7'72 Literature cited Grooobridge, b, 1942. fhe IUCN Amphibia Reptilia Red Deta Eook' lUcN' 61and Switzerland.426Pp' Groombrictge, b. 19Et7, The digtribLttion ind etatlrs ot l,orld crocodilians' Page6 9-21 in 6."1.N. Nebb, S.C' Hanelis' and P-J. Nhitehead' eds' Ulildlite manaqenent. Crosodiles and Alligatcrs- SLlrrey BE'attv and Sons' Ch+ping ll.rf ton ALrstralia. Finq. F- blayr'e, and DantP H. VrcteoRoPo. 1989. The C;rmans ot Bolivia: A Br el],ninar y reFor t on a CITES ancl Centro De Desarrollo Forestal sponsored s|",rvey cli species distriblttion anc, status. Paqes I?8-155 in Prdc- ot the Sth Nclrl. ing neeting IUCN-SSC. Crocodj.le Specialist 6'-o(|p' Ouito. Ecuador' Il rCN PLrbl. Gland S!,Jitrerland. F'rng. F,l'J.. m. EsFinal and L',A. CPrrato' 1990' Dr<trlbLrtion and statL's ot the i.c,cci.ll]lans c't HondLrras. pp' lIf-f,54. Jn: Crocodjleq. Preceedinqs ot the I Otb !,lorf lng fleetrhq ot the C.cacodrle SFeclslist GrouF' 6a-ineswille' Florida' IUCNI PLlbl" 6l and S*rtzFrland. Plft-l:rr. f'1.J..F, l'1edpr,, F-A. tlitterner€r and I.D. Constable, 19e3. Dr'stributron aaij conc-€'rvatlon of blacr! cainan HelanosLrchuE nioer, pp.695-7()5' In: A'6'J' Rhodin and t. l'levata (eclq.) Adrances !n herpetology and evolutionarv t.rol.1oy. f'luseum o{ Comparatrwe Zooloqy' Canb.idqe. ThorOrarnals1:n. John, le92. C.ocodiles. an acticln pLan fc}r their con.e,r ' a'. rcn. Ed t-larr v f'lesseI. F- wayne r:inq' and J ames P, Ro55' luCN. 6land' rroL-.1..1,f4..A,R- Wood ard.5.R.HumFltrey, andT.C, Hines,1945. Nj.ght counts aE ar, rn{]e! oi ailrqatLrr pc}FulatiE.n trends, Wildl. Sec' BulI. L3r?5?-773' t'73 \ U q5 L g0 |r) ql .o 85 o q 80 s75 { 70 (d 65 $ 60 v55 sU50 CJ It : .lo n a u q) $t 25 q 2t f A) (, t5 ^Q) t0 5 0'.bm .6-LZm r.2-t,8m, 1.8-2.7m 2.7mr Size tia melerg Ftc,l. 9ize struclSEructure of Mc/onoglnh p q , b.F poputat ions tn the Frc A/apo regton ot Ecuad.or, t'74 Caiman crocodi lss TabIe I Percentaqe(1) l.lel anosuchLrs n rger and observed alonq gUrvey routeg in Ecuado.. m. n 1ger C.Crocodi lus 7. f'l. fl rger 25.c' Hatun Cocha Bl. rl 9A.O {r 100,o I'raqa Lagoon L.t) D. 5l,o 49.O a.al 7A.O 3.9 l-cl BB.9 1,1) 1Cr. !) z;1.{) 100.o !hallua 2? ,t) 0.o 5t. -' 48. i-, 52.5 i I .4, O.,lr roc'.c' 1CrO.O ?utlirrlll ,,.i:' 7l . t-) r:,. () rol),o 'i, E.re...t rn rr !rF.ir i r E.' :t r.lentified numbe- . r:rrrr 11. , L.!LllE i LlL,.r.,rq da' 1rqh! hours- 175 Table I I l'lel anosuchus niger observed per km and per hour alono survey routeg in Ecuador. Survey Survey Survey Survey ( Tioe hr. ) Route Length (km) Caiman /kln Caiman / km 3.33 Hatun Cocha 10.50 r.62 2.34 Limon Cocha ?.40 a. a3 34 .97 Draga Lagoon,t r.14 2.27 Lagarto Cocha Ri ver-Sctut h 4.70 70.42 ?1 .59 r.72 Lagarto Cocha Ri ver-Nc'rth 3.2(} o.94 1..74 1.OO 2. OO 7.50 15. OO 1.OO llaoduri o.5t 3.9? 2.OO .r.60 Chal lua ?.5t) 4.46 13.75 1 .30 3.6C) 74.77 40.77 o.50 Huarltli t 22.OO 2.OO Yaturi River 6.70 o. ot) o.oo .-- ?. sa 5.59 Unable to mea3ure transect length because ot maI Jun ction . 