Globalization and Culture Volume I Edited by Manfred B. Steger Professor of Political Science University of Hawai'i-Manoa, USA and Professor of Global Studies Global Cities Research Institute, RMIT University, Australia THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY An Elgar Research Collection Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA Contents Acknowledgements ix Introduction Manfred B. Steger xiii PART I CULTURE AS A DIMENSION OF GLOBALIZATION 1. Roland Robertson and Frank Lechner (1985), 'Modernization, Globalization and the Problem of Culture in World-Systems Theory', Theory, Culture and Society, 2 (3), November, 103-17 3 2. Arjun Appadurai (1990), 'Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy', Public Culture, 2 (2), Spring, 1-24 18 3. Imre Szeman (2003), 'Culture and Globalization, or, The Humanities in Ruins', CR: The New Centennial Review, 3 (2), Summer, 91-115 42 4. John Tomlinson (2003), 'Globalization and Cultural Identity', in David Held and Anthony McGrew (eds), The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate, 2nd edition, Chapter 23, Cambridge, UK: Polity, 269-77 67 5. Daniele Conversi (2010), 'The Limits of Cultural Globalisation?', Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, 3, 36-59 76 PART II GLOBALIZING COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA NETWORKS 6. Terhi Rantanen (1997), 'The Globalization of Electronic News in the 19th Century', Media, Culture and Society, 19 (4), October, 605-20 103 7. David Singh Grewal (2003), 'Network Power and Globalization', Ethics and International Affairs, 17 (2), September, 89-98 - 119 8. William Mazzarella (2004), 'Culture, Globalization, Mediation', Annual Review of Anthropology, 33, 345-67 129 9. Jeffrey S. Juris (2005), The New Digital Media and Activist Networking within Anti-Corporate Globalization Movements', Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 597, January, 189-208 152 10. Alexander R. Galloway (2005), 'Global Networks and the Effects on Culture', Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 597, January, 19-31 172 11. Oliver Boyd-Barrett (2006), 'Cyberspace, Globalization and Empire', Global Media and Communication, 2 (1), April, 21—41 185 Globalization and Culture I PART III THE GLOBAL CULTURE INDUSTRY AND CONSUMPTION 12. Andrew Wernick (1991),' Global Promo: The Cultural Triumph of Exchange', Theory, Culture and Society, 8(1), February, 89-109 209 13. Ian Cook and Philip Crang (1996), 'The World on a Plate: Culinary Culture, Displacement and Geographical Knowledges', Journal of Material Culture, 1 (2), July, 131-53 230 14. Benjamin Lee and Edward LiPuma (2002), 'Cultures of Circulation: The Imaginations of Modernity', Public Culture, 14 (1), 191-213 253 15. Tim Duvall (2003), 'The New Feudalism: Globalization, the Market, and the Great Chain of Consumption', New Political Science, 25(1), 81-97 276 16. Hsiao-hung Chang (2004), 'Fake Logos, Fake Theory, Fake Globalization', Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 5 (2), 222-36 [Translated by Yung-chao Liao] 293 17. Peter Marcuse (2007), 'The Production of Regime Culture and Instrumentalized Art in a Globalizing State', Globalizations, 4 (1), March, 15-28 308 18. Melissa Aronczyk (2008), '"Living the Brand": Nationality, Globality and the Identity Strategies of Nation Branding Consultants', International Journal of Communication, 2,41-65 322 PART IV HOMOGENIZATION, HYBRIDIZATION AND THE RESISTANCE OF NATIONAL AND LOCAL CULTURES 19. Anthony D. Smith (1990), 'Towards a Global Culture?', Theory, Culture and Society, 7 (2), June, 171-91 349 20. Ulf Hannerz (1990),' Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture', Theory, Culture and Society, 7 (2), June, 237-51 370 21. Benjamin R. Barber (1992), 'Jihad vs. Me World', The Atlantic, 269 (3), 53-61 (reset) 385 22. Roland Robertson (1994), 'Globalisation or Glocalisation?', Journal of International Communication, 1 (1), 33-52 395 23. Jennifer Gidley (2001), 'Globalization and Its Impact on Youth', Journal of Futures Studies, 6 (1), August, 89-106 415 24. Bryan S. Turner (2003), 'McDonaldization: Linearity and Liquidity in Consumer Cultures', American Behavioral Scientist, 47 (2), October, 137-53 433 25. George Ritzer (2003), 'The Globalization of Nothing', SAIS Review, XXIII (2), Summer-Fall, 189-200 450 26. Paul James (2003), 'Arguing for Deep Diversity in a Globalizing Era', International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 3, 669-75 462 27. Mia Consalvo (2006), 'Console Video Games and Global Corporations: Creating a Hybrid Culture', New Media and Society, 8(1), February, 117-37 469 Globalization and Culture I 28. Jan Nederveen Pieterse (2009), 'Globalization as Hybridization', in Globalization and Culture: Global Melange, Chapter 4, Lanham, MD, USA: Rowman and Littlefield Publishing, Inc., 65-94,148-9, References 490 