ART CRITICISM Author Index Chronological Index General Subject Index Issues 1.1- 14.1 vol. 14, no. 1 61 Author Index Adrian, Dennis, "Writing in Chicago." Volume 1, Number 4 (1981) Alford, C. Fred, "Art and Reparation or, Poetry After Auschwitz?" Volume 5, Number 3 (1989) Alloway, Lawrence, "Women's Art and the Failure ofArt Criticism." Volume 1, Number 2 (1979) Alloway, Lawrence, ''The Complex Present." Volume 1, Number 1 (1979) Babich, Babette, "On Malls, Museums, and the Art World: Postmodernism and the Vicissitudes ofConsumer Culture." Volume 9, Number 1 (1991) Baigell, Matthew, "American Art around 1960 and the Loss ofSelf"' Volume 13, Number 2 (1998) Baigell, Matthew, "Reflections onlofRichard Estes." Volume 8, Number 2 (1993) Baigell, Matthew, "A Ramble Around Early Earth Works." Volume 5, Number 3 (1989) Baigell, Matthew, "American Landscape Painting and National Identity: The Stieglitz Circle and Emerson." Volume 4, Number I (1987) Baigell, Matthew, "Robert Moriss' Latest Works: Slouching Toward Armaged­ don." Volume 2, Number 1 (1985) Baigell, Matthew, "Pearlstein's People." Volume 1, Number 1 (1979) Baldessari, John; Camnitzer, Luis; Gablik, Suzi; Koons, Jeff; Pekarsky, Mel; Sandback, Amy Baker; and Storr, Robert, contributors, "The Idea of the Moral Imperative in Contemporary Art." Volume 7, Number 1 (1991) Baranik, Rudolf, "Art: Devilish, Diabolic, Satanic, Demonic." Volume 8, Number 2 (1993) 62 Art Criticism Baranik. Rudolf, "Philistinism in Front ofArt and Art History." Volume 2, Number 3 (1986) Baranik. Rudolf, "The State ofFonnalism." Volume I, Number 3 (1981) Barnard, Phillip, translator, "The Phallus Stripped Bare by its Non-Bachelors, Even: A Conversation Between Alain Kirili and Phillippe Sollers." Volume 5, Number 1 {I988) Barnett, Lisa, "Sally Mann" Volume 14, Number I (1999) Bartel, Jeannine, "Cartoons, Comforters and the Cultural Industry: Mike Kelley's Art as Deception or Enlightenment?" Volume 8, Number 1 (1993) Bartell, Jeannine; Quizon, Cheree; and Williams, Ellen, contributors, "Three Re­ views ofHigh and Low! Modern Art and Popular Culture at the Museum ofMod­ ern Art." Volume 7, Number 1 (1991) Berkowitz, Terry, "Report from Behind the Screens." Volume 2, Number 3 (1986) Biro, Matthew, "Art Criticism and Deconstruction: Rosalind Krauss and Jacques Derrida." Volume 6, Number 2 (1990) Bisanz, Rudolph M., "Hermeneutics andArt: From Schleiermacher to Derrida: On the Trail ofthe 'True Meaning' ofthe Work" Volume 12, Number 1 (1997) Bisanz, Rudolph, "Proto-Modernist Aesthetics and Art Criticism Amended: From Behaviorist 'Doctrinaire Realism' to Existentialist 'ProcessArt' and Wilhelm Liebl' Three Women in Church." Volume 8, Number 1 (1993) Bisanz, Rudolf, M., "Art History: Art Criticism and the Ideological Birth ofMod­ ern Art." Volume 6, Number 1 (1989) Bisanz, RudolfM., "The Culture ofEros: A Frugal Guide to Sybaritic Art." Volume 5, Number 2 (1989) vol. 14, no. 1 63 Bisanz, RudolfM., "The Nude and Erotic Art: The Pick ofthe Crop Reviewed." Volume 5, Number 1 (1988) Bisanz, Rudolf M., ''More on a 'Discipline in Crisis' and Some Possible Rem­ edies; Geneml Methodology in Art History and a Special Application to the 19th Century." Volume 4, Number 1 (1987) Bisanz, RudolfM., ''Nexus, Plexus, Fidibus-Still, the