COUNCIL AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATION CENTRE (CAC) 16 June 2015 Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Sorell Council will be held at the Community Administration Centre (CAC), 47 Cole Street, Sorell on Tuesday, 16 June 2015, commencing at 6.00 pm. CERTIFICATION I, Robert Higgins, General Manager of the Sorell Council, hereby certify that in accordance with Section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993, the reports in this Agenda have been prepared by persons who have the qualifications and experience necessary to give such advice. Information and recommendations or such advice was obtained and taken into account in providing general advice contained within the Agenda. Notices of Motion and supporting documentation from Councillors are exempted from this certification. ROBERT HIGGINS GENERAL MANAGER 11 June 2015 AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD AT THE COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATION CENTRE (CAC), 47 COLE STREET, SORELL ON 16 JUNE 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 ATTENDANCE 1 2.0 APOLOGIES 1 3.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 1 4.0 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF 19 MAY 2015 1 5.0 MAYOR’S REPORT 1 6.0 SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS 2 7.0 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS REPORT 3 8.0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 3 8.1 GOVERNANCE – ROBERT HIGGINS, GENERAL MANAGER 3 8.2 ENGINEERING & REGULATORY SERVICES – RUSSELL FOX, MANAGER 10 8.3 HR, CUSTOMER & COMMUNITY SERVICES – JESS RADFORD, MANAGER 19 8.4 FINANCE AND INFORMATION – TINA HOUSE, MANAGER 24 9.0 PETITIONS 26 9.1 PETITION – UPGRADE OF FACILITIES, DODGES FERRY SKATE PARK 26 10.0 LAND USE PLANNING 43 10.1 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SPECIAL COMMITTEE MINUTES 43 10.2 SECTION 43A – REZONING OF LAND & SPECIFIED DEPARTURE AT 38 GORDON STREET, SORELL AMENDMENT NO. 43/2015/1/1 TOGETHER WITH DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. 5/2015/47/1 FOR SHOPS & ASSOCIATED CAR PARK 50 11.0 GOVERNANCE 81 11.1 ADOPTION OF ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 81 11.2 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS 110 11.3 VOLUNTARY AMALGAMATIONS 112 12.0 ENGINEERING & REGULATORY SERVICES 117 12.1 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE A NEW PUBLIC ROAD 117 13.0 FINANCE & INFORMATION 122 13.1 2015-2016 FEES AND CHARGES 122 13.2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MAY 2015 YTD 133 13.3 CONFIRMATION OF THE AUDIT PANEL MEETING MINUTES HELD ON 5 MAY 2015 143 13.4 RATES AND CHARGES POLICY 146 13.5 RESOLUTION 2015-2016 RATES AND CHARGES 155 14.0 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 166 15.0 CLOSED MEETING 168 16.0 ACRONYMNS 169 PAGE 1 1.0 ATTENDANCE ^ Mayor K Vincent Deputy Mayor B McDonald Councillor K Degrassi Councillor V Gala Councillor G Evans Councillor C Torenius Councillor N Reynolds Councillor L White Councillor D De Williams 2.0 APOLOGIES 3.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4.0 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF 19 MAY 2015 RECOMMENDATION “That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19 May 2015 be confirmed.” 5.0 MAYOR’S REPORT RECOMMENDATION “That the Mayor’s communication report as listed be received.” This communication is provided as a courtesy, any items that require Council action and/or decision will be listed as separate agenda items. Any Councillor requiring information on any matter contained in the communication report please contact the Mayor at any time. Council and DASC meetings as required. Attended Sorell Heritage meeting Clr Torenius also attended. Chaired the Pembroke Advisory committee meeting. Attended Minister Grooms discussion on population growth. Attended Sorell School assembly. Judged at the Sorell Has Talent youth quest. Attended Sorell Memorial Hall meeting Clr Evans also attended. Had discussions with residents concerned with the Sorell fruit farm project. Attended meeting with Sorell soccer. Attended meeting with Sorell on Stage. AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 2 Attended meeting with Sorell super rules. Participated in meeting re: constitutional changes to Copping Authority. Attended with fellow councillors the Dunalley Community conversation. Participated in meeting on the Dunalley Marina. Met with Mayor and GM’s from South East councils re: merger possibilities. Met with Sorell Cricket club. Attended Council Grants selection meeting with fellow councillors. Participated in meeting with KPMG re: SEEIS. Discussed possible upgrade of the Dodges Ferry skate park area with local user. The GM and I met with developer to discuss zoning in Primrose Sands. Attended with fellow councillors the Dodges Ferry community conversation. Attended the STCA /RDA sponsored Economic forum. Attended workshop with Eric Hutchinson and the Lyons electorate Mayors. Attended meeting of the STCA infrastructure committee. 