Appendix A: Cycling Strategy Implementation Plan as of October 2008 (New information provided in bold) Staging 1= first Financial Responsible Council ID Strategic Issue Proposal and Actions stage, and Other Department / Branch 5=5th Partners Status stage A – Management and Implementation The Steering Group: Transport Management • To develop management Darebin Cycling Steering Group – Council to and Planning (TMP), Open COMPLETED A1 structures and processes form a cross party steering group and 1 - 5 Space, Bushland, within Council that support coordinate implementation of the Strategy Community and Safety, and realise the Engineering Design, implementation of the Leisure Services Cycling Strategy. Asset Management Plan – Council to extend • To integrate cycling into the Road Management Plan to encompass ONGOING – COUNCIL WORKING transport and land use A2 off road cycle and shared path facilities. 1 - 5 Asset Strategy INTERNALLY ON ASSET planning at all levels of Maintenance and Capital Improvements MANAGEMENT DATABASE Government, through sections to coordinate works. Council’s own actions and lobbying for change to the Integrated Planning Approach to Infrastructure – Improve cross departmental A3 State planning system. 1 - 5 The Steering Group discussion on projects through a regular ONGOING THROUGH REGULAR formal cross departmental project review. STEERING GROUP MEETINGS A – Advocacy and Leadership • To advocate for improved Promotion of Best Practice – Council to cycle facilities, an increased promote their considerable experience widely recognition of cyclists in through conferences and seminars (to A4 1 - 5 All departments ONGOING planning transport and land increase profile and assists in lobbying use and changes to activities) and raise awareness of skills and legislation (in particular best practice, internally. relating to Fringe Benefits In abeyance due to DEVELOPMENT Tax) to encourage cycling Advocate for the Completion of the PBN – OF NEW MELBOURNE CYCLE A5 at both a Federal and State Council to take an active role in advocating 1 - 5 TMP NETWORK EXPECTED AS PART OF level. the completion of PBN. MELBOURNE TRANSPORT PLAN • To develop partnerships and work with those State Level Integrated Planning – Council to In abeyance due to DEVELOPMENT advocate for an increased and explicit TMP, Open Space, OF NEW MELBOURNE CYCLE A6 partners to provide 1 - 5 improved cycle facilities, inclusion of cyclists in planning at a State Strategic Planning NETWORK EXPECTED AS PART OF develop cycle skills and level. MELBOURNE TRANSPORT PLAN 1 Appendix A: Cycling Strategy Implementation Plan as of October 2008 (New information provided in bold) Staging 1= first Financial Responsible Council ID Strategic Issue Proposal and Actions stage, and Other Department / Branch 5=5th Partners Status stage increase cycle ownership. WORKING THROUGH Federal Government – Council to advocate TMP, Strategic Planning, METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT A7 for policy decision that impact on cycling and 1 - 5 • To make cycling within Infrastructure Maintenance FORUM TO ADVOCATE FOR the take up of cycling. Darebin as safe as possible FEDERAL FUNDING FOR CYCLING through the implementation of this strategy by Council Partnerships – Council to develop existing A8 and by working in and established partnerships and form new 1 - 5 Various partnership with others. ones relating to the Strategy. ONGOING B - Education and Promotion • To actively promote cycling Mapping and General Information Provision – as a healthy, safe and Council to develop section of Council’s web B1 legitimate form of transport page to promote cycling events and activities 1 - 5 Coordinator, TMP DoT COMPLETED to the whole community and and include links to cycle websites and cycle in doing so improve the maps. relationship between Cycle Skills Training – Council to work in motorists and cyclists and Private partnership with cycle training providers in B2 pedestrians and cyclists. 1 - 5 Coordinator Sector ONGOING order to promote these courses and provide Providers • To ensure information, from assistance (e.g. venues) where possible. a range of sources, is widely available to the local Driver/Cyclist Awareness Education – community to support Council to actively identify and nominate cycling for transport, leisure Community Health and ONGOING B3 target localities and user groups and work in 1 - 5 VicRoads and tourism at all levels. Safety, coordinator partnership with VicRoads and others to deliver Share the Road programs. Cyclist/Pedestrian Awareness Education – Community Health and B4 Council to provide signing on shared paths to 1 - 5 VicRoads Safety, coordinator ONGOING raise awareness of general path rules. Older Adult Cycling Promotion – Council to Bicycle COMPLETED B5 support Bicycle Victoria initiative