(', ; THE NEW INTERNATIONAL A MONTHLY ORGAN OF REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM VOLUME 1 AUGUST 1934 NUMBER 2 Published once a month by the New International Publishing Association, Station D, Post Office Box II9, New York, N ew York. Subscription rates: $1.50 per year (I2 issues) ; $1.00 for seven issues. Canada and Foreign subscription rate: $1.75 per year. 1L~\ ~= SIIACHTMAN, Editor MARTIN ABERN, Busincss 1Y1 anager TAB LEO :r 'C 0 N TEN T S A111cr;ca and the War In the Pacific, by Jack ~V eber, 33' The Stalinists anc! Pacifism, by Arlle S7.(labcck. S4 ANew Turn to the United Front ........ " ...... " .. 35 Six Months of the Doumergue Regime .............. " 56 BGnapart:sm and Fascism ...... , ............ , 37 Murder for Profit: El Gran Chaco, by Jean llfcndcz .... 57 The Testament of Lenin, by Leon Tj'ots!?y ...... , 39 Banned! , .............. , , ............. , . .. 58 The Second International in the War, by Max Shachtman 43 DOCUMENTS AND DISCUSSION: THE CRISIS IN FASCISM : The Question of Organic Unity 111 France 1. The Events in Germany, by lYJauricc Spector .... 47 2. How It Happened in Italy, by I. C. H .. ... , , .... 48 The Pact ................ " ..................... 59 On the Slogan of "Disarmament", by N. Lenin ... ..... 50 Towards Organic Unity? by La V h'itc " ...... ,' .. 59 Diplomacy in the World War, by G. Vassilkovsky .. " .. 52 Organic Unity? Yes! by Linier ............ , ..... 60 BOOKS: Soule's Revolution, by Felix .M arrow ......... ', .... 61 Honky-Tonk, b:y Louis Berg .... ',.. , ............ A Legal Marxist, by JosePh C artc?' ., ............. ,. American Capacity, by T1/. E. G ....... , ........... I Inside Front Cover: For the Man on the Planet without a Visa. J nside Back Cover: At Home. An Apology. j~~--------~~-~, --~ }~or the Man on the Planet Without a Visa A few months ago the French author­ opening of a campaign to secure Trot­ plan they have been harboring in their ities made a raid on the residence of sky's assassination: minds: Leon Trotsky and immediately thereafter .. 'H. Sarraut not only protects the To deport T1'Otsky to a living death issued an order for his deportation. The killer Bonnefoy-Sibour. ·He also pro­ o/t a French island colony off t/te so'ltth- reactionary press of France unleashed tects Trotsky. easternmost shores of Africa! , its pack of journalistic hounds to bay "'One fine morning we read in the Never before has his lire-to say noth­ for Trotsky's prompt removal from the papers that the revolutionary agitator ing of his work-been so imminently en­ soil of France, if not his removal from had gone to Switzerland. The news was dangered as'at present. Every effort must the realm of the living. Having little to incorrect. Trotsky is still in France. He be made to.:prevent the execution of the fear as yet from the Fourth International lives in a little village where he contin­ sinister plans of the French reaction. as an organization, the Fascists never­ nes to dream of civil war. rn this country it is an elementary theless had cause to be disturbed by the "'\Vhat is the Minister of the Interior duty of every progressive-minded person ideas of the new' International of Com­ waiting for to execute the order of ex­ to insist that Leon Trotsky be granted a munism and its leader. pulsion? Or must we call upon the ex­ visa, the right to asylum for a political Trotsky to the door! has become a servicemcn themsel'lJes to conduct Trot­ refugee on American soil. The right of watchword of the reaction in France. sk'), to the frontier!' asylum was once jealously cherished not The Stalinist spokesmen, determined to "Trotsky's whereahouts is at present a only by the radical revolutionist in the fjnd a spot on the name of Communism close secret. During the past week, how­ United States, but even by every liberal. which they have not yet coverecl with ever, widespread efforts have heen made We are in a position to state that shame so that they might promptly black­ to extract the name of the village from Trotsky would welcome the opportunity en it, took every precaution to let the police officials. At the same time, Fas­ to come to the oDl1ited States, if the legal world know that they were not in the cist or~anizatiol1s in the provinces have arrangements were effected, to live here, least interested in the fate of Trotsky. heen instnlctp-d to do their utmost to lo­ to study, and to do his literary work, Taking the hint, the Fascists aim to see cate Trotsky." placing himself, of course, under the ob­ to it that whatever the fate, it will be a The truth of the matter is, of course, ligation to observe the laws of the coun­ horrible one. that the present French government is as try of his re{uge. They are planning the assassination of anxious to he rid of Trotsky as are the A committee oJ: noted persons