Back to homepage Free Religion Books - Christianity Sub-Categories Buddhism 1. 1888 Sermons and Morning Talks by Ellen Gould White (HTML at ellenwhite.org) Christianity 2. 200 Years of United Methodism: An Illustrated History by John Galen McEllhenney (illustrated HTML at Drew) 3. 40 Days to Freedom: Live the Miracle! by Tom Lomas (MSWorks General and zipped text at 40days2freedom.org) 4. 75 Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray You Won't Ask by Gary North (PDF and JavaScript-dependent HTML at entrewave.com) Islam, Baha'i, and New 5. A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity by John Gill (HTML at Religions AOL) Judaism 6. A Book of Commandments for the Government of the Church of Christ by Joseph Smith (HTML at Primenet) 7. A Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity by John Owen (text at CCEL) 8. A Brief Miscellaneous Narrative of the More Early Part of the Life of L. Tilmon, Pastor of a Colored Methodist Congregational Church in the City of New York (Jersey City: W. W. & L. A. Pratt, Printers, Sentinel Buildings, 1853) by Levin Tilmon (HTML and TEI at UNC) 9. A Call to Prayer (text slightly modernized) by J. C. Ryle, ed. by Daniel W. Wright (HTML at iserv.net) 10. A Choice Drop of Honey From the Rock Christ by Thomas Wilcox (HTML in Finland) 11. A Collection of Chippeway and English Hymns, for the Use of the Native Indians by Peter Jones (page images at MOA) 12. A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists by John Wesley (HTML at CCEL) 13. A Collection of Letters on the Most Interesting and Important Subjects, and on Several Occasions by William Law (HTML at CCEL) 14. A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Whole Bible (based on the 1871 edition) by Robert Jamieson, Andrew Robert Faussset, and David Brown (HTML at CCEL) 15. A Commentary on Acts of Apostles (7th edition) by J. W. McGarvey (HTML at mun.ca) 16. A Commentary on Acts of the Apostles by J. W. McGarvey (HTML at CCEL) 17. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (abridged translation) by Martin Luther, trans. by Theodore Graebner · HTML at iclnet.org · Gutenberg text 18. A Companion to the Summa (with hyperlinks to an on-line Summa Theologica) by Walter Farrell (HTML at op.org) 19. A Confession by Leo Tolstoy (HTML at CCEL) 20. Acres of Diamonds by Russell Herman Conwell (illustrated HTML at Virginia) 21. Address of Tatian to the Greeks (with fragments, and notes) by Tatian, trans. by Jonathan Edwards Ryland (HTML at CCEL) 22. A Defence of Particular Redemption by William Rushton (HTML at AOL) 23. A Defense of the Bible Against the Charges of Modern Infidelity by Jonas Hartzel (page images at MOA) 24. A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a Late Book, called A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, &c. by William Law (HTML at CCEL) 25. A Denominational Press by Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work (page images at MOA) 26. A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publican by John Bunyan (text at mountzion.org) 27. Ad Martyras by Tertullian, trans. by Sydney Thelwall (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 28. Ad Nationes by Tertullian (text at EWTN) 29. A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God by Jonathan Edwards (HTML at dallas.net) 30. A Farewell Sermon Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan by Samuel Willoughby Duffield (page images at MOA) 31. A Fraud Unmasked: The Career of Mrs. Margaret L. Shepherd, "Ex- Romanist", "Ex- Nun", "Ex-Penitent" and Bigamist: Her Own Confessions Attested By Most Reliable Witnesses (1893) by M. J. Brady (page images at canadiana.org) 32. Against Celsus (8 books; commentary appears between Book IV and Book V) by Origen (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 33. Against Heresies by Irenaeus (HTML at CCEL) 34. Against Hermogenes by Tertullian, trans. by Peter Holmes (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 35. Against Marcion by Tertullian, trans. by Peter Holmes (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 36. Against Praxeas by Tertullian, trans. by Peter Holmes (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 37. Against the Valentinians by Tertullian (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 38. Aggressive Christianity : Practical Sermons by Catherine Booth, contrib. by Daniel Steele (page images at canadiana.org) 39. A Guide to Bible Study by J. W. McGarvey (HTML at mun.ca) 40. A Half Century of the Unitarian Controversy by George Edward Ellis (page images at MOA) 41. A Hand Book for the Presbyterian Church in Minnesota by Edward D. Neill (page images at MOA) 42. A History of New Clover Creek Baptist Church by Perry T. Ryan (HTML