2015 Rome EUROPEAN Veneto Vittorio NH Roma Collection 11-13 November PRO BONO FORUM 2015 European Pro Bono Forum 11–13 November NH Collection Roma Vittorio Veneto Rome PILnet Sustaining Partners Welcome from PILnet’s Board of Directors AAss cchairhair ooff PILnet’sPILnet’s BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors andand a propro bonobono advocate,advocate, I wwarmlyarmly wwelcomeelcome yyouou ttoo PPILnet’sILnet’s 9tthh aannualnnual EEuropeanuropean PProro BBonoono FForum.orum. OOverver tthehe ppastast ninenine yyears,ears, PPILnet’sILnet’s PProro BBonoono FForumsorums iinn LLondon,ondon, WWarsaw,arsaw, MMadrid,adrid, PParis,aris, BBerlinerlin aandnd BBudapestudapest hhaveave pplayedlayed a mmajorajor rroleole iinn bbuildinguilding ssupportupport fforor pproro bbonoono aacrosscross tthehe ccontinent.ontinent. PPILnetILnet nnowow bbringsrings iitsts 22015015 EEuropeanuropean PProro BBonoono FForumorum ttoo RRome,ome, wwithith tthehe ggoaloal ooff reinforcingreinforcing thethe vitalvital rolerole thatthat propro bonobono cancan playplay inin addressingaddressing tthehe sseriouserious pproblemsroblems tthathat bbedeviledevil oourur wworld.orld. 2 l 2015 European Pro Bono Forum, Rome I N A I L I B U R O T R E B O R : O T O H PHOTO: ROBERTO RUBILIANI ROBERTO P PHOTO: TThehe rrefugeeefugee aandnd mmigrantigrant ccrisis.risis. VViolenceiolence aagainstgainst wwomen.omen. HHumanuman ttrafficking.rafficking. CClimatelimate cchange.hange. TThehe cclosinglosing sspacepace fforor ccivilivil ssocietyociety tthroughouthroughout tthehe wworld.orld. TThehe FForumorum wwillill pproviderovide aallll ooff usus withwith opportunitiesopportunities toto learnlearn about,about, discussdiscuss andand ddebateebate thethe waysways pproro bbonoono llawyersawyers ccanan bbestest ccontributeontribute ttoo aamelioratingmeliorating tthesehese aandnd ootherther pproblems.roblems. TThroughhrough oourur ccollectiveollective eefforts,fforts, wwee hhopeope ttoo ssparkpark iideas,deas, sstrategiestrategies aandnd ccommitmentsommitments tthathat wwillill mmaximizeaximize tthehe iimpactmpact ooff propro bonobono workwork inin Europe.Europe. WWee tthankhank oourur IItaliantalian hhostsosts aandnd aapplaudpplaud ttheirheir eenergynergy iinn ddevelopingeveloping aann iinfrastructurenfrastructure ttoo eencouragencourage aandnd ffacilitateacilitate pproro bbonoono iinn IItaly.taly. OOnn bbehalfehalf ooff PILnet’sPILnet’s BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors andand staff,staff, I wishwish eacheach ofof youyou a productiveproductive andand rrewardingewarding cconference,onference, aandnd hhopeope tthathat yyouou wwalkalk aawayway iinspirednspired ttoo aapplypply pproro bbonoono ttoo tthehe jjusticeustice iissuesssues tthathat aarere ddearear ttoo yyou.ou. BBarbaraarbara SSchatzchatz CChairhair ooff PILnet’sPILnet’s BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors 2015 European Pro Bono Forum, Rome l 3 PILnet’s Board of Directors BBarbaraarbara SSchatzchatz ((Chair)Chair) | Columbia University | New York SSuzanneuzanne TTurnerurner ((ViceVice CChair)hair) | Dechert | Washington, D.C. KKimberlyimberly RReedeed ((Treasurer)Treasurer) | Reed International Law & Consulting | Washington, D.C. RRobertobert VVannianni ((Secretary)Secretary) | The New York Public Library | New York LLukaszukasz BBojarskiojarski | INPRIS–Institute for Law and Society | Warsaw AAntoniantonia GGrumbachrumbach | Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler | New York BBabatundeabatunde IIrukerarukera | SimmonsCooper Partners | Lagos KKrassimirrassimir KKanevanev | Bulgarian Helsinki Committee | Sofia HHeng-Pineng-Pin ““Ping”Ping” KKiangiang | International Business Advisor | Seattle AAryehryeh NeierNeier | Open Society Foundations | New York JJonathanonathan SSmallmall | Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York | New York PILnet would like to thank the Oak Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, the River Star Foundation and the Sigrid Rausing Trust, all whose generous support makes PILnet’s work possible. THE SIGRID RAUSING TRUST 4 l 2015 European Pro Bono Forum, Rome Table of Contents Welcome from PILnet’s Board of Directors .................................................................................................... 2 PILnet’s Board of Directors ................................................................................................................................... 