MASTER'S REPORT 院长报告 IN PURSUIT OF VIRTUE AND EXCELLENCE Tel: 0755-8427 3098 电话 2018 Email: [email protected] 邮箱 地址:中国广东省深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道 2001 号 Address:香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院 Shaw College, The Chinese 518172 University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2001 Longxiang Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518172 逸夫书院微信公众号二维码 CONTENTS目录 SHAW COLLEGE MASTER'S REPORT 2018 02 THE COLLEGE 书院介绍 03 MASTER'S MESSAGE 院长寄语 04 STUDENT PROFILE 新生概览 06 INTERNATIONALISM 国际交流 10 FIRST GRADUATION 首届毕业 11 Graduation Activities 毕业活动 14 PLANNING COMMITTEE 书院规划 16 DISTINGUISHED VISITORS AND SEMINARS 逸闻论道 18 COLLEGE LIFE 书院生活 18 Orientation 迎新典礼 20 College Traditions 书院传统 26 College-Wide Activities 书院活动 34 Hostel Activities 楼栋活动 38 HONOURS AND AWARDS 荣誉成就 修德臻善 42 COLLEGE ORGANISATION IN PURSUIT OF VIRTUE AND EXCELLENCE 书院架构 THE COLLEGE MASTER'S MESSAGE THE COLLEGE MASTER'S MESSAGE 书院介绍 院长寄语 Established with a generous donation from the Shaw Foundation (Hong Kong) Limited, Shaw College is the first college of The 承蒙邵氏基金(香港)有限公司的慷慨捐赠支持,逸夫书院 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Since its founding 是香港中文大学(深圳)成立的第一间书院。逸夫书院自 2016 in 2016, Shaw College has strived to build a “community of 年成立以来,一直致力促使全院师生成为一个有求知精神,有操 scholars” dedicated to intellectual inquiry, integrity and social 守,有社会承担的共融群体。逸夫书院的使命是透过共同群体经 responsibility. Students and teachers from different background 验,让所有成员得到求知、探索和成长的乐趣。书院通过各种正 live and learn together, sharing the joys of knowledge discovery with each other. Through communal experiences, the College 式与非正式的教育活动丰富学生的书院生活,给与学生关爱和提 provides an open platform for the whole-person care and 供包括通识教育在内的全人教育,帮助学生锻炼能力,开拓视野, 梁美儿Janny M.Y. LEUNG education of our students, helping them hone their abilities, 树立价值观,让学生可以在各自所选择的领域和专业上卓有所成, broaden their horizons and cultivate their values, so they may 成为对社会、国家乃至全世界有贡献的人。 succeed in their chosen career paths, and contribute to the Founding逸夫书院创院院长 Master, Shaw College betterment of the community, the nation and the world. According to some child development theories, the third year of life regions. In 2018, we celebrate the first graduation of Shaw students is a year of adventure and discovery. A three-year old toddler begins awarded the Bachelor's degree! to speak and communicate, is developing imagination and self- awareness, and has mastered walking and ready to run and explore We continue to devote our best efforts to make Shaw a motivating the world! and enriching habitat for the whole-person development of our students. It is my hope that Shaw College would be a stimulating The third year of Shaw College has been equally pivotal and environment for Academic Pursuits, where learning is pursued for significant. By 2018, we do not need to share our facilities with the love of knowledge discovery rather than qualifications. It is my other Colleges; most of our students have only lived in Shaw College hope that Shaw College would be a caring haven of Mutual Respect, since they entered The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. tolerant and inclusive, where collective well-being is valued above The Shaw way – a diverse yet supportive community of students, self-interest. It is my hope that