the regular line. Opens 8:30 A. Tuesday, MRS. THOMAS NICHOLSON D. STEWART PATTERSON Equipment. All equipment is furnished except towels and RECOGNIZED PERIODICAL personal articles. THE EPWORTH HERALD Leaders' meeting. A special meeting of all conference PARTICIPATING GROUPS leaders will be held at 3:36 P.M., Tuesday afternoon, location EPWORTH LEAGUE YOUTH DIVISION, CHURCH to be announced at registration headquarters. We urgently re­ SCHOOL quest that everyone bend every effort to be present at this QUEEN ESTHERS STANDARD BEARERS KAPPA PHI PHI TAU THETA SIGMA EPSILON THETA Attend the METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENTS METHODIST SEMINARY STUDENTS FOURTH BIENNIAL WESLEY FOUNDATIONS WESLEY PLAYERS NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF METHODIST YOUTH WINONA LAKE, INDIANA August 27 - September \, 1940 - 2 - time. Leaders in the general field of world peace ( Commissions 17 "to 21) will also have a special meeting.at 2J00 P.M., Tuesday afternoon. Books and pamphlets. Leaders having definite books and pamphlets to recommend to their commissions for purchase should notify our office of their titles and authors by August 12th. The Methodist Book Concern will cooperate fully with us in attempting to have them ready for sale. Question periods. After the major addresses on Christian faith, reconciliation, and the church, there will be opportunity for questions from the floor directed to the speaker. Conference emphases. From the theme it may be noted that there are two major emphases underlying the entire conference program. One of these is "building". Young.people are anxious not only for goals, but they are clamoring for techniques. They want to knownhown. It is expected that commissions will not only give direction and motivation, but will provide skills and techniques in achieving these goals. We must avoid frustration. The other emphasis is that of religious con­ viction. We believe that as Christians we have a fundamental and unique witness. We need a deep underlying faith. We trust that this confer­ ence will give the delegates just that. Bible series. To give the group a new understanding and appre­ ciation of the Bible, Professor Paul Minear, of Garrett Biblical Insti­ tute, is giving a series of Bible talks each morning. These will not only give an appreciation of the modern approach to the Bible, but will open up and stimulate an active interest in this great foundation stone of our faith. Expense checks. You will recall that leaders receiving expense checks will receive them by mail from Chicago after turning in their expense accounts to the Chicago office. Looking forward with you to a great week at Winona, I remain Cordially yours, TRP:W THOMAS R. PENDELL CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONNEL National Conference of Methodist Youth 19^0 Youth Delegates shall be between the ages of 17 and 25» inclusive, shall be members of the Methodist Church, and shall be the duly elected representatives of some Methodist youth organization. They will pay the $U.OO registration fee and enjoy all the privileges of the Conference. Adult Delegates shall be those persons over 25 years of age, members of the Methodist Church, who are duly elected representatives of some Methodist youth organization. Each adult delegate must be accompanied by at least one youth- delegate from the same organization. Adult delegates will pay the $HiOO regis­ tration fee and shall enjoy all the privileges of the Conference except as their right to vote and to participate in discussion is restricted by the rules of pro­ cedure. Official Observers shall be those persons not regularly elected delegates but whose official relationships are such as, in the opinion of the Credentials Committee, to entitle them to special consideration. Official observers will pay the $4.00 registration fee and will be admitted to all Conference sessions, commission groups, and other Conference activities. They will have no vote and will not participate in discussion unless specifically invited to do so as re­ source person. ^I*ie Leadership group shall include those persons who have been specifically engaged for positions of Conference leadership. They will pay no registration fee, and outside of their own special field of leadership they shall enjoy the same privileges as official observers. ^he Service staff shall include those persons who give substantial clerical or other assistance in the administration of the Conference. They will pay no registration fee and shall enjoy the same privileges as official observers. Persons not admissable under any of the above classifications shall be con­ sidered Visitors and shall be admitted only to plenary sessions of the Confer­ ence, where they shall be seated in a special section of the auditorium. A visitor's admission fee of 50 cents will be charged for each such session. Robert1s Rules of Order shall govern in all plenary sessions of the Conference. RULES OF PROCEDURE VOTING, in both Commissions and plenary sessions, shall be by youth delegates only. A separate poll of ADULT OPINION may be taken at the discretion of the chairman or upon the call of either a youth or adult delegate, in either case supported by a majority of the youth delegates present. ADULT DELEGATES shall be granted the privilege of the floor in plenary sess­ ions and of participation in commission discussions only when requested to speak, and then with the consent of the group and upon recognition as an adult. No tw</adult delegates shall speak in succession. In BUSINESS SESSIONS of the Conference a special section of the house shall be set aside within which only qualified delegates shall be seated. Each COMMISSION shall have a discussion leader and one or more resource per­ sons, provided by the Planning Committee. Each commission shall elect from its own membership a chairman and a secretary or secretaries, who shall be regular youth delegates. (This requirement may be relaxed in the case of special com­ missions which may be made up entirely of adult delegates.) One person in each commission shall be charged with the responsibilit;/- of admitting only qualified persons to the commission sessions. Each commission may prepare a written REPORT of its work and its findings, which may be mimeographed and distributed to the Conference but which shall not be read to, nor acted upon by, the entire body. Such reports may be published as the findings of one commission but are not to be considered as necessarily re­ presenting the viewpoint of the entire Conference. RESOLUTIONS may be originated (l) by any regular commission* in which case they shall be submitted over the signatures of the chairman and secretary and ac­ companied by a recorded count vote; (2) by the National Council of Methodist Youth, in which case the same requirements shall apply? (3) by the Executive Com­ mittee of the National Council of Methodist Youth, over the signature of its secretary? (4) "by any ten youth delegates, upon their signed petition? or (5) by the Committee on Resolutions. All resolutions shall be in the hands of the Committee on Resolutions not later than 7«00 p.m. on Friday, August JO. There shall be a COMITIES ON RESOLUTIONS to be composed of a chairman (elect­ ed in advance by the Planning Committee) and the youth chairmen of the several commissions. All resolutions to be presented to the business sessions of the Con­ ference, except those originated by the National Council of Methodist Youth or its Executive Committee, shall be presented in writing to this committee, which shall bring them to the Conference in appropriate order, giving due consideration to their sourse and their relative importance.
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