is at the Trotsky! . Fascists. Its only difficulty in executing present moment being constituted for the A recent issue of the New Leader of the deportation order has been the want purpose of bending efforts to obtain the London prints an account from a Paris of a country to send him to. All efforts necessary visa from the, United States correspondent which we reproduce in its made up to the present time to obtain a authorities af Washington. THE NEW essential parts: visa for Trotsky, have failed. And as­ INTERN ATIQ~AL urges all its readers and "The French Fascists have discovered suming that a re;\ctionary assassin does friends to give unstinting assistance to that the ex-Soviet War Commissar is not. 11111rder Trotskv in the meantime­ this committee as soon as they are called still in France. The following note in all'} this is hecoming increasingly likely upon. the organ of M. Chiappe, the former with the passage of tiqle-the French Trotsky is now living on a planet with­ Chief of Paris police, is regarded as the authorities intend to put into effect the out a visa. Let us help get one for him. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL A MONTHLY ORGAN OF REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM VOLUME I AUGUST 1934 NUMBER 2 America and the War in the Pacific AP1T ALIST peace is an armed truce constantly threatened velt to send the U. S. fleet into the Pacific in 1908 for a "tour" of C with being disrupted by the under-handed or overt acts of the world, in precisely the same fashion as the present Roosevelt agiression of one or the other of the imperialist powers. The in­ sent the fleet to Hawaii recently upon the final seizure of Man­ cident that finally precipitates war is merely the indication that churia. The friction over immigration finally resulted in the diplomacy, as an instrument for peaceful expansion of the robber "Gentlemen's Agreement" of 1912 by which the Japanese agreed to interests of finance capital, is powerles3 when faced with a prob­ withhold passports from laborers on condition that no exclusion lem of fundamental contradiction between two national capitalist law were passed. But the U. S. violated this agreement when the states. Such a situation has now been reached in the Far East; at California Alien Land Law of 1920, preventing Japanese from any moment the volcanic pressure of productive forces clamoring owning land, and the Supreme Court decision shutting the Japan­ for expansion in a capitalist world will bring a violent explosion. ese out from becoming citizens, led up to the Exclusion Law of Whether the next war, for which all countries are feverishly pre­ 1924- paring, breaks out in the Pacific zone of conflict first-as seems The conflict over loans and railways in China presents a Gordian most probable-is of little consequence, for it will inevitably be­ knot in the economic battle for. supremacy in the Far East. The come world-wide in its scope. American railway magnate, Harriman, tried to purchase the South From the point of view of imperialism, the problem of the Paci­ Manchurian railway in 1905. This attempt proving futile, Secre­ fic is reducible to quite simple terms. On one side of this vast tary Knox then tried to "neutralize" Manchuria by making its ocean stands the most powerful capitalist nation on earth, the railways "international", a move the only result of which was to United States, with its tremendous resources and its supreme bring about a secret partitioning of Manchuria between Czarist technique of production. On the other side lies a continent with Russia and Japan. In 1913 came the attempt to grant an interna­ more than half the world's population, just beginning to develop, tional loan to China for the purpose of building a rival railway to offering a fabulous market for commodities and for capital invest­ the South-Manchurian in Shantung. The State department in 1919 ment. But •in between lies Japan, also seeking, as a matter of life approved the "consortium" for loans to China. In every case, how­ and death for its capitalism, sources of- raw materials, markets for ever, Japan has outmanreuvred United States imperialism in this its finished goods, fields for investment of finance capital. Japan sphere. threatens to subjugate entirely for its own purposes the greatest The World War intensified the struggle for mastery of the market still undivided, to make of China a colony, to close the door Pacific. The United States opposed the infamous 21 demands in the face of United States imperialism. A problem of such vast forced by Japanese imperialism on China in 1915, and the attempt and profound importance to both these capitalist powers can only of Japan to seize the Siberian Maritime Provinces in the 1918- be "solved" by war.
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