MAY 1972 Does lhe Family Seminary God's Spirit Hove o Fulure? Recruitment at Work ~ G.Curtis Jones by Dono Id N. Miller by Aaron Buhl er r-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 You 're here-he's there. And the miles between won't just melt away. So stop SUMMER ~Youth Passport*: dreaming-and fly! YOUTH FAR E IOEHTIFICATIOH CARO APPLICAflON FOR ACES 12 THAU 21 With a TWA Youth Passport, air travel BoptistHerold I VACATION PLANS 6338 lindmar Dr. Goleta, CA 93017 I costs less than you think. You fly at dis­ I counts on over 20 U.S. airlines (including Na mt Alaska and Hawaii) and to Ca nada - also (please print) I I within countries overseas. And you can Volume 50 May 1972 No. 5 Home count on a long list of other savings: Address • V3 off regular coach fares on any TWA Cover, North American Baptist Seminary Seal plane-on a standby basis in continental Does the Family Have a Future, G . Curtis Jones, 4 Z,p State Code U.S. There are no lower youth fares avail­ Reconciliation and the Sem inary, Gerald L. Borchert, 6 able · Hotel discounts-up to 50% -at Hilton, Our Role in Seminary Recruitment, Donald N. Miller, 7 Date of Birth Sheraton and Pick hotels in the U.S. and Class of 72, David J. Draewell, 9 Month Oay Ye.u Male O remaleO Caribbean • Car discounts in Europe-on Priorities fo r Todays Church, N .A .B .S. Senior Students, 9 renting, buying, leasing ·Plus 700 exclusive H,m Eye SJ fee paid by: Forum, Dr. Gerald L. Borchert, 12 co_ _10_•____ co_ io_r ___ Cash O Check O Money Or der O discounts at hotels, shops, res tau ra nts Book Reviews, B . C. Schreiber, 12 around the world. Youth Scene : Contributing Editor, Mrs. Dorothy Ganoung, 13 Take advantage of these savings by Summer travel plans should include sending in the coupon with your check or God Gave the Increase, Donald A bsher checking your will. (s1ana ture) money order for $3. Remember - a Youth Womans World: Contributing Editor, Mrs. A dam Huber, 14 · strv1ce mark owned e1clustvely by Trans World Airlines, Inc. Passport is something like a dream. It can The Watcher, Mrs. H. Pankratz • Do you have a properly drawn I1-067-1 It l1lolsl3I take yo u a long, long way. What My Mother Means to Me, Christiana Nji will? · -------------------~ Why We Should Observe Mother's Day, Lloyd A . Harsch • Does your wife have a will of There's No One Like Mom, Four Children from Center, Colo. her own? Listen, Everybody, M elody K erber • Have you up-dated your will The Woman's Role in Japan, Mrs. Edwin Kem since moving to a different state a little dream can go Thank You, God, For Mother, Deborah K ern or province? What Mother is to Me, Kristeen Johnson • Have you chosen a legal guard­ Mother's Day, Andy Schauer ian for your children? God's Spirit at Work in Brazil and Cameroon, Aaron Buhler, 16 a ong, ong • Have you made provision for The Values and Dangers of Glossolalia, Peter Unruh, 18 the Lord's work? Insight Into Christi an Education: Contributing Editor, Mrs. Dorothy Ganoung, J 9 Build My Church, Bruce A . Rich Your vacation will be more leisurely way A Bible Study in the Book of Amos, Dr. Benjamin H. Breitkreuz, 20 when your house is in order. God Is Blessing Our Church, Rudy E. Lemke, 22 Hungarian Baptists Celebrate 125th Anniversary, Andrew D. MacR ae, 23 Write today for Will Information The World Family of Baptists (Statistics) Our Conference in Action, 25 by filling out the coupon below. In Memoriam, 27 A Tribute to Arthur A. Schade, D .D., Dr. Frank H. Woyke, 27 News and Views, 28 Please send me the following lea f­ As I See It, Paul Siewert, 28 lets: Chuckle With Bruno, 28 07Things That Ma y Have Made What's Happening, 29 Your Will O bsolete. Our Stewardship Record, 29 0 Every Woma n Should Have a Editorial Viewpoint: Y outh Has Come of Age, 30 Will of Her Own. Open Dialogue, 30 0 Making Your Will . What You Attract Those Vacationers to Church, J. Omar Brubaker, 32 Should Know Before You See Your Lawyer. Monthly P11blicatio11 of the Editor: D r. R . J. Kersta11 Name of the North American Baptist Assistant Editor: B. C. Schreiber R oger Williams Press General Conference Stewardship and Communications Address ... 7308 Madison Street Secretary: John Binder Forest Park, Illinois 60130 Btuiness Manager: Eldon Janzen Send to: Everett A. Barker, North The Baptist H erald is a member of the A ssociatetl Church Press. Subscription Price: $3.50 per year in rhe U ni1ed States or Canada ($4.00 in foreign co1111rries) - 53.00 per rear /or "Church Family Subscription American Ba ptist General Confer­ Plan," and for ministers and m issionaries - 52.00 per rear for students, scrdcemen and reside11rs in homes for the aging. - 35 cents for single copies. All address cha111:e correspo11de11ce is to be addressed to B aptist H erald ence, 7308 Madison Street, Fo rest Subscription Depar1111ent. 7108 M adison St .. Forest Park. Ill. 60130. Six weeks notice required for change of Park, 111. 