FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: CARMINE GALANTE PART:3 OF 3 FILE NUMBER:HQ 92-3025 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJ E C TLCARMIN E GALAN TE PART 3 OF 3 ___: .I§ §*" &#39; ; ; - - Oi M zdum - UNITE1. _ GOVERNMENT 14 1 = Director, ml selsoes-!&#39;CONNTIAT.&#39;v#- 9}12!iso» __|- &#39;1 ,- ALLINFO ATION commmzn - .., ,- [79 =v!P== caJ L I|§jEE;L;1nuz % jig; 1 ffny - = -r .3/-v. - , Wj_L :_ ,- 7 _ R ,-* " .*&#39; nsnson-rczuIi l_z&#39;4.2 . _§ ,:_..-_ _27% _ j " - - nurm 0 §i3 W % lmylet cf 1-D :7 ?$?C % J, to nus ~ -1- WEIR T1513 " .1 => 0 Q 5-» // .4, 1 -- Her Newark, York, 92-500! 92- 9118FnoM --!§;i%%§@§§EIlF¬§i?§ ?§sEr5§i 1960 /~" -- ---_-r-.,---- ...92. . =----92q¢-=_-Q-v.-_-_?--1-wv;-w__ _»-.-_ - . - ___.-4=~.- - . - 1;!-W--&#39;w&#39; - ._ .. f. D1t JIM . IO " UNITED snrnzs:01-OF f;_ . tb ¬§§ Q 1.. - . B 2 Memora-1w..~. - - . _ aj "_.92 TO : nmscwon, FBI 92-3oe5!R DATE 9/3°/6° - . -.1-K» FROM &#39; - i -. ~ - - "&#39;1 54- _ _,__. V, -. 2&#39;2: _ =e. y_. :_,=5qEi?1F/ "flu-" -&#39;-__ _ :92§. __.. 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I - &#39;,-».,- --=+-- .~ 3 _~ _ _.-"_ , -&#39; |__ &#39;_,&#39;._" -&#39;-.; &#39; &#39; . -3: ,-&#39; H &#39;.. , &#39; . _.. - ~ ""¥§§mm1mm-J3?"-.3; ,,_ 1- _ . -7 _ _ -1&#39;1;-&#39;e.. .Z._<.&#39;- _-&#39;3. , L-. 4 ~ _ _ ..&#39; *1 92 -_ &#39;. my -_ _ - - . -. - A * "1 " . __ .-|..~ .1 -"3 - - s mp *1 mid. aims m¢aPTtioned as above, at New York. _ - 7. - 92 1 7- &#39;- &#39;1 - - *4. -» . ». 92_ _E1c1osed are three copies &#39;ea.cho&#39;1" rerep and two letterhead memoranda, the "first evaluating sources covered; Y by T symbols in rerep, and the second setting forth the &#39; ; &#39; captiors of investigation! in which reports concerning the i - subject have preyiously been £urn.ished tow .- appropriate _ . - USA-s,}.¬ - . »92- - " _ -__4 .-.-_.;&#39;_, __,. 5 I .1. All MNH] &#39; HERE-§ " &#39; y ; |1A1[1|.-Hg, _ 4 %3y;@/aw V.-we - I n -*5 _-&#39; . .1. &#39; &#39; "v -. &#39; 1-»&#39; - &#39; 92-3025! Encl -Fe" Y°1&#39;k 92-911!.. - -5°: J.7,c..&#39;__14 -: . &#39;[;;$§?"./i . 5 . ; / -&#39;3 _-L - &#39;_ &#39;:1 pg? . _ ,1! - :1? L . L _H. III"". &#39; H f aé E »--:.;} ___ &#39;. hut-§. " 5. - -,&#39; ; -&#39;- I I &#39; / - &#39; . -2~ :1-:-_ ,1-~ @%sov1 . _.--.._ .~. _&#39;.=.->-- _ -.-=&#39;- " " " ."-&#39;,92-s»92:.- w-.._ -. ..-..&#39;..» - b7¢~ .i&#39;a3:.u-~.~r: -1 _ _______________________r_.,Z_.- W -- ~ -*----v---I-rry-&#39;"l&#39;_&#39;:!1°&#39;_""":*"""&#39;. ""&#39;_&#39;»&#39;* F I < 1 Flepdn Form FD263 Rev. 5-12-551 co =AL &#39; 92 &#39; FEDERAL BUREAU F INVESTIGATION FEPORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD E NEW YORK 1qEw¥o1=u{ i 9/26/60 7/22-9/21/50 I J TYFEDBY CARMINEQALANTE aka CHARACTER or CASE 1&#39; """ d*" &#39;_" * * _ * _ A"r*i-REERETEERING ;§;; ,mm:12@<~ a 1 ~ &#39;1», qa G . an INFORMANTS Bureau air-tel to Albany, dated 8/25/60, captioned "CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM" ___ P-y ALL |NFOB&#39;"&#39;AT101921 PWNTAINED 5.2.» HEREIN IQ U""L:~"""F"=T&#39;92 FXCEPT b7.D WHERE SHOWN OTHErW|SE -1- 11" &#39;_&#39;. &#39; ._H&#39;u1t. ,-&#39; bl __ &#39;, -&#39;- E7 A? QTC I-in:Q||--1: 5&#39;10 /!,l-if: 7 c. i ., ;_,___,_&#39;,1. r- pf I ;I&#39;* H i F1 if: - &#39;." 1; 8. a;;1.{Q ~ 9 "&#39;"" " " I W .4 QTHED W W SPF: DoNo&#39;r92;R|&#39;r: IN srnczs BELOW 7 &#39;A A ;!Bu&#39;-Nezeggrk 92 - 92-911! 3025!$01" /3 /Aw 1 4 E L &#39; 30;? §1»/ /3 Ji- .. r = Ia:., . / L Z L/7/ J .- 5._--L, cw, Il, if Q -I we 0%,, D 9 MI ad/Ma &#39;-P1. ¢. EITNW FBI fllS|Oa118d to you by the FBI and neat er |t n ontent are to be 1, " ~ - 4».-_-._.. _ .-=1 E&#39;92Ai." en $53 NY 92-911 3;. INFORMANTS CONT&#39;D &#39;:o!.~g >-r .__u. ; I. E Q W -7 2~1 #$= 1-4""4.&#39; fgial ?§ ."if-1-7. Careful consideration has been given to the sources concealed, and T symbols were utilized in the report .!