he Clinton Republican. VOL. XLIV.-NO. 19. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1899. WHOLE NO. 2,806. VARIOUS TOPICS. OBITUARY. BAPTIST 1SSEIBLY. Invitations are out for the wedding of IT'S 1 BUM Albert Mack, eon of George and Nora KILLED BY A TRAIN Mack, of Lebanon, died August 17,1899, At Orchard Lake, August %%, 38, Glenn Hathaway to Miss Mildred Marsh aged* months arid 22 daye. The jour ­ to take place at the home of Miss Marsh’s ney of life on earth waa abort bnt it will The Michigan Baptist Summer Assem­ parents next Tuesday, August 29, at not soon be forgotten. Funeral services bly, a state movement, is being held at lid G«g. 0. L Spaulding lsks to high noon. loser J. Hale Does not Like the conducted by Rev. D. H. Shelly. Alrti B. Wansey, a Yeteran of the Orchard Lake August 22, Sk The Such a little break In the aod executive committee spared no pains to V So tiny to be a fra re. be Discharged Klondike. Oh bow oan I render to God Cifil War Looses his Life. make the Assembly ths best in the The pulling out of a key from the The beautiful gift he history of the movement. The program Must I put you away mg pat, connecting rod on the gravel train engin Mr tender bud unbtowa. is interesting. Opening services com ­ yesterday noon, delayed the 11KX) o ’clock With dews of the moral** upon you yet menced Tuesday at 2:30, conducted by AS ASSIGNEE OF THE ESTATE OF WILL. CORK BACK TO THE U» S. TO And your bloeoms all uaahown. DREW A PENSION OE $75 PER MONTH mail about an hour. The gravel train Yet over this little head President C. A. Johnson, of Ovid. n R. M. STEEL. STAY. Lying so still on my knee, FROM THE GOVERMENT. war between St Johns and Sbepards- I thank my God for too bliss of thWdead ville. For the foy of th#soul sot free. A. P. Cowell is in Shepard on business J. C. Dooling was in Lansing yester­ Mary Jane Dravenatatt waa born in Gen. O. L. Spaulding, to whom the Mrs. Ida H. Knapp, of Dewitt, received From Our Ovid Correspondent. day. The exceedingly dry weather of the the state of Pennsylvania, July 25, 1819, Alvin B. Wansey, while crossing the late R. M. Steel made an assignment the following letter from her brother, a past month resulted in considerable when a email child ahe moved with her Railroad ’tract at the crossing of East St., Wm. N. Stocker was in Ionia yester­ in 1896, has rendered his account and eon of H. W. Hale, who lives near St. parents to Likins township, Crawford day. damage to crops, and in the northern waa struck by the west bound 10:2$a. m served notice on creditors that he will Johns. Homer J. Hale, the writer, went county, Ohio, where she lived for some part of the Btate forest fires destroyed years. train and instantly killed Monday, Aug. Rudolph Goette was in Matherton yes­ apply to the circuit court August 31st west when he was 24, and spent some much growing timber, fences, etc. Fires On October 1,1842, she was united in 21st. Conflicting reports are given by terday. for the allowance of the following state­ time in the marshes in lower Michigan have in Dakota, Idaho and Washington* marriage to Alexander Burdick. In 1850 He went to Klondike about a year ago: she moved to Muskegon county, Mich., those who saw the accident, making it W. A. Norton waa in Grand Rapids ment of disbursements and expenses, also done some damage. impossible to give full particulars. Mr. Tuesday. and claim for compensation as assignee, Dawson , June 12,1899. and settled near Casinovia, where she Dear Sister: I received your wel­ and her husband cleared for themselves Wansey lived about one half mile west of Tom Spaulding left for Port Huron and ask for his discharge. Owing to a home in the then wilds of a new country the fact that so much of the property of come letter of April 25th. I was glad to Burton, came to Ovid to do some mark­ Tuesday. C. E. Ball and Arthur Wilson returned hear from you and to hear thatyou were there being but one other family within eting. He was alone in the buggy, the R. M. Steel was pledged for debt, real a radius of 2 or 3 miles. Here she lived L. M. Parrott, of Saginaw, was in town from a few days trout fishing expedition all well. But I was afraid to open it for horse crossed the track uninjured, the and contingent, only a comparatively a while for fear there would be bad news the life of a pioneer ’s wife; suffering the yesterday. in