Kent Academic Repository Full text document (pdf) Citation for published version Manship, Sharon and Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni and Stein, Maria and Parkin, Claire and Raffray, Maxime and Gallien, Phillippe and Delestre, Charlotte (2019) A Literature Review of the Challenges Encountered in the Adoption of Assistive Technology (AT) and Training of Healthcare Professionals. In: Special Thematic Session 15 Robotics and Virtual Worlds for wheelchair users – from DOI Link to record in KAR https://kar.kent.ac.uk/76435/ Document Version Publisher pdf Copyright & reuse Content in the Kent Academic Repository is made available for research purposes. Unless otherwise stated all content is protected by copyright and in the absence of an open licence (eg Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher, author or other copyright holder. Versions of research The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. 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Enquiries For any further enquiries regarding the licence status of this document, please contact: [email protected] If you believe this document infringes copyright then please contact the KAR admin team with the take-down information provided at http://kar.kent.ac.uk/contact.html Guest Editors: Lorenzo Desideri, Luc de Witte, Rabih Chattat and Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf Organisers TECHNOLOGY AND DISABILITY Volume 31, Supplement 1, 2019 Special Issue: AAATE 2019 Conference – Global Challenges in Assistive Technology: Research, Policy & Practice, 27–30 August 2019, Bologna, Italy Guest Editors: Lorenzo Desideri, Luc de Witte, Rabih Chattat and Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf CONTENTS Foreword by AAATE President S1 Foreword by the Conference Chairs S3 Committees S5 Part 1: Special Thematic Sessions S7 Part 2: Aging S109 Part 3: Mobility S125 Part 4: Sport S133 Part 5: Communication S137 Part 6: Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics S147 Part 7: Education, Learning and Intellectual Disability S155 Part 8: Service Delivery and Outcome Research S165 Part 9: Policy S177 Part 10: Digital Health S183 Part 11: User Participation S189 Part 12: Internet of Things S195 Part 13: (e)Accessibility S199 Part 14: Platform Speeches S203 Author Index Volume 31, Supplement 1 S207 Special Thematic Sessions: 1. Cognitive Accessibility of Digital Resources 2. User Participation in Software Development 3. Making STEM Accessible to Disabled People 4. Appropriate Wheelchairs a Global Challenge - Reflect, Review, Strategize/Revolutionize 5. Eye gaze technology: accessibility, usability and effect on participation and communication for persons with severe disabilities 6. Employing MOOCs and OERs in Teaching Digital Accessibility 7. AI and Inclusion – Exploring the issues as well as the successes 8. Creating a Match: Supporting student participation across the educational continuum with technology 9. Good Practices in AT Service Delivery 10. Play, Children with Disabilities, and Robotics. State of the Art and New Developments 11. Innovative Approaches in Building Inclusive Educational Environments with Technology 12. Developing Assistive Technology Together with End-users, Business, Healthcare and Knowledge Institutes - Challenges and Benefits 13. Challenges and Open Issues in Indoor and Outdoor Accessible Mobility 14. Pathological Speech Processing for Healthcare and Wellbeing 15. Robotics and Virtual Worlds for wheelchair users - from ideas to reality: Innovation, Training, and Roadmap to Market (The ADAPT project) 16. AT2030: A New Approach 17. Care Robotics in Europe and Asia; A Multicultural Perspective 18. Social Robotics for Assistive Technology Technology and Disability 31 (2019) S1 S1 DOI 10.3233/TAD-190001 IOS Press Foreword by AAATE President The field of Assistive Technology (AT) is getting The above explains why the motto of the AAATE more and more attention, on global as well as lo- conference in 2019 is “Global Challenges in Assistive cal/national levels. After a period in which AT in many Technology”. For the AAATE this conference is a key European countries almost disappeared from the polit- element in its activities. The aim is to bring experts ical and policy radars, we are now seeing an increased in the field of AT – professionals, researchers, devel- awareness of its relevance again. The GATE initiative opers, teachers, policy-makers and users – together to of the WHO that has led to the adoption of an impor- exchange knowledge, discuss progress, develop ideas tant resolution on improving access to AT plays an im- and challenge each other to deliver the best possible portant role in that, and also the UN Convention on the contribution to this important field. Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is an im- The more than 200 contributions to this confer- portant driver. More ‘down to earth’ countries start to ence clearly show the breadth of the field, the many realise that AT can play a role in tackling the enormous challenges, the great opportunities, interesting research challenge to maintain high quality affordable health questions, possible future directions, global collabo- and social care systems. ration and many more topics. The AAATE confer- This growing attention for AT is a good thing. Tech- ence is unique in its attempts to give a comprehensive nology can be a powerful tool to enable people with overview of the ‘AT world’ crossing the boundaries disabilities to live the life they want to live and make of technology specialisations, user groups and stake- them as independent of care and support as possible. holder categories. The abstracts presented in these pro- And technology can indeed reduce the burden on our ceedings together give a good overview of what is go- healthcare systems. But that does not happen as a mat- ing on and what will be future trends. This will help to ter of course, because the same technology can also define research and policy agendas and stimulate new be a barrier to full inclusion of people with disabili- collaborations and links. ties in society, and an extra complicating and costly addition to an already complex healthcare system if not properly used and implemented. Here lies a fan- Luc de Witte tastic challenge for the international professional and President of AAATE research and development communities: how to make sure that AT is developed, used and implemented in the best possible way, so that its potential is harnessed and contributes to full inclusion of people with disabil- ities. That is a global challenge; we know that in many countries people with disabilities have very limited or no access to AT and that in many other countries the match between needs and technologies is far from op- timal. So, there is work to be done! ISSN 1055-4181/19/$35.00 c 2019 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved Technology and Disability 31 (2019) S3 S3 DOI 10.3233/TAD-190002 IOS Press Foreword by the Conference Chairs Dear colleagues, We would like to thank the Programme Committee, in particular Lorenzo Desideri of AIAS Bologna, and It is a great pleasure to present the proceedings of the the Scientific Committee Members for the work done 15th International Conference of the Association for in collecting, reviewing and selecting the abstracts here the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe presented. They form the main scientific heritage of for your appreciation. The conference, taking place this conference, together with other reports that will in Bologna (Italy) at the end of August 2019, covers be made from the educational sessions, the policy ses- as usual a wide variety of themes having to do with sions and the product and prototype presentations. For the relation between Technology and Disability. Be- organisational reasons it was not possible to include all side the more traditional areas of Assistive Technology that material in these proceedings. this includes Accessibility, Universal Design, Ambi- Finally we would like to thank the authors that have ent Assisted Living, Smart environments and Internet chosen the AAATE conference to present their work. of Things, Robotics, Technologies for independent liv- We have appreciated your effort and congratulate you ing and self-management, Rehabilitation technology, with the high level of the work presented. Technology for Ageing, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, etc. It is a precise choice of the con- ference organisers, fully in line with the mission and The Conference Chairs positioning of AAATE as a European AT association Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf (AIAS Bologna onlus) of reference, not to specialise in any of those fields, but Rabih Chattat (Alma Mater Studiorum University of to keep this broad perspective, adopting the standpoint Bologna) of those searching for effective assistive technology Luc de Witte (AAATE) based solutions for their empowerment and for whom all solutions are open, as long as they work well. This approach makes the AAATE conference probably the most all-round AT conference in Europe and a bian- nual “must” for professionals supporting persons with disabilities and older adults. As a matter of fact, read- ing through the selected abstracts brought together in these Proceedings, the reader get a good picture of the broadness of the field and the wealth of competence represented by the authors. ISSN 1055-4181/19/$35.00 c 2019 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved Technology and Disability 31
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