Shaw College would be a wellspring Resident Tutors and Wardens actively engaged with each other and for Social Concern, where Shaw members engage in the community the outside world – became the accepted norm of College life. The to make the world a better place for all. establishment of the College motto, slogan, and emblem further helps to develop the College's character and distinctiveness. Shaw Shaw College will always be a home for every Shaw student and College has begun to explore partner relationships with overseas staff member, may the Shaw spirit — as exemplified in our slogan Colleges, and more than 180 of our students have attended “Excellence with a soul, Leadership with a heart”— always be a part exchange and summer study programmes in over 20 countries and of life of every Shaw member. 在幼儿成长中,孩提之年是关键的时刻;一个三岁的小孩不再步 逸夫书院将继续尽最大的努力为学生营造一个富有启发性的学习 履蹒跚,仅在牙牙学语, 并已开始互动交流,发展想象力和自我意识, 环境,辅助他们的全人发展。我希望逸夫书院是一个钻研学术的好平 做好了奔向世界探索的准备! 台, 师生好学不倦、敬业乐群,为求知(而不仅是求职)追求学问。 我希望逸夫书院是一个互助互爱的团体,师生互相尊重包容、舍己为 逸夫书院的第三年对书院的发展同样是一个重要的里程碑。从 人、厚德载物。我希望逸夫书院是一个关怀社会的社群, 逸夫师生积 2018 年开始,我们不再需要与其他书院共用书院设施;逸夫师生真 极参与社区活动, 为大众的福祉而努力,让世界变得更加美好。 正有了自己的家, 大部分的学生从他们进入香港中文大学(深圳)的 第一天起便入住逸夫书院,成为【逸】家人。逸夫书院致力于促使全 逸夫书院永远是每个书院成员的家,但愿逸夫书院【臻善存德 居 院师生成为一个有求知精神、有操守、有社会担当的共融群体; 逸 高怀仁】的精神也实践在每个书院成员的生活中。 夫这种开放、多元化、互勉互励的生活模式也渐渐成为了师生们的习 惯。2018 年,为进一步凸显书院特色,增强同学们对书院的归属感, 逸夫书院确立了院训、口号和院徽。为了拓展同学们的国际视野,逸 夫书院已经与海外的书院商讨缔结为 [ 友好书院 ]。超过 180 名逸夫 学生已赴海外 20 多个国家和地区参加暑期学习课程或作为交换生。 2018 年5月,逸夫书院更是迎来了首届本科生毕业的大日子! 02 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 03 STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT PROFILE 2018 Shaw2018 College 逸夫书院本科新生学院构成 freshmen – By School/ Programme School of Humanities Financial Engineering and Social Science 金融工程 人文社科 6% 6% 理工 43% School of Science 经管 and Engineering 45% School of Management and Economics STUDENT PROFILE 人文社科 理工 经管 金融工程 新生概览 HSS SSE SME FE The College strives to welcome a diverse group of students each year, both in terms of 20182018 Shaw 逸夫书院本科新生性别比例 College freshmen – By gender place of origin and area of study. Especially, 2018 Shaw2018 College 逸夫书院本科新生籍贯分布 freshmen – By Province/ Region Shaw College attracts international and exchange students with its internationalized culture. In 2018, Shaw College welcomed 320 78 new undergraduate students, including 12 international students from Indonesia and 45 Mexico. As of October, 2018, Shaw College has a total of 1351 students. 20 19 18 15 14 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2018 年逸夫书院共迎来本科新生 320 人, 1 其中包括来自印度尼西亚和墨西哥的 12 名国 (单位: 人 / Unit: Person) 籍贯地 (Region) 际留学生。截至 2018 年 10 月,逸夫书院共计 学生 1351 名。学生的来源和组成的多元化成 广东 (Guangdong) 浙江 (Zhejiang) 山东 (Shandong) 福建 (Fujian) 为了逸夫书院的特色之一。逸夫书院国际化的 湖北 (Hubei) 上海 (Shanghai) 湖南 (Hunan) 国际生 (International) 文化更是广受国际学生和交换学生的青睐。 四川 (Sichuan) 江苏 (Jiangsu) 天津 (Tianjin) 安徽 (Anhui) 河南 (Henan) 江西 (Jiangxi) 重庆 (Chongqing) 贵州 (Guizhou) 黑龙江 (Heilongjiang) 河北 (Hebei) 北京 (Beijing) 辽宁 (Liaoning) 陕西 (Shaanxi) 山西 (Shanxi) 甘肃 (Gansu) 广西 (Guangxi) 吉林 (Jilin) 云南 (Yunnan) 04 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 05 INTERNATIONALISM INTERNATIONALISM Fiesta de Año Nuevo | INTERNATIONALISM 墨西哥风情新年派对 Every year, Shaw hosts a gathering to celebrate the traditions of different countries around the world. The purpose is to encourage students to broaden their global awareness and perspective, with the hope that it will spark their curiosity to learn about other cultures in the world. In January 2018, Shaw hosted a fiesta celebrating Mexican culture, with a Mariachi band, piñatas filled with candy, and 国际交流 Mexican food for all to enjoy. Shaw College strongly believes in nurturing its students to be global citizens. We value multiculturalism and hope that students from overseas 逸夫书院坚信培养学生成为全球公民。