Pure Water Oceanside Appendix C Mitigated Negative Declaration APPENDIX C - CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Note: This appendix includes Appendix C-1 for the Pure Water Oceanside Project and Appendix C-2 for the Upper and Lower SLRWRF Recycled Water Conveyance System Project. November 2018 Appendix C-1 Pure Water Oceanside Project, Oceanside, California Cultural Resources Assessment Report prepared for City of Oceanside 300 North Coast Highway Oceanside, California 92054 prepared by Rincon Consultants, Inc. 2215 Faraday Avenue, Suite A Carlsbad, California 92008 August 2018 Please cite this report as follows: Courtney, Michelle, Hannah Haas, Christopher Duran, Breana Campbell‐King, and Kevin Hunt 2018 San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility Expansion (Phase II) San Diego County, California. Rincon Consultants Project No. 15‐02337. Report on file at the South Coast Information Center, San Diego State University, California Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 1 Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources ............................................................................ 2 Human Remains ............................................................................................................................. 2 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Project Description ............................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Area of Potential Effects .................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Project Personnel ............................................................................................................... 9 2 Regulatory Setting ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Federal ............................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 State ................................................................................................................................. 10 3 Natural and Cultural Setting ........................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Natural Setting ................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Cultural Setting ................................................................................................................ 12 4 Background Research .................................................................................................................. 18 4.1 California Historical Resources Information System ........................................................ 18 4.2 Native American Outreach ............................................................................................... 29 4.3 Local Interested Parties Consultation .............................................................................. 30 4.4 Caltrans Bridge Inventory ................................................................................................ 30 5 Pedestrian Survey ........................................................................................................................ 31 5.1 Methods ........................................................................................................................... 31 5.2 Results .............................................................................................................................. 31 6 Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................ 33 6.1 Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources ............................................................... 33 6.2 Human Remains ............................................................................................................... 34 7 References ................................................................................................................................... 35 Cultural Resources Assessment Report i City of Oceanside Pure Water Oceanside Project, Oceanside, California Tables Table 1 Previously Conducted Studies within a 0.5‐mile Radius of the Project APE .................... 18 Table 2 Previously Recorded Resources within a 0.5‐mile Radius of the Project APE ................. 27 Figures Figure 1 Project Location Map/ Area of Potential Effects Map ........................................................ 4 Figure 2 Project APE with Options A, B, and C .................................................................................. 8 Figure 3 HDD Crossing Option A Solar Fields and Fenceline ........................................................... 32 Figure 4 HDD Crossing Option C Proposed Exit Pit Location .......................................................... 32 Appendices Appendix A Confidential Records Search Results (under separate cover) Appendix B Native American Outreach and Local Interested Parties Consultation ii Executive Summary Executive Summary Rincon Consultants, Inc. (Rincon) was retained by Woodard & Curran to conduct a Phase I cultural resources study for the Pure Water Oceanside Project, in the city of Oceanside, San Diego County, California. This project involves construction of an advanced water treatment (AWT) facility, pure water conveyance pipelines, injection wells, monitoring wells, and backwash piping. The project includes three options (A, B, and C) for the conveyance of advanced treated water, described in detail in this report. This study has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) statutes and guidelines and the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund criteria for CEQA‐Plus cultural resources study. A CEQA‐Plus study includes analyses for project impacts under both CEQA and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) in the event that a federal nexus with the project is established (e.g., federal funding or permit/approval). This cultural resources study includes a records search, Native American outreach, local interested parties consultation, a pedestrian survey of the project site, and preparation of this report. The cultural resources records search identified 29 cultural resources within a 0.5‐mile radius of the Area of Potential Effects (APE); three cultural resources are recorded in the project APE. The survey resulted in positive findings for the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) crossing Option A. Artifacts likely associated with a repatriated and reburied archaeological site were found during the survey of Option A. Due to the positive survey results and Native American concerns for the resource, the City of Oceanside determined development of HDD Option A would result in significant and unavoidable impacts; therefore, HDD Crossing Option A will not be considered for the project. No formal recording was completed for the artifacts identified during the survey, since Option A is no longer considered part of the project. Three cultural resources were identified in the APE during the record search: P‐37‐011470, P‐37‐011468, and P‐37‐037110. The Rancho Francisco Pico/Whelan Ranch (P‐ 37‐011470) site was not relocated and no evidence of the site was observed in the APE. The resource boundaries are adjacent to the project APE, but the project would not have a negative impact or affect the resource. Prehistoric site P‐37‐011468 was not relocated during the survey. The mapped location of the resource is graded and highly disturbed with modern housing construction to the east. P‐37‐011468 was likely destroyed during the residential construction or mapped incorrectly. P‐37‐037110, the San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility (SLRWRF) treatment plant, was recommended previously as being ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR) and requires no management consideration under the current undertaking. Given the presence of cultural resources near the APE, and the location nearby of the San Luis Rey River, a feature that would have been attractive for prehistoric habitation, the project vicinity is considered highly sensitive for cultural resources. However, much of the APE has been previously disturbed by the construction and maintenance of existing infrastructure and the possibility of encountering intact subsurface cultural resources is considered low for HDD Options B and C. Based on the results of the records search, Native American scoping, field survey, and built environment study, Rincon recommends a finding of no effect to historic properties for the current undertaking under the NHPA and no impact to historical resources under CEQA. To maintain this Cultural Resources Assessment Report 1 City of Oceanside Pure Water Oceanside Project, Oceanside, California finding, it is assumed HDD Option A will not be used. The following measures are recommended in the event unanticipated cultural resources or human remains are encountered. Unanticipated
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