H906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 7, 2018 EXPRESSING HOPE FOR AN colleagues to join me in honoring these Mike Love’s leadership, I ask that we IMPROVED IMMIGRATION SYSTEM selfless professionals. honor him again as a father, a husband, (Mr. CURTIS asked and was given f an environmentalist, and, yes, a man who has given us the most beautiful, permission to address the House for 1 DEBT JUNKIE SPENDING BILL minute.) layered music of American modern his- (Mr. BROOKS of Alabama asked and tory as it continues 55 years on. Mr. CURTIS. Madam Speaker, I real- was given permission to address the f ize that few policy topics are more ten- House for 1 minute.) uous and challenging than immigration Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Madam ASKING FERC TO DO WHAT IS reform, but I believe, before us now, is Speaker, Republicans won the House in RIGHT FOR DOWNEAST MAINE a unique window of opportunity that 2010 in part because of the danger posed (Mr. POLIQUIN asked and was given will allow us to solve some of these by America’s 4-year string of trillion- permission to address the House for 1 complex problems. dollar deficits. minute and to revise and extend his re- We can make this a historic time for House Republicans sliced America’s marks.) our country. As we come together to deficit to $438 billion in 2015, but then Mr. POLIQUIN. Madam Speaker, find solutions for more than 800,000 our finances took a dramatic turn for Downeast Maine, along the Canadian DREAMers, we need to take advantage the worse. America’s deficit surged to border, is one of the most stunningly of this moment to also address addi- $585 billion in 2016 and $666 billion in beautiful parts of the world, but, sadly, tional aspects of our broken immigra- 2017. Congress is expected to soon vote it is also one of the poorest. tion system. My hope is that Congress on a debt junkie spending bill that During the past 30 years, Madam will pass a bill that provides certainty blows America’s deficit sky-high by Speaker, most of our paper mills in for DREAMers while also bringing hundreds of billions of dollars in 2018 Maine have closed because of high meaningful improvements to our visa alone. taxes, harmful regulations, unfair programs for seasonal workers and our Madam Speaker, there is a narrow trade, and a declining demand for highly skilled immigrants, along with path between adequate national secu- paper. However, Madam Speaker, the providing resources for enhanced bor- rity funding and avoiding a national Woodland Pulp and tissue mill is doing der security. insolvency that decimates our military quite well: 500 well-paying jobs with We know that not every special in- and risks American lives. That path is benefits, the largest private sector em- terest group will get everything they as narrow as Zion National Park’s An- ployer in Washington County, in want, but I believe, if we work to- gels Landing Trail. One misstep left or Downeast Maine. gether, we can give the American peo- right and you fall hundreds of feet to Today, Madam Speaker, the Federal ple exactly what they expect: an im- your death. Government has a chance to help. proved immigration system that we The Senate spending bill is a debt Since 1836, the Woodland mill has man- desperately need. junkie’s dream, a nightmare, and a misstep that plunges America into dis- aged an upriver Forest City water stor- f aster. It must not pass. age dam to make sure the river and the lake levels in the area are properly RECOGNIZING SCHOOL COUNSELOR f DANA ZAPANTA AND DESIG- maintained, and this makes sure that HONORING FOUNDING MEMBER OF the fragile and world-class salmon and NATING THIS WEEK NATIONAL THE BEACH BOYS, MIKE LOVE SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK bass fisheries are protected. But now, Madam Speaker, the Fed- ´ (Mr. ISSA asked and was given per- (Ms. SANCHEZ asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 eral Energy Regulatory Commission is permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- demanding that the Woodland mill minute and to revise and extend her re- marks.) spend $6 million on a fish ladder and marks.) Mr. ISSA. Madam Speaker, I come to other requirements in order to renew ´ Ms. SANCHEZ. Madam Speaker, I the House floor today to speak about a its license. But the dam already has a rise to recognize the tireless work of husband, a father, an avid environ- fish ladder that works fine, and it does school counselors across the country mentalist with over 55 years’ experi- not generate any electricity for the and in the 38th District of California, ence in just one profession. Madam mill, and it cannot afford the $6 million whom I am honored to represent. These Speaker, I come here to speak about price