我们重视多元文化,希望 逸夫书院每年都会举办一场活动来庆祝世界各地的传统节日,以达到增强学生的全球意识和全球性观念的目的,而且希望以此 and all regions of China live in harmony and learn from each other. The 海外和中国各地的学生和睦相处,互相学习。几乎所有的书院活动都 international character of the College is highlighted by the fact that almost 是以双语为基础的,而且许多书院的活动都是为了庆祝来自不同文化 激发学生对世界上其他文化的好奇心。2018 年 1 月,逸夫书院举办了一场以墨西哥新年狂欢为主题的庆祝活动。活动现场,逸夫书 all College events are run on a bilingual basis, and many College activities 的传统,这一事实凸显了书院的国际特色。 院不仅邀请了一支墨西哥乐队为同学们演绎原汁原味的墨西哥流浪音乐,还有墨西哥传统的打击充满糖果的皮纳塔仪式和丰盛的墨 celebrate traditions from diverse cultures. 西哥美食。 Visit from Texas A&M International University | 德克萨斯 A&M 国际大学代表团来访 In January of 2018, Shaw College hosted a delegation from Texas A&M International University. The students had a spirited exchange of ideas on university life, on living in border cities (Shenzhen vs. Laredo), on bilingualism and global competition. The visit fostered new 同学留言: friendships and mutual understanding. “The start of the year 2018 was celebrated by the Shaw College family on 2018 年 1 月,逸夫书院接待了来自德克萨斯 A & M 国际大学的访问代表团。双方的学生们就校园生活,边境城市(深圳与拉雷 the afternoon of 19th of Jan in a Mexican 多)的生活环境,双语教育和全球竞争等多个方面展开了深入交流,进行了一次激烈的思想碰撞。此次交流访问使逸夫书院和德克 way. The event was diligently organized and there was a vibrant and lively soul to 萨斯 A&M 国际大学加深了对彼此的了解,并建立了深厚的友谊。 it. From the room decorations to the stage performances, everything had a Mexican characteristic. While a variety of delicious Mexican dishes attracted large crowds of excited students, the Mexican band livened up the party with traditional Mexican songs. Bright, flamboyant ribbons and balloons decorated the room. The jolly MCs further gave a buoyant and jovial touch to the party with their matching vibrant outfit Associate Vice-President Prof. Jesus SEADE showed how to hit a Piñata topped off with colorful sombreros. No Mexican fiesta is complete without 协理副校长 Prof. Jesus SEADE 展示墨西哥皮纳塔游戏 the traditional Piñata breaking ceremony; hence the breaking of the two flashy, colorful piñatas provided the perfect finishing touch to the Mexican themed Fiesta de Año Nuevo. Overall, the event provided the Shaw College family with a splendid start of the year 2018. ” ——Sakeena Saifi, sophomore from SSE Teachers and students of Texas A&M International University and Shaw College 逸夫书院师生与德克萨斯 A&M 国际大学师生合影留念 Students picked up the sticks eager to hit the Piñata 同学们跃跃欲试,拿起准备好的木棒击打皮纳塔 06 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 07 INTERNATIONALISM INTERNATIONALISM Meeting the Shaw Prize Laureates 2018 | 2018 Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture | 邵逸夫奖得奖者科学论坛 邵逸夫爵士杰出访问学人讲座 Shaw students and teachers travelled to the Hong Kong Science Museum to attend lectures by the 2018 awardees of the Shaw Prize Shaw College students attended the Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished
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