The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index Actaeon (ship), 278n3 Active (ship): admiralty court case on, 553 Act of March 18, 1780, 678n1 Adams, Charles Francis, xxxii Adams, John: administration of, xxv; confers with General Howe, 294, 294n2; on congressional committees, 137n1, 220n1, 239n4; and congressional instructions, xxxiii– xxxiv; and Conway cabal, 559n1; correspondence of, l; as diplomat, xlii; dispatches of, 601, 602n5; and Dutch loans, 696n2; and factions, 171; and independence, 170, 240n1, 250n3; influences N.Y. Constitution, 401; and inoculation, 489n1; JJ declines court appointment by, xliv; JJ’s correspondence with, xxxv; letter to, quoted, xxxvii; mission to the Netherlands, xxxiii; and moderates, xxvii; and New England interests, xxxii; as peace commissioner, xxxii, xxxiii–xxxiv, 698, 714; political theories of, 401, 402; praised, 665; quoted, 221n1, 305n3, 481n1; recollections of, 98, 99; relationship with JJ, xxxii, 98; voyages, xxxii, 665n7; writings of, 401 Adams, John Quincy, xxxii Adams, Samuel, 621n3; and appeal to Canada, 116; and authorship of Address to the People of Great Britain, 98; on congressional committees, 119, 137n1; as congressional delegate, 624n1; and Conway cabal, 559n1; and factionalism, 171; and French alliance, 572; identified, 119; militancy of, xxv; moderate distrust of, xxvii Adams family, 621n5 Adams-Lee faction: and committee memberships, 171 Addison, Joseph: quoted, 48, 49n4, 518, 519n5, 602, 604n2; writings of, 49n4, 543n5, 604n2 “Address of the Convention of the State of New York to their Constituents”: authorship of, 320–25; illustrated, 323 Address to the Electors of Great Britain, An, 143, 145n2 Address to the People of Great Britain, An, 96–99, 100–107, 109n1, 134, 137n1, 145n5, 177 Address to the People of the State of New York: and ratification debate, xl Adgate, Matthew, 377, 379, 380 Administration of Justice Act, xxvi, 105. See also Coercive Acts Africa, 1, 497, 673; coast, maps of, 736 African Americans: battalions of, proposed, 607–9, 609n1; capacities of, 607–8; education for, 582n1 “Agricola Americanus” (pseudonym), 484n1 Albany, N.Y., 248n3, 438, 447, 456, 470, 481, 482, 482n1, 484n1, 492, 499, 509, 514, 524, 526, 527, 537, 575, 604, 611; city council of, 434n1 (from Peter W. Yates, 5 June 1777); 1 command at, 417, 430, 432, 433n2, 537; commissioners for detecting conspiracies at, 522– 23, 523nn1–2, 523n4; committee, 275, 276n10; Committee for Detecting Conspiracies at, 523, 523nn1–2, 523n4; courts at, 46n2, 47, 508, 509n3, 515n2, 522, 523n2, 618; economic regulations of, 645; freemen of, 402; Loyalists evacuated to, 454; loyalty investigations at, 318, 319–20; militia, 434; negotiations with Indians at, 498, 499n2; politics, 114, 182, 199, 200n5, 204n5, 425, 426, 435, 436–37; Philip Schuyler at, 623; as state capital, 436–37; supplies at, 232, 683; trials in, 521, 521n3 Albany (sloop), 299 Albany County, N.Y., 46n1, 64, 89n4, 114, 319, 320, 434nn1–2 (to Leonard Gansevoort, 5 June 1777), 434n1 (from Peter W. Yates, 5 June 1777), 546n6, 704n1; committee of, 433, 522, 523nn1–2; elections, 640; militia, 464; politics, 419, 433, 434; tenant riots, 46n1, 48; and Vermont controversy, 704n1; votes on amendments to draft constitution, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385 Albouy, Leonard, 615–16, 616n2; identified, 615 Alderman, Lord Mayor, 177 Alexander, William (Lord Stirling), 211, 289, 291, 293n4, 548n2, 594n3; identified, 213n5; promotion of, 217 Alexander the Great, 367 Alfred (ship), 218n1 Alien and Sedition Act, xxx Allen, Andrew, 353; identified, 355n6 Allen, Ethan: and Canadian campaign, 167; identified, 168n5; publications of, 542, 543n4, 590, 591n2; and Vermont controversy, 537–38, 540nn6–7 Allen, William, 488, 490n8 Alliance (ship), 664, 665n3 Allison, Mr., 259 Almon’s Remembrancer, 481n1 Alsop, John, 188, 194, 239n7, 242, 244n2, 245, 261, 262n1 (29 June 1776), 303n8; as congressional candidate, 91; elected to Congress, 93; identified, 189n2; letters from, 107– 10, 231–33 Alsop & Company, 301, 303n8 Amenia, N.Y., 231n3 “American, An” (pseudonym, Gouverneur Morris), 530, 530n2 Amherst, Jeffrey, 11–12n9, 28, 28n5, 33n3 Ammunition: shortage of, 578 Amphitrite (ship), 569 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 696n2, 701; shipbuilding, 424 Ancram, N.Y., 288n2 André, John, 361 2 Anglican church: clergymen of, 66; and King’s College, 4; ministers’ controversy, Rye, 12, 13; mission, New Haven, 12 Anglicanism: and bishops in America, 373; and Loyalism, 361 Annapolis, Md.: Congress at, xxxiv–xxxv Annapolis Convention: and constitutional reform, xxxvi Anne (queen, England): proclamation of, 506n8 Anthony, Theophile, 275, 276n9 Anti-Federalists: and ratification of the Constitution, xl Appalachians: migration across, xxxiii Appius Claudius, 53, 54, 55n1 (1768) Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Conde de, 715n4; identified, 710 Aranjuez, Spain: alliance formed at, 601n3 Aranjuez, Convention of, 712, 718n5 Arbitration: under Jay’s Treaty, xliii Arbuthnot, John, 457n7 Arbuthnot, Marriot, 633, 635n2; identified, 635n2 Armaments: contracts for, 219, 219nn2–3 Armstrong, John, Jr., 528; identified, 529n1 Army, British: arrival at N.Y., 273; atrocities of, 429; avoidance of battle by, 343; captures Fort Ticonderoga, 440; defeat of, 473–74, 484, 491; depredations of, 389–90, 393, 423, 437, 438n2, 637; desertions from, 474, 474n1, 529, 534; disease in, 687n3; divisions in, 483; Germans with, 475; intelligence on, 474–75; invasion by, 332, 342; land granted half-pay officers of, 598; letters captured by, 612, 613n1; Loyalists in, 361, 363, 394, 415, 417n1, 488, 490nn7–8; military operations, 518, 686, 697; —, in New Jersey, 366–67, 528–29, 429, 456, 622; —, in New York, 392–94, 455n1, 455n3, 455n5, 467, 468, 469n2, 471, 472, 472nn5–6, 472nn8–9; —, in the South, 697, 707; occupation by, 102, 134, 135; officers of, 576; pay of, 344, 670; power of, 332, 342; prisoners, 577, 671; provisioning, 533, 534; recreation, 391; reinforcement, 652; size, 534; supply of, 332; threat from, 521; victories, 320, 321; withdrawal, 514 Army, Continental: African American units of, 607–9, 609n1; appointment of officers in, 171, 174n1, 213n6, 217–18, 391, 392n2; arming, xxiv; avoidance of battle by, 332, 343; bounties in, 578n4, 638, 639n4; and Canadian expeditions, 225n5, 225n12, 629–30; Catholics in, 373; chaplains for, 619; charges against, 585; and civil-military relations, 266, 503; clothing for, 638, 639n6, 654; commissions in, 217, 365n1; condition of, 491, 505, 506–7, 732; and Conway cabal, 555; cost of, 543–44, 544n3; courts-martial in, 253, 510, 578n4, 623n1 (see also Courts-martial); courts of inquiry in, 510, 510n2, 542n1; creation of, xxvii; damages by, 579–80; defeats of, 321; disloyalty in, 252, 253, 254; enlistments, 322, 637–38; entertainments of, 593–94; and evacuation of Fort Ticonderoga, 445 (see also Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y.: evacuation of); expenses of, 507; foreign officers in, 317n2, 562–63, 562n5, 611, 612n4, 659n8, 681, 682, 682n3, 682n5, 682n7; and Hickey Plot, 252–53; 3 and impressments, 504, 579, 590, 629–30; Indians in, 245n5; intelligence operations of, 614n1 (21 March 1779); land for officers and soldiers of, 584, 585n2; legal procedures, 574, 575–76, 579–80; and loyalty oaths, 173, 217; medical administration, 555; military operations, 311, 507n2; —, in New Jersey, 320, 322, 428–30, 446, 488, 622–23; —, in New York, 273, 417–19, 460–61, 466–67, 482–83; and militia, 289, 440, 488, 608; and mob action, 251; nationalism of members of, xxxvii; northern command of, 439–42 (see also Northern Department: command of); pay, 555, 573, 574, 637–38; pay scales of, 155n3; pensions for officers of, 555; and prisoners, 358–59, 419; procurement problems of, 503, 504, 506–7, 506n1; protraction of war by, 332, 343; quotas, 637–38; rations, 637; rebuilding of, xxix; recruitment, xxiv, 358, 394, 395, 397, 487, 555; regulations of, 313n8; requisitions of, 193n2; resignations from, 573, 574, 575, 588, 604–5, 606n4, 612, 613n2, 623, 627; rivalries in, 399, 440–41; shoes for, 654, 655; in the South, 554–55; staff departments, 526, 527n6, 624–25, 625nn2–3, 630–32, 642–44, 646–48, 654–55, 656 (see also Commissary Department; Hospital Department; Quartermaster’s Department); staff officers of, 511, 515, 555, 574; supply of, xxiv, 218n6, 333, 343, 393–94, 495–97, 578, 590, 591n5, 629–30, 631, 650–53, 654–55, 666, 666n3, 678, 679n1, 683; unpreparedness of, 506– 7 Army, French, 682n5, 682n7 Army, Roman, 390n4 Army, Spanish, 334, 671, 732, 733n5 Army, standing, 133 Arnold, Benedict, 160, 161, 309n2, 464, 490n15; identified, 162n7; investigation of, 585n1, 595, 596n5; letter of, quoted, 474; letter to, quoted, 472; military operations of, 473, 474n1, 475n2; proposes settlement for officers and soldiers, 584, 585n1; treason of, 361 Arnold, Edward: identified, 317n8 Articles of Capitulation, 163n10, 164n2 Articles of Confederation: amendment of, xxxvi, xxxvii; approval of, 494, 498, 499n4; and constitutional reform, xxxvi; controversies over, 498; ratification of, 499, 500, 537, 552–53, 674–75, 688; replacement of, xl; sent to states, 491; and taxation, 626n1 (circular letter to the governors, 22 May 1779); and union, 690; and Vermont controversy, 542, 694; weakness of, 673; and western lands, 537, 540n5 Artillery, 394 Asia: imports from, 497 Assemblies, colonial, 134 Association, Continental, 94, 112, 113, 127n3, 138, 140, 141n2, 142, 145n4, 147n2 (17 October 1775), 157n5, 215, 283n1 (22–24 July 1776) Assyria (Syria), 326, 337, 338 Athamas, 447 Atherton, Cornelius, 230, 231n3 Atlantic
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