tag for these unnecessary require- public servants guide students through and to honor the life of Mike Love, a ments. academic, social, and personal develop- founding member of The Beach Boys, Now, the Maine Legislature, Madam ment. one of the most popular music groups Speaker, has already voted to allow Dana Zapanta, a counselor at Artesia of all time, a group that has enter- Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife to High School in my district, is exactly tained us on The Mall of the Capitol assume control of the dam to make the type of champion that students more than any other band in history, a sure this wildlife habitat and the prop- need. Dana, a 12-year counseling vet- patriotic group that speaks in lyrics erty owners are protected and that the eran, has been instrumental in the de- that are timeless. mill can continue to prosper without velopment of Artesia’s Career Tech- Love has spent an extraordinary 55 these undue and unnecessary regula- nical Education program. She also co- years and counting as the group’s lead tions. ordinates numerous events, including singer and one of its principal lyricists, Madam Speaker, I ask today, right AP Student Night and college fairs. with 13 gold albums, 55 Top 100 hits, now, that FERC do what is right and Thanks in part to her unwavering com- and 4 singles alone. He, himself, wrote allow the transfer of the ownership of mitment to students, the graduation the lyrics to the great pop classics this dam from the mill to the State of rate is nearly 99 percent. ‘‘Good Vibrations,’’ ‘‘California Girls,’’ Maine, which solves this critically im- Despite the important contributions ‘‘Surfin’ USA,’’ and ‘‘Kokomo,’’ for the portant problem in one of the poorest counselors like Dana make every day, father. areas of the country. counseling positions are not always The Beach Boys, from their Cali- f protected when local budgets are cut. fornia roots, have, in fact, been a glob- The average student-to-counselor ratio al ambassador for California and for MORTGAGE CHOICE ACT OF 2017 in our Nation’s public schools is almost America. But more importantly, at a Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, double the ratio recommended by the time in which words are sometimes pursuant to House Resolution 725, I American School Counselor Associa- vulgar or unintelligible, that is never call up the bill (H.R. 1153) to amend the tion. the case with The Beach Boys. They Truth in Lending Act to improve upon Students deserve to have the support sing of the greatness of our country, of the definitions provided for points and of school counselors like Dana. That is our lands, and particularly of Cali- fees in connection with a mortgage why I am proud to introduce a resolu- fornia. transaction, and ask for its immediate tion to designate this week as National So, with the unprecedented success consideration. School Counseling Week. I urge my and continuation of this band under The Clerk read the title of the bill. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:20 Feb 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07FE7.002 H07FEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE February 7, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H907 The text of the bill is as follows: I would like to start out thanking culated by excluding fees paid for af- H.R. 1153 my colleague, the gentleman from filiated title charges and escrow Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Michigan (Mr. HUIZENGA) for his tire- charges for insurance and taxes. That resentatives of the United States of America in less leadership on this issue, having would, therefore, Madam Speaker, in- Congress assembled, ushered this very same legislation crease homeownership opportunities SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. through our committee in three dif- for borrowers by allowing more loans This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Mortgage ferent Congresses. to meet the QM standard. Choice Act of 2017’’. The purpose of H.R. 1153 is simple: to Let’s not just listen to me, Madam SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF POINTS AND FEES. provide much-needed regulatory red Speaker. Let’s listen to our community (a) AMENDMENT TO SECTION 103 OF TILA.— tape relief to our community financial financial institutions that we expect to Section 103(bb)(4) of the Truth in Lending institutions so they can serve their help our constituents. A credit union Act (15 U.S.C. 1602(bb)(4)) is amended— customers; so they can provide them from Washington explained how this (1) by striking ‘‘paragraph (1)(B)’’ and in- more mortgages. This is a straight- was affecting everyday Americans.
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