(321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com FR. ANDREW WOJTAN PASTOR Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims, the “Friendly Town!” Opportunities to live and grow your faith abound in our little parish with the big heart. “Come, Holy Spirit. Come now. Come as you wish!” Subscribe to our color bulletin online at catholicdirectory.com or see it on our website. SACRAMENTAL LIFE RECONCILIATION Wednesday ..................... 6:15pm to 6:45pm Saturday ............................... 3pm to 3:45pm By appointment, call the office, 269-2282. BAPTISM, FIRST PENANCE, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION Contact our Faith Formation Director, Chris McCormick, (321) 269-7785 or FaithFor- [email protected]. MARRIAGE/MARRIAGE CONVALIDATION Call the parish office six months in advance PROMISE by Mary Jo Pedersen to schedule meetings with Fr. Andrew and our Music Director. If you weren’t married in On the day when your promise of commitment weighs heavily on your shoulders and you the Catholic Church, consider an appoint- stoop beneath its burden, may the promise dance within you to strengthen you. ment to discuss Marriage Convalidation. And when your embraces lose their warmth and become like rituals of duty, and the ghost ANOINTING OF THE SICK of romance disappears behind a long day’s toil, may the promise wrap around you and hold Hospitalized, ill, near death, or awaiting sur- you close and surround you with love from its Source. gery? Call the parish office for anointing at When the bitter winds of change transform your early loveliness into roughened hands and home or hospital. A priest also anoints the smile lines, may there come across your faces an easy knowing, a comfortable peace, a deep sick or those scheduled for surgery; join him rooted-ness that connects you to the eternal promise of Love Beyond All Imagining. after the 11am Mass in the chapel on the May the new life of creation be yours. May the comfort of the sunshine be yours. May the third Sunday each month — AUGUST 20. soft earth nourish you and make you strong for one another and for your children and re- FUNERALS — DEATH/BEREAVEMENT store your resolve for promising. After a loved ones’ death, call the parish And so may a soaking rain work these words of promise and peace into you, protecting you office to speak with Father Andrew, (321) from harm and harboring you in the presence of one another for eternity. 269-2282. Our bereavement coordinator, This blessing is an adaptation of a beannacht, an ancient Hebrew form of blessing used to communicate the power of the Divine within Chris Doyon, will contact you to arrange the families and later within believing communities. This beannacht is dedicated to married couples, especially Tom and Aveline, joined in Funeral Mass and all that it entails. holy matrimony on Saturday, July 22 at Holy Spirit! Find more Catholic marriage resources at http://www.foryourmarriage.org. July 23, 2017 Page 2 Text HSCC to 84576 to subscribe! MASS SCHEDULE PREPARATION FOR NEXT SUNDAY, JULY 30 AND MASS INTENTIONS FIRST READING—Solomon prays for an understanding heart (1 Kings 3:5, 7-12). Spiritual Work of Mercy: PSALM—Lord, I love your commands (Psalm 119). PRAY FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD SECOND READING—All things work for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28-30). Deceased Special Intention GOSPEL—The one who knows of the kingdom of heaven brings new and old from the Saturday, July 22 storeroom (MATTHEW 13:44-52 [44-46]). 4:00pm ..... Rachel & Renee Johnson The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Com- Sunday, July 23 mission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 8:30am ..... For the parish 11:00am ..... Fr Bill Zamborsky Monday, July 24 PARISH NEWS & EVENTS 5:30pm ..... Mark Hall TEE SHIRT REMINDER—Pick up your red tee-shirt at the parish office during regular busi- Tuesday, July 25 ness hours, 9am to 4pm, Monday thru Friday. Extra shirts available; call 269-2282. 8:00am ..... Kirby Samples Youth sizes XS, S, M, adults sizes S, M, XL, XXL, XXXL, and XXXXL; price $10-$14. Wednesday, July 26 ELIJAH CUP—Thanks to the many families who open their hearts and reserve a week 7:00pm ..... Sr. Sophia Michalenko for the Elijah Cup to stay in your prayerful home. Families pray daily for vocations with Thursday, July 27 the Elijah Cup displayed prominently in a place of honor in the home. 8:00am ..... Wanda Andrews This week: Sunday, July 23, 8:30am — Lou & Sue Moreno Family Friday, July 28 Next week: Sunday, July 30, 11:00am — Alanna Moore & family 8:00am ..... Nan Gaffney 50TH ANNIVERSARY PLANS—The planning meeting is in Emmaus Hall (after the 5:30pm Saturday, July 29 Mass) tomorrow, Monday, July 24. Consider what interests