(LJKWK6HULHV9RO;/,91R 0RQGD\1RYHPEHU $JUDKD\DQD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ 7ZHOIWK 6HVVLRQ (LJKWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vol. XLIV, Twelfth Session, 19881191 0 (Saka)~ No. 13, Tuesday, November 29, 1988/Agrahayana 8, 191 0 {Sa~ COLUMNS Welcome to the Cyprus Parliamentary Delegation 1-2 0, al Answers to Questions: *Starred Questions Nos. 246, 249, 253 to 255, 258 and 259 2-51 Written Answers to Questions: 51 -422 Starred Questions Nos. 247,248,251,252,256,257 and 51-63 260 to 266 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2325 to 2341 , 2343 to 2413, 63 -419 2415 to 2494, 2496 to 2507, 2509 to 2519 and 2521 to 2559 Papers Laid on the Table 423-4tS Supplementary Demands for Grants (Tamil Nadu), 1988-89- 426 -428 statement presented Calling attention to matter of urgent public importance- 429 -480 Reported atrOCities on women in different parts of the country and steps taken by Government in that regard- Shn Shantl Dhariwal 429 433 -444 Shnmati Margaret Alva 429 -433 471 -480 . Dr. G. S. Rajhans 444-450 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 451 -457 Shri Dharam Pal Singh Malik 457 - 471 Matters under Rule 377 480 -4B7 (i) Demand for allotting waste land to the landless poor after making it cultivable- Shri Shanti Dhariwal 480 * The Sign t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS (ii) Demand for research'by Spices Board in order to check the IQuick Wilt' disease affading p~pper crop in Kerala and to pay compensation to the affected farmers- Prof. P. J. Kurian 481 (iii) Demand for a separ~te postal circle for Goa and improvement in postal services- Shri Shantaram Naik 481 -482 liv) Demand for sending Central team to Himachal Pradesh to assess damage caused by heavy rains in the State and to provide necessary assistance- Shri K. D. Sultanpuri 482 (v) Demand for financial and other assistance to U. P. Government to meet drought situation in certain parts of the State- Shri Umakant Mishra 483 (vi) Demand for clearance to scheme submitted by D. R. D. A. for construction of cemented drains in Gang Nahar and Bhakhra Nahar areas of Ganganagar in Rajasthan- Shri Birbal 484 (vii) Demand for further research on the use of Ramie, a staple fibre, and its popularisation in the country- Shri Ataur Rahman 484-485 (viii) Demand for a Navodaya Vidayalaya in Bhargain town in Etah district of Uttar Pradesh- Shri Mohd. Mahfooz Ali Khan 485 -486 (ix) Demand for classifying Ramanathapuram town in Tamil Nadu as Ie' class city- Shri P. Kolandaivelu 486-487 Sixth schedule to the constitution (Amendment) Bill- 487-577 Motion to consider- Shri Sontosh Mohan Dev 487-489 538-544 Shri 8aju Ban Riyan 493-504 (iii) COlUMNS Shri Dinesh Goswami 504-509 Shri N. Tombi Singh 509 -513 Shri P. K. Thungon 513-517 Shri Vijay N. Patil 517 - 518 Shri G. G. Swell 518 -523 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 524-529 Shri Narayan Choubey 529-530 Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 531 -533 Shri Abdul Rashid Kabuli 533-536 Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia 536 Shri C. Janga Reddy 537-538 Clauses 2 and 1 545 -561 Motions to pass. as amended- Shri Sontosh Mohan Dev 546 -547 Shri Ajoy Biswas 561 -562 National Highways Authority of India Bill- 577-598 Motions to consider- Shri Rajesh Pilot 577-590 Clauses 2 to 37 and 1- 591 -592 Motion to pass- Shri Rajesh Pilot 596-598 Shri V. Tulsiram 593-594 Shri C. Janga Reddy 594-596 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA The Delegation arrived Delhi on Mon- day, 28 November, 1988. They are now Tuesday, November 29, 19881Agrahayana seated in the Special Box. We wish them a 8, 1910 (Sakai happy and fruitful stay in our country. We also convey our warm greetings and very best wishes through them to His Excellency The Lok Sabha met at the President, the Parliament, the Govern- Eleven of the Clock ment and the friendly people of the Republic of Cyprus. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chai~ WELCOME TO THE CYPRUS PARLIA- MENTARY DELEGATION ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [English] [ Translation] MR. SPEAKER: Hon'ble Members, at the outset, I have to make an announce- Utilisation of Hydrocarbons in Rajast· ment. han On my own behalf and on behalf of the *246. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Will Hon'ble Members of the House, I have great the Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATU- pleasure in extending our warm welcome to RAL GAS be pleased to state: His Excellency Dr. Vassos Lyssarides, President of the House of Representatives (a) whether there is a great scope for of Cyprus and the Hon'ble Members of the setting up of petrochemical industries in Cyprus Pariiamentary Delegation who are Jaisalmer district, Rajasthan as large re- on a visit to India as our honoured guests. serves of hydro-carbons have been found there; The other Hon'ble Members of the Delegation are: (b) if so, the name of the agency through which Government propose to util- 1. Mr. Takis Hadjidemetrious, MP ise these gas reserves; and 2. Mr. George Savvides, MP (c) the time by which these gas re- 3. Mr. Andreas Mathekolonis, MP serves are likely to be utilised and whether any progress has been made so far in this 4. Mr. Andreas Demetriades, MP regard? 3 Ora/ Answers NOVEMBER 29, 1988 Oral Answers 4 [English] MR. SPEAKER: Did you not feel heat. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE SHRI BRAHMA DUn: I did not go MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATU- there in summer. RAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA DUTI): (a) to (c). Oil India ltd. has discovered gas in the first MR. SPE,AKER: Go there in the month exploratory well drilled at Tanot in Jaisalmer of June. District, Rajasthan. Additional welfs would require to be drilled to assess the potential of SHRI BRAHMA DUn: I went there the structure. ONGC have also found gas in after rainy season and there was some the area and has committed a quantity of greenery. Of course, we are trying to find oil 50,000 M3/dayfor supply for a power plant at there. Oil India Ltd. and O.N.G.C. are mak- Ramgarh. At present no petrochemical in- ing efforts to that effect. ONGC has discov- dustries have been planned based on natu- ered gas in Ghotaru, Manihari and Tibba but ral gas in this area. they have not yet struck oil. Oil India Ltd, has found gas in Tanot. Forthe first time a flow of [ Trans/ation] 40,000 cubic metre has been discovered. There is a necessity of further development SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Mr. there. Wells and rigs are required. I have Speaker, Barmer and Jaisalmer are desert myself gone to Ramgarh and get the digging areas and drought is a common feature work started. We have dug upto 2,000 there. During summer the people there have metres in Ramgarh but gas has not yet been to migrate with their cattle to other places found. and the Government has to spend crores of rupees on providing drought relief so that It is true that traces of helium gas has they may get food somehow. Oil India Ltd. been found in Manihari, Tibba and Ghotaru. and ONGC have found large reserves of oil Reserves are definitely there. There is an- in Manihari, Tibba, Ghotaru, Tanot and other proof that since gas and oil have been Ramgarh areas which are scarcely found in found in the area falling in Pakistan, special other parts of the country. Helium gas has aMention is therefore, being paid to it. For the been found in Manihari, Tibba and Ghotari present, we are trying to link all the four and hydro-carbon gas in Tanot to such a places through a pipe fine. By the time the great extent that it will be a problem for the power plant is ready next year, gas will be Government to utilise it fully. The Govern- supplied to it. We have com mitted 50,000 ment has set up Petro-Chemical, fertiliser cubic metre. Secondly, the lime-stone avail- and L.P .G. bottling plant~ to utilise the oil and able there is also of good quality. We will try gas found in Maharastra, Gujarat, Assam to supply it to the lime-stone based industry and at other places. Will the Government if they needed it. We are in touch with the utilise the hydro-carbon gas found in this Atomic Energy Commission in this connec- desert area, particularly for industrialisation tion to find out whether helium can be and what are the Government plans for extracted from it. Helium is a valuable item utilisations of gas and oil found in this area? for us because we import hetium worth rupees 30-40 crores. If it is possible to set up SHRI BRAHMA DUTT: I agree with the a helium plant there we are prepared to views of the Hon. Member. I went there 2-3 finance it, but it will have to be considered months back and was glad to find that there from technical point of view. It is still in the isgreenerythisyearwhich was notthere last process of development. I think it will not be year. appropriate to make any promise. I can say 5 Oral Answers AGRAHAVANA 8,1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 only this much that full efforts will be made for not supplying more gas, a plant of 3 MW is the exploitation of oil and gas which have being set up instead of a plant of 9 MW.
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