PURDUE EXTENSION 4-H-1019 Bioindicators of Water Quality Quick–Reference Guide Authors: Julie Speelman and Natalie Carroll | Photographer (unless otherwise noted): Julie Speelman | Design and Layout: Jennifer Mazonas This publication shows aquatic insects that can be used as Biotic Water Quality Degree of Organic bioindicators of water quality in Indiana waterways. Bioindicators are biological systems that are sensitive to environmental changes and, Index Rating Pollution therefore, can indicate when pollution is present in the water. organic pollution 0.00–3.75 excellent unlikely A tolerance score is included for each insect in this publication. The slight organic tolerance score, ranging from 0–10, represents the insect’s sensitivity 3.76–4.25 very good pollution possible to pollution and can be used to estimate the quality of the water in which the insect was found. Insects with a score of 0 are intolerant some organic to pollution, meaning they cannot tolerate any water pollution, while 4.26–5.00 good pollution probable insects with a score of 10 are very tolerant of polluted water. fairly substantial 5.01–5.75 fair Materials Needed pollution likely • dip net substantial 5.76–6.50 fairly poor • white plastic pail, bowl, or dishpan (Note: The white color makes it easier pollution likely to see the insects.) • 2–3 white styrofoam egg cartons or plastic ice cube trays 6.51–7.25 poor very substantial • data sheet—available online at: www.four-h.purdue.edu/natural_ pollution likely resources/ (select “Resources for Educators” and “Bioindicators”) severe organic 7.26–10.0 very poor Instructions pollution likely • Locate a body of water (e.g., stream, pond, lake) to sample. The water should only be at most knee deep and allow easy access for Assessing the Water Quality of a Site obtaining the sample. Make sure you have permission to sample the For each insect family group: water. • Record the number of insects found for each species listed. • Dip the pail in the water to be sampled. • Multiply the Tolerance Value by the Number Found, and enter the • Collect insect samples from all habitats within a 200-foot section result under Family Tolerance Score. of that body of water, and place them in the pail. Jab your dip • Sum the Number Found and Family Tolerance Score columns (Order net against the vegetation and into mud or sand at the bottom to Totals). collect insects. Scrape the underside of rocks and logs into the net. • Collect insects for 45 minutes. For each insect order: • Using the ice cube tray, sort the insects that look the same into the • Transfer the Order Totals to the Order Summary section. different compartments of the tray using your hand or forceps. Be • Sum the Number Found and Order Tolerance Score columns sure to put some water in the ice cube tray first to keep the insects (Grand Total). from drying out. • Determine the Biotic Index by dividing the Grand Total Tolerance • Use the bioindicator flash cards or quick reference guide to identify Score by the Grand Total Number Found. the insects. Record the number of insects from each insect family you • Use the biotic index in the table provided to estimate the water identify on the data sheet. quality rating and degree of organic pollution. • Place the insects back in the water when you are finished. • Complete the calculations described in the next section to determine the quality rating. Resources • Hoosier Riverwatch (provides training on this and many other water- • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) related topics): http://www.in.gov/dnr/nrec/3046.htm • About Biological Integrity and Indicators: • Volunteer Stream Monitoring Training Manual (download, 13.7 MB): www.epa.gov/bioindicators/html/about.html http://www.in.gov/dnr/nrec/files/nc-Riverwatch_Manual.pdf; Chapter 5 • Invertebrates as Indicators (look for Bugs as Indicators of Water Quality): covers biological monitoring. www.epa.gov/bioindicators/html/invertebrate.html • Hoosier Riverwatch events calendar: http://www.in.gov/dnr/nrec/ • Bugguide.net (hosted by Iowa State University Entomology): www.bugguide.net Coleoptera 6 pale forms Beetles 8 red forms 4 4 Gyrinidae (larvae) Psephenidae (larvae) Chironomidae 5 Whirligig Beetle Water Penny Non-biting Midge Dryopidae Long-toed Water Beetle Diptera