So just which ... La Dukes move to bathroom at JMU 2-11n the confer­ Is the best, and with a 8S. who Invented toi­ victory over lets anyway? .:ll:iP.41')"'rP- Mason. Focus On/16 MADI SON UNIVFRSITY Sports/23 THURSDAY JdrtLi<H\ lt). l'YJ7 \OL 74. '"') /'J JMU considers reorganizing• • Commission to study university's structure b) Maggie Welter istrators, faculty <tnd oubidc con­ .ftnior wntu sult.lnls wiiJ conduct the study Though he could not ~pt.>Cify a It seems the dnve to build <l pnce, Director of Media Relations bridge to the 21st century has Fred Hilton said the study's cost made i~ wa} to JMU's organiza­ should bt? minimal because a lot tional structure. of work will be done internally. JMU Pre51dent Members o f the commission Ro nald C.uner will be announced in the next announced Fnday few weeks. Hilton initially said that JMU will study Executive Vice President the universi ty's Linwood Rose would appmnt organi~ational commission members, but Rost.• structure to deter- Ron111d Carrier said no dedsion has been made mine how it can on the selection proct'S::.. function more efficiently in Andy Koh~n , a Faculty &•nate today's technological soc1ety. member, said he feels faculty "The organi1.ational s tructure should help select comm1~:~sion that most colleges and universi­ members. "If the uni\'crsity ties use is more loosely aligned expects faculty support, I would with an ag rui •.m !,Oci'-'IY than advise that the faculty be pMt of with today's high h.•chnology the selection proces~ ettht•r _ society," Carner s.ud in .1 st<tte­ through ek-ctions or some other mcnt The study w1ll help "devel­ mean::.," Kohen s<ud op an organization that is more in JMU is now organized into tun!! w ith our r.1pidly ch.mging four areas: academic •.flairs, mformation agl' and one th.Jt will admmistrahon and financl', stu­ function effectively in the 21st dent affairs and univt.'rs 1t y century," he said. A commission of JMU ildmm- see REORGANIZATION page 2 Women's basketball set for No. 2 Old 'Dominion by Steve Trout last season was a 13-pomt lo!>s lltljJ writer Peb. 28, 1996. 'The Dukes, however, are off to In <;port:;, an unrelenting pur­ the1r best start since the 1973-'74 suit of pcrft-chun, to be the best squad started 16-0. Although .111 drives participant::.. On any level, statistics indicate a big game with whether amateur or profl~sional , tre mendous potential, both coaches preach about the big coaches refuse to admit it. game - that one instance where " We're doing nothing diffewnt the two lx-st teams battle for the than what we always do," ODU No. 1 status. head coach Wendy Larry said Such is the case for Frid<ty's JMU head coach Shclia Colonial Athletic Association Moonnan sa1d, "This game doc>s­ contest between women's college n't mean any more or less than basketball's second-rankl>d team, any other game. The quality of Old Dominion Umversity (12-1, competition is what sets 1t apart." 2-0 CAA), and CAA forerunner It's that quality uf both teams JMU (12-1, 3-0 CAA) In fact, the that distingUishes this game from game bctv.·t.-cn the Monarchs and other conference matchups this the Dukes at the ConvocatiOn season. The teams arc tied atop Center is considered by some to the CAA, combmmg to lead the be JMU's biggest game o f the confercnC\! in five of tht.• Sl'Vt.>n ycar. ma1or offenstvc catcgorws, ch Pf.TF.R IIACGA RTY/.1t11ff pllllfiiJ:I'IIpltu The Monarch s, fi ve-time well as six of seven ddcn::.iVl' defending CAA champions, The winner will ccrtamly hr1w Go for it! come mto this matchup having the upper hand as the conference Sophomore Jeff Miner gives "Nesta The Dog" a wort<out In front of Ikenberry HaJJ Tuesday after­ won 75 of their last 76 conference toumament appro.1chlos. noon. Several residents of Ikenberry own Nesta, who Uves off-campus wtth the residents' friends. gaml!s, including three .1g.1tnst JMU sophomore Hope Cook JMU in 1996. The closest JMU c.1rr.c to bl•,1ting thl' ~1on.m.hs see BASKETBAll page 2 I 2 T'hu~y.jan. 16, 1997 THE BREEZE Reorganization -----------~~~-- contlllued from page 1 effort to reexamine tho~ str~1 c. advancement. Hilton saad the tures." Htlton said he cxpl'cb commission will examine each University IDe~arehy JMU's study and rc:;tructunng "To tltr I"'""'' alonr, ciU'qllt!ml as area separately and together to efforts may serve as a modt•l tur it 1:; wit It abu~, tire world is determine what needs restruc­ Board of VIsitors other universities. mdcbted for all the triumplts turing and how to do it. University of Virginia Mcd1" wlticll ltm~~t• bt·m gaiued by Rose will oversee the first tar­ I Relations Oin.'Ctor Louise Dudll'V get of the rommassion, an exami­ r&1SOrJ and lmmnmty CVtT trror Audit and President Amrmatlve said many univer:;ities alrt.'t dy nation of academic affairs, which I 1 nnd opprn:;iou " are exploring new organiJ.clhon, l should be completed in June. Management Aetlon 1 - James Madison structures and ways to look at thl' I Ulton could not say when the Review Services University concept of higher education. uilttK K.lren Boca'~ entire study would be complt.'tc, Relations "There are a Jot of questiuns Min Ill,,,,,~ IYilllll' but when that happens, Rose K.lra~ . t:,roing on about how higher l'tlu­ 1t\fllhi/I'~'Y IIU/1.~\'(T Roc-r Woilenberil said the w1iversity will consider Exeeutlve the magnitude of the rt>commcn­ Vl~e-Presldeot cation will look and be structurl•d Ad.,; 11.11,.~\T TracyRinC in dahons in deciding the next step the 21st century," Dudley s.11d N<:rct:. nfltur St.oey 08nl:USO I "There's the whole ISSUe or di!,. towa rd implementation. I I I I Nc-lll>l'lilltK KNtentWa tance learning and will you bt.· "If we end up with a radical At'ade•le lntert!olleglate A,.""" 111'11 tdtllll' Peuta Flnkelltcm Stadeat CISAT <1ble to choose different cla~"l' " departure from our current Analrs Affairs Athledn OpiiiUI 1'1111(11' l.alraLW.- \ 'lil structure, then \W would want to from different univers1tic., AN ,,.,,ur t\lthtr OretOfY A. Froom get the [Board of Vtsators'l computers or will the campus fl'lllllfr.>l'lltftll' structure like we have now ,1111 Jen Nowttdcy approval before we m.1dc .1ny University Ad•lnbtratlon A<iJt }nl/llre>t'llrt~ Jim Terp continue to dominate?" ·vee-· change;," Rose said. Advan~•eat and Finane. Ass/ Julum. ,,fll<tr PhiiKir\def Halton S.1td eliminating extra Dudley also said fanan cial t~\ lli .V CHII l>RI'I\S/l(nl/'hll '~J""" accountability has already (orcl\.1 s,,,.,,nfthr c. Scott Gnlham levels is one of the key objt>ctivcs several universities to rt?COf\!,idt•r Aw loJ..-f' c\IIUW John M. Ttl)'lof of this reorganization. "We are sav(• through better use of time sion-making proce::.s downward to the dt•partment level so that their operating systems. "f lcrc at c..,y.'lltltll' Rebecca M um,.n gomg to look at dt>dsaon-making, and resource,. Rose said the goal is to develop a system in which decisions are milde closer to UVa., and I think at a lot of l'l•••nlt/cw Mellaa Pllaclno and hopefully, it will gl't rid of some of the bureaucracy and d(.)Casaons are made at lht? appr«.r problems," Rose ~1id . "We want schools, financial concerns hclh' ,A.s..;J ,~/Otl) 1'1111.11 o.mt Rocera eliminate unnecessary steps as priat~ level, but he did not elabo­ to minimiLe the revil'w proct..oss." forced us to look at how Wl' .m~ Cnttl/rl('; "111,11' Emily Chlldrea far as d~isions are made." r.lte On W ha I types O( dl'CISiOns he . I Jilton SOlid, "For decades most structured," Dudley said. "In Adrri.~ Alp DeLuca, Hilton said he doesn't think had in mind. universities have bt'{'n structurL>d some cases it's meant con~olidd· AI., Neckowttz. rt>structuring wall eliminate uni­ "My dl>sire, and the desire of basically lhc samt.•, and not many tion of positions and in othl•rs David Wendeltten versity jobs. Instead, JM U will the pr(!Sit.lent, is to move the deca· have commi!>sionL'Ci such a major elimination." Basketball ___________________ contmued from page 1 said she realizes the game's astry among the players and a n~t Bm-.L is published MtmdJy ,\nd Thun.d.1y moman~ ilnd impact, but she's trymg to keep it great rapport with the coaches." dt:.tnbutcd thnllrghout Jame. all in perspective "We know 11 JMU senior guard Holly MtldL'i<ln Unt vt-r.~ty and tht•local wall be the b•Agcsl game of the Rihnger cites ODU's size as its H.nri:"mburg commumty. year, but we're not nervous/' CC\mml'flls and complaints -.houll;l key to ~uccess. "They have height bt.> Jddrt...,'>('d to Karen Bog.m, todt· Cook said. "We're doang nothing at every posation," Rilinger said. tur. different to prepare." "They usc that height very well. Mailing llddteu: ODU fcatun.>s a foursome that Tht•y will use traps and full court Tl~t• Bn'l':l' is arguably the best in the coun· pressure." Anthony;St.'-~l'r _Hall.
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