at newclovercreek.org) 43. A History of the Methodist Episcopal Church (3rd edition) by Nathan Bangs (HTML at CCEL) 44. A History of the Moravian Church (second edition, 1909) by Joseph Edmund Hutton (Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Mar 2000) 45. A Key, Opening the Way to Every Capacity How to Distinguish the Religion Professed by the People Called Quakers by William Penn (HTML at Delphi) 46. A Learned Discourse of Justification, Works, and how the Foundation of Faith is Overthrown by Richard Hooker (text at CCEL) 47. A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk on Occasion of Mr. Gladston's Recent Expostulation by John Henry Newman (HTML at ic.net) 48. A Letter from the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley, In Answer to his Sermon, Entitled Free Grace. by George Whitefield (HTML at gty.org) 49. A Life for a Life, and Other Addresses by Henry Drummond (HTML at CCEL) 50. All of Grace by C. H. Spurgeon (HTML at gty.org) 51. A Manual of Missions by John Cameron Lowrie (page images at MOA) 52. A Memorial of the Futtehgurh Mission and Her Martyred Missionaries by John Johnston Walsh (page images at MOA) 53. A Memorial Representing the Present State of Religion on the Continent of North-America by Thomas Bray (HTML at mun.ca) 54. Americans Warned of Jesuitism, or The Jesuits Unveiled by John Claudius Pitrat (page images at MOA) 55. A Message to the Philadelphian Society; Followed by, A Second Message to the Philadelphian Society (both published 1696) by Jane Lead (HTML at passtheword.org) 56. An Account of the Work of God in Newfoundland by Laurence Coughlan (HTML at mun.ca) 57. An Address Delivered Before the Senior Class in Divinity College by Ralph Waldo Emerson (HTML at jjnet.com) 58. An Address on Congregationalism As Affected by the Declarations of the Advisory Council Held in Brooklyn, N.Y., February, 1876 by Richard S. Storrs (page images at MOA) 59. An Address to All Believers in Christ (1887) by David Whitmer (HTML at utlm.org) 60. An Alley in Chicago: The Ministry of a City Priest by Margery Frisbie (HTML at Notre Dame) 61. An Answer to the Jews by Tertullian, trans. by Sydney Thelwall (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 62. An Apology for the Common English Bible by A. Cleveland Coxe (page images at MOA) 63. An Appeal to All that Doubt, or Disbelieve the Truths of the Gospel by William Law (HTML at CCEL) 64. A Narrative of Some Recent Occurrences in the Church of the Puritans, New York by New York Church of the Puritans (Congregational) (page images at MOA) 65. A Narrative of the Life of Rev. Noah Davis, a Colored Man by Noah Davis (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) 66. A Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw by James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw (HTML at Virginia) 67. A Nation's Right to Worship God by Joshua Hall McIlvaine (page images at MOA) 68. An Autobiography: The Story of the Lord's Dealings With Mrs. Amanda Smith, the Colored Evangelist by Amanda Smith (illustrated HTML at nypl.org) 69. And Adam Kne w Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible by Ronald L. Ecker (HTML at hobrad.com) 70. An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent by John Henry Newman (HTML at GeoCities) 71. An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine by John Henry Newman (HTML at GeoCities) 72. An Essay on the Warrant, Nature, and Duties of the Office of the Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church by Samuel Miller (HTML at reformed.org) 73. A New Look at an Old Earth by Don Stoner (HTML at answers.org) 74. An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine by Thomas L. Kinkead (HTML at catholic.net) 75. An Humble, Earnest, and Affectionate Address to the Clergy by William Law (HTML at CCEL) 76. An Introduction to Christian Economics by Gary North (PDF and JavaScript-dependent HTML at entrewave.com) 77. A Paradise Called Texas by Janice Jordan Shefelman (illustrated HTML at erols.com) 78. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection by John Wesley (text at CCEL) 79. A Plea for the Christians by Athenagoras of Athens, trans. by Benjamin Plummer Pratten (HTML with commentary at CCEL) 80. Apologia Pro Vita Sua by John Henry Newman (HTML with commentary at Fordham) 81. A Popular Treatise on Regeneration by John Winebrenner (HTML at mun.ca) 82. A Practical Exposition of Psalm CXXX by John Owen (HTML at reformed.org) 83. A Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church by Flavel S. Mines (page images at MOA) 84. Archbishop: Inside the Power Structure of the American Catholic Church by Thomas J. Reese (HTML at Georgetown) 85.
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