\ 0 4 7 9 8 0 0 0 3 DUGUESNE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN LOCUST & COLBERT STREETS PITTSBURGH 13219 140th Year, CXL No. 34 15 cents Established in 1844: America's Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, November 9, 1984 2 M asses Famine L ay g r o u p In s id e set in area re le a s e s for Polish 6 million face starvation le t t e r o n By MARK Z1MMERMANN p r ie s t NC News Service e c o n o m y International relief efforts lor (Related stories on page 6) lamine-ravaged Ethiopia By JERRY FILTEAU escalated in late October and Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, the early November, but officials WASHINGTON (NC) -Agroup Polish priest kidnapped and cautioned that much more aid of prominent lay Catholics has murdered by Polish secret police was needed lor Ethiopia, where called the "free market profit recently lor his pro-Solidarity 6 million people lace starvation. system" the most effective stand, w'ill be honored at two "T h e situation is going to get economic system — and therefore Masses in Pittsburgh Sunday, worse before it gets better," ultimately the most moral one — Priest; dies Nov. 18. said Kenneth Hacketl, senior to resolve national and global The Pittsburgh Fraternity ol director for Africa ol the New problems of poverty, unemploy­ Fr. Harold C. Drought, Polish Clergy will sponsor a York-based Catholic Reliel ment, economic planning and lorm er pastor of St. Loo, North memorial Mass lor Fr. Popielusz­ Services. "Although we hope to world trade and development. Side, dies in Joliet, 111. ko at 3 p.m. that day at St. m ove an incredible amount ol That free market system best Josaphat Church, Mission St., food, we re only scratching the meets the demands ol the Catholic South Side. surface. We need more money to Church's social justice teaching, Bishop Anthony Bevilacqua will transport food Irom the ports to said the Lay Commission on Other deaths serve as main celebrant, with the people. Catholic Social Teaching and the . principal concelebrants: Msgr. CRS announced Nov. 2 that it U.S. Economy in a 120-page letter Sister M. Claudia, the lorm er Leon S. Darkowski, pastor ol St. and three other groups — the released Nov. 6. Lutheran World Federation, the Pauline Blanlz, a member ol the Mary Czestochowa, McKeesport; • 'Capitalism, ’' it said,' seems to Lutheran-altilialed Ethiopian Sisters ol the Humility ol Mary, Msgr. Ferdinand M. Sojka, ol St. be a necessary, but not a Evangelical Church and the Villa Maria, Pa. John Vianney Manor, Cralton; sufficient, condition for political Sister M. Kosella, the lorm er Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat and Fr. Joseph Swierczynski, and civil liberties and also for M argaret Burns, a m em ber ol — agreed to expand and pastor ol St. Josaphat. Also economic development." And the Sisters ol the Humility ol coordinate their efforts to concelebrating will be priests ol economic development, it said, Mary, Villa Maria, Pa. regions in .Ethiopia hardest hit the area. oilers the only real basis tor Sister Theophane Bopp, a by the famine. Fr. Henry A. Szarnicki, pastor A child huddles under a blanket at the Korem drought refugee greater social justice. member ol the Mission Helpers CRS said it is distributing ol Our Lady ol Perpetual Help in camp in the Wollo region of Ethiopia. W hat doth it profit a nation to ol the Sacred Heart, Tow son, about 90 percent of the Natrona Heights, will give the redistribute scarcity? The first American food aid reaching Md. homily in English and Fr. systemic task is to produce Sister M. Gertrude Kodgers, a Ethiopia. abundance," the Catholic lay Miroslaus A. Wojcicki, pastor ol walking lor several days far tonnage of food the groups are lorm er superior general ol the In addition to the private group declared. Guardian Angels in West End, will exceeds the available supplies currently distributing. S isters ol St. F ran cis in reliel agencies, several nations "In summary, we believe that give the homily in Polish. ol tood," said Beth Griilin, CRS Pezzullo said that by Whitehall. have stepped up their aid to the new principles of political The Mass is open to all. press spokeswoman. expanding their efforts and by Sister M. Estelle Funk, a Ethiopia, and many individuals economy forged in the American Another Mass, at noon on Nov. She said that famine was concentrating on separate member ol the Sisters ol Mercy, have responded with donations. experiment offer rich materials 18, is set lor St. Anne Church, particularly desperate in regions the agencies hoped to Oakland. The picture ol human lor critical reflection in Catholic Castle Shannon, where Fr. suliering in Ethiopia painted by Ethiopia because the drought reach 1.5 million Ethiopians. Albina T. Cipolla, Aliquippa. social thought," the group said. Popieluszko's aunt, Amelia Hackett and other relief has ruined at least