.) R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SES S IONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Support Read By Jewish,.--. More Th"fln Agencies 35,000 ' With .Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R I ANO SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LX, NUMBER 23 THURSDAY,.AUGUST 11, 1977 12 PAGES 25¢ PER COPY Rabbis Seek -tode Arab Boycott: More Effective In France On :Spiritual •Rites NEW YORK: Two leaders of Orthodox Than -Any Other West· European Country Judaism ii! America, alarmed at what they sec as ."shameful waste and extravagance" PARIS: It was last fall that Asher East war. of bar .mitzvaJis and weddings, have called Knippel, director of an Israeli importing More recently, Israel protested upon major Jewish organizations to for­ concern, wrote a letter to a large manufac­ Despite French efforts to comply with vehemently when the French· last January mulate a code of standards and guidelines turer of electrical household appliances in the boycott provisions, the growth of released a Palestinian, Abu Daoud, who for Jewish "behavior." · France, asking the firm to "forward us, at French 'exports to the Arab countries has had been accused of masterminding the Rabbi Walter S. Wurzburgcr, president your earliest conve11icnce, descriptive tended to lag bchind those of other Wes tern guerrilla attack on Israeli athletes at the of tile Rabbinical Council of America, and catalogues regarding all the range of your European nations, which have resisted the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich during Rabbi Moshe S. Gorelik, chairman of the products." boycott attempts more successfully. which 17 persons were killed. Relations Coonc!J's ethics committee, made the Mr. Knippel received a reply, thanking Perhaps the most dramatic evidence of appeared to take a turn for the better after apl>C,!11 in a joint statement. him, for his interest, from an officer of the official French acquiescence was the recent the French Foreign Minister, Louis de According to Rabbi Bernard Twersky, French concern. "However," he added, decision by Prime Minister Ramond Barr~ Guiringaud, visited Israel earlier this year. the Council's public relations director, the "we r~~t !O advise you that, for the time to take advantage of a clause in a law pass• The latest incidcntservcd to shed light on appeal was di~ed to such organizations being, we are not in a position to do any ed in June by Parliament so that French how the boycott operates in France through as the American Jewish Committee, the business with Israel. As soon as we are able concerns could continue to comply with the a network that draws banks, businesses, American Jewish Congress, B'nai B'rith, to do something in your country, we shall boycott. governmental agencies and pressure groups together. the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies let you know in due course." The decision, made July 24, brought a and the United Jewish Appeal. The Arab boycott · of Israel has proven sharp rebuke recently from the new Israeli ne Tu111q Po1at more effective in France than in any other Foreign Minister, Moshe Dayan, who The Arab economic boycott of Israel, The two leaders declared that bar mitz• of the ·western European countries. Hun­ termed it a hostile act and said that the which traces its roots back more than 20 vahs arid weddings should be celebrated by dreds of French enterprises arc avoiding Israeli government had lodged a formal years, has gained effectiveness only in the a "commitment to spiritual values" rather commercial relations with the Israelis protest. last four years in the wake of the 1973 cm• than to .the "er~ materialism which.is dis- because of fears of being blacklisted by the The incident may signal the beginning of bargo by the Arab oil producers and the . played in ostentatiousness and conspicuous Arab countries. Furthermore, the French another period of cool relations between sharp rise in petroleum prices that suddenly consumption bordering on vulgarity." government, through its banks and other the French and the Israelis. The once warm increased their economic power. agencies, has cooperated with the boycott relationship began to change under de For French concerns, like those in other They continued: "The bar mitzvah, for and has helped to enforce it in the hope of Gaulle, who imposed an arms embargo on countries;the vast new spending power was example, is an occasion when a young man increasing French exports to the Middle the Israelis and moved to strengthen French proving an irresistible magnet. On the other joins the community of Israel. It is a East. ties with the Arabs after the 1967 Middle hand, the boycott threat appeared more spiritual event, and yet, in most instances, it real with the blacklisting of over 300 French is celebrated as a social obligation where ·companies by the Arab League in 1974. the