E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2017 No. 72 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was particularly meaningful for me and for dered. Almost one out of every six Jews called to order by the Speaker pro tem- my constituents as so many Holocaust who were killed during the Holocaust pore (Mr. MITCHELL). survivors call our south Florida com- were killed at Auschwitz. f munity home. Today, Auschwitz serves as a stark I have had both the honor and the reminder of the sins of the past, of the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO privilege to come to know many sur- evil, of the indifference of mankind, TEMPORE vivors over the years and be able to but it also serves as an educational op- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- call them my friends. You know, you portunity, an opportunity to bear wit- fore the House the following commu- can only learn so much about the Holo- ness. nication from the Speaker: caust from history books because the As Elie Wiesel said at the dedication WASHINGTON, DC, human toll, that is told by survivors. ceremony of our United States Holo- April 27, 2017. What is truly eye opening and what caust Memorial Museum in 1993: ‘‘For I hereby appoint the Honorable PAUL really brings things into perspective is the dead and the living, we must bear MITCHELL to act as Speaker pro tempore on sitting down with survivors or family witness.’’ this day. members of survivors and hearing their For not only are we responsible for PAUL D. RYAN, the memories of the dead, Mr. Speaker, Speaker of the House of Representatives. stories. It is as heartbreaking as it is unimaginable to think that humanity we are also responsible for what we are f doing with those memories. That is could inflict this kind of hatred, this why, since 1988, the International MORNING-HOUR DEBATE kind of evil upon fellow human beings, March of the Living has brought over and it is as shameful as it is uncon- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 250,000 participants together from over scionable that the indifference of man- ant to the order of the House of Janu- 50 countries to march a 3-kilometer kind could allow such atrocities to ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- path leading from Auschwitz to occur. nize Members from lists submitted by Birkenau. the majority and minority leaders for This is why it is incumbent upon us, The march is a silent tribute to all morning-hour debate. all of us, Mr. Speaker, to mark Yom victims of the Holocaust, and as the The Chair will alternate recognition HaShoah each and every year and to International March of the Living between the parties, with each party rededicate ourselves to learning from states: It is intended to inspire individ- limited to 1 hour and each Member the lessons of the past so we can ensure uals, to fight indifference, to fight rac- other than the majority and minority a better future free of such hatred, free ism, to fight injustice by witnessing leaders and the minority whip limited of such intolerance. the atrocities of the Holocaust. to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- On Tuesday, we marked the Days of This past Monday, April 24, the Inter- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Remembrance with a beautiful and national March of the Living held its f moving candle-lighting ceremony here annual march in Poland. And though in the Capitol rotunda where survivors the march is a silent tribute, Mr. REMEMBERING YOM HASHOAH— lit six candles representing the 6 mil- HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY Speaker, I want to take this oppor- lion Jews murdered by the Nazis. It tunity to pay a vocal tribute to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The was the first such commemoration participants of the March of the Liv- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from since the passing of Elie Wiesel. ing, as well as to the International Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- Elie Wiesel made it his life mission March of the Living members, for their utes. to share the memories of what had oc- part in keeping alive the legacy, in Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, curred so that the world would know keeping alive the memory of those who this week we commemorated Yom the truth. Elie Wiesel would not let perished. HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance anyone forget the horrors of the past I pay tribute to its efforts to educate, Day. People around the world gathered because, as he said in his Nobel Peace to bring together individuals with sur- together in their communities to re- Prize acceptance speech: ‘‘If we forget, vivors so that they can get a better un- member and to reflect, to mourn the we are guilty, we are accomplices.’’ derstanding of what blind hatred can dead, to pay tribute to the survivors, Elie was only 15 years old when he do if left unchecked. and to honor the sacrifices of the res- and his family were deported to the And I pay tribute to the Inter- cuers and liberators. Auschwitz concentration camp facing national March of the Living for its As a Member of Congress who rep- near certain death. It was at Auschwitz pledge to ‘‘Never Again’’ and to work- resents south Florida, Yom HaShoah is where nearly 1 million Jews were mur- ing to build a world in which we can all b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2901 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:13 Apr 27, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP7.000 H27APPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H2902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 27, 2017 fulfill our promise of a better future Anybody who wants to leave the trict of Colorado before me. I ask that free from hatred, free from bigotry, Trump administration just goes and you keep him in your thoughts and free from indifference to the suffering gets a waiver, and they go right back prayers as he now faces a challenge far of others. to lobbying for him. So the revolving greater than any political race. f door is spinning faster and faster. Ray is a native of Pueblo, Colorado, But how about the President saying and but for his college years and his INTRODUCING DRAIN THE SWAMP no one should benefit from this kind of tenure here from 1979 to 1985, he never ACT public service. Well, ELIJAH CUMMINGS left his hometown and never wanted to. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and I have raised concerns about the His commitment to his community Chair recognizes the gentleman from lease of the Trump Hotel here, which spread to encompass the entire Third Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. says specifically that no government District, which he came to serve after Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, so 100 official shall benefit. No elected offi- 10 years in the Colorado Legislature days. Candidate Trump made much cial of the United States of America where I first met him. about, you know, the pernicious influ- shall benefit from this lease. But Presi- Ray won election to Congress in 1978 ence of peddlers in Washington, D.C., dent Trump says that that is not a by 364 votes. In 1980, he faced the same the revolving door between high-level problem, and the new temporary ap- challenger in a Reagan landslide year. government political appointees and pointee of head of the GSA says it is He won by 22,000 votes. And in 1982, lobby firms. He called D.C. a swamp not a problem. He is not benefiting. after redistricting changed half of his again and again and again, and he The money is going into trust, and the district, he handily won again. Ray promised to drain it. So how is he trust can only use the money to im- won because of who Ray is. He is a man doing? prove the properties or pay down the of gentle wisdom, wisdom about people, He was going to have a 5-year ban, if debt. So, therefore, he doesn’t benefit. a man with a gut instinct to know you worked for him in an eye-level po- Huh? what is right, a genuine man, a man sition, 5-year ban from becoming a lob- But then we had a really kind of who knows no anger. byist. Of course, there was already an strange incident this week where the His achievements in his short time existing provision, ethics provision State Department posted ads for Mar- here in Congress were many. From a that forbids lobbyists from joining a-Lago on an official government vast wilderness bill painstakingly built agencies that lobbied in the prior 2 website, ostensibly because they just through his outreach and development years. So let’s check in. wanted to show people the winter of a coalition of broad support, to fund- Number 1, Chad Wolf, lower right. He White House. Of course, they, you ing to widen a beautiful highway has been named chief of staff for the know, were showing the rooms and all through Glenwood Canyon to make it Transportation Security Administra- that.
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