B 20004 F BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS In Memory of the 7 Million Victims of Artificial Famine in Ukraine (.IPRAR'U M t * ot — Publish Uk,B'"'UA Victor Cymbal: "The Year 1933" Verlagspostamt: München 80 January-February 1973 Vol. XXIV No. 1 CONTENTS : Suzanne Labin (France) False Words Leading to True Bloodshed . 3 Withdrawal of Russian Troops from Occupied Coun­ tries — A Precondition to Security . 6 Basil Mailat (Rumania) Peoples' Right to National Sovereignty or European Security as Favoured by M o sco w ....................................... 8 Duong Hong Due (South Vietnam) A Message from the Front . 12 Pro). Dr. Theodor Oberländer (Germany) For a Europe United in F r e e d o m ..................................... 14 The Martyrology of Yuriy Shukhevych . 16 John Kosiak (Byelorussia) A Nation in Soviet Russian Captivity . 21 Levan Zourabichvili (Georgia) Moscow and the "Helsinki Deal” ..... 24 ABN Appeals for Joint A c tio n ............................................ 30 Hon. Walter H. Judd (USA) Our Strongest A llie s ........................................................... 32 The Restive N o n -R u s s ia n s ....................................................34 AF-ABN Protest on the Occasion of the 50th Anni­ versary of the U S S R ........................................................... 37 N ew s and V i e w s ...................................................................41 From Behind the Iron C u rta in ............................................ 43 Publisher: Press Bureau of the Antibol­ Annual subscription DM 12.— in Germany, shevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) 6 Dollars in USA, and the equivalent of 6 8 Munich 80, Zeppelinstr. 67 Dollars in all other countries. Remittances Editorial Staff: Board of Editors. to Deutsche Bank, Munich, Filiale Deposi­ Editor-in-Chief: Mrs. Slava Stetsko, M. A. tenkasse, Neuhauser Str. 6, Account, No. Articles signed with name or pseudonym 30/261 35 (ABN) do not necessarily reflect the Editor's o- pinion, but that of the author. Manuscripts Herausgeber. Presse-Büro des Antibolsche­ sent in unrequested cannot be returned in wistischen Blocks der N ationen (ABN), case of non-publication unless postage is 8 München 80, Zeppelinstraße 67/0, enclosed. Telefon: 44 10 69 It is not our practice Schriftleitung: Redaktionskollegium. to pay for contributions. Verantw. Redakteur Frau Slava Stetzko. Reproduction permitted but only Erscheinungsort München. with indication of source (ABN-Corr.). Druck: Dr. J. Herp, München. A Year of Horror Russian Genocide in Ukraine Forty years ago, in. 1932/1933, Russia had perpetrated the most outra­ geous genocide in the history of mankind. Over seven million Ukrainians, hundreds of thousands of Don Cossacks, North Caucasians, Byelorussians and other non-Russians fell victim to artificial famine, systematically or­ ganized by Russian colonialists. The Russian position in Ukraine had been undermined. Millions of Ukrainian peasants resisted forced collectivization. The collectivization of agriculture is not only an economic category, but also a military one. It is a tool of Russia's domination over the subjugated nations. Collectivi­ zation is a Russian way of life, which Russia imposes forcefully upon the oppressed peoples in order to rule over them. It is a means of stifling private initiative, a totalitarian form of imperio-colonialist domination. Hundreds of thousands of privately owned farms are tantamount to hun­ dreds of thousands of points of resistance to the Russian way of life. A collectivized village means total control over the farmer. It is a massive attempt at mastering him. It is an attempt to prevent food assistance to the insurgents as well. The collective farms in the subjugated countries are the Russian control centers of his phase of life too. A Ukrainian pea­ sant is an individualist. He despises collective economy. He stands for a peasant's private ownership of land. Collectivization of agriculture, there­ fore, is a thoroughly political and ideological category, not only an econo­ mic one. A kolkhoz and private property means a collision of two worlds — Russia and Ukraine — in the national and political respect. It is a clash of an amorphous mass, a herd, controlled by the tyrants and — the indi­ viduality which has its own dignity, its own human and national "I". Col­ lectivization is a levelling of life in order to stifle everything creative in a human being. Collectivization is a method of national oppression with the help of massive efforts to impose a hostile ideology of life upon a sub­ jugated nation. The French, the English, the Dutch or the Belgians by no means impos­ ed their way of life upon the countries acquired by them. The Russians do the contrary. They force their way of life