behavior of the adult guests is in the ► ~· . SyriaN. Rejects· lc!,ea :.QI~ ~ To avoid being blacklisted, a French worsi. ~ble--taste, and instead -of insp]f. - concern;must sign.a certificate guaranteeing ing the young man, often repels . him. that it has no commercial relations with "The same is true of wedding ceremonies Convening'~ln ·u.S. Fi-,s---t Israel and that it is not a part of the enter­ which arc to mark the commitment of a prise already on the blacklist. The French DAMASCUS, Syria: An Egyptian sion for Mr. Vance to continue contacts in . Government, cager to sec increased sales to young man and a young woman in the New York with the individual foreign presence· of the Almighty. proposal for convening a Middle East the Arab countries to help balance the working group of Arab and Israeli foreign ministers attending Jhc United Nations mushrooming oil bills from the Middle "The only spiritual rites at these func­ ministers in the United States next month General Assembly. East, has been aware of the widespread use tions are the blessings recited during the was rejected by Syrian President Hafcz al· Such a diluted concept was different from of such certificates. ceremonies. The rest of the event is an occa­ 'Assad on the ground that the group would the Amcril:l!n understanding and seemed to Unlike others in Western Europe, the sion for meeting social obligations, in• be viewed as competing with a full-fledged be coming from Egypt in the face of ari­ French government has also participated duldg_ing in extravagance and seeking to peace conference in Geneva, where he said ticipated Syrian rejection of the original directly in the maintenance of the boycott outdo one's neighbor in lavishness. Palestinian rights should be recognized. proposal. Although no official would say so through state banks arid other agencies that After his several-hour meeting with US publicly, the purpose of the working group accept the· certificates in their transactions. "This approach to joyous occasions that Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, Mr. in Washington and then in New York One of the key agencies has been the are tied to religious events has become stan­ Assad said in a news conference that he would be to keep the momentum alive in Compagnie Francaise d' Assurances Pour le dard in our community, stimulated perhaps favored continued discussions to insure that view of the failure to resolve the question of Commerce Exterieur, a government-linked by merchants who play upon our vanity .... a Geneva conference can be held, but that Palestinian representation at a Geneva organization that provides most of the "Jewish history is filled with admonitions he saw no value in the approach advanced conference. export credit guarantees to major French by the religious leadership to their by President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt and Israel refuses to admit the Palestine companies. For several years the company, congregations and disciples to avoid osten­ endorsed by Mr. Vance. Liberation Organization to the Geneva whose. role is roughly equivalent to that of tatiousness, and it becomes our duty to In his 5().minute news conference last talks and the Arabs insist on it; so. long as the Export-Import Bank in the United reiterate these admonitions. week, Mr. Assad said, "Our brothers in the organization refuses to accept Israel's States, has agreed to provide credit Egypt who proposed it saw·ccrtain benefits right to exist, the Americans support the guarantees to companies that comply with that .so far we have not seen." Israelis. the boycott. Urge Veto Of Measures c--. of Grwp Ullllkely In the news conference, Mr. Assad said French state banks such as Societe The rejection seems to make it unlikely he appreciated the American peace efforts, Generale and Credit Lyonnais have also on To Revive Blue Laws that a working group would be called but added that as a result of his talks with occasion linked their letters of credit for together, since Jordan will probably be Mr. Vance he saw no progress toward a French exporters to the Middle East to NEW YORK (JTA): The American compliance with the boycott. reluctant to endorse the idea if Syria op­ (Continued en page 8) Jewish Congress has urged Governor Carey poses it. Only Egypt and Israel appeared to Because of the growing acceptance of the to veto two measures passed by the New be favoring the proposal in addition to the boycott, Parliamc11t passed a law on June 7 York State Legislature that would revive United Stites. prohibiting state or state-linked agencies compulsory Sunday observance laws. Louis Syrian opposition was apparently based Firm Complies from participating in economic descrimina­ E. Yavncr, chairman of AJ Congress on Mr. ' Assad's reluctance to agree to any tion for ethnic, racial or religious reasons.
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