you and how it can bring 4:00pm ..... Caroline Grabowski us closer to Christ as a faithful community of Catholic Christians (art, music, books, Mass Intention ($10 recommended donation). sports, prayer, food, play, entertainment, social media, gardening, etc.). Contact Mon- Mass Intention cards are available for: ica for more info at (321) 269-2282 or [email protected]. ▪ Healing ▪ Happy Occasion ▪ Special Intention ▪ Repose of the Soul POPE FRANCIS CREATES NEW CATEGORY FOR BEATIFICATION: OBLATIO VITAE Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter motu proprio on Tuesday, July 11, , by which he created a new category, distinct from martyrdom, under which a Servant of God may be declared Blessed: oblatio vitae, or “the free offering (i.e. “oblation”) of [one’s] life”. The Letter, Maiorem hac dilectionem, takes its title from the words of Our Lord as recorded in the Holy Gospel according to St. John, “Greater love than this no People’s Mass Music man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends, (Jn 15:13)”. The Letter creates a new category – a Listen and Learn facti species in technical language – called, oblatio vitae, and distinguishes it from the facti species of martyrdom, by five criteria: a) The free and voluntary offering of one’s life, and heroic acceptance propter caritatem of a certain and soon-to-come death; b) A nexus – i.e. close relation – between the offering of one’s life and the premature death of the one who offers it; c) The exercise, at least in ordinary degree, of the Christian virtues before the subject’s offering of his or her life and, http://bit.ly/2tyr9wA afterward, perseverance in those virtues unto death; d) The existence of fama sanctitatis – i.e. the reputation for holiness – on the part of the subject, and of signs [in confir- Penitential Act mation thereof], at least after death; Glory to God e) The necessity, for beatification, of a miracle, one that occurred after the death of the Servant of God, and by said Gospel Acclamation Servant’s intercession. Holy, Holy, Holy The oblatio vitae of the Servant of God, in order that it be valid and efficacious for beatification, must respond to all of the aforementioned criteria. We Proclaim Your Death O Lord The position prepared by the diocesan inquest into the Cause of the Servant of God must respond to the following When We Eat This Bread question: An constet de heroica oblatione vitae usque ad mortem propter caritatem necnon de virtutibus christianis, Save Us Savior of the World saltem in gradu ordinario, in casu et ad effectum de quo agitur, which is, “Does [the case of the Servant of God] consist Great Amen of [an] heroic offering of his/her life up to death for the sake of supernatural love of God (propter caritatem) and also of the Christian virtues, at least in the ordinary degree, on the occasion and to the effect for which [the subject’s offering of Lamb of God his/her life] was made?” — Vatican Radio, July 11, 2017 Spiritual Work of Mercy: PRAY FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD PRAY FOR THE SICK: EILEEN YERSAVICH SANDY YOUNGQUIST Add names of people in need of prayer at holyspiritmims.com/prayer-list (Faith in Action tab). New names will be included in the bulletin for two weeks. Notify the parish office when someone’s name can be taken off the prayer list please. Thank you! (The prayer list is included in the week PDF bulletin online.) Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 July 23, 2017 PARABLE OF THE SOWER FAITH FORMATION FR. ANDREW WOJTAN HOMILY SUMMARY JULY 16, 2017 CHRIS MCCORMICK, FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR (321)269-7785 [email protected] Jesus described himself as a Sower who was throwing seeds. He was like an ancient farmer, Persons ministering to children and/or the infirm are required to be fingerprinted (Diocese of Orlando) and with an apron. Out of the pocket of apron throwing seeds in all directions. At that time, there was pass the Safe Environment Training. Call the parish a completely different way of farming. They were first throwing seeds and then the seeds were office for details, (321) 269-2282. ploughed up. There was a harvest time every year. The Sower had four different kinds of re- SCHOOL SUPPLIES COLLECTION—The Holy sponses. Spirit Council of Catholic Women (HSCCW) Matthew wants to show us that there are 4 different types of responses to Jesus. There is a is collecting school supplies for RIVER teaching plan in Matthew’s Gospel. It is one thing to reveal who Jesus is, but then another mat- LANES to fill backpacks for needy children. ter to accept His teaching. River Lanes donates a gift certificate to the HSCCW Fall Bazaar Silent Auction each Whoever has ears ought to hear.
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