L4 Q- eeeneemoo itAIMIammi thormonlmormontmormon pacific historical society proceedings fourth annual conference MORMON HISTORY IN THE PACIFIC april 301983 BRIGHAM YOUNG university HAWAII CAMPUS LAIE HAWAII MORMON PACIFIC historical SOCIETY proceedings fourth annual conference celebrating OUR PAST 30 april 1983 presidents note executive council 1983841983 84 ii conference proceedings J J ELLIOTT CAMERON president BYU hawaii campus welcoming remarks I1.1 j j BALDRIDGE KENNETH W search for a site selection of the CCH campus 2.2 J involved with LDS history in the pacific since 1960 director of BYU hawaii oral history program phd BYU provo history professor of history BYU hawaii president MPHS CHASE LANCE horse soldiers and the spaulding manuscript hawaiian missionary life a century ago 9.9 phd marquette university associate professor of english chairman division of religious instruction BYU hawaii campus executive secretary MPHS 1.1 LOVELANDLOVFLAND JERRY polynesian origins and migrations 1717.17 J director institute of polynesian studies professor of history political science and polynesian studies phd american university J LUNG GLENN statistical growth of the LDS church in samoa and tonga 2323.23 J regional representative of the twelve executive assistant area presiding bishoprics office 5 treasurer MPHS j RICHTER KURT origins of the polynesiansPolynesians 2525.25 J convert 1974 first counselor elders quorum presidency US navy attended kapiolani community college employed with federal security police k ie i STAGNER ISHMAEL paper unavailable see his book hawaiian genealogies with edith mckenzie associate professor of education BYUHCBYU HC chairman na makua mahalo laia author exec council MPHS J TAHAURI MARVALEE the singing ruauauau of tahiti 3131.31 J primary teacher graduate CCH 1970 mother of five author assistant in family business executive council MPHS J TYAU LERUTH history recorded through art work A personal experience 3636.36 J i author artist attended BYU provo san jose state utah state university executive council MPHS WOLFGRAMM EMIL tonga receptacle of new concepts 4040.40 J graduate CCH research division manager polynesian cultural center presidents NOTE 1983 brought new challenges and opportunities to MPHSNIPHS members g and the society fascinating presentations at this conference challenged the connoisseur of mormon pacific history to take j note of what was happening in research the roads of opportunity j were opened in art reports research and the performing arts j the horizons of all who attended were lifted not only from the unique presentations but from the free exhangeexchange of fellowship among the attendees let us push forward in our quest for understanding the past let us share in your experiences that others might rejoice j with us let us continue amid confusion and frustration to j remain committed to the objectives of the society rex frandsen president 1983841983 84 I1 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 1983841983 84 rex frandsen president 1986 JL lance chase vicevicepresidentpresident 1984 glenngiennlung 1984 g marvalee tahauri treasurer 1985 grace pratt 1986 ishmael stagner exexaxexsec 1985 joe spurrier 1986 kenneth W baldridge 1984 leruth tyau 1985 jp jf year of expiration of term IN MEMORIUM PRESIDENT EDWARD LAVAUN CLISSOLD fcicefcic arimaramjf ir 11 apr 1898131898 13 feb 1984 U JL t member active supporter and friend mormon pacific historical society presenter assignment kona 1921 at third annual MPHS conference 10 april 1982 3sas A rres presided over most of the hawaii LDS institutions including the oahu stake hawaii JJ temple 3 times japanese mission both in japan and hawaii hawaii mission zions securities as manager chairman of the board of trustees of church college of hawaii member of board of directors polynesian cultural center 1 iai1 REMARKS mTO mdrMOBMCN PACIFIC SOCIETYSOC MMTINGMEETING april 30 1983 madr PAC HISCALhistorical me physical mental and moral ibid this is the spirit of those aloha wiwho have made history we have caneconecome by the trial and error andaryl anguisheanguiangulwxymsheanguishedshe walcomewelcome and effort of others and just waiting for history tottotoo happen is not this is nymy annual opportunity As sanesomesomasamaof you know I1 arrived on enough As did our forebearersforebearers we must help it happen for the right campus the evening before this conference was held in 1980 im riotnot sure principles for the right purposes and find a way or make one that the conference organizers have not built me into the tradition of this conference has become a significant event in the lives starting the conference session I1 anam delighted however for this epportcpportopportunityty of many who are concerned about what happened in the pacific to bring again us where we are today I1 take