Test Paper : II TE Test Subject : MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM ST BOO Test Subject Code : K-1418 K L E T Roll No. S E R I (Figures as per admission card) AL N O OMR Sheet No. : ____________________ . Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 200 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 100 A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá Instructions for the Candidates 1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ¯ÊÜá¾ ÃæãàÇ… ®ÜíŸÃÜ®Üá° ŸÃæÀáÄ. 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. D ±Ü£ÅPæ¿áá ŸÖÜá BÁáR Ë«Ü¨Ü ®ÜãÃÜá (100) ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®Üá° JÙÜWæãíw¨æ. 2. This paper consists of Hundred multiple-choice type of questions. 3. ±ÜÄàPæÒ¿á ±ÝÅÃÜí»Ü¨ÜÈÉ, ±ÜÅÍæ° ±ÜâÔ¤Pæ¿á®Üá° ¯ÊÜáWæ ¯àvÜÇÝWÜáÊÜâ¨Üá. Êæã¨ÜÆ 5 ¯ËáÐÜWÜÙÜÈÉ 3. 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A variable that creates an alternative the Right to Freedom of Speech and explanation of results is identified as Expression is notionally drawn from (A) Alternative variable (A) Bill of Rights (B) Artifact variable (B) Soviet Constitution (C) Predictor variable (C) Magna Carta (D) Antecedent variable (D) Universal Declaration of Human Rights 6. Manuel Castells used the term 2. Reaching the maximum number of (A) Creative society people at the least possible cost by media is called (B) Pre-modern society (A) Media manipulation (C) Industrial society (B) Mediated communication (D) Network society (C) Media efficiency (D) Media consistency 7. The code of ethics followed by Doordarshan forbids 3. Which of the following is the latest (A) Rural Development Publicity development in the field of television Programmes set production ? (B) Preparation of Audience Profile (A) LCD sets (C) Criticism of Friendly Countries (B) LED sets (C) Smart sets (D) Government Sector News (D) HDTV sets 8. A construct is a combination of 4. Specimens of advertisements are kept in (A) Variables (A) the log book (B) Hypothesis (B) the sample book (C) Control factors (C) the copy book (D) Concepts (D) the guard book K-1418 3 Paper II *K1418* Total Number of Pages : 32 9. ÓÜíÊÜÖÜ®æ¿á ÓÜíÍæãà«Ü®æ¿áÈÉ b&ÓæR$ÌàÃ… 13. ÓÜíÊÜÖܮܨÜÈÉ QÅ¿ÞñܾPÜ ËÍæÉàÐÜOæ¿á Ë«Ý®ÜÊÜâ AíQAíÍÜÊÜ®Üá° ________ Gí¨Üã ¿ÞÊÜâ¨ÜPæR ÓÜíŸí—ÔÃÜáñܤ¨æ ? WÜáÃÜá£ÓÜÇÝX¨æ.
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