E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2001 No. 85 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Washington, DC, June 19, 2001. THOMAS R. CARPER, a Senator from the pore. Under the previous order, the State of Delaware. To the Senate: Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, leadership time is reserved. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby f PRAYER appoint the Honorable THOMAS R. CARPER, a MORNING BUSINESS The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Senator from the State of Delaware, to per- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: form the duties of the Chair. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Gracious Father, You have called us ROBERT C. BYRD, pore. Under the previous order, there to be creative thinkers. We begin this President pro tempore. will now be a period for the transaction day by yielding our thinking brains to Mr. CARPER thereupon assumed the of morning business not to extend be- Your magnificent creativity. You know chair as Acting President pro tempore. yond the hour of 11:30 a.m., with Sen- ators permitted to speak therein for up everything; You also know what is best f for us and the Nation You have en- to 10 minutes each. trusted to the care of this Senate. We RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING Under the previous order, the time are grateful that You not only are om- MAJORITY LEADER until 10:30 a.m. shall be under the con- niscient but also omnipresent. You are trol of the Senator from Arizona, Mr. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- KYL. here in this Chamber and will be with pore. The Senator from Nevada. the Senators and their staffs wherever f this day’s responsibilities take them. f PRESIDENT BUSH’S EUROPEAN We take seriously the admonition of SCHEDULE TRIP Proverbs 16:3: ‘‘Commit your works to Mr. KYL. Mr. President, President the Lord, and your thoughts will be es- Mr. REID. Mr. President, we will be in a period for morning business until Bush has just returned from his trip to tablished.’’ Europe, and the newspapers are full of 11:30 this morning. By virtue of a pre- Thank You for this secret of success glowing accounts. Some of the head- vious unanimous-consent agreement, in Your Word. In response we look to lines include the following: ‘‘Europe Senators KYL and BROWNBACK will be what is ahead this day and thank you sees Bush’s Trip Exceeding Expecta- in control of the time until 10:45 a.m. in advance for supernatural intel- tions.’’ That from the New York Times and Senator DURBIN will be in control ligence to maximize our thinking. You on June 18. The International Herald of the time from 10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. are our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Tribune: ‘‘President Climbs in Euro- At 11:30 this morning, Majority Lead- pean Esteem.’’ f er DASCHLE will be in the Chamber to Similarly, other headlines and sto- move to begin consideration of the Pa- ries noted the fact that the President PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tients’ Bill of Rights. As Members was successful in communicating his know, this legislation has been around views on a wide variety of subjects, in- The Honorable THOMAS R. CARPER led for years, and the leader is going to an- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cluding most especially our view of na- nounce at 11:30 a.m. today his move- tional security issues and specifically I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ment toward consideration of that bill. the question of missile defense. United States of America, and to the Repub- We expect to be able to move to it. We I want to spend a few minutes talk- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, hope the minority will not have any indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ing about the President’s successful problems with our going to that bill. trip, his vision for the future in a new Majority Leader DASCHLE will an- f post-cold-war era, and the acceptance nounce at 11:30 a.m. that we are going of those views by most of our allies and to finish that bill before the July 4 re- even, to some extent, by those whom APPOINTMENT OF ACTING cess. That means if there are problems he characterizes as friends, countries PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE moving to the bill and cloture has to be that could, indeed, someday perhaps be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The filed, we will work this weekend and allies, countries such as Russia, fol- clerk will please read a communication perhaps the next weekend to complete lowing especially his visit with Presi- to the Senate from the President pro this legislation. dent Putin during the course of this tempore (Mr. BYRD). The Senate will be in recess from trip. The assistant legislative clerk read 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. today for our I think the pundits had a good time the following letter: weekly party conferences. as the President was preparing for his ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6387 . VerDate 19-JUN-2001 00:56 Jun 20, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN6.000 pfrm03 PsN: S19PT1 S6388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 19, 2001 trip, speculating about whether this At the conclusion of my remarks, I come along and help us find the right President, who had not extensively am going to ask unanimous consent to way to do that. In that spirit, he vis- traveled abroad and did not have a print in the RECORD two very fine ited with these European leaders. great deal of international experience, pieces by one of the finest columnists We all know the President is very would be able to impress these savvy and political writers of our time, convincing. I realize the situation international leaders. Charles Krauthammer. One of them ap- there is a little different. In politics, it What they found—and it was inter- peared in the Weekly Standard in the is not the typical kind of diplomacy esting—on the Sunday morning talk June 4 issue. It is entitled ‘‘The Bush coming out of the State Department or shows they were all doing a little bit of Doctrine, ABM, Kyoto, and the New other areas of diplomatic expertise, in a retreat, which pleased me because I American Unilateralism.’’ The other is our country and in others, where sub- had seen the same kind of questioning an op-ed the Washington Post carried tlety and the spoken word are so very of the President when he was beginning on June 18 in which he makes a similar important. President Bush is a man his run for the Presidency as Governor point that the type of unilateralism who means and says what he means of Texas. President Bush took to Europe and is very plainly. There is a certain advan- There were those who said: He is a intent on pursuing with respect to tage to that when you are dealing with very congenial fellow, but does he real- United States interests throughout the foreign leaders who do not know you so ly have what it takes? I think we all world is not a unilateralism that says well. It quickly becomes apparent to saw, and even my Democratic col- the United States is going to do what them that what you are telling them is leagues who supported Vice President we want to do no matter what anybody exactly what you believe, exactly what Gore at the time concluded, that this is else thinks and basically ignores their the United States intends to do, and a man who not only has great charm points of view at all, but, rather, as that there is no guile, there is no hid- but also significant substance and a Charles Krauthammer carefully points den agenda. view of the world which is in keeping out, this new Bush doctrine is a subtle I think it has an effect of disarming with the times as we commence our change from the past in this regard. some leaders who might be looking for journey into this 21st century. It says we are going to identify what hidden agendas or games that some- He proved that during the campaign. we believe is in the best interests of times people in the political world like He proved it in domestic affairs, the United States of America and in to play. President Bush is not like achieving a milestone of success with the interests of the rest of the family that. He has been very straightforward. the tax cuts we passed and he signed of nations of the world. He has been very clear about his vision. into law a little over a week ago, and We are going to pursue a course that He has not wavered from that, which then this foreign trip, which was the achieves the goals that sustain those first major trip, the trip to Europe, to is, of course, tempting to do when vis- interests, and we are not going to be iting with other world leaders who do visit with our NATO allies and other deterred by naysayers, by countries leaders in the region.
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