776 Parasites of Captive aril Farn€d Crocodiles in South Africa F.lf. HuclEerDeyer' , lDna verster** and J. r. Putteriu' Olrderstepoort Veterinary hstitute, Onderstepoort 01 10, Republic of South Africa. Departnent of Parasitology, Faculty of vetelinary Science, University of Preloria, Onderstepoolt 0110, Republic of South Africa. At present there are 40 crocodile farns in South Aflica breeding and producing the Nile crocodile, Crocodvlt s piloticus. Wild-caught breeding animals, impolted fron neighbouring countries, often carry parasites rhich reguire internediate hosts, lrhile intensively reared young stock ale rnore likely to be affected by parasites itith direct developnent. The naterial for this study cane fron routine post nortem exaninations. tlepatozoon pe!!i!i is transnitted by tsetse flies, g&€g!!a spp., vrhich fee.1 on crocodiles. The tsetse flies in turn are swallonred when biting rr the gaping nouth. Schizonts are found in the liver, !,,hile ganonts lnvade . - ! ^ulating red blood cells. Oocysts of an EiBeria sp- fron hatchlrngs an(l yearlings presented a pitted outer wall like those af E. cairani aod E- p4faqlqletgiE of the spectacled cainan, Cain:rn SlgSSd!f,gE. The spor!13ter: .ocysts ltrere found entrapped in the I nflaned nucosa and submu, -.he intestine. giE4liS-1j k- ilagellates were found !n ihe rall rntesirne of hatchlings. A ,strigeoid trenatode !89!L4qL€,,,r lplAgtollq !]!?@g! (Jones, 1992 con ) vras found in the jelunur. i a wr.ld caught adult nale . Mature forns of the crocodilia' (!carldoids p-Uj3!4!!4ESa! r, !ry!t-rr(- ,,' !. radacascariensis and 4g!!.{ Lchia lgqsselqlf we:P ,.rrLd L: .r stunacn of crocodr les; lhese :.* ,d:ooeFpaouab:), ol . rnrermedl!te hos!s, Large nunberrj of rhabditids wele found 'r che brle ducLs of lhe r:7er of a dwarf c!..rodr1e, Osteolaemus tetraspis. rt is believed lhat tnej.: parasites were ,.oo numerous and their habital too specialized for rhe! to be oppoltunisllc parasites. Peota.stooes, EgbC!:a spp. {Ri1ey, 1990, pers. con.), are often found in the lung6 of wild-caught crocodiles. They also utilize fishes a:; internediate hosts. No cestodes are kno{n fron crocodiles. Filarioids, tdhich have beet. described fro[ African crocodiles, vrexe not found in the presen'. naterial. tTl CNO@ILI|| BIDDIIS t.I. lc8tnxltR .nd XrRt_U)t Dlnrtr (bdaratepoort Vet riDaq' IDstttute, (bd€rstqboft OfiO, ReFrbltc of Sqrth Mrl.ca In 1989 the Onderstepoolt Veterinary Inatitut€ (OVf) opened a Crocodile Diagnostic Unit. ehich plovides . futlttDe di.gnostlc a€rvico to clocodile farDer6 in South Aflica aDd gv€n beyond its boralels. Part of the service ia a codlnrterir€d literatut€ collection of veteli.naly iteDs related to crocodlleg anat oth€! r€ptilaa presently cooprising ISOO tl.tles. Uaefut sulvsys of crocodlle diBeases include Eapers by Foggj.n 09A7) and Ladats e Sins ('1990). During routine post lorten €sadinatlon thrae rpparentl, hitherto urdeaclib€d con(litions were found, shlch resisted our €fforta of elucj,&tlon. They are pres€nted hore oith the aid to elicit coenent6. TheEe conditions rere trared plovisionally: Rhino_ GastritiE or nhite Nose Syndrone, thldic Neclosis anal Phartmgitis or Tonsillitis. Rbino-ga.atrr.tLs Since ;Iune, 1991, Rhino-gastritis has b€€lr diagnoEed in 52 crocodiles eith a n€an Length of ll6cs (rla,{e!