6.0 SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS RECOMMENDATION “That the Council resolve by absolute majority to deal with any supplementary items not appearing on the agenda, as reported by the General Manager in accordance with the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005.” In accordance with the requirements of Part 2 Regulation 8 (6) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005, the Council by absolute majority may approve the consideration of a matter not appearing on the agenda, where the General Manager has reported: a) The reason it was not possible to include the matter on the agenda; and b) That the matter is urgent; and c) That advice has been provides under section 65 of the Local Government Act 1993. AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 3 7.0 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS REPORT The following Council Workshop was held on date of workshop Date Purpose Councillor Attendance Councillor Apologies 2 June 2015 Council Workshop – Degrassi, Gala, Evans, Budget, Rates, Torenius, De Williams, Fees & Reynolds, White, McDonald Charges, and Vincent LINC. 8.0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS RECOMMENDATION “That the Departmental reports as listed be received.” 8.1 GOVERNANCE – ROBERT HIGGINS, GENERAL MANAGER Waste Management tender meeting and Copping Joint Waste Authority briefing on proposed rule changes– 25th May. Common Service Joint Venture Meeting – 26th May. Dunalley Community Feedback Meeting – 27th May. Meeting with Mayors, Deputy Mayors and General Managers of Clarence, Tasman and Glamorgan Spring Bay to discuss amalgamations – 2nd June. Special Closed Council meeting – 2nd June. Meeting with Asset Management software provider and relevant staff and meeting with common service joint venture administrator and relevant staff to discuss ICT services – 4th June. SMT, EBA and budget meetings, DASC and Council workshops – as scheduled. Council ordinary meeting – 16th June. Common Service Joint Venture monthly activity reports – attached. AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 4 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 5 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 6 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 7 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 8 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 9 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 10 8.2 ENGINEERING & REGULATORY SERVICES – RUSSELL FOX, MANAGER PURPOSE: To inform Council of the activities of the Engineering and Regulatory Services Department during the period 1 May 2015 to 30 May 2015. Regulatory Services include the following, Planning, Building, Engineering, Plumbing, Environmental Health, Works Depot, Asset Management, Natural Resource Management etc. ENGINEERING AND REGULATORY SERVICES – Russell Fox The construction of the Gypsy Bay rock groyne extension commenced on 9 June. The Neil Davis car park construction has been finalised and is currently in use. The Pelham St pedestrian crossing is scheduled to be installed on the week commencing 15 June. Meetings attended included: Community conversations meetings at Dunalley and Dodges Ferry. Two meetings with SERDA regarding the South East economic infrastructure strategy. NRM South grant project event. Several meetings with Sorell’s asset management consultants. Regular Work, Health and Safety committee meeting. During the month of May, Council received two requests to waiver Fees. As per Council’s Policy Number 9 of 2005 Part B Not-for-profit Community Based Organisations can apply for waiver of fees, approved under the delegation of the General Manager. Name & Address: Project: Fees Waived: 32 Hoffman Street, Alterations to Completion Fee $76.00 Midway Point Community Hall Building Permit Fee $376 (Class 9b) Blue Lagoon Christian New Hall & Additions Planning - $577.00 Youth Camp to existing buildings DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT – (J Richmond) The following table provides details of the overall planning, plumbing and building applications received for the year 1 May 2015 to 30 May 2015: Application Type 2015 Planning including Subdivisions 167 Plumbing 134 Special Plumbing 57 Building 149 AGENDA SORELL COUNCIL MEETING 16 JUNE 2015 PAGE 11 337 CERTIFICATES – (J Ray) Council also processed 39 certificates in May which relate to the sale of properties as detailed below (337 certificates). February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 39 47 54 39 PLANNING – (J Richmond) Details of applications received during the period of January, February, March, April 2015. Type January February March 2015 April May 2015 2015 2015 2015 DA’s 26 22 31 35 21 SA’s 2 1 3 4 5 PSA’s 0 1 0 0 STR 0 1 2 2 ADH 1 0 0 Total 29 25 36 39 28 Legend: DA’s – Development Applications SA’s – Subdivision Applications includes Boundary Adjustments PSA’s – Planning Scheme Amendments STR – Strata Applications ADH – Adhesion Orders DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SPECIAL COMMITTEE – (J Molnar/J Richmond) The Development Assessment Special Committee met on the 19 May 2015. Four applications were
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