СВОБО ШІИСШШ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN DAILY Рік LV. Ч. 173. Vol. LV. No. 173. Щг ®feratnian ЩееЬІр Supplement ТРИ ЦЕНТИ в Злучених Державах Америки. Те*. „Свободи": BErgen 4-0237—4-0807 THREE CENTS ш tie United State* of Amerxc* ЇШ'Ь ЦЕНТІВ за кордоном Злучених Держав Америки. Тел. У. Н. Союзу: BErgen 4-1016 FIVE CENTS el.ewbere. WEEKLY: No. 28 JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1947 WEEKLY: VOL. XV Vandenberg and Smith Respond To UCCA U. N. Asked To Study Plot On Ukrainians Under above head, the New York derstanding to liquidate the Ukiain- Appeal Times reported the memorandum for-; ian people." In response to July 18 telegrams persons." Certainly I sympathize with warded on July 22 last to the Se- і Stephen Shumeyko of Maplewood, from the Ukrainian Congress Com­ your point of view—as I hope has curity Council of the United Nations j N. J., president of the committee, re- mittee of America to help defeat been demonstrated by my sponsor­ by the Ukrainian Congress Commit-; ported that the Ukrainian under- Senate Resolution 137, which is de­ ship of IRO in Congress. I think we tee of America. : ground movement for freedom was signed to sidetrack Legislation for must cooperate on a reasonable basis The memorandum recommended a j spearheaded by the Ukrainian in- displaced persons. Senator Vanden­ ! in connection with resettlement. This UN' investigation, similar to the re-: surgent army and that more than berg of Michigan and Senator Smith ; is part of IRO. But we are advised cently conducted one in the Balkans,, 500.000 Ukrainians had been deported Ь of New Jrsey assured Stephen Shu- I that action regarding American a.c- of the tense situation prevailing і У ЇЬе Polish Government to east- ern meyko, UCCA head, of their opposi­ | ceptance of displaced persons is im- among Ukrainians in their native but; Germany. "Even worse cendi- tions tion to the resolution. ; possible at this present session in the j Soviet ruled or dominated lands, in- prevail." he said, "within So- viet The resolution would authorize ! House where the Stratton Bill is held jasmueh as that situation constitutes j Ukraine, according to reports that seven months investigation of im­ ; up. Under such circumstances, it is і a menace to peace. : manage to filter -through de- migration practices, and has passed s ite the iron , futile for the Senate to attempt to The memorandum also reveals the P curtain." Judiciary and Rules committees. A ainst \ act at this session. і existence of the recent reliably re-' § Ukrainian resistance, he Text of Senator Smith's telegram ported agreement between Soviet! charSed> the Russians and their Since this condition exists, my own and Senator Vandenberg's letter fol­ і Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia to І "P«PPet states" employ various re­ view is that the Immigration Com­ low: unite forces to liquidate the Ukrain-;Pressive measures, mittees of both the House and Senate The Text of Sen. Smith's Telegram ian underground movement for free- " Ukrainian Congress Commit- should jointly investigate the dis- tee ; placed persons problem on the ground jdom. Text of Times report follows:— therefore »«ks you to present to Retel Senate Resolution 137 strictly a, „ ,. , _. „ і the Security Council a resolution dining recess. (This is totally differ­ Text ot MNew York Times Report і .,. „ - . , , . opposed. I have introduced legisla­ * providing tor an international m- ent from S. Resolution 137 which is a tion sponsoring Displaced Persons The Ukrainian Congress Commit- vestigation of the situation in the : general and entirely inadequate in- this country. Rest assured my ef­ tee of America, in a memorandum\ territories inhabited by the Ukrain- ; vestigation of immigration exclusive­ forts to be helpful. — Alexander forwa.rded yesterday to Warren R. .ians." the memorandum said, "and ly by a Senate Committee without j Smith, United States Senator. Austin. American delegate to the of the measures of repression that any reference to displaced persons.) United Nations Security Council,: are being applied to the population ! I feel very sure that such a course Text of Vandenberg's Letter urged a full investigation of "reliable'by those Governments which are in- would lay the basis for effective legis­ reports" that the Soviet Union, Po- {terested in denying to the Ukrainian This will reply to your recent tele­ lation early in the next session. gram. land and Czechoslovakia "have en-•; people those human rights to which. I fully understand your interest in Cordially and faithfully, tered into a definite international un- they are entitled." Mi the problem of Europe's "displaced A, H. Vandenberg. Heads Sociology and Appointed Math і Candidate For Detroit S. A. Bychinsky Anthropology Dep't Instructor # * Council (Obituary) Rev. Sigmunt Alexander Bychinsky, f Stephen W. Mamchur, a columnist John Terleski, secretary of Branch Miss Mary V. Beck, Detroit at­ 68, retired minister who founded Uk- of The Ukrainian