·'. ·.t ·• "' -· ,,- '",' \\ .. Page Fifty-six THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, September 27, 1951 Thursday, September 27, 1951 THE WESTER~ JEWISH NEWS Page fl fty-seven . HEARTIEST NEW '(EAR GREETINGS, They Speak For lsroel Anglo-Pnlcsllne Bank, and since the with •tho Jewish Brigade In Europe, establishment of Israel hns served and was discharged In 1040 with tho Our Haortleat Wlsh·111 for a Very Happy and Pro1perau1 New Yoar OUR HIARTIIST WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIIHDS AND CUSTOMIRS FOR J,. 1895) and a collection of, his short HIA.RTIIST WISHIS FDR A HAPPY AND PROSPIROUS NlW YEAR TD In Washington stories "The Imported Bridegroom OUR FRIENDS' AHD CUSTOMERS (Continued from Previous Page) with the Government's Coordinating rank of Captnln. Early In 1948 he to all our · Friends and Cu1tomcr1 throughout Wostorn Canada· VIRY HAPPt AND PROSPIROUS HlW YIAR Abraham Cahan and His Influence nnd Other Stories.'' (published by S D DREMA N Inter cnmc to England to study lnw Centre and as n dircclOl' of the Agri- joined the Israel defense forces as Houghton .Mifflin ond Co. In 1898) • • ' at the Universities of London and cu1turul Bnnk, battalion adjutant and later became WHOLESALE H. ti R. MA~UfACTURl~G FI·NGARD FURS quickly gained him recogllition ns Underwear, Uoslery and Knit Goods Cambridge, Early in World War II The only woman member of Is- Gcnci·al Starr Liaison Officer with On American Jewish Life CllARLES l'INOARD an American realistic writer of un- . Phone 935 303 L. CHODIRKER he joined the British Army as a,pri- racl's diplomatic mission in Wash- the UN observers in Israel. He (An evniunfl'on ol the career ol the Edltor-ln-Clllel of the Jewish Dally New Coats Mnde to Your Individual Measurements Forward who died ln New York at the age o[ 91) usual gifts. William Dean Howels, MAIN FLOOR, WHITLA BUILDING WlNNll'EG, MAN, ACCOUNTANT vate, served with vurioUS units ington is Miss Esther Herlitz, First entered the Israel diplomatic scr­ COMIJA~Y LIMITED then a leading literary personality in L..________________________ _, Remodelling, Restyling, Repairing and Relining By BEN LEWIS throughout Western Europe, and Secretary. Burn in Germany, she vice and was appointed to Washing­ Manufacturers of Durable Carments America, compare~ Abraham Ca- 215-A l'hoenbc Blk., 388 Donald St., Winnipeg AUDITS - INCOME TAX SERVICE was discharged in 1940 as Major. He came to Palestine as n child, and was. ton in the fall of 1949, 3rd Floor, Plymouth Bldg. Phono 932 577 Winnipeg, Man. Copyright, 1951, Jewish Tclegraphlo Agency, Inc.) han's writings to those of another ,---0-U_R_B_E-ST_W_l_S_H_ES_F_OR_A_V_ER_Y_H_A_P_P_Y_A_N_D_P_R_O_SP_E_R_O_U_S_N_E_W_Y_EA-R-, practiced law for several years, then graduated from the Hebrew Teach- The Military Attachc's two assist­ l'hone 932 755 Res. l'hone 593 501 Abraham Cahan, editor, novelist, Editor-in-Chief and guiding spirit American realist, Stephen Crane, 301 GREAT WESTERN BLDG. PHONE 926 682 joined the Jewish defense forces ers' College in Jerusalem. In 1942, ants arc Wing Commander Ychuda critic and for more than a half ccn- of tµe Jewish Daily Forward, the and thought them both of similar ' serving in the siege of Jerusalem and she joined the British Army (A,T S.), Giladi and Lt. Col. Joseph Porath. A -HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TC\, ALL OUR JEWISH tury a leader among men, .was an largest foreign language newspaper stature and• promise. WINNIPEG MANITOBA other sectors as n brigade chief of served in Palestine and Egypt, and Giladi, born· in Tel Aviv 34 years OUR MOST CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO ALL OUR . FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS JEWISH FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS American by choice and life-long in the United States, devoted to the In 1907 Abraham Cahan wrote staff, find was subsequently attached was discharged in 1946 as a Lieutcn- ago, studied aeronautical engineer­ conviction. His arrival in the United causes of labor, the interests 'of the "The Red Terr0r and The Whltc.'' a R. J. Dupuis Construction A Vory Happy Now Year to all our Jewish to the general staff as director of ant. She was employed by the Pales- ing at the University of London ond ·SHEET METAL WORK States as an immigr[l.Jlt .from Russia Jewish people and the highest ideals novel of the Russian Revolutionary Friends and Cuatomors military intelligence. In 1950 he was tine Government as a resettlement worked in England during the war HUXLEY CARTAGE LIMITED. EAVESTROUGDING - HEATING in 1882, coincided with the beginning of Americanism, Abraham Cahn did movement and in 1917 Harper Limited Improved Deeley Metal promoted to Colonel, and several officer for veterans, and in 1947 be- as an aircraft designer. In. 1946 he AIR-CONplTlONING of the large immigration from East~ more than ahy other single individ- Brothers published his largest and Weather