Nineteenth Century Doesn't Add Up For Us," Volume 4, Number I (1987) Boettger, Suzaan, "Regression in the Service of..." Volume 2, Number 2 (1986) Bois, Yves-Alain, "Critical Evaluation." Volume 3, Number 3 (1987) Bonta, Juan Pablo, "Architectural Criticism, Values and Psychoanalysis." Volume 4, Number 3 (1988) Borum, Jennifer Penrose, "Robert Pincus-Witten: The Critic as Dandy." Volume 5, Number 2 (1989) Bradford, Thomasine, "Room 16" Volume 12, Number 2 (1997) Brandl, Mark Staff and Daniel Ammann, "Beyond 'Like' and 'As' in Images: Metonymy and Metaphor in Some Recent Art" Volume 8, Number 2 (1993) Braun, Barbara, "Rufino Tamayo: Indigenous or Cosmopolitan Painter1' Volume 1, Number 4 (1981) Brenson, Michael, ''Newspaper Art Criticism." Volume 4, Number 1 (1987) Brockelman, Thomas, "Modernism and Theatricality." Volume 8, Number 1 (1993) Bryson, Greg, "Suzi Gablik" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) Bryson, Greg, "An Interview with Suzi Gablik" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) 64 Art Criticism Brzyski-Long, Anna. "Retracing the Modernist Origins: Conceptual Parallels in the Aesthetic Thought ofCharles Baudelaire and G.W.F. Hegel" Volume 12, Number 1 (1997) Budick, Ariella, "Factory Seconds: Diane Arbus and the Imperfections in Mass Culture" Volume 12, Number 2 (1997) Budzynski, Scott, "Malcom Morley" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) Busbea, Larry, "Please Seat Your-Self: A Wmnicottian Reading ofthe Furniture­ Objects ofScott Burton." Volume 11, Number 2 (1996) Cameron, Dan, "Transparencies." Volume 3, Number! (1986) Caranfa, Angelo, "The Inner Life in Claudel's Art Criticism" Volume 12, Number 1 (1997) Carl, Katherine, "Uprootedness and Reception in the Photographs ofJosef Koudelka" Volume 13, Number 2 (1998) Cash, Stephanie, "The Art Criticism and Politics ofLucy Lippard." Volume 9, Number 1 (1991) Christen, Barbara S., "Responses to the Scenographic in Postmodem Architec­ ture." Volume 3, Number 3 (1987) Clifford, Katie, "Scopophilia. Exhibitionism and the Art of Sophie Calle." Volume 10, Number 1 (1994) Cohalan, Mary Lou, "Reinventing the Avant-Garde: A Stylistic Analysis of Se­ lected Essays ofJacques Derrida" Volume 13, Number 2 (1998) Cohen, David, "In Search of Kitaj" Volume 12, Number 2 (1997) Colquhoun, Alan, "Postmodem Critical Positions." Volume 2, Number 1 (1985) vol. 14, no. 1 65 Comini, Alessandm, "Titles Can Be Troublesome: Misintetpretations in Male Art Criticism." Volume I, Number 2 (1979) Comisarenco, ''The Earliest Bullfight Images ofPablo Picasso." Volume 9, Number 1 (1991) Cone, Michele, "Suspicious 'Unheimlich' and Ambivalence in the Appropriation Strategy ofAnselm Kiefer." Volume 6, Number 2 (1990) Craven, David, "The 'Critique-Poesie' ofThomas Hess." Volume 1, Number 1 (1979) Crow. Thomas, ''The Critique ofEnlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Art." Volume 3, Number 3 (1987) Crow, Thomas, ''The Critique ofEnlightenment in Eighteenth Century Art." Volume 3, Number 1 (1986) Cutler, Jody, "Manet to Manet and Back Again: Modern Painting According to Michael Fried" Volume 12, Number 2 (1997) Davis, Douglas, "On Architecture." Volume 3, Number 2 (1987) Dean, Kelly, ''Robert Irwin" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) Diamond, Josephine, "Baudelaire's