Weekly in the late 48 and son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen, torney of Ukrainian extraction, is at raiman Presbyterian churches in En- 1930's, has recently been appointed Terleski of 218 6th street, West present candidating for a post in the rope, author, and former contributor acting chairman of the Department to the pages of Svoboda, died July of Sociology and Anthropology at 10 last at his An Harbor home where | Wayne University in Detroit, Michi- he had resided for the past twenty; gan. one years. Dr. Mamchur succeeds Dr. Alfred The deceased was the translator of ; Mc Lung Lee, the .noted public rela- several book.from English into Uk-:tions expert and propaganda analyst. rainian. He was also a compiler of I Wayne University, whose staff, as history of the life of John Huss. assistant professor, Dr. Mamchur The "History of. the Ukrainians in j joined last fall, has 17,000 students, Canada" was of his authorship. j and the Department of Sociology Shortly before his death he had and Anthropology is one of the finished a novel dealing with Ukrain- largest in the institution, ian life in Canada, entitled "Cranes Previously Dr. Mamchur had on the Wing." ! served for four years with the De- Born December 8, 1880. Rev. By- j partment of Justice in Washington, 'had taught for six years at the Col- (Concluded on page 7) j leges of gt_ Thomas and st. Catherine - | in St. Paul, Minnesota, and had held who filed her petition with the citv іa P°st with the United States Em- clerk early in June." jployment Service. He has also served This is not Miss Beck's first ven­ on the staffs of McGill and Yale MARY V. BECK JOHN TERLESKI 1 ture into politics. In the past two Universities where he obtained his Detroit City Common Council, a legis­ years she has been a candidate for M. A. and Ph. D. degrees, respectively. Easton. Pa., graduated from Lafa« A native of Saskatchewan, Canada, lative body. two judicial officers, the Probate yette College last month. The Wayne County Democrat, daily Court and the Traffic Court. She is Dr. Mamchur took his B.A. degree at Young Terleski's proficiency in hia 'of Detroit reported in its July 19 particularly interested in child and|the University of Saskatchewan and studies is evidenced by the fact that; number that among those canditates family welfare. Eleven years of jdid a year's graduate work there. who Will run for office in the fall working with juvenile delinquents j ==: he has already been appointed to uthere is perhaps no new comer taught her that failures in family [ shift the emphasis of her efforts to serve as instructor of mathematics Who will be more widely supported and community life produce children's the prevention phase of the same at Lafayette, beginning next Sep* Iban Маті' V. Beck, Detroit attorney difficulties. This has caused her to problem. tember. 2 UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1947 No. 28 TEXT OF MEMORANDUM FORWARDED TO SECURITY A Shocking Agreement Finally, apparently as a last re­ COUNCIL OF UNITED NATIONS BY UKRAINIAN sort, within recent times the Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia CONGRESS COMMITTEE have entered into a definite interna­ July 22. 1947 \ population of Western Ukraine, whose Ukrainian patriots as mere bandits. tional understanding to liquidate the core lies in Eastern Galicia, formally Even this proved an unsatisfactory I Ukrainian patriots with "their, desire Hon. Warren R. Austin \ declared their independence upon the solution, in view of the continued for and belief in liberty and demo­ American Delegate 1 collapse of the Austro-Hungarian operations of the Ukrainian forces. cracy. Reliable reports prove the Security Council -regime in 1918 and established the Now hardly a day passes without existence of this understanding. United Nations Republic of Western Ukraine. A short some report in the American press Lake Success, L.I..N.Y. Such an action of three allied time later they joined with the Uk­ of the execution of Ukrainian lead­ powers against a population whose Dear Sir: rainian National Reptiblic, which ers by the Soviets and their puppets. only crime is a desire for its own in­ came into being upon the collapse of dependent and democratic govern­ The Ukrainian Congress Commit­ Press Reports the Tsarist Russian regime. After ment, is so contrary to the high tee of America, a nationally represen­ this republic, embracing most of May we be permitted to cite but principles of the United Nations that tative organization of Americans of Ukrainian ethnographic territories, a few of the more recent reports? it cannot fail to take cognizance of it. Ukrainian descent and- of their so­ was overthrown by the Soviet forces, On June 19, 1947, the New York cieties and church parishes through- The Ukrainian Congress Committee Western Ukraine was seized by Po- Times in a dispatch from Warsaw re­ therefore asks you to present to the out the country, notes with gratitude I," ~~"~~~ .
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