lour planting The V. S. Agency lor Sylvia Zangaro, North Side. It roundly attacked centralized Kalinoski lives and where Fr. personnel is a grim one. seasons in a row ior the International Development statist and socialist governments. Popieluszko had ottered Mass In a Nov. 2 press conlerence, predominantly agricultural announced Nov. 2 that the L.S. Not only do they tend to suppress during his two trips to the area in Hackett said that he had found a nation. And reliel ellorts have government planned to provide the civil ireedoms valued by Election 197b and 1981. Two other aunts who "horrifying" situation during a been hampered by transporta­ 50,000 tons ol em ergency food lived within the parish have since aid directly to the Ethiopian Americans and defended in The re-election ol Ronald W. recent visit to Ethiopia. On tion difficulties caused by the died. country 's civil wars, she said. government for distribution church teaching, but they also Reagan as president returns to previous trips to Africa he had Msgr. Charles O. Rice, pastor, seen starvation, but he said "in Lawrence Pezzullo, CRS within the country. tend to produce economic the White House a political stagnation, reducing the access ol will otliciate at the memorial Ethiopia this time we saw director, said that the coalition Earlier, the United States had tigure who has strongly sided their citizens to the material goods Mass. death. " He had earlier reported ol church agencies were agreed to provide private reliel with Catholic positions on some required to meet their economic Fr. Popieluszko "w as a staunch that in two small towns he appealing lor 200,000 tons ol food organizations w ilh 80,000 tons ol issues and has been criticized needs, the commission said. advocate ol human rights," visited, there were 10b deaths in for distribution over the next 12 loud to distribute throughout by church leaders lor his stands The Lay Commission on commented Fr. Zygmunt a single day. months. That amount would, Ethiopia. Total L .S. famine aid on others. Story on page 2. Catholic Social Teaching and the Szarnicki, pastor olSt. Ignatius in "The number ol people according to The New York U.S. Economy was set up by arriving at feeding centers after Times, roughly quadruple the (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on page 3) lormer U.S. Treasury Secretary W illiam E. Simon and neo- conservative theologian Michael Novak. It spent about $100,000 in Analysis hearing testimony and developing its findings over the past six months. It said it was presenting its work Bishops pastoral as an independent lay Catholic contribution to the public dialogue occasioned by a decision of the on U.S. economy U.S. Catholic bishops to issue a national pastoral letter on Catholic social teaching and the American economy. to get 1st airing The commission released its letter, titled "Toward the By JERRY FILTEAU urged a comparable letter Future, in New York and addressing the evils ol unres­ Washington as voting booths WASHINGTON (Np - What trained capitalism. across the nation were closing does Catholic social teaching have Bishop William Weigand of Sait Nov. 6. The group had decided to to say about the U.S. economy'.’ Lake City, a lormer missionary in wait until after the elections to Just before the U.S. bishops meet Latin America, said there would avoid any appearance of seeking Nov. 12-15 in Washington, their be little attraction to Marxism in to influence them, but at the same lirst eltort at answering that that part ol the world il it were not time decided to release its question will be released. lor the "evils and aberrations ol findings before the first drait ol Inside sources say the closely capitalism." the bishops' pastoral to avoid guarded lirst draft ol "Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Peter Rosazza appearing as a reaction to it. Social Teaching and the American ol Hartlord, Conn., introduced a The lirst drait ol the bishops' Econom y" will run more than motion, which passed by voice pastoral was scheduled lor 50,000 words. That's twice as long vote, directing the bishops' release live days later, on Nov. 11. as the lirst draft ol the 1983 war Committee on Social Develop­ Archbishop Rembert A. W eakland and peace pastoral and longer ment and World Peace to prepare ol Milwaukee heads the bishops' even than the much-expanded a pastoral letter on capitalism. committee dralting the pastoral. linal 42,000-word version ol that Later, when the dralting The bishops' draft letter, document. committee headed by Archbishop according to sources, begins with The first half of the new pastoral Weakland was lormed. Bishops a lengthy analysis of biblical and will be devoted to biblical and Rosazza and Weigand were Catholic teaching on social theological analysis ol the ethical named as members.
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