Globalization and Culture Volume II Edited by Manfred B. Steger Professor of Political Science University of HawaVi-Manoa, USA and Professor of Global Studies Global Cities Research Institute, RMIT University, Australia THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY An Elgar Research Collection Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA Contents Acknowledgements ix An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I PART I GLOBALIZING POPULAR CULTURES 1. Ashish Rajadhyaksha (2003), 'The "Bollywoodization" of the Indian Cinema: Cultural Nationalism in a Global Arena', Inter-Asia Cultural Studies,4 (1), 25-39 3 2. Luis Alvarez (2008), 'Reggae Rhythms in Dignity's Diaspora: Globalization, Indigenous Identity, and the Circulation of Cultural Struggle', Popular Music and Society, 31 (5), December, 575-97 18 3. Lane Crothers (2010), 'The Global Scope of American Movies, Music, and Television', in Globalization and American Popular Culture, 2nd edition, Chapter 3, Lanham, MD, USA: Rowman and Littlefield, 75-113 41 4. Christopher Malone and George Martinez, Jr. (2010), 'The Organic Globalizes The Political Development of Hip-Hop and the Prospects for Global Transformation', New Political Science, 32 (4), December, 531-45 80 PART II GLOBAL CITIES, MOBILITIES AND URBAN CULTURES 5. Anthony M. Townsend (2001), 'Network Cities and the Global Structure of the Internet', American Behavioral Scientist, 44 (10), June, 1697-716 97 6. Mike Douglass (2005-2006), 'Local City, Capital City or World City? Civil Society, the (Post-) Developmental State and the, Globalization of Urban Space in Pacific Asia', Pacific Affairs, 78 (4), Winter, 543-58 117 7. Mike Davis (2004), 'Planet of Slums: Urban Involution and the Informal Proletariat', New Left Review, 26, March-April, 5-34 133 8. David Harvey (2008), 'The Right to the City', New Left Review, 53, September-October, 23-40 163 9. Michael J. Shapiro (2010), 'Hong Kong and Berlin: Alternative Scopic Regimes', Globalizations, 7 (3), September, 421-31 181 10. Chris Hudson (2010), 'Delhi: Global Mobilities, Identity, and the Postmodern Consumption of Place', Globalizations, 1 (3), September, 371-81 192 Globalization and Culture II PART III GLOBAL IM AGIN ARIES, RELIGIONS AND IDEOLOGIES 11. Samuel P. Huntington (1993), 'The Clash of Civilizations?', Foreign Affairs, 72 (3), Summer, 22^19 205 12. Peter L. Berger (2002), 'Globalization and Religion', Hedgehog Review, 4 (2), Summer, 7-20 233 13. James H. Mittelman (2004), 'Ideologies and the Globalization Agenda', in Manfred B. Steger (ed.), Rethinking Globalism, Chapter 2, Lanham, MD, USA: Rowman and Littlefield, 15-26 247 14. Joel Robbins (2004), 'The Globalization of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity', Annual Review of Anthropology, 33, 117-43 259 15. James V. Spickard (2004), 'Globalization and Religious Organizations: Rethinking the Relationship Between Church, Culture, and Market', International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 18 (1), Fall, 47-63 286 16. Bassam Tibi (2007), 'The Totalitarianism of Jihadist Islamism and its Challenge to Europe and to Islam', Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 8 (1), March, 35-54 303 17. Thomas D. Hall and James V. Fenelon (2008), 'Indigenous Movements and Globalization: What is Different? What is the Same?', Globalizations, 5 (1), March, 1-11 323 18. Manfred B. Steger (2009), 'Globalisation and Social Imaginaries: The Changing Ideological Landscape of the Twenty-First Century', Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, 1(1), 9-30 334 PART IV ALTERNATIVE IDENTITIES AND SEXUALITIES 19. R.W. Connell (1998), 'Masculinities and Globalization',Men and Masculinities ,1(1), July, 3-23 359 20. Imma Tubella (2004), 'Television, the Internet, and the Construction of Identity', in Manuel Castells (ed.), The Network Society: Cross- Cultural Perspectives, Chapter 17, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 385-401 380 21. Toby Miller (2005), 'A Metrosexual Eye on Queer Guy', GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 11 (1), 112-17 397 22. Ksenija Vidmar-Horvat (2005), 'The Globalization of Gender: Ally McBeal in Post-Socialist Slovenia', European Journal of Cultural Studies, 8 (2), May, 239-55 403 23. Nevzat Soguk (2007), 'Indigenous Peoples and Radical Futures in Global Politics', New Political Science, 29 (1), March, 1-22 420 24. Dennis Altman (2008),' AIDS and the Globalization of Sexuality', Social Identities, 14 (2), March, 145-60 442 25. Juanita Elias and Christine Beasley (2009), 'Hegemonic Masculinity and Globalization: "Transnational Business Masculinities" and Beyond', Globalizations, 6 (2), June, 281-96 458 Globalization and Culture II PART V THE GLOBALIZATION OF LANGUAGES 26. Walter D. Mignolo (1998), 'Globalization, Civilization
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