Flies 4 2 8 Gyrinidae (adult) Culicidae 5 Whirligig Beetle Mosquito Dytiscidae (larvae) Predaceous Diving Beetle Athericidae Aquatic Snipe Fly 7 0 1 Dixidae Haliplidae (larvae) Dixid Midge 5 Crawling Water Beetle Dytiscidae (adult) 6 Predaceous Diving Beetle Blephariceridae Net-winged Midge 7 Empididae Haliplidae (adult) Aquatic Dance Fly 5 Crawling Water Beetle Elmidae (larvae) Riffle Beetle 6 Ceratopogonidae Biting Midge 5 6 8 Ephydridae Hydrophilidae (larvae) Shore Fly 5 Water Scavenger Beetle Elmidae (adult) 6 Riffle Beetle Chaoboridae Phantom Midge 5 Muscidae Hydrophilidae (adult) House Fly, Stable Fly, Water Scavenger Beetle Green Bottle Fly 3 4 10 4 Psychodidae Tipulidae Ephemeridae Potamanthidae Moth Fly Crane Fly Common Burrowing Mayfly Hacklegill Mayfly Ephemeroptera 4 7 Mayflies 6 Sciomyzidae Heptageniidae Siphlonuridae Marsh Fly Flat-headed Mayfly Primitive Minnow Mayfly 4 Hemiptera Baetidae Small Minnow Mayfly Aquatic Bugs 6 2 10 Simuliidae Isonychiidae Black Fly Brushed-legged Mayfly 3 Baetiscidae Belostomatidae Armored Mayfly Giant Water Bug 8 7 4 Stratiomyidae Leptohyphidae Soldier Fly Little Stout Crawler Mayfly 9 Caenidae Corixidae Small Square-gill Mayfly Water Boatman 10 1 2 Syrphidae Leptophlebiidae Rattailed Maggot Prong-gilled Mayfly Undetermined Ephemerellidae Gelastocoridae Spiny Crawler Mayfly Toad Bug 6 2 Tabanidae Polymitarcyidae Horse Fly, Deer Fly Pale Burrowing Mayfly Undetermined Megaloptera Alderflies, Dobsonflies, Undetermined and Fishflies Gerridae Notonectidae Water Strider Backswimmer 0 Undetermined Photo: Dr. Jonathan Neal Photo: Dr. Corydalidae Undetermined Dobsonfly Hebridae Pleidae Velvet Water Bug Pygmy Backswimmer Undetermined 4 Photo: Dr. Jonathan Neal Photo: Dr. Sialidae 9 Undetermined Alderfly Coenagrionidae Narrow-winged Damselfly Hydrometridae Saldidae Water Measurer Shore Bug Odonata Undetermined 6 Damselflies and Dragonflies 1 Gomphidae Mesoveliidae Veliidae Club-tailed Dragonfly Water Treader Broad-shouldered Water Strider Lepidoptera 3 Aeshnidae Aquatic Moths Darner 9 5 Lestidae Naucoridae Spread-winged Damselfly Creeping Water Bug 8 5 5 Pyralidae Calopterygidae Aquatic Caterpillar Broad-winged Damselfly 7 Libellulidae Photo: Dr. Jonathan Neal Photo: Dr. Nepidae Common Skimmer Water Scorpion Plecoptera Trichoptera 4 Stoneflies Caddisflies 4 Hydropsychidae Limnephilidae 1 1 Common Net Spinner Caddisfly Northern Casemaker Caddisfly Capniidae Brachycentridae Small Winter Stonefly Humpless Casemaker Caddisfly 0 4 3 Hydroptilidae Philopotamidae Micro Caddisfly Finger Net Caddisfly 0 Leuctridae Glossosomatidae 4 Roll-winged Stonefly Saddle Casemaker Caddisfly 2 1 Lepidostomatidae Phryganeidae 3 Lepidostomatid Casemaker Giant Casemaker Caddisfly Nemouridae Helicopsychidae Brown Stonefly Snail Casemaker Caddisfly 4 Leptoceridae Long Horned Casemaker 1 Perlidae Common Stonefly 0 Pteronarcyidae Giant Stonefly 2 Perlodidae Patterned Stonefly 2 Taeniopterygidae Winter Stonefly Using this guide with the data sheets Coleoptera (Beetles) Family Tolerance Number Family Tolerance Coleoptera Value Found Score Beetles Dryopidae 5 0 0 Dytiscidae 5 2 10 Elmidae 5 0 0 Gyrinidae 4 0 0 Haliplidae 7 0 0 Hydrophilidae 5 3 15 5 Psephenidae 4 0 0 Dryopidae Long-toed Water Beetle Order Total 5 25 5 Dytiscidae (larvae) Predaceous Diving Beetle Order Summary Order Total Number Found Order Tolerance Coleoptera 5 25 Diptera 6 38 5 Ephemeroptera 8 28 Hemiptera 5 27 Dytiscidae (adult) Predaceous Diving Beetle Lepidoptera 2 0 Megaloptera 0 0 Odonata 3 13 Tolerance Plecoptera 0 0 Common Value Trichoptera 6 24 Name Family Grand Total 35 155 Name Biotoic Index = [Grand Total Tolerance] / [Grand Total Number Found] = 155/35 = 4.43 PURDUE AGRICULTURE Produced by Agricultural Communication 08/12 It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service that all persons have equal opportunity and access to its educational programs, services, activities, and facilities without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability or status as a veteran. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution. This material may be available in alternative formats. Order or download materials at the Purdue Extension Education Store • www.the-education-store.com.
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