} flo|! tro crocodile farDs in th€ tlansvaal. Clinically the aff€cted anj.Dal.s shoe inal4)etence and develop a whitish ar€. around th6 nostrila (tthit€ lfose Synalrone, Fig. l ). On post Dofte! exaDina_ lig. l. Rhino-crat.ltls: tfhiti6h aleag devaloplng lloutd thc nostlila of affect€d crocodile8 - tthl,te Noaa sFrdroao. 178 tion the stonach is found not to contain any food, but water, [ucu6 atld hairs ard/or feathers. After reDoval of the contents the nucosa sho$s nunerous 6nall ulcers of 2_{Dn aliaDeter, spread throughout the entire surface or concentrated in the Pyloric area and the duodenaL pouch (Fig. 2). In aatdition there is a nild rhinitis in the nostril area and soDetirnes a glo6sitis, Eig. 2. Rhino-Gastritis : Sdall stonach ulcers. Histopathologically there is ulcelation of the stonach [ucosa with Dultifocat lydphocytic infiltration, nultifocal lvnphosytic infiltration in the alerDi.s and nucosa of the nostril and in the nucosa of the tongue. The nost striking featur6, ho{ever, i5 a sovere polyarteliitis {ith thickening of the intina and lynphocytic infiltaation of the rnuscularis ard atlventitia, affecting arteries in various organs and parts of the Hy (Figs. 3 & {). gactetiologrical and vilologica1 investigations have given negative resufts 5o far. The vascular lesions Suggest a severe chrodic auto-inrnune leaction which Possibly persistE 1on9 aftor the disappealance of the original causal agent. TtiFic r|ecro6i6 fbyDic Necrosis has been foutd nainly in aPparently norDal slaughter€d ctocodiles but also in diseased crocodiles of sinilar size or age, affecti.ng 14 out of 25 6peciDet!6 floo 4 farns. It does not appear to be linked to any clinical condition. In the Nil€ clocodlle the thynus glands ale found cranially and caudally to the thyroids on both sideE of the ttachea close to it6 bifulcation (Ptg. 5), In a t'eII nourished aninal they aPp€ar 179 Fig.3. Rhino-Gastritis: lrteriitis eith intina prolifera- tion and lynphocytic iltfiltration of nuscularis and adventitia. Fig, l. Rhlno-CaatritiE: Altellitta etth lnti.a p!o11l6rr- tion and lydphocytlc tnfllt tlotr o! th€ .dv.ntl- t1a. 180 lDiligtlngnrl5hable fro. th€ surrounding fat tlaaue. rh€ n€c!o416 16 not aliscetnable Dacroscopical ly. Fig. 5. Organs of the thorax in situ: h: heart, li: liver, 1u: fung, t: thyroid, th: thynus tr: trachea. HistopathologtcalLy there are foci of neclosis llith the fornation of heterophific granulonas in the aedulla close to the centre of the lobules (Ptg- 5). Different stains failed to leveal the presence of nicro-o!gani$15. Thi6 condition could possibly foln part of the nornal process of thlmic involution, although unlikely with the severity of inflaa[ation, or lt could have been caused by etr€ss fron lntensive production Eethods.
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