5180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 15 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. By Mr. FULMER: New Martinsville, W. Va., supporting House H. R. 7222. A bill to provide that loans on bill 3371 and Senate bill 860; to the Commit· Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive the 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1946 crops of tee on Military Affairs. communications were taken from the corn, wheat, rice, cotton, tobacco, and pea­ 3061. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of Grand Speaker's table and referred as follows: nuts shall be made at a rate equal to the Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West, 1747. A communication from the President parity price; to the Committee on Agri­ San Francisco, Calif., relative to Japanese: of the United States, transmitting estimates culture. to the Committee on the Judiciary. of appropriation for the Office of the Liaison By Mr. RAMSAY: 3062. By Mr. WOLCOTT: Petition of 13 Officer, the Division of Central Administra­ H. R. 7223. A bill to provide for a method of qualified voters and members of the Woman's tive Services, and the War Manpower Com­ voting, in time of war, by members of the Christian Temperance Union of Columbia­ mission, of the Office for Emergency Man­ land and naval forces absent from the States ville, Mich., expressing interest in House bill agement, for the fiscal year 1943, in the of their residence and serving within the 3371; to the Committee on Military Affairs. aggregate amount of $15,605,719, and a draft continental United States; to the Committee of a proposed general provision applicable to on Election of President, Vice President, and the Office for Emergency Management as a Representatives in Congress. whole (H. Doc. No. 792); to the Committee By Mr. HEBERT: on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. H. R. 7224. A bill to secure prompt pay­ SENATE ment and adjustment of just claims for loss 1748. A communication from the President MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1942 of the United States, transmitting a supple­ of or damage to property received by laun­ mental estimate of appropriation for the dries and dry cleaning and dyeing establish­ Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ments in the District of Columbia; to the of the Gunton Temple Memorial Presby- · 1943, amounting to $175,000 (H. Doc. No. Committee on the District of Columbia. 793) : to the Committee ori Appropriations By Mr. NICHOLS: terian Church, Washington, D. C., offered and ordered to be printed. H. R . 7226. A bill to amend the laws of the following prayer: 1749. A communication from the President the District of Columbia rela~ing to the re­ Almighty God, our Father, who art of the United States, transmitting a supple­ corder of deeds; to the Committee on the mental estimate of appropriations for the District of Columbia. man's unfailing friend, we pray that in District of Columbia for the fiscal year 1942, all our thoughts and toils during this day amounting to $87,009 (H. Doc. No. 794): to we may have the constant inspiration the Committee on Appropriations and or­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and confident companionship of Thy dered to be printed. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private presence. bills and resolutions were introduced and May we daily live by that standard of REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC severally referred as follows: the better self which Thou hast revealed BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. GOSSETT: in the Christ, our Lord, and h e! p us in H. R . 7227. A bill for the relief of Oscar pure and steadfast devotion to bear wit­ Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Zimmer; to the Committee on Claims. ness that our spirits are akin to His committees were delivered to the Clerk By Mr. NICHOLS: spirit. for printing and reference to the proper H. R. 7228. A bill for the relief of lana Bless our President and these, Thy calendar, as follows: Cazenave; to the Committee on Claims. servants, who are striving to open for Mr. PACE: Committee on Agriculture. H. By Mr. WELCH: struggling humanity the Master's way of R,. 7137. A bill to amend the Agricultural H. R . 7229. A bill to correct the military the more abundant life, and may the P~djustment Act of 1938, as amended, with record of Herbert Horrell; to the Committee on Military Affairs. social order for which we are laboring l'espect to marketing quotas for peanuts, and be in conformity unto His ideal of for other purposes; without amendment brotherhood and good will among men. (Rept. No. 2230). Referred to the Commit­ PETITIONS, ETC. tee of the Whole House on the state of the Grant that in our prayers we may re­ Union. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions member more frequently and fervently Mr. SABATH: Committee on Rules. H. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk all who are giving themselves so sacri­ Res. 433. Resolution authorizing the House and referred as follows: ficially for those garnered treasures of Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza­ 3056. By Mr. BROWN of Ohio: Petition fa­ life which we are privileged to enjoy. t ion to make a study of the alien situation voring Senate bill 860, a bill to provide for To Thy name shall be the praise and in the United Stat es, and for other purposes; the common defense in relation to the sale without amendment (Rept. No. 2231). Re­ the glory. Amen. of alcoholic liquors to the members of the THE JOURNAL ferred to the House Calendar. land and naval forces or the United States Mr. DIMOND: Committee on Indian Af­ and to provide for the suppression of vice in fairs. H. R. 4635. A bill to authorize the On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by the vicinity of military camps and naval unanimous consent, the reading of the Secretary of the Interior to incur obligations establishments; to the Committee on Military for the benefit of natives of Alaska in ad­ Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, Affairs. May 11, 1942, was dispensed with, and vance of the enactment of legislation making 3057. Also, petition favoring Senate bill 860, appropriations therefor; with amendment a bill to provide for the common defense in the Journal was approved. (Rept. No. 2233). Referred to the Committee relation to the sale of alcoholic liquors to the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-AP­ of the Whole House on the state of the members of the land and naval forces of the Union. PROVAL OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLU­ United States and to provide for the suppres­ TION sion of vice in the vicinity of military camps REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE and naval establishments; to the Committee Messages in writing from the ·Presi­ BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS on Military Affairs. dent of the United States were com­ 3058. By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of 87 resi­ municated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, Under Clause 2 pf rule XIII, reports of dents of Butler County, Pa., urging legislation committees were delivered to the Clerk one of his secretaries, who also an­ to give the men in the Army and Navy the nounced that on June 11, 1942, the Pres­ for printing and reference to the proper greatest possible protection against vice and calendar, as follows: · liquor, and especially to ban beer and liquor ident had approved and signed the fol­ lowing acts and joint resolution: Mr. DICKSTEIN: Committee on Immi­ from Government commissaries and the im­ graton and Naturalization. H. R. 7225. A mediate vicinities of the camps; to the Com­ S. 244. An act for the relief of the San bill for the relief of sundry aliens; without mittee on Military Affairs. Francisco Moun tain Scenic Boulevard Co.; a.mendment (Rept. No. 2232). Referred to 3059. By Mr. MICHENER. Petition trans­ S. 1820. An act for the relief of Jerry Mc­ the Committee of the Whole House. mitted by Harriet E. Brunt, of Temperance, Kin ley Thompson; Mr. KING: Committee on Immigrat ion and Mich., and signed by 59 other residents of S. 2037. An act for the relief of Edgar B. Naturalization. H. · R. 6350. A bill for t he Monroe County, Mich., urging the enactment Dunlap ; relief of Mrs. Gabriela Redondo Ayson; with of Senate bill 860; to the Committee on Mili­ S. 2069. An act for the relief of the Quimby­ amendment (Rept. No. 2234). Referred to tary Affairs. Ryan Engineering Sales Co., Inc.; the Committee of the Whole House. 3060. By Mr. RAMSAY: Petition of Mrs. S. 2250. An act to mobilize the productive Fannie Woomer, Allen S. Fields, Mrs. Clarence facilities of small business in the interests Robert, and ot her residents of Hancock of successful prosecution of the war, and for PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS County, W.Va.; Rev. A. R. Mansberger, W. W. other purposes; Steel, Russell Ogg, and other residents of S. 2459. An act to amend the act entitled Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills Hancock County, W. Va.; members of the "An act for the relief of present and former and resolutions were introduced and sev­ Church of God of New Martinsville, W. Va.: postmasters and acting postmasters, and for erally referred as follows: and members of the Presbyterian Church of other purposes," to permit payment of total 1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5181 compensation to certain employees of the area in which they disappeared had been MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE RECEIVED Postal Service employed in a dual capacity, searched thoroughly without finding a trace DURING ADJOURNMENT and of the plane or its occupants.
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