60130. Phone: (31 2) 771 - address. When ordering a change, please gfre the eOectil·e time and furnish mi a<ldress stencil impression from a r ece11t issue. A d1·ertisiflg Rates: $6.00 per inch single column 2 ~ inches wide. All editorial corre.fpOn<lence 8700. is to lie addri'<.1t•d tu Dr. II. J. Kt'rsta11, 7308 Mndiso11 St .. Fore~t Park. Ill. 60130. All b11si11ess corres11onde11ce 1s ro he a ddr~ssed to Eldon Jm1:e11. 7.108 Madison St.. Forest Park. ///. 601 .IO . S1•co111t class _postage 11aid at Forest Park, Ill. 60130 and at additional mailing offices. News reported and l'iews expresse~ m this m agazine are n ot 11 eces.rnrilr the 11ositio11 o/ the Nnrt/1 American Ba11 ti.•t Ge11 eml Con/emece. (Prmted '" U.S.A .) 2 RA P T l l:T J.HlR AT 0 Mm• 7071 admonition and love of God. year-old boy, H oward Ward III, a member of the con­ The congregation at Corinth asked Paul fo r domestic gregation, investigated the situation. With parts worth counsel. There were honest differences between professing 25¢, a pair of pliers and an oil can, he encouraged the Christians and pagans. Although the Apostle recom­ clock to run again. mended his own state - celibacy - he was careful not to This is American youth at its best! Equip them, point impose his opinions on others. He warned against mixed to need and turn them loose. But they must be free to marriages - that is, being "mismated with unbelievers." fail! However, I venture that Howard Ward and h is COES lRE &1MllY H~E A FlJrURE? As he put it, " For what partnership have righteousness kind will also get the Church going. and iniquity?" (II Corinthians 6: 14) . Will not the future of the family correspond to its During the Corinthian confrontation, Paul raised these ability to inspire children to live by demanding princi­ perennial questions: "Wife, how do you know whether ples? Permissiveness is no substitute for discipline. H onor by G. Curtis Jones you will save your husband? Husband, how do you know is never bequeathed; it must be earned. whether you will save your wife?" (I Corinthians 7: 16). You may remember the struggle of John D. R ocke­ The celebration of Christian Family Week and the return caring fo r children, the rising identity cns1s, is the fact Will not the future of the family be commensurate feller III. After attending prestigious universities in this of Mother's Day prompt perplexing questions: Does the that modern mothers are extremely busy. Surveys indi­ with its image, sense of values, awareness of God? country and abroad, semi-isolation from his family, iden­ American family have a future? Since 1890 divorces cate rural housewives spend 60 hours a week running the There is a pertinent story in the sixteenth chapter of tification with the poor, switch in political allegiance - have increased 521 percent. home, while their urban counterparts spend 80! No­ Exodus. The Israelites, wandering in the wilderness lev­ this young man faced and found himself. Does the family have a future when 33 percent of the where is Parkinson's Law (a law of triviality) more eled complaints against Moses. They found fault with the What fascinated me most, however, was to learn that at birth he was not given the initial "D" (which stands working fo rce in America are women, one-third of whom visible. ~han in the average middle class family. The food. are married? Thousands of children come home from pyram1dmg of gadgets, so-called timesavino devices, is God promised the whimpering nomads that they would for D avidson) . "I was told," he said, "that I should make school every day to empty houses, babysitters or defini­ deceptive. .:i be fed morning and night. T he record declares the supply up my mind whether I wanted to carry on the full name tive notes of instruction. In THE WORKING MOTHER Sidney Cornelia Cal­ covered the ground like a frost. The magnificent leader which I think stands for public service, a sense of re­ sponsibil ity and a high standard of demand on myself. Annually an estimated half-million teenagers run away lahan quotes a psychiatrist as saying: "The dichotomy warned the pilgrims not to gather more than a day's When I was twenty-one, I wrote a letter to my father from home! would seem to be not between motherhood and career, supply at a time.
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