Coast Guard, DHS § 165.1190 include toxic or flammable properties sonnel. Patrol personnel comprise com- or a combination of both. missioned, warrant, and petty officers (c) Regulations. All vessels loaded of the Coast Guard onboard Coast with a cargo of liquefied hazardous gas Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, local, (LHG) within this Regulated Naviga- state, and federal law enforcement ves- tion Area must proceed directly to sels. Upon being hailed by U.S. Coast their intended cargo reception facility Guard patrol personnel by siren, radio, to discharge their LHG cargo, unless: flashing light, or other means, the op- (1) The vessel is otherwise directed or erator of a vessel shall proceed as di- permitted by the Captain of the Port. rected. The Captain of the Port can be reached [COTP San Francisco Bay 03–029, 69 FR 11316, at telephone number (415) 399–3547 or on Mar. 10, 2004] VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). If per- mission is granted, all persons and ves- § 165.1190 Security Zone; San Fran- sels must comply with the instructions cisco Bay, Oakland Estuary, Ala- of the Captain of the Port or his or her meda, CA. designated representative. (a) Location. The following area is a (2) The vessel is in an emergency sit- security zone: All navigable waters of uation and unable to proceed as di- the Oakland Estuary, California, from rected in paragraph (a) of this section the surface to the sea floor, approxi- without endangering the safety of per- mately 50 yards into the Oakland Estu- sons, property, or the environment. ary surrounding the Coast Guard Island [CGD11 04–001, 69 FR 30206, May 27, 2004] Pier. The perimeter of the security zone follows the same perimeter as the § 165.1187 Security Zones; Golden Gate floating security barrier installed Bridge and the San Francisco-Oak- around the Coast Guard Island pier. land Bay Bridge, San Francisco The perimeter of the security barrier is Bay, California. located along the following coordi- (a) Location. All waters extending nates: commencing at a point on land from the surface to the sea floor, with- approximately 50 yards northwest of in 25 yards of all piers, abutments, the northwestern end of the Coast fenders and pilings of the Golden Gate Guard Island Pier at latitude Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland 37°46′53.60″ N and longitude 122°15′06.10″ Bay Bridge, in San Francisco Bay, W; thence to the edge of the navigable California. channel at latitude 37°46′51.83″ N and (b) Regulations. (1) In accordance with longitude 122°15′07.47″ W; thence to a the general regulations in § 165.33 of position approximately 10 yards into this part, entry into these security the charted navigation channel at lati- zones is prohibited, unless doing so is tude 37°46′51.27″ N and longitude necessary for safe navigation, to con- 122°15′07.22″ W; thence closely paral- duct official business such as scheduled leling the edge of the charted naviga- maintenance or retrofit operations, or tion channel to latitude 37°46′46.75″ N unless specifically authorized by the and longitude 122°15′00.21″ W; thence Captain of the Port San Francisco Bay closely paralleling the edge of the or his designated representative. charted navigation channel to a point (2) Persons desiring to transit the approximately 20 yards into the area of the security zone may contact charted navigation channel at latitude the Captain of the Port at telephone 37°46′42.36″ N and longitude 122°14′51.55″ number 415–399–3547 or on VHF-FM W; thence to a point on land approxi- channel 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permis- mately 50 yards southeast of the south- sion to transit the area. If permission eastern end of the Coast Guard Island is granted, all persons and vessels must Pier at latitude 37°46′44.80″ N and lon- comply with the instructions of the gitude 122°14′48.80″ W; thence northwest Captain of the Port or his or her des- along the shoreline back to the begin- ignated representative. ning point. (c) Enforcement. All persons and ves- (b) Regulations. (1) Under § 165.33, sels shall comply with the instructions entry into or remaining in this zone is of the Coast Guard Captain of the Port prohibited unless authorized by the or the designated on-scene patrol per- Coast Guard Captain of the Port, San 855 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:58 Aug 31, 2012 Jkt 226133 PO 00000 Frm 00865 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226133.XXX 226133 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 165.1191 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) Francisco Bay, or his designated rep- approved by the cognizant Coast Guard resentative. Sector Commander to patrol each (2) Persons desiring to transit the event. area of the security zone may contact (1) No spectator shall anchor, block, the Captain of the Port at telephone loiter, nor impede the through transit number 415–399–3547 or on VHF-FM of participants or official patrol vessels channel 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permis- in the safety zone during all applicable sion to transit the area. If permission effective dates and times unless cleared is granted, all persons and vessels must to do so by or through an official pa- comply with the instructions of the trol vessel. Captain of the Port or his designated (2) When hailed and/or signaled by an representative. official patrol vessel, any spectator lo- (c) Enforcement. The Captain of the cated within a safety zone during all Port will enforce this security zone and applicable effective dates and times may be assisted in the patrol and en- shall come to an immediate stop. forcement of this security zone by any (3) The Patrol Commander Federal, State, county, municipal, or (PATCOM) is empowered to forbid and private agency. control the movement of all vessels in [COTP San Francisco Bay 05–006, 70 FR 48874, the safety zone. The Patrol Com- Aug. 22, 2005] mander shall be designated by the cog- nizant Coast Guard Sector Commander; § 165.1191 Northern California and will be a U.S. Coast Guard commis- Lake Tahoe Area Annual Fireworks sioned officer, warrant officer, or petty Events. officer to act as the Sector Com- (a) General. Safety zones are estab- mander’s official representative; and lished for the events listed in Table 1 of will be located aboard the lead official this section. Further information on patrol vessel. As the Sector Com- exact dates, times, and other details mander’s representative, the PATCOM concerning the exact geographical de- may terminate the event any time it is scription of the areas are published by deemed necessary for the protection of the Eleventh Coast Guard District in life and property. PATCOM may be the Local Notice to Mariners at least reached on VHF–FM Channel 13 20 days prior to the event. (156.65MHz) or 16 (156.8MHz) when re- (b) Regulations. All persons and ves- quired, by the call sign ‘‘PATCOM’’. sels not registered with the sponsor as (4) The Patrol Commander may, upon participants or as official patrol ves- request, allow the transit of commer- sels are considered spectators. The cial vessels through the safety zone ‘‘official patrol’’ consists of any Coast when it is safe to do so. Guard; other Federal, state, or local (5) The Coast Guard may be assisted law enforcement; and any public or by other Federal, state, or local agen- sponsor-provided vessels assigned or cies. TABLE 1 TO § 165.1191 [All coordinates referenced use datum NAD 83.] 1. San Francisco Giants Fireworks Display Sponsor .............................. San Francisco Giants Baseball Team. Event Description ............... Fireworks display in conjunction with baseball season home games. Date .................................... All season home games at AT&T Park. Location .............................. 1,000 feet off of Pier 48. Regulated Area .................. 100-foot radius around the fireworks launch barge during the load- ing of pyrotechnics aboard the fireworks barge and during the transit of the fireworks barge from the loading location to the display location. Increases to a 1,000-foot radius upon com- mencement of the fireworks display. 856 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:58 Aug 31, 2012 Jkt 226133 PO 00000 Frm 00866 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226133.XXX 226133 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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