4 About PILnet ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 PILnet’s Pro Bono Achievements ........................................................................................................................ 7 PILnet Supporters ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 PILnet Pro Bono Council ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Welcome from the Forum Host Committee ................................................................................................. 12 Forum Host Committee ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Forum Planning Committee ................................................................................................................................ 13 Pro Bono Publico (Italian) ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Pro Bono Publico (English) .................................................................................................................................... 16 General Information ............................................................................................................................................... 18 2015 European Pro Bono Forum Sponsors...................................................................................................... 19 SSummaryummary AAgendagenda ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2200 PPILnet’sILnet’s 22015015 EEuropeanuropean PProro BBonoono FForumorum AAgendagenda ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2233 Forum Speakers Biographies ............................................................................................................................... 42 What Is a Pro Bono Clearinghouse? ................................................................................................................. 62 PILnet Pro Bono Clearinghouses ........................................................................................................................ 63 Partner Clearinghouses ......................................................................................................................................... 63 2015 European Pro Bono Forum, Rome l 5 About PILnet PILnet envisions a world where law delivers justice. We connect and equip lawyers to protect human rights, advance social justice and defend the most vulnerable. PILnet has two core strategies: training, supporting and collaborating with public interest lawyers on a global scale and strengthening the global pro bono community. Our approach is to connect and collaborate with partners to create globally-available resources that make local public advocacy more effective. While PILnet’s reach is worldwide, our innovating strategies are driven by local actors. Strengthening Public Interest Lawyers PILnet strengthens the effectiveness of public interest lawyers around the world through fellowships, training programs and other special initiatives. We provide unique connections and resources to global networks of like-minded advocates. For example, our international Fellows program has transformed the lives and careers of more than 100 leading public interest lawyers from 36 countries. Our Fellows work on a wide range of issues from protecting economic and social rights, to addressing climate change, LGBTI rights and human trafficking. Building the Global Pro Bono Community PILnet is leading the way in a global effort to build pro bono communities locally in order to strengthen civil society and ensure access to justice. PILnet has linked together a global network of pro bono clearinghouses – including its own pioneering initiatives in Asia, Europe and West Africa – which connect law firms and corporations as pro bono service providers with NGOs and individuals in need of legal assistance. Further, PILnet widens and deepens the global pro bono community through convening annual Pro Bono Forums in Europe and Asia bringing together the key actors in those regions. As global pro bono culture grows around the world, PILnet is creating resources that make local advocacy more effective. For more information on PILnet’s work and how to get involved, visit wwww.pilnet.org.ww.pilnet.org 6 l 2015 European Pro Bono Forum, Rome 2015 European Pro Bono Forum, Rome Rome BonoForum, Pro 2015 European l 7 PPHOTO:HOTO: BBENEDEKENEDEK BBOROR PILnet’s Pro Bono Achievements Mobilizing pro bono resources
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