to increase 1 - 5 TMP Victoria cycling in the over 50 age group. B6 Social Rides and Events – Council to work 2 - 5 Leisure Bicycle ONGOING with Darebin BUG to promote social rides to Victoria a wider audience, including those attending Darebin 2 Appendix A: Cycling Strategy Implementation Plan as of October 2008 (New information provided in bold) Staging 1= first Financial Responsible Council ID Strategic Issue Proposal and Actions stage, and Other Department / Branch 5=5th Partners Status stage cycle training. BUG Route Specific Advice and Cycle Buddies – Council, in conjunction with Darebin BUG, to Darebin B7 1 - 5 Coordinator identify routes to specific destinations for BUG cyclists of varying abilities and confidences. Travel Planning in Schools – Council to Community Health and B8 commence a new Safe Routes To School 2 - 5 DoT Safety, coordinator ONGOING program. Cycle Hire – Council to work with cycle stores and recreational facilities in order to Cycle B9 1 - 5 Leisure, coordinator introduce cycle hire facilities for adults and Stores children. Central Facility - Council to trial a central impractical within Darebin, however Cycle facility that combines secure cycle parking, Economic Development, we support similar initiatives within B10 3 - 5 Stores lockers, showers, change rooms and cycle coordinator Melbourne CBD and will monitor of DOI maintenance. economic viability C - Generic Network Recommendations Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) C1 Schemes – Review future LATM proposals to 1 - 5 TMP ensure cyclists are not disadvantaged. ONGOING On Road Cycle Lanes – Consider provision C2 1 - 5 TMP, Engineering Design • To extend both on road and for cyclist in all aspects of road management. ONGOING off road facilities within Treatment at Intersections – Provide physical C3 Darebin to provide a measures at new intersections and at 1 - 5 TMP, Engineering Design comprehensive and existing intersections where necessary. ONGOING connected network that meets the needs of cyclists Coloured Surfacing on Cycle Lanes – C4 of all abilities and ages and Provide more prominent lanes especially at 1 - 5 TMP, Engineering Design ONGOING links with the wider intersections and other conflict points. metropolitan network Off Road Path Surfaces – Council to ensure Open Space, Bushland, Parks C5 level and safe connections where two paths 1 - 5 ONGOING TMP Victoria of different materials meet. C6 Off Road Path Design – Council to adopt a 1 - 5 Open Space, Bushland, Parks ONGOING higher standard of off road paths to allow for TMP Victoria 3 Appendix A: Cycling Strategy Implementation Plan as of October 2008 (New information provided in bold) Staging 1= first Financial Responsible Council ID Strategic Issue Proposal and Actions stage, and Other Department / Branch 5=5th Partners Status stage increased use of the network e.g. minimum 3m wide for all new paths. Cycle Path Planting and Landscaping – C7 Council to ensure appropriate and safe 1 - 5 Open Space, Bushland ONGOING planting adjacent to cycle paths. Cycling in Shopping Strips – Council to Shopping Cycle lanes and cycle parking develop a multi-faceted program to address Economic Development, Centre C8 1 - 5 improving in Broadway and the dangers of cycling through shopping TMP Manageme Edwardes Street, Reservoir strips. nt Off Road Trail Facilities – Council to provide major and minor pause places along off road Open Space, Bushland, Parks C9 1 - 5 ONGOING paths, incorporating shelter, seating, water TMP Victoria fountains and interpretative signing. Laneways – Council to evaluate the C10 importance of laneways as cycle routes prior 1 - 5 Asset Strategy, TMP ONGOING to laneway sale and closure. 4 Appendix A: Cycling Strategy Implementation Plan as of October 2008 (New information provided in bold) Priority Funding Indicative Timescale and/or cost ID Location Proposals and Actions 1=High; Status Key party 2=Medium; 3=Low 1. Transport Management and Planning Projects Cycle lanes between Regent St and Edwardes St. F2 Gilbert Road Completed Clearway lanes between Miller St and Regent St. F15 Chiffley Drive Cycle lanes between Dundas Road and Murray Road. Completed Albert Street to Darebin Creek. Eastbound use service G13 Wood Street road, then shared cycle/parking lane. Westbound use Completed shared cycle/parking lane for whole section. Gilbert Road to High Street via Railway – shared G15 Regent Street Completed cycle/parking lanes in both directions. Fairfield Station to Alphington Station – cycle lanes where G17 Wingrove Street road is ‘no stopping’ and shared cycle/parking lanes Completed where parking permitted. High Street to Arthur Street – section of shared G19 Mitchell Street Completed cycle/parking lanes where appropriate. Designate western footpath
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