Exposure ofthe Photographic Image." Volume 2, Number 2 (1986) Dietrich, Linnea S. and Wyly, Katherine, translators, "Paul Gauguin's Notebook for Aline." Volume 7., Number 1 (1991) Dietrich, Linnea S., "Introduction to Paul Gauguin's Notebookfor Aline." Volume 7, Number 1 (1991) Dietrich, Linnea S., "Gauguin: The Eve ofMy Choice." Volume 4, Number 2 (1988) DiUenberger, John, "Artists and Church Commissions: Rubin's The Church atAssy Revisited." Volume 1, Number 1 (1979) 66 Art Criticism Edelson, Mary Beth, "Mary Beth Edelson on Saving the World" Volume 2, Number 3 (1986) Elkins, James, "An Ambilogy of Painted Meanings." Volume 8, Number 2 (1993) Emmer, C.B., "Kitsch Against Modernity" Volume 13, Number 1 (1998) Eskilson, Stephen, ''The Many or the One?" Volume 10, Number 1 (1994) Farrell, Audrey, "Judy Chicago: Exploitation or Art?" Volume 10, Number 2 (1995) Ferb, Lara, "Dialectic Negation and the Unrepresentable Object of Nihilism in the Painting of Sigmar Polke." Volume 11, Number 2 (1996) Friedman, D.S., "Public Things in the Atopic City: Late Notes on 1ilted Arc and the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial." Volume 10, Number 1 (1994) Gablik. Suzi, "Postmodernism and the Question ofMeaning." Volume 3, Number 3 (1987) Ganis, WIlliam, "Critical Moments Introduction" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) Ganis, William, "Jules Olitski" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) Ganis, WIlliam, "An Interview with Jules Olitsld" Volume 14, Number 1 (1999) Gedo, John B., "Looking Through the Third Eye." Volume 4, Number 3 (1988) Gedo, Mary Mathews, "Public ArtIPrivate Iconography: Roger Brown's Transfor­ mation ofthe Myth ofDaedalus and Icarns." Volume 11, Number 2 (1996) Gedo, Mary Matthews, "An Autobiography in the Shape ofAlabama: The Art of Roger Brown." Volume 4, Number 3 (1988) vol. 14, no. 1 67 Gedo, Mary Matthews, "The Meaning ofArtistic Form and the Promise of the Psychoanalytic Method." Volume 2, Number 3 (1986) Gersh-Nesic, Beth S., "Countertransference and Critical Discourse: The Case of Andre Salmon and Guillaume AppoUinaire" Volume 7, Number 2 (1992) Glaser, David, "Spectacle in Recent Art. " Volume 2, Number 2 (1986) Golub, Leon, ''What Works?" Volume I, Number 2 (1979) Golub. Adrienne M., ''Towards A Newer Critique-The Missing Link: The Influ­ ence of T.S. Eliot's Ultra-Conservative Criticism on Clement Greenberg's Early Rhetoric and Themes" Volume 12, Number I (1997) Grauer, Victor A., "Passage from Realism to Cubism: The Subversion ofPictorlal Semiosis" Volume 13, Number 2 (1998) Grauer, Victor A., ''Mondrian and the Dialectic ofEssence." Volume 11, Number 1 (1996) Graziani, Ron, "Robert Smithson: An Esthetic Foreman in the Mining Industry (part Two)" Volume 13, Number 1 (1998) Graziani, Ron, "Robert Smithson: An Esthetic Prospector in the Mining Industry (part 1: the 1960s)." Volume 10, Number 1 (1994) Graziani, Ron, "Adrian Stokes and the Psychoanalytic." Volume 2, Number 3 (1986) Greenberg, Allan, "Architecture ofDemocracy." Volume 3, Number 2 (1987) Greenberg, Emily B., "Cindy Shennan and the Female Grotesque." Volume 9, Number 2 (1994) Grimm, Jay, "APsychoanalytic Approach
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