ISBN 978-3-96014-703-9 Preis 22,90 € www.edition-winterwork.de Prof. Nikolaus Zieske | Ulrike Wassermann [Editors] Methods and Results of the DAAD international summer school LUIGI »Locus urbanus identitate Gießen« edition[Logo winterwork Druckerei] Bibliografische Informationen der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: BibliografischeDie Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Informationen verzeichnet der Deutschen diese PublikationNationalbibliothek: in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie. DieDetaillierte Deutsche bibliografische Nationalbibliothek Daten im verzeichnetInternet über diesehttp://www.d-nb.de Publikation abrufbar.in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie. Detaillierte bibliografische Daten im Internet über http://www.d-nb.de abrufbar. Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit Genehmigung des Verlages gestattet. Verwendung oder Verbreitung durch unautorisierte Dritte in allen gedruckten, audiovisuellen und akustischen Medien ist untersagt. Die Textrechte Nachdruckverbleiben beim oder Autor, Vervielfältigung dessen Einverständnis nur mit Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung des Verlages hier vorliegt. gestattet. Für Satz- Verwendung und Druckfehler oder keine Ver- breitungHaftung. durch unautorisierte Dritte in allen gedruckten, audiovisuellen und akustischen Medien ist Methods and Results untersagt. Die Textrechte verbleiben beim Autor, dessen Einverständnis zur Veröffentlichung hier vor- liegt. Für Satz- und Druckfehler keine Haftung. of the DAAD international summer school LUIGI Impressum Impressum Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen »Locus urbanus identitate Gießen« Prof. Nikolaus Zieske, Ulrike Wassermann (Hrsg.) »LUIGI« Wiesenstraße 14 D-35390 Gießen Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen 01. - 14. September 2019 WiesenstraßeCopyright © 2020 14 D-35390Fachgebiet Gießen Entwerfen und Bauen im Bestand www.edition-winterwork.deProf. Nikolaus Zieske © 2020 edition winterwork Gestaltung und Text: Emily J. Hubl Alle Rechte vorbehalten. GestaltungDruck: X und Text: Emily J. Hubl DruckAufl. 1 und| X Expl.Bindung: | 2020 winterwork Borsdorf ISBN X ISBN 978-3-96014-703-9 Sponsored by: Diese Sommerschule wurde vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts (AA) gefördert. This summer school was supported by the DAAD funded by the Federal Foreign Office. Promoter University: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany Partner Universities: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Germany | Università di Pavia, Italy | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain | Universidad Central de Chile, Chile Table of Content 9 Table of Content Introduction................................................................................................................................................................11 Timeline.....................................................................................................................................................................15 Input: Guest lectures................................................................................................................................................19 Museums – International Style | Prof. Dipl.-Ing. N. Hanenberg...................................................................................19 Intervention in the pre-existing architecture | Dr. Arq. J. Migone Rettig.......................................................................25 Museums – Strategy & Accessibility | Prof. E.M. Sierra...............................................................................................39 Cultural Heritage and Museum | Prof. A. Greco...........................................................................................................49 Teamwork & Results.................................................................................................................................................57 OMG – Outdoor Museum Gießen | Group Rhyme......................................................................................................57 The Growing City | Group Cozy...................................................................................................................................69 Roter Teppich | Group Llama.......................................................................................................................................79 Box[es] | Group Maze..................................................................................................................................................91 Historical Line | Group Jail..........................................................................................................................................99 Gallery: Workshop, Trips & Culture........................................................................................................................107 Participants of the workshop......................................................................................................................................108 Gallery.......................................................................................................................................................................110 Introduction | Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Zieske 11 Introduction Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Zieske Director of LUIGI Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen | Gießen | Germany In the university town of Gießen (Germany) a process with immigration background or less-educated citizens is currently launched for the renewal of the Museum of to share their personal life experiences and thereby be- Local History (OHM) to make it more attractive for the coming part of the urban consciousness. There is also dwellers and to integrate its place better in the everyday the tendency that universities want to make their exten- urban life. The history of Gießen is closely related to the sive and unique collections available to the public. In historical development of the over 400 years affiliated context of rebuilding a lost building, the aim is to discuss university, so it seems reasonable to tell and to exhibit architectural issues of museums in more detail and to the history of the city together with the history of the uni- formulate answers during the DAAD international sum- versity. This process of the renewal is exemplary for a mer school, which has the working title LUIGI, derived number of city museums and museums of local history, from „Locus urbanus identitate Gießen“ or „a place of which can be observed in many German cities. There identity, self-knowledge and self-development“. are multiple reasons for that. The aspects of a culture of remembrance in a rapidly changing world and the inte- Main Activities gration of diverse population groups in the urban society are eminent. A museum of local history is the memory The DAAD international summer school LUIGI was of a city and a place of cultural identity and (self-) real- held at the THM (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, ization. Modern museum concepts make it possible for University of Applied Sciences) in Gießen (Germany) the citizens of a city to contribute their personal horizon from the 1st - 14th September 2019. It was structured of experience into the local museum, so that the histo- as an intensive program of two working weeks with ry of the city is told multi-perspective and that a deep design workshop activities, in which students, coming sense of home can be adjust to the place of residence. from different countries, were divided into mixed groups This participation offer is a good opportunity for citizens with design-independent names to develop architectur- 12 Introduction LUIGI | DAAD international summer school 2019 Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Nikolaus Zieske 13 Fig. 1: Participants during the International Teambuilding Programme Fig. 2: Participants during a lecture of the Historian Dr. Brake about Fig. 3: Participants during their design workshop activities. They were Fig. 4: The self-organized cultural nights offered enriching insights into with R. C. Bastian from the THM | International Buddy Programme the history of the University of Gießen (JLU) divided into five groups with their own names and each with one tutor. the eating cultures of the international students. al projects from the analysis and the concept until the 13 Sept | results presentation and closing ceremony architects and engineers and experts coming from dif- gether with the design purposes, LUIGI has improved construction details. In order to improve the participants 14 Sept | participants departures ferent disciplines. They provided specific lessons and the international quantity and quality of the students and knowledge about the workshop specific themes, specif- assistance to the design activities and the general revi- teaching-staff mobility, in order to facilitate the develop- ic lessons were organized by the Scientific Committee. Participants sions, with the aim to improve the educational offer and ment of innovative practices in education and increase The working groups were constantly followed by tutors. help students to deepen the projects details, looking at the future designers sensibility on the themes related Periodical general revisions, in which students had to The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of sustainable and accessible architectural solutions. The to the current social needs. The results were presented present and discuss their ideas to professors and pro- the THM (promoter university) selected 7 students and participation of different professionals and representa- to the community during the closing ceremony of the fessionals,
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