upon the subjugated nations as a means of dominating them. And thus, for instance, in literature or art soc-realism is a form of Rus­ sian imperialism. It is an attempt at spiritual Russification, which hand in hand with linguistic Russification is to force the subjugated peoples to accept the "reality" of Russian slavery, the dictates of Russia as a form of their creativity. Militant atheism is a form of Russian imperialism in the religious sphere, for, by destroying Christianity and other traditional religions, it attempts to liquidate the millenary spiritual traditions of a nation and to reduce a human being to cattle. The Russian official Kremlin-style "Ortho­ doxy", as a Caesaro-papist religion, as a "Church" which serves the 1 atheistic Russian regime is another form of Russian imperialism, which follows the line of the "Third Rome". Side by side with linguistic Russi­ fication there is an attempt at the Russification of the spirit.. Sovietiza- tion is Russification. The Soviet people do not and cannot exit. There are only the Russian people and the subjugated peoples, who engage in a ceaseless and merciless struggle for life or death. Widespread nationaliza­ tion and socialization are also a form of Russian colonialism in Ukraine and other subjugated nations are a difficult category for total control, of the subjugated nations are a difficult category fod total control. For this reason, all measures adopted by Russia in the subjugated countries must be viewed as nothing other than the forms of Russian im­ perialism, and colonialism. Forty years ago, Russia committed the greatest crime of genocide in or­ der to drive Ukrainians into the kolkhozes. Ukraine — the richest agri­ cultural country of Europe — lost over seven million inhabitants. Russia sent its troops to take away the harvest, the bread, from Ukraine by force. Hundreds of thousands of Russian troops plundered Ukrainian villages, confiscating all grain and killing people. The Ukrainian peasant resisted joining the kolkhoz, resisted giving his land to the Russians. An uneven battle ensued. The Ukrainian village rose against collectivization. The peasants perished in battle with Russian troops, but did not go to the kol­ khozes. The struggle continued for many months. The Russian armies crushed the peasants' uprising against collectivization. They took bread from Ukraine to Russia. The Ukrainian peasants perished by the millions in the villages and in the streets of cities. Dantean scenes were the order of the day. Ukraine did not succumb. When the mothers and children, and the elderly and the sick were dying in the streets of towns and villages, the insurrection was crushed by the Russians. The Russian tyrants, Stalin and Molotov, temporarily crushed the resistance of the Ukrainian nation at the price of millions of Ukrainian victims. Several million so-called kulaks, i. e. Ukrainian well-to-do farmers, were forcefully deported to Siberia either to concentration camps or to dig canals. At that time, the Ukrainian nation lost over ten million victims of Russian Bolshevik terror. However, Russia failed to break the Ukrainian nation. It revived again. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) organized the struggle of the nation anew and con­ tinue to do so at present. Ukraine continues to fight. The Ukrainian people will never forgive the Russian occupants for the ten million victims of Russia's hunger siege of Ukraine. On this fortieth anniversary of the greatest crime of genocide known in the history of mankind, Ukraine warns the free world against the Rus­ sian tyrants who are preparing a similar genocide for it. It is a tragedy for the free world that it is silent in the face of such out- rageus crimes and continues to support Russian domination over hun­ dreds of millions of people and scores of nations. Caveant consules ! 2 Suzanne Labin False Words Leading to True Bloodshed On D ecem ber 10, 1922, of w hich w e munism and consider Thieu’s admin­ mourn today the 50th anniversary, the istration as the legitimate one. Yet, Bolsheviks decided to rebaptize the Rus­ President Thieu is called an oppressor sian empire into the' "Union of So viet So­ and an American puppet, while the cialist Republics". In fact, during these Communist puppets and butchers are fifty years, there has been no Union, no called emancipators- And this is not a Socialism, no Soviets and no Repub­ mere playing upon words. It leads the lics. The event occurred once all the Western world to demand the resigna­ national republics had been crushed tion of the elected president of Saigon, by Lenin's soldiers; once every bit not of the tyrant of Hanoi, or the for­ of Soviet power and socialist inspira­ mation in Saigon of a tripartite gov­ tion
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