Strip months later he came to Washington. came secl'etary for the Arab Affairs re-turned io Palestine, served in the CARTAGE CONTRACTORS ern Europe. A young idealist o'f 22, ual to interpret America to the large most ambitiou's novel "The Rise of Phone 929 395; Res. Phone 37 800 The Agricultural Attache, Dr. Ye- Division in the Jewish Agency's Haganah. and later in the Israel Air he promptly devoted himself to the masses of Jewish immigrants ond to David Levinsky," whi.ch was in­ IN ALL YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS huda Lowe, is 46 years oldd and a Political Department. With the es- Force as deputy director of engin• Offico 34 808 T. W. DUNN You will 1111ve tnoni:,v on ,Yo11r fuel bill arid enJoJ .study of the language and institu- make America understand the im- stantly acclaimed by fellow-writers 307 Kensington Bldg. Winnipeg, Man. home co1ntort as well, 640 ELLICE AVENUE PHONE 36200 native of Germany. He re-ceived his tablishment ot Israel, she joined its -eering. In 1949 he was named Assist­ WINNIPEG 1162 PORTAGE A VE. tions of this country and to the migrant and his-contribution to his and critics as a master piece of real-I~=========================: ES'rDIATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Doctor of Agriculture diploma in defense forces and was socond in ant Air AU.ache with the Embassy. education and organization of the adopted country. He was long re- istic literary art. HEARTIEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR DEELEY METAL WEATHER STRIP CO. Berlin in 1032, and worked at the command of a Women's Battalion Porath was appointed Assistant growing numbers of Jewish iI1lmi- cognized as the great Amcricanizer During his -very first year in thC TO ALL OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Research Institute for Agricultural Military Attache in the summer of 1 281 Kensington SI., SI.· James l'hone 65 057 MOST CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS-- Our Hcortie!t Wishes for a Happy ond Prpspcrous Hew Year grants. in the best sense of this term. United States Abraham Cahall at- Marketing. The following year he (Chen) in Jerusalem. Later she be- 1950. During World War II he was TO YOU ALL More than any other single indi- \\'rote Two-Volume History of tended a public school on the East came to Palestine where he was an came· Deputy Head of the Foreigfl staff captain with a branch of Gen• vidual, Abraham Cahan was respon- America In Yiddish Side of New York, not in the even• instructor at Ben Shemen until 1935. Ministry's United States Division. eral Headquarters of the British 1 1; OUR HEARTIEST NEW YEAR GREETINGS 'We Appreciate Yvur Patronage" Empi.. Loan Compan}' sible for the creation and develop- In addition to numerous articles (Continued on 1,ext Page) He was later With the Jewish In 1949 she was an adviser to the Middle East Forces. From the be- ment of labor unions among the and essays, interpreting and ex• 11 Agents for REDWOOD APARTMENTS Agency then jol'ned th R h 6 inning of the War of Liberati0n in imm,igrant workers in the United powtding the fundamentals of Am• , e esearc Israel Delegation at the UN, and last College Ave. and M1lln SI. HARRIS AGENCIES LIMITED Station at Rehobot where he was Israel in 1948 he was connected with States. The present labor unions in crican institutions of human dignity "Be Proud of Your Floors" 209 CURRY BUILDING engaged in farm management re- December she was ri"aniCd to her post the organization of the lsrnel Armv's Oretzki's Department Store · 3 and 4-room suites, Moderate Rent. Equipped with Frigidaire• the large garment industries, as well and liberty, he wrote a two-volume A Vary Hoppy How Yeor to cill our and other conveniences. Frlcnd1 ond Customers search. Between 1942 and 1950 he in Washington. General Staff and later headed the an as the labor unions· of carpenters, work on early American history in Duslbane Wesle.-n Limited M. Harris, Div. Mgr. CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMl'ANY PHONE 924_.225 M. Shuster, Mgr. FIRE, AUTO and CASUALTY DEl'T. was agricultural adviser to the Meir Shalit, First Secretary, is a Staff Duties Branch. Limited 279 FORT STREET painters, bakers and scores of other Yiddish and at one time printed in REPRESENTATIVES: JIM GRANT JOHN MORRISON 0. L, HILL COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE- ____""C':-_....,.__ native of Kovno, Lithuania, where Washington's officialdom and its . 487 - 93 SELKIRK AVENUE PHONE 596 388 labor organizations are an out- the Jewish Daily Forwa~d an exten­ growth and development of the sive series of lessons in English for S, A. l, CATHCART "SALLY" SALLSTROM IN STRONG, RELIABLE COMPANIES Best_ Wishes for a Hoppy Hew Y;;;;-;- he was horn in 1921 and brought to huge diplomo.tic corps have long ago All Our Friends and Cu,tomers -and- activities of Abraham Cahan ond his the Yiddish reading public.
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