Manistee county Monday, bringing hardships necessary in a new country. small amount of money was ever received in it, it bad been such a long time since I bugtfy was broken into innumerable 200 speckeled beauties with them. had heard from home. It made me feel In 1865, she aod her family moved to pieces and be thrown from the buggy S. A. Sturgis was in Durand on busi­ by the assignee. As there is more or ness yesterday. Whrden Fuller and the editor of The good when I read that father and moth­ Lebanon township, Clinton county, and killed instantly. Mr. Wansey was less litigation pending, it is probable that Mich., where she has since resided up to Republican put in a couple of days with er were both enjoying good health. How 58 years old, a soldier in the war of ’61, Mrs. Chas. Sprague and Miss Lillie are a new receiver will be appointed, should is Uncle John getting along? I was talk­ her death, which occurred on August 19, them on their return from the north. 1899, at the age of 80 years and 25 days. visiting in Ionia. the General be discharged. Below is ing with a Californian that saw Orin belonging to Company 1 of the 27 Regi­ about three years ago. He was well She was the mother of six children, John ment, Michigan Volunteers. He leaves Harry Martin spent the first of the the statement: then. I never received a letter from him. Andrew, who died in infancy, Mrs. Mary a wife, five sons and five daughters. A week at Crystal. STATEMENT. Lansing is in the midst of an Elk’s My health is excellent. I haven’t been Jane Face, Mrs. Sarah Dixon, Mrs. Estate Robert M. Steel, Dr., to O. L. Spauld ­ carnival, or the carnival is in the midst sick one day since I came here. But Martha Raybourer, William Burdick coroners jury was immediately sum­ Mrs. Jennie Butler returned from ing, Assignee. of Lansing, with midway and the whole have lost 24 pounds in weight; I weigh and Harlow Burdick, all of whom lived moned by Justice Robson and adjourned Crystal Tuesday. Sept. 19, Expenses to Detroit ................. 6 5® just 180 pounds now. I have been to near her except Mrs. Raybourer, whose until Tuesday. His remains were here Oct. 5, Stationery ------............•••■• . ~ figure. Mrs. S. A. Tomlins m was elected home is in Detroit. She leaves thoee Mrs. H. E. Haynes is spending the “ 7, Expenses to Mt. Pleasant.... 8 06 queep of the carnival by public ballot, a work for quite a while, have*earned 1700. in charge of Undertaker E. B. Voorhees. “ 8, Expenses to Ithaca................ 6 15 I get $1.00 per hour but it is hard to get five children and a feeble but loving week in St. Louis. * l 9. J. A. Fancher, witness fees .. 5 00 certain amount being charged for the work. This is a very bum country. husband to mourn the loss of a noble and will he taken to Mt. Pleasant for “ 9 W. D. Swan, witness fees......... 5 00 and self-sacrificing wife and mother. burial. He was well off and drew a Miss Edith Richardson is spending a “ IS, Abstract of Title Montcalm privilege of voting, the money going to There are a few very rich claims and few days in Durand. county land ........................... 8 00 the hospital. hundreds of worthless ones. I do not pension of $75 per month. “15, Stationery.......... ................... own any claim yet, don ’t suppose I will. F. A. Travis and daughter are spending “17. Lirery, F.Schofleld. .......... 3 50 David Weatherwax died of appolexy Jury List. “ 25, Expenses to Boston and New ^ ^ *** If I keep my health one more year I the week in Pinkney. think I can make a few thousand dollars. at his his home in Bengal, August 18, at The following is a list of the jurors Nov. 7, Telephone to Grand Rapids.. 45 Hon. John C. Brunson, of Victor, har­ The climate is not so very bad I dress the age of 78 years. The deceased was selected for the special term of court to Dr. and Mrs. McPherson, of Fowler, “ 18, Stamped envelopes ............ 2 75 vested 27 acres of Dauson ’s Golden Chaff born in Waterveliet, Albany county, were in town Tuesday. “ 21, Expenses to Mt. Pleasant.... 8 40 the same here as I did in the states ex­ New York, March 13, 1821, where he be held next month. “ 23, Paid Fancher and Sangster wheat which yielded 11.7 bushels per cepting fur cap and moccasins. The spent the early days of his life, and Frod Mack______ .Watertown Mrs A.
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