If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. Ir I - This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise control ovcr the physical condition of the documents submitted, the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. 1.0 1.1 REFERENCE BOOK -- -- 111111.8 \\\\\1.25 111111.4 \\\\\1.6 NARCOTICS AND MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL" BUREAU '.F STANDARDS-\963-A DANGEROUS DRUGS Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with i ! the standards set forth in 41CFR 101·11.504 " Compiled by Points of view or opinions stated in this document an I those of the 3uthorlsj and do not represent the official GLENDALE CRIME LABORATORY position or policies of the U.S. Department o,f Justice. 5909 N. Milwaukee River Parkway Glendale, Wisconsin 53209 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION" o NATIONAL CRiMINAL JUSTICE REFERENCE SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20531 ·00 Q a PRICE $'1 12/9/ 75 .,',' J INTRODUCTION This compilation has been taken from many sources primarily for '- use by participants in seminars and workshops on "Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs" conducted by the Glendale Crime Laboratory and for users of the Glendale Crime Laboratory Automated Teaching System programs on "Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs." This com­ pilation is not meant to be all inclusive. Your comments, criticisms and notation of errors would 'De ap­ preciated. Materials for inclusion in future revision would be ap­ preciated. Paul W. Kehres Assistant Director and Chief Chemist Glendale Crime Laboratory TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Questions and Answers on - Barbiturates, Amphetamines, LSD, Marihuana, Narcotics 1 Common Terminology or Slang Terms Used In Narcotic and Drug Traffic - "Drug Jargon" ............. 3 Supplementary Glossary of Drug Terms ........... IDA Field Tests .............................. IDE Commonly Controlled Drugs .......... 11 Technical Terms - Drug Abuse ........ 12 Inexpensive Books and Phamphlets ........... 13 Bibliography on Narcotic Drugs ........ 14 Bibliography on Stimulants and Depressants 16 Bibliography on Hallucinogenic Drugs . 19 General and LSD . 19 Marihuana ..... 24 DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) ..... 25 Morning Glory Seeds ....................... 25 Films on Narcotics, Dangerous Drugs and Drug Abuse 26 Sources of Additional Information ............. 34 DRUG ABUSE PRODUCTS REFERENCE CHART ........ 35 i/ii 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Is there any danger associated with the use of amphetamines? ON BARBITURATES, AMPHETAMINES, , A. Yes. While physicians prescribe amphetamines LSD, MARIHUANA, NARCOTiCS in amounts which are well tolerated, the person who takes them on his own often tends to take too much. As a result the fatigue which is present tend." to be masked and tasks are attempted which cannot be handled. This may lead to mishaps. Of BARBITURATES importance are the automobile accidents caused by drivers attempting to extend the time they Q. What are barbiturat<:·s? might spend behind the wheel by taking "pep pills" to remain awake. A. Barbiturates ar c useful preparations prescribed in the practice of medicine to induce sleep or quiet an amcious patient. Q. Are there other problems caused by ampheta­ mines? Q. Can barbiturates be dangerous? A. Yes. Those who take amphetamines on their own in an effort to elevate mood - without seeking help A. Yes. When used to get "high" mental sluggish­ for the difficulties which cause them to feel ness, confusion, emotional instability and a lack "down" - often find themselves using the sub­ of coordination result. The more that is taken, stance on regular basis. To keep getting the the greater these effects. The confusion and lack effect of the substance, larger amounts must be of c('Jrdination lead to accidents. The emotional taken. Accompanying this ingestion is a growing instability produced can contribute to the per­ sense of nervousness. Sleeping becomes difficult. formance of aggressive acts. The confused state Further, if a large quantity of the drug is taken a which results also has caused individuals to lose psychosis can occur, during whicn the person sight of the number of capsules they have taken. entertains false beliefs and hallucinates. Often In these instances, overdose - causing coma and this psycosis sees the person believing that he sometimes death - has occurred. is being followed, talked about and persecuted. Such individuals have been known to assault an imagined pursuer. Q. Can a person become dependent upon barbiturates? A. Yes. When taken regularly to promote sleep, the person may become emotionally dependent and find that he is unable to get a normal amount LSD without them. More important, when taken reg­ ularly in the excessive doses needed to get "high" Q. What is LSD? both emotional and physical dependence can occur. A. LSD is a semi-synthetic substance which can alter mental