WORD FORMATION ON MEDICAL TERMS IN NEW YORK TIME MAGAZINE’S ARTICLES A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Strata One RANA MEISARA 1110026000028 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2014 ABSTRACT Rana Meisara, Word Formation on Medical Terms in New York TIME magazine’s articles. Thesis: English letters Department of Letters and Humanities Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, December 2014. It is a research of morphological phenomenon which focuses on the process of word formation on medical terms in New York TIME magazine’s articles. The writer took seven articles in seven montly different edition of New York Time Magazine, namely, edition of January 13th 2014 entitle “The Doctor Will Skype You Now: Telemedicine Apps aim to Replace Nonemergency Visits”; edition of June 2nd, 2014 entitle “What You Need to Know About MERS: A dangerous new disease has gone global”; edition of July 21st, 2014 entitle “The Cancer Tests You Need: Cutting through confusion on what screenings to get— and when”; September 1st, 2014 entitle “Mammograms Go 3-D: A High-Tech imaging breakthrough could pick up more cancer”; edition of October 27th, 2014 entitle “Medical Momentum: Scientists make major moves in tackling five challenging diseases”; edition of November 24th, 2014 entitle “Mindfulness for Men: Yoga has some new fans—and science says that’s a very good thing”; edition of Decemberijctjtyfacts are getting harder to ignore” for the corpus. Conceptual morphology is used by the writer to analyze the words which experience word formation process and classify the types of word formation on the medical terms. The writer starts the analysis by reading the article, and then classifies the medical terms which exist in the texts. After that, the data is outlined in a description which includes morphological process, identifying morpheme, analyze the word formation process, morphophonological process, and dictionary. From the analysis of the seven monthly different editions of TIME magazine’s articles, it can be said that there are 39 data found, 28 derivatives found on the medical terms in this New York TIME Magazine’s articles. seven compound words, three abbreviations, and only one acronym. Moreover, from the sample chosen as represent the other data in the analysis, it is containing eight derivatives which are class changing and there are three derivatives which are class maintaining. Furthermore there is no truncation, blend, cretion de novo, and eponym found in the development of medical term in this analysis. Keywords: Word formation, Morphology, TIME Magazine. i ii iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text. Jakarta, November 28st 2014 Rana Meisara iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise and Gratitude be to Allah SWT, the Lord of Universe, who has given the writer guidance and strength, thus she could finish this thesis completely. Peace and Salutation be upon the messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions, and his adherents. May peace and blessing of Allah be upon all of us. On this occasion, first and foremost, the writer wants to express her biggest sincere thanks and love, and also acknowledge her debt to her parents, Mat. Rasin and Umi Hasanah. Thanks for all the non-stop support, financially and spiritually, that has always motivated the writer to proudly finish this thesis. Moreover, the writer also would like to convey her gratitude and also acknowledge her debt to the following person: 1. Dr. H. Wahid Hasyim, M. Ag, the Dean of Adab and Humanities faculty (2010-2014), for his motivation and advice to immediately complete the writer’s study in English Letter and Literature Department. 2. Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M. Hum, the Dean Adab and Humanities faculty. v 3. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd, the Head of English Letters Department who is also one of the writer’s advisor, for sacrificing his precious time to guide the writer in completing her thesis. 4. Elve Octafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of the English Letters Department; 5. Dhuha Hadiyansyah, M.Hum, the writer’s advisor who always willing spare his time to patiently guide and teach the writer in many ways to complete her study and thesis. 6. All of the lecturers in English Letters Department for teaching and guiding her very well during her study at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 7. All of her family member for every support and pleased moments which spent together with laugh and love even at the period of passing through the hard times. 8. The writer friends in English Letters and Literature Department of 2010, especially for Elbie and Linguistic A. Thanks for the friendship, help, advice and support that will never found in any other Department. Some crazy and silly folks, yet The writer’s happiness and spirit, Fithria Luthfiyani, Thia Askayuli, Bagus Putra Ramadansyah, Muhamad Sazali, Debi Novia Ningrum, Yuliana Kuslambang Ningrum, and Fahmi Fahrurroji, for the caring, laugh, motivation, and all the precious moments spent together in happy, fun, sad, bad or even in difficult situations the writer has during her study; vi 9. KKN Yellow (Youth Influential Fellowship), Muhammad Adi Rahman, Muhammad Reza Hermanto, Ridho Alvin Harfian, Shakuntala Febrina, Melina Hadera, Christie Adi Oktaviyana, Pranisa Syifadelima, Andriesta Saputri, Nurali, Fatih Adzkia, Leiza Sixmansyah, Rian Lisandi, Muhammad Semmy, Fithria Luthfiyani, Thia Askayuli and Bagus Putra Ramadhansya, thanks for the good experiences and memories of being together during the projects in Pasarean, Bogor, and for always being some good and caring friends. Moreover, to GZB Ayunda Sabrina, Anita Rahma, and Farizky Sharfina who always give the writer support even from afar, yet it really motivates the writer during her study. 10. The employers of some University Libraries who have helped the writer in finding some references for her thesis. 11. All the people and friends who have helped the writer in finishing her study indirectly that cannot be mentioned one by one. The writer cannot stop being thankful to God for this one complete package of support that the writer receives to finish her study. May Allah SWT bless them and their family. Moreover, this research is expected to be useful for all the people who read it. Suggestion and criticism will be accepted for the improvement of this thesis. Jakarta, November 28st, 2014 The Writer vii LIST OF TABLE Table 1 : Classification of Medical Terms from Data Card.............................. 39 Table 2 : Sample data that will be analyzed...................................................... 41 viii TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION................................................................................................ iii DECLARATION................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. v THE LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................... viii THE LIST OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ix CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 A. Background of Study .................................................................................. 1 B. Focus of the Study ...................................................................................... 5 C. Research Questions ..................................................................................... 6 D. Significance of the Study ............................................................................ 6 E. Research Methodology ............................................................................... 6 1. The Objective of Research ................................................................... 6 2. The Method of Research ...................................................................... 6 3. The Technique of Data Collection and Data Analysis ......................... 7 4. Instrument of The Research ................................................................. 8 5. Unit of Analysis ................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .......................................... 10 A. Previous Research ..................................................................................... 10 B. Theoretical Description ............................................................................. 14 1. Morphology .......................................................................................... 14 ix 2. Word Formation ................................................................................... 16 3. Morpheme
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