great pleasure in exextendingmg a warm welcome A hundred titimestimms every day said albert einstein 1I remind and wishing you muchmochsuccess as you share a pleasant and profitable day myself that icyidymyrcy inner and catercataroutarouterlife depend on the labors of other men living and dead and that I1 mirtmistmustmyst exert myself in order to given in the measure as I1 have received and am still receiving postscript 1966 since we were together a year ago much history has been written and performed here in our own area much has transpired which unless recorded for posterity will soon fade and become dindim in memory samesome thoughtful individual has said ehetheme past is to leamlearn frontfromnot to live in our thoughts move in many directions every day often in a fleeting moment we think about what has happened before and how it effects us today I1 have been reading again this past few months the history of this area of laielalaI1 have been digging out some material which gives me perspective as I1 establish goals and objectives for the future I1 cannot live in the early days of this area but I1 can use the material I1 research to put my thoughts and action in focus we need a sense of history a examinationrereexamination of purposepurposes and principles of why we have what we have with respect and gratitude to those who gave us what we have and the good grace to pass it on inproved upon if possible remembering that there is no sweeping easy solutlmsolution to anything ever when admiral peary was disabled with the agony of frozen feet which threatened to defeat his heroic effort to reach the north pole he wrote on the wall of his miserable shelter 1 I shallshalirhasha find a way or make cneone beyond adventure the lives of three explorers by andrews earlier he had said 1 I shallshalihhal I1 put into thisffortthiis effort everything therethareis in 2 SEARCH FOR A SITE SELECTION OF THE CCH CAMPUS most latterlatterdayday saints in hawaii today seem to be under the assumption that as a result of that oftdescribedoft described happening david 0 mckay dedicated by the grounds of church college of hawaii here thirtyfourthirty four years later my purpose today is to trace the rathertortuousrather tortuous path the planning of the school kenneth W baldridge took over the years and to show that the establishment of church college of hawaii here in laie was not quite as cutanddriedcut and dried as often believed this year marks the 25th anniversary of the occupation of the campus on the day after that 1921 visit here in laie elders mckay and cannon which we are now meeting just a quartercenturyquarter century ago plans were underway traveled over to maui and there as elder samuel H hurst recorded in his for the vacation of the temporary campus over near the temple as this perma- diary a very inspirational meeting was held with the missionaries in which nent campus was nearingneanneam ng completion there were still to be some hectic months elder mckay asked them what they felt to be the greatest need of the mission ahead however before the buildings here were ready for occupancy about hurst states that the missionaries all felt the greatest need was a church december 1958 the campus was considerably smaller thentherethen There was of course school of higher learning mckay an educator himself agreed with them no aloha center cannon center or snow administration building nor even our and promised to write a letter to the first presidency with such a was much were no temple view recommendation at the close of hish1s remarks he commented on the resolution little theater the library smaller there hs3 apartmentsapartmentsinin fact there were only two dormitories instead of the six we to build a school at laie oahubahu little did he know that he himself find on our present campus today instead of moana street faculty row then would be the instrument to put that recommendation into effect stretched out along kamehameha highway between where laies two service stations today are locatedlocated11 there were no townhouses and only about one in an oral history interview with lanierlam er britsch for the church third the faculty we have at present historical department in 1976 edward L clissold stated that david 0 mckay kept the idea of a school at laie constantly in mind mckay talked about however instead of looking at the existing campus id like to go back the school when he visited laie in 1936 and again in 1940 and 1941 when he before then back even before the temporary campus was utilized to see if stayed at the clissold home As clissold then first counselor in the oahu we can find an initiation of the idea that resulted in the establishment of stake presidency reported their conversation on that occasion pres mckay
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