functioning in a profound maimer and has Q. What are the consequences of physical dependence been the subject of medical research for several on barbiturates? years. A. If the person who is physically dependent upon barbiturates should stop taking them abruptly, he Q. If one takes LSD, what does he experience? feels well at first but then becomes nervous, restless, begins to shake, becomes dizzy, is unable A. Usually, there is a mood change. What one sees, to sleep and may vomit. Conv~lsions may occur hears and smells is distorted. False beliefs are and there is the possibility he will become psy­ entertained and the person may see things which chotic. This illness can be severe and some are not there. In addition, the user often loses persons experiencing it have died. the feeling that he is a cohesive unit. The expe­ rience can be pleasant and interesting. Of im­ portance, it can be most unpleasant and even terrifying. AMPHETAMINES Q. Are there dangers associated with LSD use? Q. What are "pep" pills? A. Yes, even when taken only once. The user whose A. "Pep" pill is a term usually alJPlied to an am­ mood becomes one of depression may commit phetamine-containing preparation. The latter find suicide. Dominated by false beliefs, he may uses in medicine for the relief of mild depres­ commit an aggressive act. Impaired judgment sions and where a suppression of appetite is de­ may lead to a serious accident. An acute psychotic sirable and indicated. episode which requires hospitalization may be 1 Q. Are there dangers associated with marihuana use? precipitated. The latter can be prolonged and re­ muscles, alterations in blood pressure, pulse a.nd Q. Are narcotic users violent? quire extensive treatment. It is feared that some respiration, elevated temperature, nausea, vomit­ A. Yes. The smoking of a single marihuana ciga­ persons who become psychotic may never fully ing, diarrhea and loss of weight. The peak of A. The majority of narcotic users are passive people rette has been known to preCipitate a psychotic this syndrome is reached within 24 to :16 hours. recover. episode. Heavy use can produce visual distor­ who, when they resort to crime, shy away from tions, false beliefs and hallucinations. The intel­ violence. The drug itself serves to suppress aggressive tendencies. Q. Assuming the LSD experience turns out to be lectual and sensory alterations can lead to ac­ Q. Do all users of heroin become physically depen­ enjoyable, are there any problems associated with cidents, aggressive and/or anti-social acts. dent? repeated use? A. Yes, if the drug is used regularly and in sufficient Q. Are heroin users subject to physical dis­ A. Yes. It may cause the taker to drop out of society Q. Is marihuana addicting? amoUllts. Example: a person who uses heroin of orders? giving up family, friends and productive activity. good quality regularly for a period of from two to A. Marihuana does not lead to physical dependence. Recent studies show that repeated use may l!ause four weeks generally will develop a physical ,,-te­ A. The heroin user purchases a product from the chromosomal abnormalities which may pro­ Typically, it is used periodically. OccaSionally pendence. However, in their quest for profitD, illicit market which is unsterile and contains duce undesirable changes in the user's future an individual becomes emotionally dependent upon pushers are selling such a highly diluted dose th'Lt many contaminants. Often he injects the sub­ children. the drug and seeks its use on a regular basis. today heroin users develop limited phYSical de­ stance into a vein using unsterile inst! uments. pendence. As a result, he is subject to abscesses, serious blood infections, tetanus, hepatitis and venereal Q. If one has emotional problems, can the taking of Q. Is marihuana use increasing in our schools and disease. Since the amount of drug he has bought LSD help? colleges? Q. Does thE regular user of heroin get ahead in is unknown, he may take an overdose and die. society? At times the contaminants are lethal. Regular A. This is presently the subject of medical research. A. Yes, though most students who use it do so only a heroin use tends to be associated with weight loss Current itJ'ormation is inconclusive and does not few times. A. Not as a rule. The personality difficulties ordi­ and poor personal hygiene. support the contention that LSD facilitates the narily associated with the taking of heroin serves development of real insight, particularly, when as a substantial obstacle to successful living. taken in the absence of a trained therapist. The These difficulties are further cor.lplicated by the drug has not been authorized for general usage. NARCOTICS need to raise large sums of money, almost always Q. Is the sale or possession of narcotics, mari­ by illegal means, to pay for the drug. Preoccupa­ huana, LSD, amphetamines and barbiturates Q. What are narcotics? tion with the drug to the exclusion of other in­ illegal? Q.
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