__ only in those instances where the identities of the sources must be concealed _- &#39; I. I £5 1 in 92 NY 92-911 Cm}. ~ ?92l9292l ~ - LEAD NEW YORK {rem Hew_ooYor1<e_ee I no no 1 Pg; will follow and report pending court action against the subject. _m_ _ _ F y-,».A_- i?.=.&#39;."&#39;; *-E. ._2 &#39;I 1 "1 -4 ii; -_,.- .;_7_ ,. COVER PAGE &#39;1 - 9* - 7;-F &#39; E &#39; &#39; &#39;;&#39;l&#39;-I7; _ gem K;J 7 ~;! , .. Y at , &#39;&#39; UNITED STATES DEPARTMNT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ~~ , o L Con! =.;T!"&#39; "ii v. Copy to . .i:~ Report of: J17 C"Office: NewYork, New York DatB= eptem er 26, 1960 o Number: -- ":&#39; = Bureau: = v -,1! k . ._-.~Q90: .,.;&#39; I 1 Title: CARMINE GALANTE Character: ANTI-RACKETEERING Synopsis: CARMINE osmwrs, FBI Number 11.91495, born 2/21/l0,NYC, resides HO Park Avenue, NYC, and has an extensive arrest record dating back to l925 Ior assault, robbery, grand larceny, alcohol tax violation and narcotics, allegedly attended a gathering of notorious h O0Apaladlums at chin, NY ll/1Q/57. Considered SP E ct in Q4! 1!? 100, resul -_ ..&#39;I from two separate ctments for violation Federal narcotic laws involving /&#39;7 US narcotics ring. GALANHE 92 o I 92 WW m owns and opera Costume Company, Brooklyn, NY. Physical description set out. IN VIEW OF SUBJECT&#39;SCRIMINAL RECORD AND smcs as Isiyxgroyj To HKVE cnnar F1.»;R1v1s" .... .._ TN THECPAST jND IS KNCWNTC"HAVE*SHOTLAW A ENF6FEEEf6FFTCERiARMEDasp DANGEROUS? HE SHGUID FECbN§T5EFE§ * V I - at. - <1 - I J _n9 Ir @- .T;92$&#39; &#39;- l92 .92&#39;, L NY 92-911 _ ;:e TSBPEUQELQQNIENTS H PAGE r I. PERSONAL HISTORY AND BACKGROUND _ H. _Birth ... .-i Education Employment 1 Marital Status Relatives &#39; - Residences - Psychiatric Examination II. CRIMINAL RECORD 9-13 III. ASSOCIATES 13-19 19-35 J-iv , 19-20 =___; Q-J1- 20-25 :::_;- 4-- ;&#39;=_ -... 25-32 .._ IV. CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES 33-35 November l, 1957 Apalachin Meeting 5 I _ é%! t 35u1 Lo fIJ%nsul 35-36 V. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES Rosina Costume Company 36~39 Abco Absuo! Vending Machine Company QR 4, . Latamer Shi 39 Cm su I ml 39-n1 5 1 x VI. TRAVEL M1-h3 VII. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION hhh5 &#39; VJ ,1 7! J &#39; ~ - L; {,1 comm we NY 92-911 a DETAILS? e.T, -&#39; =&#39;..31= ==&#39;¢._e&#39;> ..__.._,___.._..._Bf¥_1Ih ___ _.. _ _- I-1 _..ZE§§9_NA1;---.17 §_T_°§Y .2112-.E9i93°,U1m 4 bzc. The records of t t r u of Vital z.,~_-.,_. ,1 Statistics, as checked by S on January far 9, 1958, reflected un d er Cer er 02, that 1?"5&#39; CAMILLO GALANTE, a white male, was born on February fffsar-1-E 21, 1910, at 27 Stanton Street, New York City. His -5"» father was listed as VINCENZO GALANTE, born in Italy, age 28, occupation laborer. His mother was VINCENZA RUSSO -as GALANTE, age 25, also born in Italy. The certificate further stated that he was the second child. bl Education hip Fadvised inJune, 1958that the subject ._&#39;-_. J. attended Publ c School 79 and Public School 120 up to the seventh grade. He left at the age of fifteen. bz. Employgent $29 Hadvised inJune, 1958that when the subject 921¢&#39;.. was arrested or ro ery in 1930 he was employed at the O&#39;Brien FishCompany, 105 South Street, New York City, as a ¢~ sorter. He was paroled on January 18, 1930, to the Catholic ¢i&#39;+ &#39; ...,r.7 Society. In 1939 the subject was employed at the Lubin J: &#39; Artificial Flower Company, located at 270 West Broadway, New Q?-. York City. He was also employed by this concern from 1923 to 1926, according to informant. 1.: 6 2. H statedthat onFebruary 19111, 3, the em subject joined e nternational Longshoremen&#39;s Association, Local 856. He was sponsored by his brother, SAM GALANTE, and received a Coast Guard pass. For a short time he worked as a stevedore on Piers lb and 21 for the New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Company and the New York and Puerto Rican Steamship Company.
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